Start with Island Lord

Chapter 237: Inverted Lion Fang (23)


Lion's Tooth City on the Arens Plain, west of the Emon Mountains, north of the Giant Fortress.

As the name suggests, this is an extremely important military town, and its purpose is to defend against the invasion of the Glorious Empire on Aaron.

Recently, a terrible rumor has emerged in the city.

It is said that King Danger is very afraid of the rising Duke of Weilan, and in order to fight against the Duke, he wants to open the Giant Fortress and lead the Glorious Legion into Aaron.

The rumor is rich in details, and the topic is extremely sensitive, so it spread throughout the Lion's Tooth City.

Aaron's most elite Lion First Legion is stationed in Lion's Tooth City, with a total of 100,000 people.

Not to mention the quality, the number alone accounts for more than half of Aaron's army.

The nominal supreme commander of the legion is naturally King Danger, but in fact it is led by the five commanders.

Naturally, the five commanders are all named Danger and are members of the royal family.

The rumor is not only spread among the people, but also naturally reached their ears.

So, the five legion commanders held a secret meeting in Lionfang Castle.

Among the five commanders, the one with the highest rank and the most prestige was called Yasnin Danger.

His rank was marshal, the commander of the first legion, and he was also the cousin of the current King Danger, 61 years old, and a fourth-ring mage.

He asked angrily: "Have you found out who is spreading this news?"

Immediately, a deputy legion commander replied: "I have been investigating and caught some marginal minor characters. They all said that a mysterious person paid them to spread the news, but they don't know the other party's identity."

This man was probably in his early 40s, the cousin of King Danger, named 'Willette Danger', currently possessing five-ring fighting spirit, and was the strongest warrior of the Danger family.

After saying this, a trace of anger appeared on his face: "No matter who spread the news, this news is at least 70% true."

He clenched his right hand into a fist and waved it vigorously: "From the secret letter sent from Lion Castle, Salint may really intend to join forces with the bastards opposite the fortress!"

Salinte is the name of King Danger. In such internal family meetings, there is not much respect for the king, and it is common to call him by his name.

Marshal Yasnin glared at him: "Don't talk nonsense about things that have not been determined yet!"

At this time, another deputy legion commander spoke up, but it was another cousin of King Danger, named 'Feimi Danger.

He was originally a senior mage, and because Duke Weilan made his practice experience public, he was promoted to the fourth ring.

He said loudly: "Uncle, there are no outsiders here. If you have any ideas, you should say them out. Why hide them in your stomach?!"

After saying this, he directly expressed his opinion.

"In my opinion, Salint is not a qualified king now!"

"In the past year or so, military expenditure has dropped by 30%, and the supply of weapons and equipment is not sufficient. There is no one around him who really does things, all of them are flattering lackeys."

"That's fine."

"The strongest wizards in the Natural Alliance shared their magic experience, but he insisted on stopping the domestic wizards from listening."

"Now the Duke has made the legendary knowledge public again, which is a great thing, but he is not happy, and even wants to join forces with the Glorious Empire to make trouble. He is simply a madman!"

Seeing that Yasning was about to speak to stop him again, Feimi immediately said: "Uncle, just let me finish, otherwise I will be unhappy!"

Yasning opened his mouth, but finally did not speak.

Because he is also a wizard, he also has a great desire for higher magic knowledge.

Because high-level wizards can live many more years.

So, he also thinks that the king is not doing it right.

Feimi continued, "If you ask me, you should admit your strength, but if you can't compare, you should admit defeat."

"Duke Weilan is really strong, this is a fact recognized by the whole continent!"

"He is not only strong, but also very humble, and willing to share the most valuable magic knowledge."

"In my opinion, with the current momentum, the Principality of Weilan will soon be able to easily defeat our Aaron."

This made the other four people a little dissatisfied.

The five-ring warrior Willett said angrily: "Feimi, do you hope that Aaron will be defeated by Weilan?"

Feimi shook his head: "I am not hoping, but stating a fact!"

"I also want to say that even if Aaron is defeated by Weilan, the situation will definitely not be worse than it is now, and it may even be better. Because Weilan now has plenty of money and will never default on military expenses!"

Yasning said: "Feimi, are you dreaming? If Aaron loses, the best result for us is to go home and retire."

"That would be better if the Giant Fortress was opened and conquered by the Glorious Empire!"

As soon as these words came out, the four commanders were all silent.

