Start with Island Lord

Chapter 274 The unique skills of powerful gods and demons (33)

The sky changed dramatically, and the scene of destruction appeared.


The pedestrians on the street screamed in despair and hid in the buildings on the street.

Soon, the street was empty, leaving only a mess.

In this background, the body of the unexpected dream apostle grew larger and stronger at an incredible speed, and in an instant he became a giant standing tall.

Rosen immediately flew back.

The giant raised his mountain-like feet and crushed towards Rosen.

"Heart of the God of War" reacted quickly.

The sole of the foot was too big, blocking all the sky, and no displacement spell was enough to escape.

This state exceeded Lai Fu's response limit.

So, Lai Fu chose to use mana to condense a large-scale force spell to forcibly hold up the giant's pressing sole.

But this response method was wrong, because this is the realm of soul dreams!

Lai Fu reacted quickly, but it took time for mana to flow, so Rosen had time to correct its mistakes.

He immediately took back Lai Fu's spellcasting authority, then stood still, raised his hand and pointed to the sky, and urged his mind.

'Move the mountain! '

With this thought, a huge power ring suddenly appeared around Rosen's body, and the extremely violent pure power went up to the sky, and violently collided with the huge foot that was like a sky-falling foot.


Unexpectedly small movement, and the giant was knocked back again and again, and became smaller as he retreated.

When his body regained stability again, his body had returned to normal size.

The vortex clouds in the sky were still there, the thunder and lightning continued, and the street scene on the ground was the same as before, but all of this seemed to be a background, becoming slightly blurred.

In this strange world, Rosen and the dream apostle Grenfell stood facing each other a hundred meters apart.

Grenfell clapped his hands lightly: "What a great guardian of the imperial capital, he is really capable, he can see through my dream realm so quickly."

Rosen did not answer, but carefully sensed his current situation.

Although he knew about the ability of the dream realm through the "Encyclopedia of Void Life", it was the first time he encountered it, and there were many details that he did not understand.

With the help of the super strong detection ability of the battle Rosen, he quickly got a lot of information.

First of all, it was not his original soul that was trapped in the dream realm, but the residual soul of the clone.

The residual soul cannot exist alone and must rely on the main soul to maintain.

At this moment, the main and the residual soul are connected through an extremely secret ghost resonance, and are not isolated by this so-called dream realm.

But other powers, including mana, faith power, and even magic rings, are all isolated from the opponent's dream realm.

In other words, the opponent used a dream realm to pull out his soul and deal with it alone.

So, Rosen's endless mana, various legendary spells and powerful magic tools all lost their effect.

But this battle is unfair.

Because the dream realm was opened by Grenfell, he understood the rules of the realm and was not blocked by the realm.

Theoretically, he could continuously reverse the magical power of Legend 14 into his own soul power.

As for Rosen, because of the shielding of the realm, the source of power was cut off, and he only had one basic soul.

When the power is exhausted, the soul will collapse.

So, if it is the main soul that is isolated by the realm at this moment, he will be in great trouble.

The good news is that the ghost resonance is not blocked.

This allows Rosen to continuously provide power for the residual soul of the fighting Rosen.

But this detail made him secretly alert.

"It almost turned over."

"There is also ghost resonance, which is very powerful, but too single. If it is targeted, I will be very passive and have to develop more diverse means of power connection."

"After defeating this Grenfell, I have to understand the principle of the dream realm."

How to defeat it?

Then we have to talk about the magical book "Encyclopedia of Void Life".

The book records the coping methods of the dream realm.

In the realm, souls duel, and imagination in the heart is the weapon of the soul.

But imagination cannot be imaginary, it must be real.

The imagined object must be believed to exist.

Therefore, Rosen's only way to win is to find an imaginary object that is real enough and strong enough to break through the shackles of the dream realm in one fell swoop.

Of course, since the other party wants to talk, he is not in a hurry to start a war.

"I am curious why the Lord of Dreams wants to get involved in the affairs of our plane."

Grenfell smiled softly: "It's very simple. My master has formed an alliance with Dritan and intends to help him regain control of the plane."


Rosen immediately remembered the news Dora told him, and wanted to ask about the identity of another ally, but he held back as soon as he read it together.

This question should not be asked because it will expose Dora's existence.

"So, we are mortal enemies."

"Yes, one of us will have his soul shattered in battle."

"But considering that I am the master of this dream realm, I am also very familiar with the power rules of this realm. Even if your soul is much stronger than mine, my chances of winning are still much greater than yours."

Rosen was silent for a while and asked in a different way.

"It seems that Dritan has found a lot of helpers for this return."

"I really want to know, in addition to the Lord of Dreams, are there any other allies?"

Grenfell smiled slightly: "Don't think about getting the final information from me, I won't tell you."

"We have wasted enough time. Let's end it now."

After saying this, the thunder that was still brewing in the sky suddenly roared down. This thunder was formed by countless lightning nets, which were airtight and seemed to be able to destroy everything in the world.

But almost at the same moment, a huge metal net surrounded Rosen.

This was the Faraday superconducting cage that Rosen imagined.

The thunder hit the net, but was all attracted by the superconducting network and quickly diverted to the earth, while Rosen in the net was unharmed.

