Start with Island Lord

Chapter 245: The ‘Holiness’ of the Elves (13)

The western end of Witland.

The endless forest sea and the big trees in the sky can be seen everywhere, which is the land of the Holy Elf Empire.

In the Elf Empire, the forest sea is not a special landform, but a common landform.

The domestic forest coverage rate has reached almost 100%.

In the deepest part of the forest sea, there is a giant elf city built on the upper level of the forest called Deretangeson.

In the Elvish language, 'Geshen' means blessing, so the name of the capital means 'Dretan's Mortal Blessing Place'.

It's rainy in the forest, and it's raining all the time.

Even on a clear day, the sky is filled with thick clouds, making it difficult to see the endless blue sky.

The day was as usual, cloudy and sunny.


Suddenly, a long and powerful roar broke the tranquility of the forest, startling a flock of birds like a dark cloud.

Immediately afterwards, a huge dark green creature with a length and width of more than 20 meters rushed out of a thick 'cloud mountain' and swooped towards a giant tree that was at least 500 meters high in the forest below.

The speed of this giant was so fast that a plume of rich white water vapor even appeared around its body.

At the same time, the giant object itself also emits streams of emerald green shimmer, which not only wraps its body, but also merges with white water vapor to form gorgeous emerald green mist.


Amidst the sound of violent airflow, the giant object swooped over the tree crown in an instant, began to slow down slowly, and finally landed on a huge branch with a diameter of more than 15 meters.

As the giant object became still, the light mist slowly dissipated, revealing the true appearance of the giant object.

But it was a dark green, large lizard with wings.

Oh, no, in the Witte Continent, this should be called a flying dragon, or a green dragon.

It has a ferocious, huge head covered with a pair of sharp rune dragon horns.

Dense, dark green dragon scales with runes growing naturally on them as they breathe.

The muscles all over the body are flexing rapidly, and the streamlined body is full of visual explosiveness.

The most peculiar thing is that the huge flying dragon's chest has two extra rows of huge air holes in the windward position.

As the breath opens and closes, a whistling sound of airflow is made.

After the green dragon came to a complete stop, it slowly squatted down. The dragon scales on its back bulged like exploding pine cones, and then retreated to both sides like a living creature. Finally, two elves emerged from it.

It was Brian and Sissi who were envoys to Weilan and the Glorious Empire some time ago.

The two elves jumped off the dragon's back one after another. After landing, Sissi turned around and left with a cold look on her face.

Brian spread his hands helplessly.

He gently patted the green dragon beside him, took out a palm-sized piece of emerald green crystal from his pocket and handed it over.

"Irellos, thank you very much for your help. This is my reward for you."

The stone floated up automatically and flew into the green dragon's huge mouth, and then the dragon actually let out a rich but gentle human voice.

"Brian, you seem to have made Sissy unhappy."

Brian spread his hands: "She has such a temperament. She can be upset by anything as big as a feather. It's as if the whole world feels sorry for her and wants to coax her and give in to her."

"It didn't matter before, but this time it was serious business. I was a little tougher and she ignored me."

After finishing speaking, he added: "I guess she won't pay attention to me in the future."

The green dragon Irelos said: "I remember you liked her before, and you tried your best to please her."

"Aren't you going to comfort her?"

"It's not necessary. It's better to ignore me. It actually saves me a lot of time and energy."

The green dragon shook his head: "Brian, it seems that you have grown up completely, which makes me very happy."

"But in the long and dull years, you still need to have some fun, and Sissi is a good source of happiness."

"When she wasn't talking, her beauty always put people in a good mood."

Brian still looked indifferent: "Yes, but only when you don't speak."

"In addition, in the human world, beauty is the least valuable thing, because the human race has developed very amazing transformation techniques."

"Those short-lived species are really troublesome." The green dragon shook his head with a look of disdain.

"Okay, let's not talk about her anymore, I have to report the situation to His Majesty.

The green dragon spread its wings: "Goodbye then, Brian from the Traudlins family."

