Start with Island Lord

Chapter 31 Target: Sturgeon Island

Early next morning.

A noble carriage with a maple leaf flag slowly left the Blue Whale Mansion.

In the carriage, Rosen and Selena sat side by side on one side, and Mrs. Agnet sat alone on the other side.

Rosen's expression was as calm as ever, but both women's cheeks were a little red and their eyes were twinkling.

The silence in the carriage continued, and there was a hint of embarrassment lingering in the air.


Mrs. Agnet coughed slightly, breaking the long silence.

"Since the Duke has banned trade between Paddlefish Island and Welland County, the bank deposit certificates of Dawn Bank are of little use to you."

"Go to my residence first, and I will exchange all your deposit certificates into cash and take them away."

Rosen had this in mind and immediately said: "Tutor, thank you very much for your help. I happen to have money too, so I will pay off your debt as well."

Mrs. Agnet shook her head.

"No, this is when you need money. I am also considered your elder, so this money can be regarded as my betrothal gift."

"To the outside world, it's my mentor's generosity to his apprentice. Even if the Duke knew it, he wouldn't say anything. After all, he needs my brother's support."

Rosen did not refuse, and once again promised: "Mentor, Selena and I will do our best to develop Paddlefish Island. If you need our strength in the future, just ask, and we will try our best to help."

Selena also nodded in agreement: "That's right."

Mrs. Agnet smiled and shook her head: "Rosen, don't praise Haikou."

"Selena doesn't know about Paddlefish Island, but I do. After all, there is only a shallow strait between Paddlefish Island and Shire County."

"The total residents of Paddlefish Island are less than 30,000, and there are a lot of troubles. It is very difficult to live a good life. There is no need to set too high goals for yourself."

"Rosen, don't refute me. It's not that I don't believe in your abilities, but I don't want Selena to suffer with you. Do you understand?"

Rosen immediately promised: "Teacher, I will never let His Highness suffer."

"I do believe that."

Mrs. Agnet nodded happily: "Selena may be lacking materially if she follows you, but you are both mages, and you will never be lonely mentally. Your body is also strong enough, and you can easily make her happy. woman.”

When Selena heard this, her cheeks turned red with embarrassment. She complained in a voice so low that it was almost inaudible: "Ana, Rosen's body is so strong, I almost fainted last night~"

Mrs. Agnet heard clearly and said with a smile: "Just be content. How many girls want to faint but don't have a chance."

After a while, the carriage arrived at the noble area.

At the Blue Manor, Mrs. Agnet exchanged more than 20,000 bank deposit certificates into thousands of ordinary gold coins, plus dozens of Austrian gold coins specially used for large settlements, which just filled a suitcase.

Immediately afterwards, the carriage drove the three people to the Great Temple of St. Willan in the temple area.

In the temple, the chief priest Riley personally presided over the formal wedding of Rosen and Selena.

It is worth mentioning that the chief priest was originally reluctant.

He didn't want to offend the Duke, but Selena threatened to bring out his little boy, forcing him to compromise.

After the simple wedding, the carriage drove all the way out of the north gate of the city.

According to the route plan, Rosen and Selena will go all the way north along the spacious galloping road between counties and cities.

On the way, they passed through Hongyuan County, arrived at Shire County, and then headed to Xialin City, the capital of Shire County.

Departing from Xialin Ruijin Pier, take a boat across the Fengxi Strait and finally arrive at Paddlefish Island.

Among them, the land route is about 500 kilometers and the sea route is more than 60 kilometers. At normal speed, the journey takes about half a month.

Not long after the carriage drove through the suburbs, they saw a hotel on the roadside ahead. The door number of the hotel was made into the shape of a cat. It was the Wild Cat Hotel for travelers to rest.

A rather high-end four-wheel traveling carriage was parked in the open space in front of the hotel.

The carriage was loaded with luggage, and there were two people sitting on the driver's seat, one on the left and one on the right.

Rosen immediately said: "Teacher, in front of you is the traveling carriage I bought on credit. On the seat are my attendants, whom you also know. One is named Aaliya and the other is Stonard."

Of course Mrs. Agnet knows her.

In fact, she also watched the two attendants grow up. When they first met, they were just like Rosen, immature kids. She was only 18 years old at the time, and was one of the youngest senior mages on Weiland Island.

Mrs. Agnet couldn't help but feel a little sad when she thought that the little kid she once was had grown up, but her years were passing away.

But this sadness was soon replaced by a secret expectation.

She quietly reached into her pocket and tightly held an old parchment scroll.

This was the practice advice that Sage Levin quietly gave her. She tried it carefully last night and found that her long-stagnant magic power had improved again.

"It is said that sages can discern the secrets of the magic circle. Now it seems that it is indeed true!"

"I also hope that I can get the blessing of Mother Nature and successfully break through to the realm of the Fourth Ring Master before the age of 30."

