Start with Island Lord

Chapter 252 The turning point of mortal's fate (23)

Wielandschwanstein Castle, Cabinet Chamber.

"Lord, is the war with the Glorious Empire inevitable?"

The questioner was Minister of State Kluber.

When he asked questions, all the other ministers were also looking at Duke Rosen.

Duke Rosen's expression was rare and solemn:

"Whether it can be avoided or not, we must prepare for the worst."

Foreign Minister Tewood Adrian said in a very soft voice: "Perhaps, we can announce the suspension of the Unified Nature Alliance."

Before he finished speaking, Inspector Ruifa immediately shouted back: "Suspension? Sir Twowood, what you really want to say is, 'Let go.'"

Abandon it? "

Tewood muttered: "The Glorious Empire has three major fleets, with more than 400 new Blackstone battleships. It is said that there are more than 1,000 new aircraft, and they are still being produced at an extremely crazy speed."

"How to fight?"

The generals from the military department were also present.

There are ten lieutenant generals in the navy, air force, and army, and their magic power has been upgraded to at least the sixth level by Rosen.

Vice Admiral Jopp of the First Fleet, who is currently a Sixth Ring Warrior, snorted coldly.

"How to fight? Fight on the battlefield!"

Vice Admiral Holland of the Second Fleet is even a Seventh Ring Warrior.

He also had a determined look on his face: "The Radiant Empire's control is too lenient. If we don't resolutely fight back this time, there will be another time, and the next time, and there will be no end."

Codling, the commander of the Army's First Dawn Corps, is a lieutenant general who was born in Paddlefish Island.

"Yes, it's time to teach the Glorious Empire a lesson."

The other generals also have the same attitude, they are all focused on the main battle.

These generals and the legions they lead are the strength that Rosen has developed in Weiland for more than two years. They are also the most loyal strength to Rosen, and are his biggest reliance on securing the title of Duke.

Although it is developing at full speed, its total strength is only one-sixth of the Glorious Legion.

In addition, due to the gap in resources and manpower, Weilan's weapons production capacity is only half of that of the Glorious Empire, even if it is compensated by the high production efficiency of the magic production line.

The gap between the two sides is very large. If a full-scale war breaks out with the Glorious Empire, there will be almost no chance of winning on the frontal battlefield.

Although you can also urgently recruit Aaron's Lion Army, Kaa's Rose and Moon Army, and Levander's Golden Army.

But his control over these legions is very low and can only be used to fight downwind.

Once there is a headwind, things will immediately fall apart and betrayal may even occur.

Therefore, this is indeed the most critical moment in the process of unifying the natural alliance.

After surviving this wave, the alliance will be unified. If it cannot survive, not only will the alliance return to a loose state again, but Weilan will also be squeezed into an overseas island by the Glorious Empire.

Maybe he can continue to be the Duke of Weiland, but if he wants to unify the alliance, he will have to accumulate strength for many more years.

If the Lord of Truth returns at this time, he may not be able to fight against it, and mortals may become the playthings of the Lord of Truth again.

Therefore, the next direction of the world situation is related to the fate of all mortals.

It is a real turning point in mortal destiny.

The ministers and generals of the Cabinet Council are still discussing countermeasures, but in the basement of Swansea Castle, Rosen's body is staying in a secret room that no one knows about.

At this moment, there was a person standing in front of him.

It looks exactly like him and is his latest improved combat clone.

Regardless of body, soul, or mana, they are all exactly the same.

But the strange thing is that there is no perceptible power connection between the two parties.

This is because the newly developed soul ghost resonance is used as a connecting link between the two.

This strange bond not only transmits information, but also transmits power.

Because it is ghost resonance, it cannot be blocked.

The only drawback is that the resonance loss is a bit large, especially in power transmission, where the loss is as high as 80% or more.

But it doesn't matter, Rosen, who has mastered the endless crystal, can afford it.

At this moment, the main body is sitting motionless on the chair, while the combat clone is getting familiar with the body.

After some perception, Rosen nodded with great satisfaction.

"Except that it does not carry the soul GPT of Laifu, it is exactly the same as my body."

