Start with Island Lord

Chapter 242 Is he the real God? (13)

Moonlight night.

The wasteland on the eastern outskirts of the Rhine City.

Because the land in this area is very barren and the terrain is extremely uneven, there is no human habitation for miles around.

No one would have thought that in such a remote place, the largest number of legendary powerhouses in the Witte Continent could be gathered.

After the demon apostle appeared with a huge black shield in both hands, although he was at the front of the team, he did not attack immediately.

He huddled behind the giant shield and carefully observed the opponent standing on the top of the slope, looking for the best opportunity to take action.

To the devil, a powerful apostle is like a handy tool that cannot be easily consumed.

Looking at the other legendary mages, they all looked tense and hid far away.

It seems that they are not here to fight, but to watch a show.

In contrast, Duke Weilan at the top of the slope kept smiling and did not make any unnecessary moves, as if he was not facing a group of powerful enemies, but a group of non-threatening soldiers.

Such a casual attitude is really confusing.

"Could it be a trap?"

Auckland, the Nahuat mage, whispered, his eyes fixed on the target unblinkingly as he spoke.

Justin also felt that it was a trap, but the problem was that he didn't find any abnormal signs.

He really couldn't understand.

The quality of the legendary crystal staff in the opponent's hand is indeed very good, but the quality is limited.

The volume is also larger than them, but the same size is limited.

The staff can store up to twice as much mana as any of them individually.

But there are six of them.

When the six people are added together, the total power that can be exploded in a short period of time is at least three times that of the other party, not to mention the help of demons.

Furthermore, a single person's spellcasting ability is always limited. Even if there are some differences between different people, it will never be a huge difference.

One versus seven.

I just can’t figure out what the other side can win?

Just when all the mages were filled with suspicion, Duke Weilan, who had been silent, spoke again.

"Ha~~The Lord of Glory is a turtle with a shrunken head, and the soldiers he sent are also turtles with a shrunken head. Even the demons hiding in the void have become turtles with a shrunken head."

"Devil Apostle, weren't you shouting the loudest just now? Why are you still hiding in your turtle shell?"

At this time, the demon apostle was completely controlled by the demon in the void. Of course he was angry when he was so provoked by a mortal mage.

But this emotional fluctuation was not enough to make him throw away his reason.

He knew very well how powerful the Shadow Lord was, and he could not overestimate the legendary mage who could kill the Shadow Lord.

Therefore, there was no wave on his face, and he was still huddled behind the giant shield.

In his opinion, Duke Weilan did not dare to take action easily.

Even if you take action, it will be difficult to penetrate his defense, and after all, this is just one of his apostles, and in the final analysis, it is just a consumable.

Therefore, among the crowd, although he was at the forefront, he was in the most relaxed mood.

At this moment, Duke Weilan's voice came from the top of the slope again.

"Devil, since you like to hide in turtle shells, then I will smash the shells together!"

Before he finished speaking, the majestic mana fluctuations flashed away, and a blazing mist of light erupted with Duke Weilan as the center.

Almost at the same time, a purple-black strange jet that resembled a metal spear rushed out of the light mist and shot towards the demon apostle.

The demon apostle reacted extremely quickly and immediately blocked the thick giant shield in front of him.

A scarlet light layer at least ten centimeters thick emerged on the surface of the giant shield, and the surface of the body was shrouded in a scarlet light mist with a diameter of more than 3 meters.

This is the Bloody Baron's strongest defensive spell "Blood Domain".

This defensive spell is actually best suited to be released in a crowd.

After being released, it can violently absorb the souls of the people around it and turn them into the power of the domain.

The more people there are, the more powerful the field is. If used in a downtown area, it can create a terrifying blood field directly over 50 meters away.

But this is a suburb, so the domain power mainly comes from the infusion of the Void Demon. The infused power is not small, and after using some focus spells, the strength reaches Legend 5.

Furthermore, the dark shield in his hand is also an artifact.

This thing is made of special demonized krypton gold, and its spell-breaking ability is several times stronger than ordinary krypton gold.

The Bloody Baron secretly thought: ‘I don’t believe you can kill my apostle! ’

On the other side, six legendary mages also immediately seized this precious opportunity.

All six of them used their full strength.

Because the distance is a bit far, beyond the optimal killing distance of fire guns, the Nahuat wizards all use relatively traditional legendary spells.

The spell is called "Sword of Evil Judgment".

Originally used to deal with demon apostles in the mortal world, it has been polished countless times on the battlefield.