It did not fly away, but folded its wings and walked slowly towards its nest placed in the trunk of the giant tree along the green corridor in the sky formed by the giant tree trunk.

After watching him go away, Brian also walked along the spiral steps on the huge tree trunk towards the higher and denser crown of the tree.

Ten minutes later, he came to a huge tree house.

This tree house is not only big, but also very high, more than 400 meters above the ground. There are many clouds and mist surrounding the tree house, so it is also called the 'White Cloud Hall'.

The amazing thing is that treehouses are not made by nature, but by nature.

All the furniture, vines, and even the elegant fragrance in the house all grow on trees.

There are no guards at the door of the tree house, just rows of soft branches covered with leaves hanging down.

Brian stood on the circular platform of the tree houses, crossed his hands on his chest, and respectfully gave the sun elf's unique and knowledgeable salute to the door.

"Good day, Your Majesty Osella."


The branches at the door retreated to both sides like long snakes, making way for the way forward.

A gentle, slightly older voice came from the house: "I'm on the balcony on the second floor, Brian."

Brian was very familiar with the layout of the tree house. He immediately walked to the middle of the house and followed the spiral staircase all the way up. After passing through the arch, there was a semicircular wooden balcony with a radius of fifteen or sixteen miles.

There is a round table and several benches on the balcony, with thick shading branches above, and ripe fruits hanging on many branches.

The strange thing is that the fruits that grow from the same branches are colorful and have different shapes.

When Brian arrived, one of the branches moved and handed a juicy melon into his hand.

The melon fell automatically without Brian using any force.

Brian happened to be thirsty, so he ate it with relish.

At the same time, branches wrapped around him, and a temporary small wicker chair was built on the ground behind him.

"Sit down, Brian."

One of the benches slowly turned around, revealing an old blond man lying half-lying on it.

This old man's appearance is equivalent to that of a human in his early fifties. There are some wrinkles on his forehead, but his blond hair is still thick, and his blue and gold-lined eyes are still bright.

He was wearing a dark green robe. The material of the robe was very strange, like cloth and leaves.

This person is none other than Osela, the sun god of the Holy Elf Empire.

At this moment, he is also one of the strongest legendary mages in the empire, and his basic mana strength has reached an astonishing Legend 5.

Elves have always had legendary power, but they just don't have stable legendary power. But the emergence of legendary crystals makes up for this shortcoming.

The reason why he can maintain such a high legendary level without feeling any pressure is naturally because the elves possess the unique tenacity of the immortal species.

The powerful sun god waited patiently for Brian to finish his melon.

"Brian, I see anxiety in your eyes. Is something not going well?"

Brian nodded slightly and began to report his experiences in the Natural Alliance and the Empire of Radiance.

After finishing speaking, he said softly: "Your Majesty, when I left, this young Duke was already preparing to be crowned as the co-lord of 'Aaron-Weilan'."

"He's a lot tougher than we thought."

Osella's expression didn't change at all, and his tone didn't change at all: "He is indeed an outstanding mortal."

"What does he have to say about the three captured tree warriors?"

Brian shook his head: "I don't know because I can't visit him."

"Otherwise, he will definitely catch me and use me as a political bargaining chip against the Glorious Empire."

"But I am sure that the three big tree warriors are alive and have not been tortured. They are just restricted from freedom."

Osella nodded: "Just stay alive, just treat it as an outing to experience."

He asked again: "Why did the glorious fleet in the Gilded Strait retreat for no reason?"

"It's also unclear, but judging from some side information, it should be Duke Weilan who showed a powerful war weapon to the Glorious Empire, but the latter was unsure of the confrontation and was forced to retreat."

"A powerful weapon of war?"

Osella's hands clasped on her lower abdomen gently moved, and she sighed: "These short-lived species are really fond of tossing, and they always like to come up with something so powerful that even they themselves cannot control it."

"Watch, these guys will one day be destroyed by their own creations."

Brian didn't know how to evaluate this.

After all, for an elf, he is still quite young at less than a hundred years old.

