Start with Island Lord

Chapter 306 The Emperor's Nineteen Disciples (12)

The Light God Clan has a plane called the Light God Realm.

It is said that there are a lot of mortals in the Light Plane, more than 1.5 billion, which is equivalent to the Nawat Plane.

But among the 1.5 billion mortals, no more than 200 people can eventually become Light Saints.

This is enough to show that the Light Saints are geniuses among geniuses, and the most capable people in the entire plane.

Whether it is their personal talents or their talents in mana cultivation, they are the most top-notch existences in the plane.

Now, there are 19 such top talents in the plane.

In the underground secret room of Naya Manor, Rosen sat on the chair at the top, looking at the 18 saints brought back by Azuna one by one.

18 people, 12 men and 6 women, with an average soul strength of Legend 4, with high and low looks, but each of them has an outstanding temperament, and they are all very powerful people at first glance.

Lai Fu has also been quickly and continuously thinking about the ideas of each saint through the other party's soul fluctuations.

At this time, they basically have a conclusion.

Among the 18 people, 17 were determined to betray the Lord of Judgment.

But betraying the Lord of Judgment did not mean that they had to follow Rosen.

They were all arrogant and would not serve as slaves if there was a better choice.

At this moment, they all took a wait-and-see attitude.

Finally, there was one exception left.

But she was still determined to be loyal to the Lord of Judgment. She came here to gather information.

At the same time, the 18 saints were also looking at Rosen.

But of course they had no ability to see through Rosen's situation, not even the surface.

This was an extremely rare situation for them.

So, everyone was full of trepidation.

Rosen spoke.

He first looked at the saint who was going to be the insider.

She was a woman who looked to be in her twenties, with a very charming face and figure, and a pair of blue eyes like a pool of autumn water, rippling with light.

"Ms. Ge Liwen, since you have made up your mind to follow the Lord of Judgment, why did you follow Azuna to see me?"

Greewen's face always had a hint of natural charm, but her face froze when she heard this, and she immediately denied it.

"No, Your Majesty, I have decided to leave the Lord of Judgment."

Rosen smiled faintly: "Very good, then come here, kneel in front of me, and let me remove the Lord of Judgment's soul mark for you."

Greewen showed a hint of hesitation, but under the attention of the saints, she still did as she was told.

Rosen took out the Scepter of Nature and quickly removed her Judgment Mark, then asked: "Now that you are free, what choice will you make?"

Greven's eyes were a little complicated. She didn't dare to look Rosen in the eye and bowed her head and said: "I will firmly follow your majesty."

Rosen sighed lightly: "Your soul tells me that you still have your heart set on the Lord of Judgment. I don't know why, but I respect your choice."

"Azuna, we are doing a secret business, which cannot be easily leaked. Let's imprison her first."

"Yes, your majesty."

Azuna did it immediately.

Because of the learned forehead ornament, his power greatly exceeded that of Greven, and he also knew the methods of the Saint of Judgment very well, so he easily subdued her.

Greven was still unwilling to give up, and shouted: "No, your majesty, I am willing to follow you, please trust me!"

Rosen didn't speak, but another female saint came out of the crowd.

"Greven, stop lying, we all know your loyalty to Godfrey."

Gofrey is the name of the Lord of Judgment.

After saying this, the female saint took a few steps forward and knelt in front of Rosen: "Your Majesty, I, Sid, am willing to follow in your footsteps."

This female saint named Sid has beautiful features and smooth skin. She is a middle-aged beauty with great charm and elegance.

However, although she said she was willing to follow Rosen's footsteps, her inner thoughts were to regain her freedom with Rosen's hands and then take the opportunity to run away.

Everyone has their own ambitions, especially for such top figures. Forcing them to follow will only backfire.

So, Rosen said: "Ms. Sid, don't force yourself. I will remove the soul mark for you, but if you want to leave, then leave."

After that, without waiting for the other party to answer, he helped him remove the judgment mark.

Sid was shocked, raised his head and stared at Rosen: "Your Majesty, are you really willing to let me regain my freedom completely?"

Rosen smiled gently and looked at him frankly: "As long as you turn your back on the Lord of Judgment, you have weakened the power of the Light God Clan."

"If I force you to serve me again, what is the difference between me and the Light God Clan?"

"So, go, lady, pursue the freedom in your mind."

This is really very open, and as soon as this was said, the saints present had a very obvious improvement in their impression of Rosen.

And the reason why Rosen had the confidence to say these words was that even without the help of these saints, he could still defeat the Light God Clan.

In this case, there is naturally no need to leave a group of unwilling followers around.

Saint Sid was also shocked in his heart, but he did not get up and leave, but asked: "Your Majesty, are you really a mortal?"

"Of course I am a mortal."

"But your power is far greater than that of mortals."

"That's because I carry the crystallization of the magic wisdom of the Natural Empire."

Speaking of this, he looked up at the saints.

"The wisdom of a single mortal may indeed be inferior to that of a powerful void god or devil, but when the wisdom of countless mortals is gathered together, it can create an incredible power."