This nearly perfect combat clone walked to the storage rack aside and began to carry various equipment.

First is the staff.

Not the legendary crystal staff, but the ghostly resonance staff.

It is less than 40 centimeters long and less than two centimeters thick. It is silver-white and has a smooth surface. At first glance, it looks like the most ordinary metal rod.

Just by listening to the name, you know the principle of this thing, and this thing does not store power, it is only responsible for transferring power.

Through the ghostly resonance effect, it is connected to the perfect endless crystal array under the castle of Neuschwanstein.

This perfect endless crystal is a new generation of legendary crystal created based on the improved synthesis method of "Weber's Ghost Formula".

The effect is that the single block capacity is increased to 15,000 Rosen, and the focus is +4.5.

Using the resonance staff and a crystal array with a total capacity of 120,000 Rosen, even if Rosen's combat clone is far away in Medasilin, he can quickly release a huge spell with no more than 1,500 Rosen mana at any time, and Can be used continuously for 8 records.

After the power is exhausted, the ability to cast a large-scale spell can be restored every five minutes.

Because as soon as the battle breaks out, the main body of Swan Castle, Rosen, will use the Soul-Burning Ring to continuously recharge the crystal array.

In order to prevent the resonance staff from being accidentally damaged and rendered useless, Rosen brought three of them.

One for main use and two for backup.

Then, there is a silver-white ring with a diameter of about 5 cm, which is hung on Rosen's neck as a pendant.

This magic weapon is the most critical. It is based on the "Weber Ghost Formula" and combines some other profound soul principles to create a good thing.

It is a probability magic weapon, scientifically known as "Probability Judgment Ring", but Rosen prefers to call it "Life and Death Ring".

Its function is to consume 1 Rosen mana to stimulate a ray-type probability spell, and the effect is a certain probability to make the opponent's soul collapse directly.

For a fixed recipient, the trigger probability is only related to the basic toughness of the target's soul, and fluctuates between 1% and 50%.

The preliminary test shows that for souls below the legendary strength, the trigger probability is generally 50%.

Once the spell is cast, life and death are half and half!

For targets above the legendary level, the probability decreases by about 4% for each additional level, and it is completely invalid when it reaches the legendary level 12.

In short, this is a face-gambling thing.

Finally, in order to ensure that this plan is foolproof, Rosen created five spare combat clones.

The one in front of me is activated, and the remaining four are temporarily dormant.

Then why not send multiple clones to implement the killing plan together?

Because although the ghost resonance is powerful, when the same resonance effects exist together, they will interfere with each other, causing confusion in ultra-long-distance control.

This problem can certainly be solved, but the time is too short, and Rosen has not yet found a good way to prevent interference.

Therefore, only one combat clone can be sent.

But this combat clone is already powerful enough, because he can call up to 60% of Laifu's computing power to achieve the "Heart of the God of War" with 3 lines without delay.

After everything was ready, the combat Rosen walked out of the secret room quickly and came to the phase transfer array. .

With a flash of thought, he crossed nearly 2,000 kilometers and came to a phase array prepared in advance deep in the Emon Mountains.

This place happened to be in the territory of the Glorious Empire, less than 500 kilometers away from Metasilin.

After recovering a little, Fighting Rosen cast an immortal fate, a hidden shadow secret technique on himself, and finally used a flying technique to quickly fly to Metasilin.

. . . . . . . .

During this time, Metasilin, Shadowless Palace.

The Glorious Empire is preparing for a full-scale war.

For such a major event that concerns the fate of the entire empire and his own future, the Lord of Gloriousness is naturally very concerned.

But unlike his granddaughter who is busy mobilizing troops and raising supplies, he is busy at another level.

As a strong man who has lived for more than 3,000 years, created the Glorious Sect, and founded a huge empire, perhaps because of his long sleep, his thinking has not kept up with the development of the times, but his perception of danger is extremely sharp.

During this period, the Lord of Gloriousness, Misai, clearly felt that when he decided to fight to the death, his whole soul was heavy, as if a huge rock was pressing down on him.