Feimi sneered: "Uncles, brothers, if Salint really wants to open the Giant Fortress, do you think we can still be the commanders?"

"Salint will definitely replace us as soon as possible. He will replace, or even directly kill a large group of heroic warriors who are unwilling to follow orders, and then replace us with his lackeys!"

"Even if he doesn't replace us, when the Glorious Legion enters the Aarons Plain and controls the key fortress, our fate will definitely not be good!"

At this point, he looked around at everyone: "Each of us has the blood of the Glorious Legion on our hands."

This is absolutely true, and the four commanders all turned pale.

They control a large legion, have been stationed in the Giant Fortress for many years, and often fight with the Glorious Legion.

Although there was no major war, small conflicts and frictions occurred from time to time, and dozens or hundreds of people died frequently.

The hatred accumulated over the years was very deep, and only blood could pay it back.

Therefore, if the king wanted to open the Giant Fortress, they could not obey the order, whether for their own lives or the blood feud of their trusted subordinates.

Marshal Yasning said coldly: "Feimi, Salint would not do such a crazy thing, he would not dare to do it!"

Before he finished speaking, Willett on the side snorted coldly.

"He did such a crazy thing in the Black Knife Night, what else would he not dare to do?"

After this, the commanders were silent again.

After a long time, Feimi said: "Uncle Yasning, you are our elder."

"At this critical juncture, you have to stand up and say something. What if that madman really wants to open the Giant Fortress? What should we do?!"

Yasning tightly grasped the hilt of the command sword at his waist, his knuckles turned blue and white, but he did not speak for a long time.

"Marshal, say something!"

Wilette also urged.

Finally, Yasning let out a long breath and said what everyone had been holding back.

"Anything else can be discussed, but the Giant Fortress must not be opened!"

"If Salint dares to give such a messy order, we will change the king!"

Salint is not the only one with the surname Danger, everyone present has the surname Danger.

However, it is easy to say to change the king, but the question is, who will be the new king?

After becoming the new king, how to deal with all the troubles in Aaron's country.

These problems cannot be avoided and must be solved.

Willette directly asked: "Who will be the king? You, uncle?"

Yasning was moved, but immediately refused: "No, I can't be the king."

He knew his ability. He could lead troops to fight, but he couldn't govern.

If it was a peaceful time, he would be the king, but at this juncture, being the king is not a good job.

If you don't have enough skills, you can easily drink poisoned wine or be stabbed to death while sleeping.

In short, there will never be a good ending.

Willett immediately said: "Then I will be the king?"

Before he finished speaking, Feimi sneered: "Willett, you are a warrior, do you know magic?"

Willett was speechless.

He didn't understand, and he didn't even have magic power.

He was very happy when he said it, but he felt guilty when Feimi asked him this.

Feimi looked at the remaining two commanders again: "What about you? What do you think?"

The remaining two also shook their heads and said that they were not qualified.

Willett just thought that Feimi wanted to be the king, and he was immediately jealous.

"Feimi, you are just a fourth-ring wizard. Now there are fourth-ring wizards everywhere, and you are not qualified."

Feimi spread his hands: "I didn't say I was qualified."

He looked around at everyone and said seriously: "If you ask me, no one in our Danger family is qualified to be the king."

This is a bit inexplicable.

If the king is not chosen from the members of the Danger family, then an outsider will be chosen?

Feimi immediately revealed the answer.

"What I want to say is that it is better to let Aaron and Weilan merge into one, and let Duke Weilan be the king of Aaron."

These words were thrown into the crowd like a bomb, making the remaining four people dizzy.

Marshal Yasnin said without hesitation: "This is impossible!"

Willett even growled: "Are you crazy?"

"Feimi, are you still asleep?"

"I suspect you secretly accepted the benefits of Duke Weilan!"

Feimi listened to the doubts of the crowd, and he spoke after the four people calmed down a little.

"Don't worry, everyone, listen to my opinion."

"First of all, Duke Weilan is a legendary wizard who possesses the power of a near-god. It is no problem to say that he is a god on earth."

"Such a strong man is fully capable of assassinating any king of the Natural Alliance, but he did not do so."

"It is definitely not that he can't think of this, but because of his kindness and foresight."

There is no problem with this statement, and everyone agrees.

The legendary wizard's magic power comparable to the thunder of nature has spread throughout the Natural Alliance, and no one has the confidence to confront Duke Weilan head-on.

