Start with Island Lord

Chapter 276 The Elf's Red Plum Sore (23)

"Damn, how come these prostitutes are so dirty!"

In a secret basement in the city of Medasilin, a very tall and strong man with bronze skin complained irritably.

He was not the only one in the room.

In fact, there were twenty people.

Three of them were very tall and strong, nearly two meters tall, and the other seventeen were also strong, but not so exaggerated.

Except for the three tall and strong men, the remaining 17 men stood in a row in the room.

They wore shirts but took off their pants, and all of them had dejected expressions.

It can be seen that the lower bodies of these men are covered with red papules, especially on the toy guns.

This thing is not only ugly, but also itchy.

The men stretched out their hands to scratch it from time to time, scratching very hard, leaving blood marks on the skin.

The three tall and strong men were fine, without any symptoms.

At this time, the second tall and strong man laughed with gloating.

"Captain Terize, we all had fun, and we checked carefully before having fun to confirm that the prostitutes had no health problems."

"Now, the three of us are fine, but these guys look like ghosts. Maybe these guys are not blessed to enjoy good things."

"Salai, you can still laugh, this seriously delayed our plan! "

The third tall and strong man spoke.

He held a handful of steel balls in his hand. After he finished speaking, he stuffed the steel balls directly into his mouth and bit them with a "crunch, crunch" sound, just like eating fried beans.

Then he gave his evaluation: "Hmm~mortals' metallurgical skills are getting better and better. These steel balls taste much better than the iron ore in the forest."

The tall and strong man called Sarai grinned: "Lebio, eat less, be careful of constipation!"

The tall and strong man called Captain Terize ignored the casual jokes of his two deputies.

He looked at his men scratching their crotches one by one, and felt annoyed: "Put on your pants, get out!"

A group of soldiers pulled up their pants as if they had been pardoned, and ran away shyly.

"Hey~these guys can't be relied on, we can only rely on the three of us."

Terize sighed deeply, slapped his thigh hard again, and his face was full of regret: "I shouldn't have been soft-hearted before. "

The soldiers left the forest for the first time, and everything they saw was new. When they passed a brothel, they were attracted by the sign girl at the door of the brothel, and they couldn't move their feet.

He thought that a group of people were working hard, and the brothel girl was indeed extremely charming and seductive. He softened his heart and agreed to let everyone have a good time.

As a result, this kind of mess happened.

Adjutant Salai shook his head: "It's useless to regret now."

Another adjutant Lebio said: "Let's just do it this way. There are also advantages to having fewer people. "

There was a knock on the door outside, and a voice came in.

"Three adults, it's not good. Everyone's symptoms are getting worse. One by one, they are about to drop their toys."

It was the voice of the captain, full of anxiety and irritability.

Terize was startled, walked to the door in one step, and opened the door forcefully: "I'll go and see. "

When the door opened, the captain looked anxious and looked very bad, with his legs twisted and rubbing against each other from time to time.

All kinds of wailing sounds came from the next room.

Terize strode into the next room, and found that the soldiers were lying on the bed wailing, scratching themselves while wailing, so that their bodies were covered with terrible bloodstains.

He was shocked, but there was really no way, so he rushed forward and knocked all his men unconscious with one fist each.

After returning to the room again, he looked worried: "This disease is very serious, and the soldiers don't seem to be able to make it. "

He felt that if he continued like this, someone might die.

The two lieutenants were helpless.

They were warriors, not healers, and even if they were healers, they probably couldn't do anything about this inexplicable disease.

The Queen's birthday dinner was just around the corner, and their teammates turned into this ghostly appearance. The three felt very upset.

Just when they were helpless, there was a strange movement on the floor of the secret room.

Then, a line of elven words appeared on the floor.

"If you want to be cured, find me in Butterfly Valley, 30 miles west of Medasilin."

The words appeared automatically, and with the three people's keenness, they couldn't sense the location of the writing wizard.

The three looked at each other in surprise.

After a long time, Terize said: "I'm afraid it's not a disease, it's a poison, it's the poison of this bastard wizard who hides his head and shows his tail!"

"Let's go to Butterfly Valley now and find this wizard!"

"That's right, I must beat this despicable wizard to death! "

The three tall and strong men left the secret room without hesitation and left the city of Medasilin.

After asking the locals along the way and stumbling around, they found the so-called Butterfly Valley in a hilly area with few people.

The Butterfly Valley is surrounded by mountains, but the terrain inside the valley is very flat. There is a huge rock in the valley, and a black-haired man is lying on the top of the rock. It is Rosen.

When the three tall and strong men thought that this man had tortured their men so badly, they were furious and were about to attack.

On the other side, Rosen looked at the three angry men approaching, but he was still lying there without moving. He just turned his head slightly and smiled:

"Good afternoon, three golden warriors."

When they heard the word "golden warrior", the three of them immediately felt like they were facing a great enemy, and their forward steps stopped immediately.

Captain Terize immediately said: "How do you know our identity?"

Yes, they are the golden warriors of the elves.

Rosen pointed his staff at his head: "I am a mage, and the greatest skill of a mage is erudition."

Seeing that the three were about to rush up again, he immediately said: "Don't worry, listen to me."

The three golden warriors surrounded the boulder in a triangle position, and then Terize said:

"Very good, I will give you a chance to leave a last word, but you only have five minutes."

