Start with Island Lord

Chapter 254: Nearly Impenetrable Defense (13)

It's the annual Queen's flower-viewing party again.

This is an old tradition that has lasted for 36 years and has never been interrupted. This year is no exception.

The sun sets and night falls.

Gentlemen and celebrities from all over the Glorious Empire, escorted by special people, set out from the Rose Mansion near the Never-Night Palace to the Queen's Starlight Rose Garden.

For some reason, the atmosphere of this year's flower-viewing party seems a bit tense.

There are many more royal guards around the garden than in previous years, and the inspection of invited guests is also much stricter.

Before entering the palace, both men and women must pass through a secret room.

In the secret room, guests will be required to take off all their clothes and have their bodies carefully checked with various instruments.

Male guests are fine, but many female guests are very embarrassed. After coming out of the secret room, they are all blushing and even have a lot of conflicts because of the inspection.

But no matter what, nothing serious happened.

When night fell and the stars and moon were shining, more than 300 guests successfully entered the Starlight Rose Garden and sat in the reserved seats. Together with the Queen, accompanied by wine and music, they waited for the Starlight Rose to bloom.

Of course, flower viewing was just a side event. The main purpose of the guests was to meet the Queen.

It would be an extraordinary honor to show your face in front of the Queen and say a few words to her.

After returning home, you can brag to your relatives and friends in the countryside for most of your life.

According to the invitation list, the total number of guests should be 313, but the actual number of guests was 306.

Seven less.

After all, people are subject to misfortunes at any time, and there will always be accidents of one kind or another. The empire is very vast, so some people will miss the flower viewing date.

So, there is some room for maneuver.

Rosen and the Queen worked together to quietly replace a guest who was late due to an "accident".

There was no choice but to do so.

Because according to the information given by the Queen, the alert intensity of the palace has been raised to an almost abnormal level.

The entire palace is covered by an extremely sensitive and accurate legendary detection array.

The array is monitored in real time by 800 fourth-ring mages and 50 fifth-ring mages, 24 hours a day, and covers the same area back and forth.

As long as the mages want, they can even see the male and female mosquitoes flying into the palace.

At the same time, there are 30,000 shadow guards spread across every corner of the palace.

The average strength is extremely close to the fourth ring, equipped with a burst fire gun with an attack strength of 8 rings.

And among every hundred shadow guards, there is a fifth-ring strongman.

This person will be equipped with a legendary defense magic weapon, a legendary detection magic weapon, and a burst fire gun with a strength of legendary 2.

And the training is extremely sophisticated, and the reaction time to various crises is no more than one minute.

It can be said that the palace, especially the Shadowless Palace where the Lord of Light lives, is in an impeccable state, whether in terms of magic or physical defense.

Finally, any outsider entering the palace is strictly prohibited from releasing any spells, carrying any magic weapons, and will be closely watched by the shadow guards.

Therefore, if it were not for the help of the queen, Rosen would not have been able to enter the palace quietly.

Even if he got help, he could not bring his magic weapons into the palace, and he was completely unarmed at present.

Back to the topic.

Soon, the guests sat down, and then they came to the main hall in batches according to their provinces to meet the queen.

One of them came from the Gothic province adjacent to Aaron, and invited 8 guests, 6 men and 2 women.

Gothic province is mountainous and transportation is extremely inconvenient, so the 8 guests only heard each other's names, but never met.

Among the eight people, one of them was Rosen.

He did not use any transformation, but only changed his hairstyle and clothes, and thus became Rupert, a newly promoted five-ring young wizard in the city of Orlais in the Gothic Province.

According to the information, he is 26 years old this year, and he has been promoted to the fifth-ring magic power purely by his own efforts. After being tested by the Imperial Magic Department, it was found that if he continued to practice hard, he might even break through to the seventh ring.

With such an outstanding magic talent, he naturally became famous, so he received an invitation letter to the flower viewing party.

Soon, it was Rosen's turn.

Rosen followed the description in the information, walked forward with a slightly dull expression, and performed a very non-standard Imperial Light Salute to the Queen.