Not only is the casting speed fast, but the power is also extremely amazing. Not to mention the legendary +3 strength, the spell scale is also quite large, it can hold up to 20 tubes of mana, and it can directly lock on the target soul.

Almost instantly, three bright lightsabers hanging downward appeared above the head of Duke Weilan.

As soon as the lightsabers appeared, they attracted each other and overlapped in an instant, forming a sword of judgment that was more condensed, more dazzling, and larger in size.

This is the combined spellcasting technique of the Nahuat mage.

Through this technique, not only can the scale of the spell be greatly increased, but the focus intensity can also be slightly increased.

In the end, the sword was five meters long, and its entire body was radiant. Its final strength reached Legend 5.5, and it was as powerful as a star falling from the sky!

On the other side, the three elven mages also reacted incredibly fast.

The immortal race gave them a far more tenacious soul than mortals, and also gave them plenty of time to hone their spellcasting skills.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the three elven mages completed the tactical coordination.

Two elves were responsible for attack, and one elf was responsible for defense.

The main attacking elf.

One drew a bow and shot an arrow.

The bowstring was stretched, and a light arrow emitting dazzling golden light was automatically condensed on the string.

This bow was a divine weapon made by the Lord of Truth for the son of Dritan, named "Golden Sun Bow".

The condensed spell arrow has a legendary strength of +4, and the farthest attack distance can reach 2 kilometers, and it can reach it instantly, and it will definitely hit.

The most amazing thing is that the activated golden sun arrow can accommodate extremely large amounts of mana, up to about 30 tubes of mana.

This arrow is a ruthless killer, so naturally it is necessary to infuse as much mana as possible.

Almost all of the 30 tubes of mana were poured in, and the mana stored in the legendary crystal was drained by 80% in an instant.

The arrow shot out, rushing towards the target as fast as a scorching sun, illuminating the night sky.

The weapon of another elf is a staff.

The staff is naturally also a divine weapon, called "True Mirror Staff".

The only effect is to copy the attack of the companion 100%.

So, after the golden scorching sun arrow, another golden scorching sun arrow appeared immediately, also shooting at the target.

The last elf raised the ring in his hand and poured all the mana into it.

The pouring was so fast that cracks appeared in his legendary crystal.

The ring is called "Dretan's Guardian". After being activated, it can form a huge and wonderful single-sided ring.

Facing all incoming attacks, the ring does not confront them head-on, but pulls them from the side, allowing the incoming attack to fly endlessly along one side of the ring until it naturally consumes mana.

Because of this characteristic, this ring can resist the attack of Legend 8 at most, and can achieve the effect of 1 against 3.

In other words, by consuming one mana to guide, it can eventually resist the attack caused by three mana of the opponent.

Such a powerful defensive spell also reflects the elves' extreme attention to the lives of warriors.

All of the above changes were completed in an instant.

It was like a spring that was stretched to the extreme, and the suppression was removed at once, so it bounced violently.

But almost at the same time, or even faster than the opponent, Duke Weilan was able to do two things at once, with his body as the center, and exploded a hemispherical light field of light gold.

Once the light field exploded, it expanded in all directions at an extremely fast speed.

At this moment, various thoughts emerged in the minds of the legendary mages.

Yasdin thought: "This duke casts spells so fast!"

Oakland thought: "We have such a strong attack, and you want to block it with just one spell?"

With the legendary crystal, the attack power of the legendary mages has increased by orders of magnitude compared to the past.

When a legendary wizard explodes with power, even a demon will have to retreat, let alone a legendary wizard who is also a mortal?

The elves' eyes are fixed on the Sun Arrow.

"This is a legendary level 6 attack. Not to mention humans, even a giant dragon flying in the sky can be shot dead with one arrow!"

After another moment, the Duke's pale golden light field collided with the golden Sun Arrow and the Evil Judgment Giant Sword.

At the moment of the confrontation, lightning flashed and white light flashed.

After another moment, the pale golden light field ignored the attack and continued to expand violently outward.

Like a violent torrent, it smashed the front of the Evil Judgment Giant Sword, and then swallowed the golden Sun Arrow without a trace.

That's not all.

The expansion momentum still did not stop, and it expanded outward for another 30 meters, so that the total diameter reached an astonishing level of nearly 100 meters!

Compared to this huge defensive spell, the attack spells that the five legendary mages used to consume huge mana were like tickling toys, which hardly interfered with the giant light shield.

The six legendary mages suddenly widened their eyes, full of disbelief, and their thoughts choked involuntarily.