He immediately realized that he was being watched.

It is highly likely that he was targeted by Duke Weilan.

This was also within his expectations.

After all, he was ready to fight Duke Weilan desperately, so the other party must have felt the danger and would also fight him desperately.

The Empire's plan to behead Duke Weilan had failed with the defeat of the six legendary wizards, but Duke Weilan would definitely use the beheading tactic against him.

And Duke Weilan's beheading must be very terrible, and he might not be able to stop it with his own strength.

Therefore, Misai used the connections he had accumulated over the years to look for reinforcements everywhere.

The first way to find help was naturally the Republic of Nahuat, looking for his old friend Yastin.

Through the phase array, the two sides communicated across a long distance.

"Master Yasdin, I need a group of legendary mages to protect my safety. The price is negotiable."

"Sorry, Master Misai, the Guardian Council recently passed a new resolution prohibiting the Republic from interfering in any form in the national disputes of the Deritan plane, so I can't help you."

The Lord of Light was shocked: "Why did this resolution pass suddenly?"

"The Sky Faction where Master Naya is located has received the help of Duke Weilan and obtained a large number of high-quality legendary crystals. This has allowed them to have a large number of very powerful legendary mages and gain more seats in the Guardian Council."

"In addition, our Republican Faction also believes that forcing Duke Weilan to fight for Nawat is not a wise idea. Sassmar has also given up this unrealistic idea."

"So. Sorry."

After saying this, Master Yasdin cut off the contact.

The Lord of Light suddenly felt a great psychological pressure.

He clearly felt that Duke Weilan began to fight back against him, and the opponent's power was quickly surrounding him.

When he thought of the information he had learned in the past few years, he felt a chill on his back.

Duke Weilan was one of the most terrifying people he had ever met, scarier than the Godly Father and the Sun and Moon Gods of the elves.

He had to find help.

After thinking for a while, he gritted his teeth and quietly contacted the elves with the phase array.

"Osella, I'm in trouble."

Osella replied slowly: "Misa, it seems that this trouble is so big that you have brought it to me."

The Lord of Light was angry when he heard this tone, but he had no choice.

"This is not my problem alone, it is our problem."

"I have launched a full-scale war against the Natural Alliance as you wished, but now I face a huge risk of being assassinated by Duke Weiland!"

"I need you to send some strong men over to protect my safety."

Osella responded a little faster: "Do you need my protection? Aren't you afraid that my people will take the opportunity to kill you?"

The Lord of Glory hesitated for a moment after hearing this. This risk indeed existed.

Osela's voice came immediately: "Hahaha~~ Don't panic, I was joking with you. We are allies now, how could I take action against you?"

Messiah laughed dryly: "Osella, you'd better not make such a joke, I will take it seriously."

"Furthermore, I am willing to serve the Lord of Truth and be a servant of the Lord of Truth. There is no insoluble conflict between us."

"You are right, Messiah. I will send people over right away, and the ones I send are all first-class strong men."

"Hmm~~~Three strong men from Legend 4, do you think it's enough?"

"Enough, enough~completely enough."

Messiah's tone was joyful, but he was extremely shocked in his heart: "I didn't expect that the elf would hide such a strong power!"

He had a vague feeling that the other party's sudden burst of legendary power had a lot to do with the legendary crystal he shared.

I couldn't help but feel very regretful, but more importantly, I felt helpless.

If it happens again, there is a high probability that he will still choose to share.

Because the elves shared the magic of immortality with him, it allowed him to live an extra 500 years of waking life.

It was an offer he couldn't refuse.

He sighed secretly in his heart.

"Hey~~~The Lord of Truth has returned, and the glory of the mortal kingdom is completely over."

If he was afraid and jealous of Duke Weilan, who was also a mortal, then he was completely afraid of the Lord of Truth, without any courage to resist.

The powerful gods and demons in Pure Legend 12 are terrifying, but he still has the courage to fight to the death.

But if this powerful being also controls a powerful elven empire, it is a power that mortals can never resist.

Since there is no hope of victory, it is better to surrender directly.

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