Queen Zhuoya glanced at Rosen and smiled: "Look up, Rupert."

Rosen looked up as she was told.

At this moment, the two of them were less than six meters apart, looking at each other.

In Rosen's eyes, Zhuoya looked about 70% similar to Irene, but her facial features were much more graceful.

Less heroic than Irene, more majestic and graceful, with a strong sense of luxury.

In terms of height, because the other party was sitting, it felt that she might be shorter than Irene, at least her upper body was shorter, and her figure was rounder.

If Irene was a strong and charming imperial envoy, like a fine pearl, then the woman in front of her seemed to be a golden and jade gem emitting a full house of splendor.

At the same time, Zhuo Ya also looked at Rosen.

She had already seen Rosen's image from different channels, but they were all side profiles and half-length portraits. This was the first time she had actually met him.

Her eyes turned to Rosen, and her mind was slightly dazed.

'Is this young man the legendary wizard who made my grandfather crazy, the alliance worship him, and possessed incredible wisdom? '

The other party deliberately changed his temperament with details such as hairstyle, clothing, expression and posture, so that he was completely different from the image.

Even familiar people find it difficult to connect the two together.

But no matter before or after the change, it seems difficult to connect the other person's image with the ambitious emperor.

Who would have thought that such a young man would mess up the human world into what it is now?

But thoughts are thoughts, and Zhuo Ya showed a faint smile on her face: "Yes, he is a handsome young man."

"In addition to the achievements in magic power, have you learned any unique spells recently?"

Rosen answered as agreed.

"I am also proficient in elemental transformation and have mastered the method of separating basic elements from multiple composite elements."

The Queen looked interested: "Elemental Transfiguration, is it the new spell passed down from the Natural Alliance?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Oh~ It's really good. Being able to keep up with the latest and strongest magic knowledge is the best quality of a wizard."

"Lina, please ask Master Rupert to take the seat."

Lina is the Queen's confidant maid. The seat is the seat in the flower hall where the Queen is located. It is very close to the Queen, and there are only 30 seats, which is the most honorable treatment.

The guests who came with him all cast envious and yearning eyes.

Because the subsequent treatment of staying in the flower hall is to stay overnight in the palace.

Not to mention for civilians, even for nobles, this is a very rare honor.

But everything is in accordance with the procedure, and the Queen's behavior is not special, so no one thinks too much about it.

Soon, Rosen was arranged to sit in a seat in the corner of the flower hall.

The location was inconspicuous, and Rosen did not say anything, just focusing on enjoying the fruits, cakes and drinks on the small table in front of him.

Soon, he was forgotten by everyone present and became a transparent person in the flower viewing party.

After that, the queen continued to receive other guests, without paying special attention to him, and did not use the high-ring mind language to contact.

Everything was exactly the same as the flower viewing party in previous years.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The starlight roses in the garden bloomed.

Looking around, it was endless, as if you were in the sea of ​​stars.

In the sea of ​​stars, the art teams specially trained by the empire came on stage one after another.

Regardless of men and women, they were all top beauties.

They sang, danced, and there were poems, dramas, acrobatics, anyway, there were many programs, like a gala.

These days, this is considered the top entertainment, and the guests attending the meeting were fascinated.

Rosen also thought it was quite good, and it was considered the top scenery he had seen since he came to this world.

More importantly, it was a rare occasion that he was not the organizer, but a simple guest.

This gave him a leisurely mood to enjoy the feast from the side.

There was still a lot of time before the action began, so he simply put aside all his worries.

While enjoying the fresh and sweet fruits, eating delicious cakes, and enjoying the audio-visual feast, he felt an indescribable comfort.

While enjoying it, he vaguely felt the Queen's attention. The other party looked at Rosen's wine glass with a hint of doubt.

The underlying meaning was obvious: "The war is imminent, don't drink too much."

It was obvious that she saw him drinking one glass after another, and was worried about missing the big event.