The next moment, Rosen's thoughts urged him to condense an imagination of a "great tsar".

This thing is the most powerful weapon on earth, with an equivalent of tens of millions of tons of TNT. When it exploded, it was like a real sun rising from the ground.

Rosen pushed up with one hand, and a strong light appeared in his palm. The strong light flashed violently again, and it turned into a real force that could destroy the world.

At this moment, there was only endless light, endless heat, and endless power.

The clouds in the sky suddenly disappeared without a trace, and the world that had become the background was directly penetrated by the strong light, and the entire dream realm was broken in an instant.

After a moment, the dream disappeared.

Rosen and Grenfell were still standing face to face on the street.

The emperor's motorcade had passed, and cars were coming and going on the street, everything was normal.

Grenfell's eyes were a little confused, and it was obvious that he had not recovered from the previous soul shock.

At this moment, his soul was almost defenseless.

Taking this opportunity, Rosen gently pressed Grenfell's back of the head and used a soul puppet technique.

This soul puppet technique was learned from Dora, which was much stronger than the general puppet technique and was suitable for controlling such a powerful person.

Grenfell was immediately hit, and his eyes became very confused.

Rosen said softly: "Let's go, old friends, let's have a good reunion."

Grenfell nodded: "Yes, we have to have a good reunion."

Rosen walked to a hotel on the street and opened a room, and Grenfell followed him honestly all the way.

After arriving at the room, Rosen first cast a shadow spell to cover the guest room, and then asked.

"How many allies did Druitan find?"

"Three, namely, the Lord of Dreams Nellie, the God of the Forest Perry, and the great goddess of life Adele."

Well, there is one more than the moon goddess Dora said, and the extra one is very unusual.

The goddess of life Adele can be called great because her soul strength is legendary 17, and she is one of the seven greats introduced in the "Encyclopedia of Void Life".

Her soul, her power, and her wisdom have all reached incredible levels.

As for why she calls herself the goddess of life, it is because the image she shows to her believers in the mortal world has always been the appearance of a goddess.

Rosen thought for a moment and understood the reason: "Dretan became the subordinate god of the goddess of life, right?"


At this moment, Rosen really felt that things were a bit tricky.

If it is said that the powerful void gods and demons have unique skills.

Then the great gods and demons have brought their unique skills to the extreme, to the point where only great gods and demons can break them.

He couldn't help thinking: 'My big sun has just been created, and it's going to be used? '

When he thought of the big sun, he had a bachelor mentality: 'Who cares, if you dare to come, I dare to blow it up! ’

So, he asked again: "Which other apostles of God came to the Queen's birthday party this time?"

"The forest god Perry sent a flower saint named 'Larisia', who mastered the flower array and could turn fragile petals into indestructible blades."

"And the Lord of Truth Dritan did not send believers, but sent a group of very powerful assassins. There were not many, only 20, but they were very powerful, and the three leaders were particularly terrifying."

Rosen understood and continued to ask: "I ask you, in addition to the branch of life of the Lord of Truth, what other artifacts do you have?"

"There are also two One is called the Endless Compass, and the other is called the Spear of Annihilation, both of which belong to the great goddess of life. "

"By the way, the Branch of Life does not belong to the Lord of Truth, but also to the great goddess of life."

Rosen's teeth ached when he heard it: "Does the goddess of life plan to come to this plane in person?"

"No, the goddess of life will not leave her plane easily. In addition, the branch of life is still used by the Lord of Truth."

"That's good."

"Now, teach me the knowledge of magic you know, especially the knowledge of the dream field."

Grenfell began to teach, and Rosen studied seriously.

Teaching and learning, most of the day passed quickly.

Rosen gained the knowledge of the dream field, but this knowledge is very complicated, and he is afraid that he can't master it in a short time, so he can only learn it first.

Looking at Grenfell again, he was still standing there blankly.

Rosen thought carefully, then took out the "life injection" he prepared and injected it into the vein of this dream saint.

The effect of this "injection" is very simple. It changes the subtle structure of the deepest part of the target's brain, thereby opening a very secret monitoring backdoor in the deepest part of its soul.

In the next period of time, this monitoring backdoor can quietly transmit what the target sees and hears to Rosen's resonance artifact through ghost resonance.

Because life is constantly moving, the target himself is also a legendary strongman, and a saint of a powerful god, so he is extremely sensitive, so Rosen dare not make too many changes.

Therefore, the backdoor will become ineffective in as short as three months and as long as half a year.

But three months is enough to gain a lot of inside information.

After the injection, he waited patiently for an hour. After confirming that the modification was completed, Rosen cancelled Grenfell's soul puppetry and waited patiently.

About half an hour later, Grenfell slowly woke up and looked at Rosen with a strong sense of vigilance.

"You lost. I don't want to kill today. So, leave this plane immediately."

Grenfell felt that his head was as uncomfortable as paste. He couldn't fight in this state.

He was very grateful for escaping: "Thank you for your kindness, Guardian of the Imperial Capital."

After saluting Rosen, he immediately turned around and left.

About ten minutes later, the power fluctuation of phase transfer was heard.

Grenfell left, and before leaving, he contacted the Saint of Flowers, Larisia, and asked her to be careful.

Rosen smiled: "Larisia, you are so well hidden."

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