Start with Island Lord

Chapter 259 The World Beyond Mortals (33)

Holy Elf Empire.

Because of the common impatience of elves, it was already half a month after the covenant was issued when the sun god Osela received a series of information.

He read various messages from the mortal world, and for the first time his soothing brows furrowed.

"Knowing that the plane master is returning, they still choose to fight to the end, and even express their determination by forming an alliance. They are really a group of arrogant mortals."

Although he said this, he had a very bad feeling in his heart.

Because the mortal legendary mage named Rosen is really terrifyingly powerful.

He invaded the palace and killed three legendary 4 warriors in a very short time. Two of them were very capable warriors in the empire, especially the war dragon Alexei, who was a rare dragon warrior.

He really couldn't understand how the other party did it.

The last time he fought against the six legends, it could be explained by the large-capacity legendary crystals being arranged in advance, but this time, he couldn't figure it out even if he thought about it.

"We must understand this guy's methods."

How to figure it out?

Of course, it's not like sending strong men to try one by one. That would be almost like sending people to die. No matter how many strong elves there are, they can't withstand such consumption.

Elves, of course, have their own secret methods.

The sun god Osella left his treehouse and continued to climb fifty meters along the tree trunk before arriving at an exquisite treehouse.

The tree house is called ‘The Land of the Rising Moon’, and the owner of the house is the moon god Dora.

Outsiders only know that the elves have two majesties, also known as the Sun and the Moon, but in fact, the status of the moon god Dora is higher than that of Osella.

This is an extremely mysterious powerful elf, and he is the elf that Dritan has stated many times as his favorite.

Before Dritan left, Dora the Moon Goddess was almost Dritan's only spokesperson in the mortal world.

This Moon God was also endowed with the rarest magical knowledge by the Lord of Truth. His combat power may not be strong, but his insight into the mysteries of the world is so profound that it is beyond comprehension.

When they came to the tree house, Osella did not enter the house. He stood at the door: "Dora, I have encountered a problem."

After a while, a soft and low voice came from the tree house: "Tell me, see if I can help you find the answer."

Osella described the recent situation in the human empire in detail, and then said: "This mortal is too powerful. I don't understand why he is so strong."

"I understand, wait for me quietly for a while."

Osella just waited patiently.

After waiting for half an hour, a voice came from the room: "I saw an amazing name in Chaos Destiny, 'Witch Palomenas'."

"He is probably related to the great witch."

Osella was also shocked: "Is he actually the witch's apostle?"

"I'm not sure, but he most likely gained amazing knowledge from the witch."

"Oh~ This is really a headache. I'm afraid the master will frown after hearing this."

Luna Dora fell silent again, but this time it only lasted a few minutes before she spoke again.

"I contacted the owner and informed him of the news."

"The master said to wait patiently for his return."

Osella nodded immediately: "Yes."

After saying this, he sighed inwardly: "I originally thought that when the master returned, our clan would dominate the world again, but now it seems that the world has really changed."

I was a little disappointed, but also a little panicked, and I felt like I couldn't understand the new world anymore.

So I couldn't help but ask: "How long will it take for the master to come back?"

"Are you urging the master, Osella?"

"I don't dare. I just want to know the master's return date so that I can arrange a welcome ceremony."

"Osella, you and I both know the master's temper. He hates being rushed, so I don't dare to ask your question."

"Okay, pretend I didn't say anything."

Osella turned around to leave, but was stopped by Dora the Moon Goddess.


"What else?"

"The master also said that he is very interested in that group of naughty mortals. He asked you not to confront them head-on, but you can quietly plant some seeds of chaos."

Osella was a little confused: "Seeds of chaos?"

"Sell fruits quietly and convert as many mortals as possible into potential lower elves."

Osella understood immediately: "I will arrange it right away."

In fact, it is not a fruit, but a lower spirit fruit produced on the great tree of life.

The taste is no different from ordinary fruits, there is no magic smell, and the appearance is almost indistinguishable from ordinary fruits.

But after eating it, it can subtly and quietly transform the body of a mortal.

At that time, as long as the master issues a summons, the mortal will completely transform into an underworld elf.

He felt that this was a really good idea and turned around to do it.

Just as he was about to leave, Dora called out to him again: "Don't worry, Osella, the master hasn't finished speaking yet."

Osella just waited to regain her respectful listening attitude.

"The master said that the group of fusion monsters on the Storm Continent are extremely ugly. Their mere existence is a stain on the world. They must be cleaned up as soon as possible."