At the same time, the demon apostle holding the dark giant shield was in a different situation.

The giant shield that looked very thick was as fragile as paper.

The double defense composed of defensive spells + magic krypton gold giant shield was directly penetrated by the purple-black ray, which looked as easy as a steel sword poking mud.

With a "puff", a fist-sized transparent hole appeared on the head of the demon apostle.

And the purple-black ray continued to shoot forward, creating a bottomless black hole on the ground behind him.

The demon is a void creature, but the apostle controlled by the demon is a mortal body. His head was penetrated and he died on the spot.

Mage Yasdin was the first to react, and an idea flashed through his mind.

"How can his mana be so strong?"

The golden field with a diameter of 100 meters and a strength exceeding that of Legend 7 mana is naturally very strong, but the most powerful thing is the scale of the spell.

To achieve such a spell scale, the mana consumed is definitely an incredible number, far exceeding the capacity limit of the Legend crystal staff.

If it were him, I'm afraid he would need 1,000 tubes of mana to be enough.

And the mana they just infused in their joint attack added up to less than 150 tubes, which is almost an order of magnitude less, so it would present a sense of powerlessness like tickling.

Oakland was paying attention to the demon apostle who was killed instantly: "How can the power of this spell be so outrageous?!"

The Bloody Baron is Nawat's old rival. The defense of his demon apostle is very amazing. If he goes all out, he can even withstand the attack of Legend +10.

Now he was pierced directly from the front!

Could this Duke Weilan be a true god?

On the other side, the three elves looked at each other, and they had already had the intention of retreating in their eyes.

But before they started to act, a new change occurred on the field.

Inside the super pale golden light field, Duke Weilan raised the legendary crystal staff in his left hand high and shouted.

"Demon, since you are here, stay with me!"

The staff suddenly appeared with a dazzling golden light, as if a giant sun exploded on the ground, not only illuminating the night sky like daytime, but also causing violent shock to the magic circle.

The magnificent magic power made the six legendary mages present feel swaying, and they almost couldn't control their screams.

In this state, let alone casting a spell to escape, being able to stand is the ultimate.

Mage Yasdin immediately knew: "Another huge-scale spell!"

The so-called huge scale is also defined in Nawat, usually referring to spells that consume more than 1,000 times the standard legendary mana.

When fighting against demons, because it is necessary to infuse the power of guarding faith, or even to bear the power of burning souls, this kind of huge-scale spell often appears.

The problem is that Duke Weilan has no fluctuations in the power of faith, and no one burns souls for him, so where does he get such amazing mana?

Oakland gritted his teeth and connected the magic ring to observe the situation in the void.

With just one glance, he saw a scene that he would never forget.

If the mortal world only had some strong light and magic ring vibrations, then there was a violent explosion in the void.

The core of the explosion was the Bloody Baron.

This legendary 4 demon who had been entangled with Nawat for about 30 years was actually killed by Duke Weilan with one blow.

He was beaten to pieces and died on the spot!

The most terrifying thing is that Duke Weilan killed the Bloody Baron while facing the combined attack of five legendary wizards!

If the opponent used such power on them, they would definitely be beaten to pieces.

Auckland disconnected the connection of the eleven magic rings in a daze, and an incredible thought came to his mind again.

"Could it be that this duke is really a true god?!"

They are both legendary wizards, but the gap is too big.

As soon as his perception returned to the mortal world, he found that Duke Weilan was actually doing three things at once. He pointed his right hand at the elf and shouted: "If you come, don't think about leaving!"

The magnificent magic power reappeared, directly stimulating an arcane ray with a diameter of 10 meters and a legendary strength of more than level 7, which crashed into the elf's defensive spell "Guardian of Deretan" like a torrent.

'Swish, swish, swish~~~ Bang! '

Less than half a second later, the ingenious single-sided ring was directly shattered by this terrifying arcane torrent.

What spell skills, what super-high focus, all became fancy stuff in the face of the overwhelming spell scale.

The elves' defensive spells were blown up on the spot!

The three legendary elves inside were violently shaken by the power, and they spurted blood on the spot, fell softly to the ground, and only had their last breath left.

This was because the arcane torrent ray was deflected. If it hit the elves head-on, they would definitely be left with nothing.

One blow killed the demon apostle, one blow killed the demon body, and another blow crippled the elves, but Duke Weilan did not continue to attack.

He slowly turned the staff in his hand and aimed at the three Nahuat mages. The staff once again showed a magnificent mana fluctuation.

It was obvious that he was brewing another legendary spell of a huge scale.