Rosen turned his head and glanced at Zhuo Ya, and saw that she was sitting in the main seat, talking and laughing, and seemed to pay no attention to her at all.

But with Lai Fu's meticulous observation ability, he could naturally clearly feel the anxiety she tried to hide.

It was completely understandable.

After all, he was about to face the life and death pass.

If Rosen's real body came, he would never feel more relaxed than the Queen, but he came as a clone.

So he continued to drink, and even drank more, and all of it was strong liquor with a high degree.

At the same time, his eyes turned around the shadow guards in the corner, meaning: "I do this to reassure the shadow guards."

There were also a large number of guards wearing black and red robes at the flower viewing party, all of whom belonged to the first shadow guards.

Among them, ordinary shadow guards had three rings of strength, while the team leader had four rings, and five rings were not uncommon. This should be the benefit of his public practice of secret methods and the sale of the magic ring scale.

There were also a lot of them, estimated to be more than 2,000 people, some in the open, some in the dark, almost surrounding this Starlight Rose Garden.

Almost every guest was stared at by at least five shadow guards, and any unusual behavior would attract a lot of attention.

Just now, Rosen was arranged to sit in the VIP seat, which attracted extra attention from the shadow guards. At most, there were more than 30 pairs of eyes staring at him.

His behavior of constantly drinking good wine and even getting himself drunk, like a country bumpkin who had never seen the world, did indeed greatly reduce the vigilance of the shadow guards.

At present, there are only two ordinary shadow guards watching him as a routine.

They are not doubting him, but they are worried that he will get drunk and go crazy.

The queen is an extremely intelligent person. After seeing this, she thought for a while and whispered a few words to her trusted maid.

After a while, the maid brought Rosen more good wine, all of which were strong liquors with extremely high alcohol content.

Rosen accepted all of it.

Although his face was flushed and his eyes were blurred, he continued to drink, and "gulped down" more than two kilograms.

Even if the bodies of aliens are ordinary and strong, they are still mortals. They will get drunk if they drink too much.

Rosen is no exception.

His body couldn't bear it, and he didn't care where he was. He just lay down on the table and began to sleep soundly.

But it was only this body that was drunk, and the main body far away in Swan Castle was naturally not affected.

Seeing that he had drunk himself to such an extent, the shadow guards completely relaxed their attention on him.

After a while, two servants came over and carried him to the guest room of the Never Night Palace as usual.

Rosen relaxed his control over his body and was carried like a ball of mud.

He was soon carried to the guest room and placed in a guest room with quite good decoration.

The two servants laughed and joked while placing Rosen.

"This mountain man has a really high alcohol tolerance. I just saw him drink three kilograms of strong liquor. If it were me, I would have drunk to death."

"Your Majesty has made a mistake this time. This guy is simply an alcoholic. He will definitely not have a great future in the future."

"Who said it wasn't? Um~ This guy is really heavy, use force~~ Hey~~ Okay, let this drunkard from the mountain sleep well~"

After a while, the two servants placed Rosen and turned to leave the room.

Rosen began to secretly operate his magic power to speed up his body's metabolism and eliminate the alcohol in his blood.

This is just a very small spell, and it only works in the body, so there is no need to worry about being noticed.

After more than half an hour, the body of the clone completely returned to normal, but it still did not move, but waited patiently.

I could faintly feel that there were many forces sweeping over me, one wave every 30 seconds.

This was active detection, and there must be many passive monitoring.

With such a strong alert, Rosen did not dare to make any unusual movements, and even did not dare to connect the magic ring to use the void vision.

More than half an hour later, noisy voices came from outside the door.

The flower viewing party was over, and those who stayed in the palace were led to the guest room area by the servants.

The guest room area should be quite lively at this time.

After waiting for a while, a light "click~" sound came from the direction of the door.

The door was pushed open, and a figure walked in. Judging from the back and clothes, it was a maid.

But Rosen certainly knew the identity of this person. It was Queen Zhuoya who disguised herself and took the opportunity to get in.

Tonight, she will assist him in assassinating the Lord of Light.

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