In terms of time and experience, he is far inferior to the elder elf in front of him who has been alive for nearly three thousand years and has existed for nearly seven thousand years.

So, he asked carefully: "Your Majesty, what should we do?"

"Of course I want to find a way to bring these short-lived species back to their innocence, so that they don't come up with something that won't end and make everyone's life miserable."

Osella looked matter-of-fact.

Then he added: "But the power of short-lived species does grow rapidly, and there are so many people. A head-on confrontation will also cause us to suffer huge losses."

After pondering for a while, he said: "General Buck across the sea is also a restless guy. He likes to fight and has recently developed an army with good combat effectiveness."

"You rest for a few days, and then go to the Storm Continent opposite to talk about cooperation with General Buck."

Brian was startled: "Your Majesty, General Buck is restless and cruel and despicable. What if he turns around and comes at us?"

Osella grinned and suddenly raised her hand.

A branch immediately responded to his action and placed a strange round card half the size of a palm in his hand.

"This is the Seal of Truth left by Dritan, and it has recently begun to respond to my call."

"The Lord of Truth, His Majesty Dritan, the patron saint of our clan, told me that he will return in the near future."

Brian was startled: "How recently?"

The "near future" for elves is a very broad concept. One year is the near future, as is ten years. In some extreme contexts, even a hundred years can be considered.

Osela thought for a moment and said: "Judging from His Majesty's tone, it should be in the medium to near future, about five to ten years."

"And this long journey of five thousand years has greatly improved my power, wisdom, and knowledge, and I have successfully broken through to the ranks of powerful gods."

"Even General Buck's master is no match for His Majesty."

"So, Buck will carry out the contract honestly unless it wants to die."

This news made Brian feel happy. Of course he knew what 'powerful god' meant.

This is the classification of power intensity by gods and demons, with one step every three levels.

They are 'weak, weak, ordinary, excellent, strong, great and supreme'.

According to this classification, Mortal Legend can only reach the first two levels.

For example, Duke Willan is considered a weak god, and Legend 5’s sun god Osella is a weak god.

Of course, the situation of mortals is different from that of gods and demons, so this is an inappropriate analogy.

Dritan originally had medium divine power, with a strength of Legend 10. Now he has broken through to powerful divine power, which means he has a power higher than Legend 12.

In comparison, the master of Demon General Buck and the Devouring Demon King Norma only have the power of Legend 11 and are only excellent divine powers.

There is a very strict hierarchy between gods and demons, and the weak will never take the initiative to provoke the strong.

But soon a hint of uneasiness emerged.

"Your Majesty has returned to lead us to continue to rule the world?"

Osella nodded: "Yes, this is the plane of Dritan, and it naturally belongs to Dritan."

"Those short-sighted and short-lived short-lived species are nothing more than parasites on the plane, and they will eventually be cleaned up."

After saying that, seeing that Brian's face did not show ecstasy, but rather some worry, he was suddenly startled: "Brian, what are you worried about?"

Brian gritted his teeth and expressed the disrespectful thoughts in his heart: "Your Majesty, it has been 5,000 years since His Majesty left."

"Five thousand years is really not a short period of time. I'm afraid that today's Mian is not the same as the former Mian."

"So. I'm worried that this may not be a good thing, but it may be a disaster."

Gods and demons are essentially non-human void beings, and they can change their roles at any time.

Osella can naturally understand because he once had similar thoughts and even now has similar worries.

But he already figured it out.

"Brian, we really have no choice but to accept it."

Osella pointed to herself and then to Brian.

"Your and my body and soul are all created by Mianxia. Mianxia has countless ways to control us."

"Therefore, the only way to maintain a trace of our own free will is to completely obey Your Majesty."

"After all, the power of Legend 12 and above is a power that mortals like us can never resist."

Brian understood and sighed softly, with a look of submission on his young face: "Your Majesty, I understand."

"very good."

Osela encouraged: "Work hard, young man, even if he is as strong as Dratan, he still needs loyal apostles in the mortal world."

"You are a talented young man. Dritan can easily see you, and he will definitely give you supreme glory."

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