Breaking through to the realm of a master, one's strength and status will be greatly increased, while the body's aging rate will be greatly reduced, resulting in a significant extension of natural lifespan, extending youth by at least 30 years.

Of course, it is useless to rely on fantasy. You must move forward step by step.

Mrs. Agnet quickly recovered and said with a smile: "This carriage looks not cheap. It seems that you have been prepared for it."

"It was a temporary replacement. The original one was much smaller and worse than this one. Fortunately, I successfully became the victorious chess king."

Mrs. Agnet nodded: "It seems that Serena will not be too short of material things if she follows you, and I am completely relieved."

After a pause, he said: "The Winter Veil Festival will be in a few months, and I will return to Shire County at that time. I will stop by to visit you then."

It only takes a few hours to get from Broken Gold Wharf to Sturgeon Island by boat.

Serena was very happy: "Anna, I am looking forward to it now~"

Before getting off the car, Mrs. Agnet gave Serena another hug, looked at Rosen again, hesitated, and finally gave him a hug as well.

Rosen hugged back hard and whispered sincerely to thank him.

"Teacher, I will always remember everything you did to rescue me!"

Last night, the more than a thousand mages who stood up to support them did not appear in the Garden Square out of thin air.

That was all persuaded by Mrs. Agnet using her influence in the magic world.

Mrs. Agnet's eyes moved, she glanced at Rosen's profile, and whispered: "Rosen, I guess you are actually stronger than everyone thinks, right?"

She continued to whisper without waiting for Rosen to answer.

"You must be curious about how I know."

"In fact, I have no evidence, I just have a simple feeling."

"I don't believe that a young man who can suppress Sarath with only spellcasting skills, who is regarded as a close friend by the sage, is just a low-level mage."

"So I am very curious, how far have you practiced?"

Rosen felt that the hug time was almost up, so he let go of the mentor: "Teacher, I really only have low-level mid-term mana."

"It's because my mana practice has not been improved that I have to improve my combat ability through spellcasting skills. After all, my white sturgeon island is not peaceful."

Selena heard this and immediately endorsed Rosen: "Anna, I once had the same doubt as you, but believe me, Rosen's mana cultivation is really low."

Mrs. Agnet had a noncommittal expression on her face.

She tilted her head slightly, and her clear violet eyes looked into Rosen's eyes without blinking.

Rosen felt a little uneasy when she looked at him, but fortunately he was very determined and didn't worry about this level of temptation at all, so he looked at her calmly.

After a few seconds, Mrs. Agnet pursed her lips and smiled lightly: "Okay, I believe it."

Rosen knew that she still didn't believe it, but she didn't have any evidence, so it didn't matter.

Mrs. Agnet didn't continue to pester her. She got on the carriage again and gave serious instructions before leaving.

"Don't forget to visit my brother when you pass through Shire County. Although we can't trade on the surface, we can always provide you with some help in secret."

"I will, mentor."

After watching the mentor's carriage leave, Rosen took Selena's arm and walked slowly towards the travel carriage.

Alia and Stonard immediately came up to him, calling him "Master" and "Madam".

Rosen smiled and nodded in response, and then earnestly instructed: "Shitou, Ellie, this is my wife, Princess Selena."

"From today on, you must respect Madam as much as you respect me, and trust Madam as much as you trust me."

"You must also execute Madam's orders without hesitation."

Hearing this, Stonard immediately asked seriously: "Master, what if you and Madam have a disagreement and issue completely opposite orders to us?"


Selena was amused, and then turned to look at Rosen to see how he would solve this problem.

Rosen coughed lightly and said seriously: "This situation does exist objectively, but I will try my best to avoid it."

"But if it really happens, then you should remain neutral, don't execute anyone's orders, and wait patiently for Madam and I to reach a consensus."

Stonard immediately asked: "What if we can't reach a consensus?"

He is worthy of being a mage taught by Rosen himself. His thinking is very rigorous and he will not stop until he asks clearly.

Rosen also answered rigorously: "Then always remain neutral."

"Understood, sir."

Selena is also a mage, and she likes this clear attitude the most, rather than vague and roundabout words. She is very satisfied with this result.

Rosen talked about business again: "The three talents we recruited are now in the hotel, right?"

"Yes, sir, they are all waiting for you in the hotel."

Rosen took Selena's arm and walked towards the hotel, and explained the situation to her briefly with his mind whispering.

He finally said: "I haven't been back to the White Sturgeon Island for ten years. I was only a 10-year-old child when I left. Now my father died unexpectedly, which resulted in me knowing almost nothing about the latest situation of the White Sturgeon Island."

In the past, his father would write a letter to him every month, roughly introducing the situation at home and in the territory, but now it has been more than two months.

"So, if we want to truly control the White Sturgeon Island, we must have a group of trustworthy and capable people around us."

"I think these three are good, but I need Madam to help me check the details."

Selena was very happy and felt respected by her husband. In this regard, her brother was a complete bastard.

So, she nodded and smiled: "I have to take a closer look."

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