Start with Island Lord

Chapter 286 The Elf Marshal's Fantasy (13)

Storm Continent, Southern Thunder Wilderness.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, thunder was rolling in the clouds, and the wind was howling wildly in the wilderness.

A storm was brewing.

Just above this endless wilderness, two armies were facing each other from a distance of three kilometers.

One was the elf army.

In the army, there were terrain dragons as big as hills, tree warriors holding giant sticks or holding thick wooden shields, tree demon archers like centaurs, sun mages with wings on their backs, and moon mages who were responsible for various auxiliary duties such as defense, treatment, strengthening, and dispelling, etc., more than twenty kinds.

Various warriors cooperated with each other to form a three-dimensional combat system on the ground and at low altitude.

There were also many of them, more than 100,000, forming a dense military formation like a forest and a mountain.

The other was the fusion army.

The warriors in the fusion army were all a group of strange things.

Some were covered with spikes, some had long noses, some had three heads, some were more than 20 to 30 meters tall, bigger than the Terrain Dragon, and some were simply a bunch of huge fleshy flower buds piled together randomly.

In short, at first glance, each fusion warrior looked extremely wild, and there was almost nothing in common between them.

There were also a lot of these fusion monsters.

At first glance, the army formation was almost endless, and above the army formation, there was a layer of dark red dust similar to flour.

When the wind blew, the dust flew everywhere, and even a lot of it blew towards the opposite elf army formation.

However, whenever the dust was about to reach the elf army formation, a large number of rune lights and shadows would appear in front of the army formation, not only blocking the dust, but also spewing flames to burn the dust out.

The elves were very cautious, and they had obviously suffered a great loss from this thing.

‘Boom boom boom~~’

A lightning bolt streaked across the sky, splitting a huge crack in the entire sky.

At this moment, a roar that competed with thunder came from the elves.

"Battle preparation~~~~"

With this voice, the elven army formation, which had been somewhat relaxed, immediately tightened, like a bowstring stretched to the extreme, ready to shoot the arrow of death at the opponent at any time.

Almost at the same time, a long dragon roar came from above the dark clouds.

This sound was sharp and high-pitched, like a rolling array of sharp knives, crushing towards the opposite fusion army formation.

There were visible signs of panic in the fusion army formation, and some small fusion monsters carefully shrank under the big fusion monsters.

This is not their fault.

Because past combat experience told them that the flying dragon that was about to appear in the sky was very powerful, faster than lightning, and its attack power was even more terrible than lightning.

And because the opponent could fly, flying higher than the dark clouds in the sky, they could only be beaten most of the time and it was difficult to make an effective counterattack.




Seeing that the situation was not right, the giants in the fusion army began to roar loudly.

At the same time, their bodies as big as a hill kept shaking, making all kinds of strange movements.

With these movements, some giants secreted large clumps of mucus like pus and blood. Some giants opened their mouths and sprayed colorful mist into the sky. Others shook out a large amount of colorful dust like flour and butterfly dust.

There were so many of these things that they formed an extremely dense protective network, wrapping the entire fusion army into a ball.

Many battles in the past have shown that these defensive methods are extremely effective.

They can protect themselves and poison their opponents.

But it is undeniable that in the eyes of mortals, these methods are extremely weird and disgusting.

In the elf army, looking at such a weird and disgusting opponent, the warriors had very complicated expressions.

There was hatred, disgust, but also fear.

In the past battles, these monsters were not as powerful as them in frontal combat, but the various toxins they secreted could always cause them great trouble and even cause them great losses.

The supreme commander of the elves is a transformed warrior over five meters tall, named Antalya.

He is one of the most legendary war gods in the Elf Empire, and the legion he led is invincible on the battlefield.

Now, he has even more powerful personal force.

Not only does he have a super soul close to Legend 14, but he also has a truth battle body built by the Tree of Life at a huge cost.

This battle body is much stronger than the golden battle body, and the power contained in it is almost endless.

At this moment, Antalya looked at the fusion army formation opposite, and a scornful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"It's still the same old tactics, so wait for death."

He immediately contacted the leader of the giant dragon hovering in the clouds.

"General Ole, let's start!"

Ole, the commander of the new generation of truth dragons, is also one of the most powerful warriors of the dragon clan, with a soul of Legend 13.

Originally, he was already a very powerful golden dragon. After the master returned, he gave him the Seed of Truth, which upgraded him and his 10 golden dragons to Truth Dragons.

Compared with the golden dragons, the Truth Dragons have greatly improved their mana and body, which gives them almost incredible fighting power.

Yes, it is power, enough to rewrite the battle situation of the large army.


The distant dragon roar came again above the clouds.