Osella was shocked when she heard this: "This is not easy to handle."

Although those strange fusion monsters were indeed ugly and made him feel sick just looking at them, they were indeed very capable of fighting.

There are still a lot of them. If we really fight, the empire may win, but it will suffer heavy losses.

Dora's voice came out again: "The master certainly knows this, so he allows you to use the golden tree seeds."

Osela felt extremely confident when he heard this, and immediately bowed and promised: "I will definitely clean up the Storm Continent thoroughly before the master returns."

I thought everything was fine, but Dora actually had something else to say.

"The master has a third thing to arrange."

What can Osela do? He can only continue to bow his head and listen.

"The master said that the fighting race created last time is gradually becoming imperfect, and even the elves are no longer perfect, so he plans to make another major transformation."

"In order to better carry out the transformation, he asked you to plant at least three more trees of life, and before he comes back, infuse these trees of life to at least 600 meters high."

Osela was shocked when he heard this, both because of the "major transformation" and because of the need to plant trees.

Because there is a chance of failure in transformation, and it is not low.

In the ancient elf transformation, at least 10 million living people died in the early stage, and the mortality rate in the middle and late stages was more than half. It was not until the late stage that it gradually matured, but there was at least a 10% mortality rate.

Now the master is going to make another transformation, and he still thinks the elves are not perfect.

Then the first wave of improvements may be the elves.

At that time, there will definitely be a large number of elves who will die because of this!

Maybe he will die here too.

But he didn't have the confidence to directly resist the big transformation, so he could only indirectly raise some objections.

"Dora, a 600-meter-high tree of life is not easy to plant. Each tree must be integrated with at least 500,000 elf souls."

Dora's voice was very indifferent: "Osela, doesn't the master know this? But have you forgotten what the master said?"

Osela certainly remembered, and he whispered: "In the pursuit of perfection, any sacrifice is worth it."

"It's good that you remember. Then do it."

Osela had a problem: "Dora, I need a date. I need to know how quickly I need to plant the tree?"

This tree is not easy to plant. A total of 1.5 million elf souls must be integrated, and a lot of work must be done.

After all, elves are immortal species. Although they are not considered dead after being integrated into the big tree, they will be firmly bound, and their lives will be far less happy than being alive.

The key is that the Lord of Truth didn't say the specific time, which made him feel unsure.

Dora sighed lightly: "Sorry, I can't help you. I can only say, as soon as possible."

"If it's as soon as possible, then we have to use coercive means, which may cause great chaos within the empire."

"Osella, it's useless for you to tell me, I'm just conveying the master's order. I also made it clear that I can't help you."


Osella felt annoyed and wanted to vomit blood, and took a deep breath: "Okay, I know."

This time, he finally left Dora's tree house smoothly.

He almost ran away, he would rather he had never been to this ghost place.

. . . . . . .

Storm Continent.

The Fusion Palace of the Great Demon King Buck.

Rather than saying it is a palace, it is better to say that it is a meat mountain made of blood and flesh.

The floor and walls of the palace are damp, and various kinds of mucus are constantly secreted, and monsters whose appearance cannot be described in words are crawling on such a mucus.

At the deepest part of this strange meat mountain, in a huge bubble of squirming flesh and blood filled with milky white mucus, there are three monsters that barely retain some mortal features.

There are three monsters, each with a human-like face and a huge head, but no mouth, instead, a mouthpart similar to a straw.

There are more than one mouthpart, but more than a dozen.

They have no hands and feet, but a group of squirming tentacles that are countless times more complex than octopuses and grow on their bodies like hair.

Their bodies also have no fixed shape.

As a result of constant squirming, the shapes of the three people are completely different.

At this moment, the mouthparts of the three monsters are connected to each other, some are sucking milky white mucus, and some are doing some indescribable weird movements.

In short, any mortal who sees this scene, only needs one glance to leave a lifelong nightmare.

But this is only on the surface. At the level of thinking, the three monsters are communicating with clear logic and very quickly.

"Shabat is dead, what a pity."

"That mortal named Rosen is very strong, and the master is no match for him."

"I can see that the elves are not trustworthy at all. They wish we were all dead. Druitan is also an old Virgo, and he will definitely deal with us."

"The mortal empire is still in turmoil, and it is a good time to deal with the elves."

"We must act before the elves!"

"But how to deal with the elves?"

"Use poison~~Use botulinum toxin~~Destroy their proud appearance and turn them into freaks like us~~Hahaha~~~~"

"Haha~~~~This is really interesting~~~Let's do it."

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