"With this great power, I have killed several demons head-on, and I have also confronted the so-called Lord of Truth, Dritan, and defeated him."

This surprised all the saints present.

The saints are very sensitive to the information of the Void God.

They know that Dritan is a powerful god, and they also know that he has returned to the Dritan plane.

Now, Dritan not only did not destroy the Natural Empire, but even allowed the other emperor to have spare power to assist Nawat, which is enough to show that the Natural Empire does have the power to fight against powerful gods.

Dretan is also very likely not the opponent of the Natural Emperor in front of him, and he is very likely to be seriously injured by him.

This emperor must also have terrible power, otherwise he would not dare to come to the Nawat plane alone.

Azuna had personally experienced Rosen's power and had long been determined to follow him. At this time, he said:

"Brothers and sisters, we may have some power and may have seen a lot of the world, but in this multi-dimensional world where the weak are the prey of the strong, our power is not enough to allow us to gain true freedom."

"Only the great ones who pursue justice and mercy can have a part of true freedom and dignity!"

"So, what are you hesitating about?!"

That's right.

Sid took a deep breath: "I am willing to follow in the footsteps of His Majesty."

This time, her mind was firm.

Rosen was also ready.

He once again raised his palm and used the elemental projection technique to condense a large string of erudite magic tools in front of all the saints, a total of ten.

"My magic weapon has 7 levels, and the colors of the soul gems on it correspond to the seven colors of red, orange, gold, green, blue, and purple."

"You are all talented battle mages, so I will give you the level 3 strength of the learned magic weapon at the beginning."

"Because the soul gem is gold, everyone who gets the magic weapon is also called the golden scholar."

"Its strength is legendary +3, soul amplification 300 times, and 6 times the high-level phase transfer ability within the plane."

He put the level 3 learned forehead ornament on Sid's head and drew a big pie at the same time.

"If it is level 7, it will be the purple gold scholar, which will have the effect of legendary +7, soul amplification 1500 times, and 18 times the high-level phase transfer ability."

The saints originally thought that the golden magic weapon was already very powerful.

Now hearing the performance of the purple gold magic weapon, everyone is dumbfounded, and can't believe that there is such a powerful magic weapon in the world.

This is simply turning mortals into gods!

They couldn't help but believe it, because Sid, who was awarded the golden magic weapon, had a dreamy expression on his face, and he had obviously felt the power of the magic weapon.

For a moment, all the saints were yearning.

Rosen felt it, and he shook a string of learned magic weapons in his hand, and the soul gems swayed left and right, showing dazzling fire.

"These magic weapons are the crystallization of the magic wisdom of the Natural Empire."

"If you make contributions to the empire, the empire also has a very strict promotion system to ensure that all contributions to the empire will not be in vain."

This so-called promotion system is what Rosen made up temporarily based on the promotion system of the mages in the Natural Empire.

He looked at Azuna: "Master Azuna, you have exceeded your mission and proved your loyalty and ability with your actions."

"According to the promotion system of the empire, I will promote you from the fourth-level Emerald Scholar to the fifth-level Azure Scholar."

As he said this, Rosen handed over the Azure Scholar's instrument: "Exchange it with your Emerald Scholar's instrument."

Azuna was overjoyed and immediately handed over his Scholar's instrument in exchange for a higher-level instrument.

After wearing it again, he reached the soul strength of Legend 10 and the soul amplification of 1000 times, and immediately felt that his strength became extremely strong.

This "performance" was seen by the saints of judgment, and each of them was excited.

The Lord of Judgment did not treat him so well. That guy was not fair at all. He was not seen for three days and two days. He was not comparable to the natural emperor who went to the battlefield in person.

Furthermore, they all knew that behind this emperor was a mortal empire of 600 million people, and this empire had such high achievements in magic, so the country must be very rich and prosperous, and its power must have reached an incredible level.

As mortals, joining such a great mortal empire, becoming one of them, and fighting side by side with other mortal mages, the sense of honor and achievement was far beyond the life of the Void God.

Even Greven, who firmly followed the Lord of Judgment, was obviously shaken in her heart.

In her eyes, the emperor's spirit, ability, and even financial resources far exceeded the Lord of Judgment Godfrey.

Greven found that she could not find the meaning of pursuing Godfrey.

So, the remaining saints chose to follow Rosen without hesitation, and they also received the golden erudite forehead ornament.

After +3 legendary levels, the strongest saint has reached legendary 11, and the weakest has reached legendary 6. The power has obviously increased a lot compared to the past, and all of this power belongs to them, without the gift of others.

This kind of independent power is completely different from the power of relying on others in the past.

Rosen clearly felt that after his operation, these saints became very determined to follow him.

It can be said that they all became disciples of him, the emperor.

Only Gliwen was left.

Regarding this saint, Rosen actually has a dispensable mentality.

But now that he has come, it would be a pity to let him go like this, so he plans to continue to use some tricks.

He stretched out his hand and said, "Everyone, please sit down and let's discuss our future plans."