But the spell did not explode.

The voice of Duke Weilan came over: "Master Yasdin, you are all top figures in the human race and pioneers in the fight against demons.

"I am not a person who likes killing. "

"So, I give you one last chance. "

"Surrender, hand over all legendary magic weapons, and leave this plane immediately!"

The voice was very flat, just like an ordinary person's casual chat.

But the three Nawat mages present felt as if their hearts were hit by a heavy hammer, and their spirits were about to disperse.

At this time, the other party was still willing to let them go, which was enough to show that the other party had mastered the real power of magic.

It also showed that in the eyes of the other party, they were insignificant ants.

Yes, they were indeed ants. Even with all their strength, they couldn't even interfere with the other party's killing of the void demon.

This demon that had been entangled with Nawat for many years was killed by the other party.

The three of them couldn't help but lower their eyes and heads.

They were inferior to others, so they had to bow their heads.

Yasdin saluted respectfully to the duke at the top of the hillside according to Nawat etiquette and placed the legendary crystal staff on the ground.

"As you wish, Mage Rosen, we will leave the Deritan plane immediately. However, there seems to be no phase transfer array nearby. "

Rosen pointed to a location: "I have prepared a transfer array for you."

Yasdin immediately said: "Let's go now."

He immediately ran to the location of the array pointed out by Rosen. Oakland and Vic quickly followed.

A few minutes later, phase transfer fluctuations appeared one after another.

The three Nawat mages left very decisively.

Rosen looked at the Elf Mage again.

The three elven wizards were seriously injured and could hardly move, but because of the tenacious elven souls, their consciousness was still clear.

At this time, they all looked desperate.

Rosen raised his staff and pointed at the three people, and several golden lights fell over.

Some of the golden light sank into their bodies and healed their injuries, but it was a spell version of "Golden Blessing". The effect was certainly not as good as potion, but it was enough to heal injuries.

But more golden light was imprinted on their foreheads, wrists, and ankles, turning into a circle of deep golden runes.

It was a very ordinary mana confinement rune.

Although the spell was very ordinary, the strength was as high as Legend 7, and each confinement spell was infused with up to 100 tubes of mana, and an almost unbreakable spell lock was added.

It was like a 100-jin person wearing 10-ton fine steel shackles.

The shackles were naturally very ordinary, but they were too heavy, and the main attack was a heavy sword without a blade.

If the shackles are not removed, don't think about moving.

"You three are my captives now."

"If you want to regain your freedom, cooperate well. Otherwise, I will not kill you, but I will make you live a life worse than death."

"It just so happens that your life span is long enough, and this life worse than death will become very, very long."

The tone was very flat, but the three elves were terrified.

The square-faced elf seemed to be the leader of the three, and he immediately said: "Duke, we will admit defeat and cooperate."

The elves have a long life span, so they don't admit their own reasons.

Because in their view, temporary gains and losses are not important. Facing an opponent that cannot be defeated, surrendering does not damage honor.

Because as long as they can live, they can rely on their long life span to outlast the strong enemy.

Rosen certainly knew the elves' plan, and he nodded: "Very good, I like people who know what's interesting the most."

These elves are the witnesses of the Glorious Empire's joint elves against the human race. And the physical evidence has been recorded by him using light and shadow magic.

Once this information is made public, it will definitely cause a nearly devastating blow to the reputation of the Glorious Royal Family.

He may not use it, but he will hold it tightly in his hand.

After completely grasping the situation, Rosen turned his head to look at the darkness in the distance, and concentrated his mind to release a mental spell.

"Apostle of the Lord of the Sun Atumen, you have seen enough, it's time to go, right?"

After a few seconds, the response came.

"Great Master Rosen, I'm leaving now."

Not long after this, Rosen felt the fluctuation of phase shift.

This messenger from the Atumen God Realm walked very fast.

After carefully feeling it again, Rosen felt that the legendary wizards who might affect the overall situation had left Rhine City, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thanks to the Shadow Secret Art, and thanks to the Endless Crystal."

Why does he have such a strong mana?

Because he secretly buried two Endless Crystals with a reserve of up to 10,000 Rosens under the hillside in advance, and then he kept stepping on them.

Why bury two pieces?

One piece is used, and the other piece is redundant to prevent accidents.

Why not kill Master Nawat?

Because killing them is useless.

Not killing them can show his kindness and righteousness, and he can also spread his great achievements tonight through their mouths, killing two birds with one stone.

"The Endless Crystal is really a good thing, but it's a bit big and a bit difficult to carry."

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