Rosen stretched his waist and sat up from the boulder, looking down at Terize, who was obviously the leader.

The golden warrior of the elf in front of him was nearly two meters tall, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, a square face, and bronze skin with a metallic luster, giving people a feeling of a body of steel.

Feeling the soul again, it reached Legend 11, while the other two were Legend 10, which was quite powerful.

But he did not feel the breath of mana, but a strange power similar to the power of steel, but obviously more condensed and pure than the power of steel.

Rosen knew that this should be called the power of gold, which was a super high version of his ancestor's power of steel. After activation, it was almost immune to all spells and physical attacks, just like turning on invincibility.

If the invincibility was only on for a few seconds, it would be nothing.

The problem was that the power of gold of the three people was very huge. If converted into mana, it was equivalent to 3000 to 4000 times of Rosen's basic mana.

In addition, Dora told Rosen that the power recovery speed of these things was also extremely amazing. After the power was exhausted, it would be a brave man again after half an hour of rest.

Therefore, invincibility can be turned on for a long time, and if the battle intensity is not high, it can even be turned on all the time.

Such a warrior is the nightmare of the wizard of the same level.

Once it is targeted by it, you can only run, and if you can't run away, you can only wait for death.

In addition, even if it is at a disadvantage and turns around and runs away wholeheartedly, it is difficult for the wizard to keep it.

Therefore, even Rosen has to throw some bait to ensure that these golden warriors are caught.

He smiled and said, "You are here to avenge the Queen, right?"

Terize snorted coldly: "None of your business?"

Salai replied: "Stop talking nonsense!"

Lebio shouted angrily: "Let's do it, everyone?"

Listening to these words, Rosen felt that he was facing three extremely confident bulls.

He immediately sped up his speech: "Do you know why your team members got a strange disease?"

Terize snorted coldly: "It must be that you poisoned them in a despicable way!"

Rosen smiled slightly: "If it was poison, why didn't I poison you too?"

Terize was startled and immediately said: "You must want to, but we are immune to most toxins, so it's useless for you to poison!"

This is really true. In fact, what Rosen used was also a poison, a virus.

He specifically targeted the elf bloodline and developed a virus with great effort.

In order to avoid losing control, he developed a DNA virus with a stable structure, which must be transmitted through contact with body fluids and basically will not mutate.

I wanted to knock down the golden warrior together, but he didn't understand the body structure of the golden warrior.

At this time, the adjutant Sarai shouted: "Stop talking nonsense, take out the antidote, otherwise we will let you taste the same thing."

Rosen shook his head: "I'm sorry, I didn't poison them, and of course I don't have an antidote. But I do know how to treat their diseases."

Terize was a little puzzled: "Disease?"

Rosen nodded: "Yes, disease. It is a disease that has been popular among humans recently, called Red Plum Sore."

Terize was half-believing and half-doubting, and his hostility towards Rosen was also eliminated a lot.

Because the appearance of his subordinates did not look like poisoning.

And if it was a disease, it was most likely transmitted from those prostitutes, and it should have nothing to do with the wizard in front of them.

After all, no one forced them to have fun.

Rosen felt the change in the other party and smiled: "You must be very curious about my identity, right?"

The three golden warriors nodded.

"Yes, who are you!"

"My name is Robin, a battle wizard who travels in various planes."

While speaking, Rosen was still completely defenseless.

"I'm very curious about the strength of the golden warriors, and I really want to spar with you."

Terize snorted coldly: "We don't have time!"

Although he said so, he didn't have much hostility.

Rosen immediately said: "Let's make a bet."

"Just stand on this boulder, don't fight back, and let you attack at will, see if you can break my magic defense."

"As long as you agree to spar, no matter whether I win or lose, I will give you the potion for curing the red plum sore, how about it?"

"My medicine is very effective, guaranteed to cure the disease."

The three golden warriors looked at each other and started discussing again.

The result of the discussion was that this mage should have some skills, but he was really crazy.

He couldn't believe everything he said, maybe he had some tricks.

But the illness of his subordinates really needed to be cured, because relying on the three of them alone would be much more dangerous.

And they didn't want to die.

So, it would be best to capture this mage alive, torture him severely, and find out the matter thoroughly.

So, Terize pointed to the boulder under Rosen's feet.

"Let's spar, but you have to change your position. We suspect there's something wrong with the stone under your feet."

"So, you can't stand on that stone, and the position you stand on must be designated by us."

Rosen smiled and said, "Okay, just point to a place."

This attitude was too confident, making the three gold warriors feel a little guilty.

The three discussed again.

After five or six minutes, Terize said, "It can't be this valley. There must be something wrong with this valley. We must go deeper into the hill."

Rosen laughed and said, "Hey~ I thought the gold warriors were strong, but they turned out to be such cowards?"

"You three are fighting against me alone, but you are still like a mouse. Aren't you tired?"

The three warriors were angry. After another discussion, Terize said, "Then go over there, yes, under the big tree."

Rosen jumped off the boulder leisurely, walked towards the big tree, and stood against the tree with his arms around his chest.

"Okay, gold warriors, don't dawdle."

"I heard that the main dinner of the Queen's birthday dinner will be the day after tomorrow. Don't delay the business because of this little problem."

After saying this, the three gold warriors suddenly became anxious.

After looking at each other, the three nodded to each other and decided to take action.

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