Following that, a huge figure rushed out from the clouds.

The figure was dark gold in color, with a wingspan of more than 80 meters, and was surrounded by a golden mist like flames.

He swooped down from the sky at an incredible speed.

It broke through the clouds and split them in half, like a battle axe in the hands of a giant.

It passed through the air, causing the air to emit a deafening thunderous sound.

The thunder in the wilderness became an insignificant background.

At this moment, he fell into the fusion army below like a dark golden meteor.

What's even more terrifying is that there are not just one but ten meteors like this!

The power is so fierce that it pressed down from the sky.

Before the dragon arrived, the dragon spell crushed the army below like a divine punishment.

It was dark golden dragon flame.

It was stimulated from the rune halo in front of the dragon, turning nearly 80% of their legendary mana into a conical high-pressure jet flame.

After crossing a distance of more than 700 meters, this terrifying flame spread directly into a dark gold dragon flame of about 200 meters, crushing the ground fusion army.

The temperature of the dark gold dragon flame was extremely high, and the duration was also ridiculously long, reaching a full minute.

A dragon flame burned through the fusion army, and a 200-meter ash belt immediately appeared in the army.

Not to mention the fusion monster, even the earth was burned into boiling lava.

And similar lava ash belts appeared in the blink of an eye. 10, at least more than 5,000 fusion warriors were evaporated on the spot.

Such a blow was really terrible, and the damage it caused was almost three times more than that of the golden dragon.

The morale of the fusion army instantly dropped to the freezing point, and began to show signs of chaos and collapse.

And the morale of the elf army instantly rose to the peak.

Elf Marshal Antalya waved his hand and roared like thunder.

"Legion~~ Attack~~"

With this order, the elven legion on the ground began to charge forward, and the ordinary flying dragons hovering in the clouds also swooped down to attack.

These ordinary flying dragons are naturally far less powerful than the Truth Dragon, not even one-tenth of it.

But they win in numbers, with a total of 400.

For an alien legion with a large number of auxiliary spells, the three-kilometer distance is very short.

With a full-scale charge, it was crossed in a few minutes.

The flying dragons in the sky and the legions on the ground cooperated and rushed into the fusion legion to fight.

If it was a normal confrontation, the combat effectiveness of both sides was actually comparable. Because of the poison, the fusion legion could still have the upper hand.

But the morale of the fusion legion was almost collapsed, and the fusion warriors fought entirely on instinct.

One was attacking in formation, cooperating tacitly, and the other was hitting the turtle fist randomly, which caused the two legions, which were originally not much different in strength, to have an astonishing battle loss ratio.

For every ten fusion warriors killed, only one ordinary elf warrior will be lost.

And the dragon warriors had almost no casualties.

The battle started at 10 a.m. and lasted until 2 p.m., when there were no more fusion warriors standing in the wilderness.

Soon, the statistical war report was delivered to Marshal Antalya.

"We suffered 6,000 casualties and 1,600 deaths, the dragon clan was intact, and the souls of almost all the fallen warriors were successfully recovered."

"The enemy's 120,000 warriors were annihilated, and 87,000 warrior souls were captured."

Antalya laughed: "Not bad~~ Really good~~"

After the warrior souls are recovered, they will be infused into the tree of life, and the tree of life will regenerate their bodies.

At most three months, they can return to the battlefield again.

The souls of the 87,000 captured warriors will also be infused into the tree of life, and after some soul transformation, they will also be transformed into elf warriors.

Therefore, in this battle, the elf regiment not only defeated the opponent, but also gained a large number of new forces.

Before the master returned, such a near-perfect record was completely unimaginable.

Antalya looked up at the dragon of truth hovering in the sky, and a deep feeling flashed through his heart: "Today's elf army is definitely the most powerful army in the world!"

With such an invincible army, it is only a matter of time to destroy the Fusion Empire.

Antalya recalled the map of the Storm Continent, made a slight estimate in his mind, and came to a rough conclusion.

"Three legions, three fronts."

"At most half a year, the Fusion Empire should be completely destroyed, and by then, not only a large amount of war resources can be harvested, but also more than 300 million souls can be harvested."

These souls will not only be poured into the Tree of Life, but also into every big tree in the Endless Forest, so that all things have souls and become part of the Holy Elf Empire.

Therefore, this war of conquest of the Storm Continent did involve a lot of energy of the empire in the short term, but in the long run, it actually greatly increased the war potential of the empire.

Antalya thought of the mortal kingdom of the Wit Continent again, and a strong flame of battle ignited in his heart.

"Once we conquer the Storm Continent, we will conquer the Mortal Empire and let this world be bathed in the glory of our master once again!"

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