After everyone sat down, Rosen looked at Greven with an indifferent attitude.

"Oh, by the way, Ms. Greven, I have to wrong you for a few days."

When it comes to her own fate, Grewen is of course very concerned: "How many days will I be wronged? And then, are you going to kill me?"

Rosen shook his head: "Kill you? Of course not."

He looked around at each disciple and said seriously:

"You are all the most outstanding mortals. There are more than a billion people in a plane, and there are less than 300 of them. You are the elite among the elite, and you are the masterpiece of the Creator."

"To destroy it simply is a huge blasphemy against the Creator."

"My natural empire respects life and has a large number of laws to protect the right to life. Even I, the emperor, have no right to deprive others of their lives at will."

"So, I only plan to restrict your freedom for a few days. After we defeat those hypocritical demons of light, you can go wherever you like."

These words made all the disciples feel very heartbroken. They felt that His Majesty the Emperor was really magnificent. They also felt that the distant natural empire was a mortal kingdom of God that made people feel extremely at ease. They couldn't help but feel a deep sense of joy in their hearts. Yearning.

Greven was very confused, because she found that she could not hate this opponent at all. Not only did she not hate him, she even felt a lot of respect.

There was no feeling in her heart either.

‘Master. It seems that he is no match for this mortal emperor. ’

This made her feel sad.

After all, she is not an ordinary person, but one of the most outstanding elites in the plane.

This kind of character will never accept death.

The negative emotions in my heart flashed quickly, and my thoughts changed.

‘Plop~’ he knelt on the ground: “Your Majesty, I realize my mistake, and I am willing to follow in your footsteps.”

Upon hearing this, Sid immediately said: "Humph~ He must be lying."

Azuna also reminded in a low voice: "Your Majesty, Greven is very flattering and may not be trustworthy."

Most of the other saints had similar thoughts and gave words of advice.

Grewen was extremely worried, not knowing what fate she was about to face.

At this time, Rosen smiled slightly.

"The Demon of Light is the best at disguise. It is understandable to be temporarily blinded by it."

"Now that Ms. Greven has corrected the mistake, come forward, put on this golden erudite magic weapon, and discuss the plan to eliminate the evil together."

Everyone has emotions and rationality.

Normally, when you reach the level of a saint, there is very little emotion and a lot of rationality.

But Rosen could see clearly that this Gretchen was an exception.

But she is still very emotional and even dominates her thinking.

This kind of person, as long as he treats her well, he will gain far more loyalty than other saints.

When his words reached Greven's ears, she breathed a sigh of relief.

She walked a few steps to Rosen, lowered her head, and allowed Rosen to put the magic weapon on her head.

The magic weapon took effect, and she immediately felt that her soul had become incredibly powerful. While shocked, she couldn't help but look up at Rosen.

But he saw this unfathomable emperor looking at him with gentle and encouraging eyes.

The two looked at each other, and Grewen felt as if a warm current flowed into her heart, washing away all the anxiety and confusion in her heart.

With just one glance, almost all of her feelings of dependence on her old master Godfrey were transferred to Rosen.

Unable to help herself, she grabbed Rosen's hand, kissed the back of his hand passionately, and swore excitedly in the language of her soul: "Your Majesty, I will never betray you, I am willing to do anything for you!"

Rosen raised his hand and touched her head, just like an elder comforting a naughty junior: "I believe in your loyalty. Now, go find a seat and sit down."

Grewen became more and more excited: "No, just let me sit at your feet and listen to your teachings."

This performance made other saints unhappy.

If you flatter the emperor like this, how will other people deal with it?

Sid said angrily: "Gliwen, why do you always do this?"

The other saints also frowned, feeling that Greven's display of loyalty was too much.

Rosen naturally knows how to coordinate the relationships among his subordinates.

He pointed to an empty seat and said solemnly: "Ms. Greven, I treat the personality of every saint equally. I regard you as a loyal comrade. Don't reduce yourself to a slave."

"Your Majesty, I am willing to do this."

Whispering under her breath, Greven obeyed Rosen's order very meekly.

Rosen knew as soon as he saw her appearance that this woman's transformation was extremely complete, and he was probably willing to do anything he asked her to do.

I thought to myself: 'This kind of personality is quite interesting. Let's have some fun with her when we have time. ’

As for now, of course, business matters.

After everyone sat down, Rosen began to get to the point: "The first step of the plan is to reveal the true face of the Demon of Light to the people of the Sky Republic in order to clarify the identity of its enemy."

"I need you to list all the crimes committed by the Saints of Light in the past, tell everything you know, write a book, publish it in a newspaper, and distribute it nationwide."

Since the Saints have completely defected, of course there will be no hesitation at this time.

Azuna took notes, and the other saints spoke one by one, revealing the evil deeds done by the Light Protoss in Nahuat.

While these former judgement saints were doing this, Godfrey, the Lord of Judgement, finally noticed the changes in the mortal world.

He was very panicked and immediately went to find the Lord of the Moon.

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