Even ordinary people who don't understand magic can feel the great power of the legendary wizard.

In an era when the five-ring is called a sage and the six-ring is called a dharma saint, suddenly an eleven-ring existence appears. Just thinking about it, you know that it must be extremely powerful.

Femi continued, "Judging from the current situation, in the foreseeable future, Weilan will surely become the richest and most advanced country in the entire Natural Alliance."

"Legendary wizards can live for a long, long time, much longer than you and me. As long as he keeps moving towards a goal, he will always succeed."

"And now everyone can see that Duke Weilan wants to unify the entire Natural Alliance."

"I assert that no one can stop him."

Three of the four commanders still had nothing to say, and Willett was a little unwilling: "The Glorious Empire will definitely do its best to stop it."

Femi immediately glared at him: "The Glorious Empire will indeed do this, but should we learn from Salint and prefer to let the enemy rule Aaron rather than let the Duke of the same alliance rule?"

Willett spread his hands: "Of course, it is better for the Duke to rule."

The Empire is an enemy, but Duke Weilan is half a relative, and he can still distinguish between the inside and the outside.

Femi continued: "Third, since the natural alliance always wants to be unified, and everyone has seen the Duke's character, he is cruel and ruthless to his enemies, but very generous to his allies."

"The nobles of Weilan Northern County are living a very prosperous life."

"Today, the Glorious Empire will definitely try its best to suppress the Duke. It is the Duke's most difficult time. If we are the first to stand up and publicly support the Duke, the Duke's reward will definitely satisfy us."

The last sentence moved the four people present.

Marshal Yasnin understood somewhat: "Femi, tell me, why do you want to be a lobbyist for the Duke?"

Femi could feel the change in everyone's minds and knew that he had essentially convinced them.

He smiled faintly: "I'm bringing someone, someone everyone knows."

After speaking, he clapped his hands.

Then, a mysterious man in a cloak entered the secret room.

After entering the secret room, the old man opened his heavy cloak and looked up at everyone.

Everyone recognized him immediately.

"Sanchester!" Willette shouted: "Aren't you dead?"

Yasnin immediately said: "You seem to be much younger."

Sanchester smiled faintly: "I did die in the past and was killed by King Salint. Now I am no longer the king's counselor. I serve the Duke and work for Aaron's destiny."

"The Duke promised that as long as the king abdicates and Aaron and Weilan merge into one country, he will treat the Dange family well, promising permanent treatment of 500,000 lion gold coins a year, and a city as the permanent territory of the Dange family. "

To be honest, such a return is not huge, at least far less than Aaron's value.

Willette immediately said: "Too little."

Sanchester smiled lightly: "It's quite a lot, General Willette, because this is permanent treatment. You and your descendants don't have to worry about anything, just get the money for nothing."

"If you manage your family fief well, the income from the territory will definitely not be less. And even if your fief is not managed well and goes bankrupt, the money will not be less."

"Moreover, if you or your descendants are capable enough, the Duke will still reuse you, just like members of the Adrian family still occupy important positions in Weiland."

"Finally, the Duke, as a legendary mage, has the secret method to help people break through the wall and enter the high ring."

Speaking of this, Sanchester looked at the old marshal Yasnin: "The Duke also promised to at least help everyone present to increase the strength of the third ring."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was greatly moved, because this is not only power, but also longevity.

Everyone in this world wants to live longer.

After hearing this, Marshal Yasnin, who was already over sixty years old, felt absolutely convinced.

If the Duke regrets his decision, he will not agree to it!

But in negotiation, we always have to strive for more benefits.

He said: "The subsidy is too small, we need to increase it."

Willette also said: "That's right, and specific terms must be agreed upon, how much each of us will share."

Although they all have the surname Dange, everyone has a small family, and the accounts must be settled clearly.

Sanchester shrugged: "Okay, then let's have a good talk and sign a contract."

In fact, the Duke gave him the highest authority of 2 million a year, but he felt that this was too much money.

Because Aaron is essentially a country of civilians, there is no need to raise such a group of family members at a high price.

So, the six people started to 'saw' in the secret room.

The secret talks lasted for three full days, and finally a contract was reached that all the commanders agreed to. The contract was called the "Lion's Teeth Secret Agreement".

Finally, Sanchester said: "May Mother Nature favor Aaron, and even more, may Mother Nature favor the Alliance."

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