Start with Island Lord

Chapter 313 Battle of the Night (22)

It was midnight.

The thick clouds in the sky completely obscured the moon, and most of the residents of Youlai City fell asleep. The street lights became the biggest source of light in the dark night.

"General, are we setting off?"

In the inner city of Youlai, in a military camp less than 4 kilometers away from Naya Manor, the adjutant asked in a low voice.

The commander of the military camp was General Martin Lisbon.

He was about 45 or 46 years old, tall and strong, with brown hair, but his temples were slightly gray.

At this moment, he looked at his adjutant and whispered, "Is everything ready?"

"Everything is ready. From the action to the aftermath, all the necessary materials are over-prepared, and even enough body bags are prepared."

Lisbon asked again, "Do the soldiers know their mission?"

"The soldiers are about to eliminate a group of corrupted councilors who have been bewitched by the dark demons of the outer plane, and the leader of this group of corrupted councilors is Naya."

"This is all the information the soldiers know, nothing more."

Lisbon nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, then let's get started!"

The straight-line distance of 4 kilometers, more than 3,000 elite sky warriors, can be crossed in a maximum of 5 minutes.

After arriving at the destination, they will send Naya's manor and all the stubborn councilors hiding in it to hell in less than 10 minutes.

Then, all the corpses will be cleaned up, all the blood will be washed away, and even the damaged houses will be simply repaired.

When the sun rises the next day, everything will be exactly the same as usual, and the light missionaries will appear on the streets again.

The Light God Clan will enter the Republic of the Sky, and any voice against the Light God Clan will be drowned in the endless glory of God.

Following the general's order, 3,000 soldiers took up their weapons, quietly left the barracks, and began to march to their destination.

They were worthy of the title of elite, and the speed of the march was fast and quiet, like a leopard running wildly in the dark, and even the dogs on the street were not alarmed.

Everything went well in the first three kilometers.

But when they approached the last 1,000 meters of Naya Manor, an accident occurred.

‘Tu Tu Tu Tu~~Tu Tu Tu Tu~~~’

I don’t know when there were many fortifications on the street, and many soldiers were stationed behind the fortifications.

The weapons of these soldiers actually emitted blue fire that was very different from the Nahuat muskets, and the sound was completely different.

The group of soldiers who rushed to the front were hit one after another without being careful.

They rolled to the ground without a word, and their movements were uniform, just like wheat being harvested in a wheat field.

The soldiers behind were startled and immediately retreated into the darkness and hid.

"Hide~~Hide~Find a place to hide!"

"There is an ambush ahead, and the firepower is very fierce!"

"Mage, hurry up and see what's going on!"

After a little chaos, the elite sky warriors quickly stabilized their positions, and the detection mages also figured out the situation ahead.

"Report to the commander, the block ahead has been blocked by an army of about a thousand people."

"They blocked all the roads leading to Naya Manor and carried very sophisticated firearms. Our soldiers' armor has no defensive effect at all."

The commander on the front line immediately contacted General Lisbon in the rear and informed him of the abnormal situation.

Lisbon was slightly surprised and immediately asked: "Have you figured out whose soldiers they are?"

"I figured it out. Looking at the army number, it should be the city guards of Thousand Captain Armonk."

Thousand Captain Armonk is not a well-known name. The city guards he led are far less powerful than the elite in the inner city, not to mention that their number is only one-third of theirs.

General Lisbon immediately said, "Pull them out!"

"Yes, General!"

In the dark night, the two armies began to exchange fierce fire on the streets of the inner city of Youlai.

'Bang bang bang~~~' is the sound of the Nahuat musket.

'Tu Tu Tu Tu~~~' is an unknown weapon with blue fire.

'Boom~~Boom~~~' is a flying strange weapon, belonging to the legion of the thousand-man commander Armonk, with amazing power.


This is the spell of the elite sky battle mage, who desperately attacked Armonk's soldiers.

The night is very dark, and the effect of the spell attack cannot be seen clearly, but every battle mage feels that the battle spells that used to be very useful are not so useful tonight for some reason.

The performance is also very intuitive. They clearly released a large number of attack spells, but the opponent's attack frequency has hardly changed.

It seems that they are throwing gorgeous tricks instead of powerful battle spells.

But no matter what, the three-to-one military strength temporarily covered up the difference in casualties between the two sides.

The two sides were still very fierce, and for a while, no one was able to tell who was better.

In the void, the Moon Lord Sha'er approached the mortal world a little to observe the fighting situation of the army at close range.

After watching for a while, she found that the situation was very wrong.

"The casualties of the elite sky warriors were far higher than those of the opponents, reaching an astonishing twenty to one!"

It took 20 elite sky warriors to kill one Armonk warrior.

It can also be seen that as the casualties increased, the combat effectiveness of the elite sky warriors became weaker and weaker, and the casualty ratio became higher and higher.

It was only a matter of time before they were finally defeated.

Once the Sky Guards were defeated and the Armonk warriors returned to defend Naya Manor, the raid plan tonight would fail.

Sha'er immediately said: "Light Assassins, rush into Naya Manor now!"

36 Light Saints turned into streams of light, and took advantage of the chaotic time of the two armies' exchange of fire, relying on the power of legendary strongmen, began to forcefully break through the defense line formed by the Armonk warriors.

However, Sha'er underestimated the attack power of the Armonk warriors again.

These guys have amazing defense power, and the attack power of the things with blue fire in their hands is even more amazing.

The first wave of Light Saints tried to break through, but immediately paid the result of three deaths and one serious injury, and the remaining saints immediately gave up the idea of ​​breaking through.

Full Moon Warrior Adali immediately reported the battle situation to Sha'er.

"Master, the opponent's attack is too terrible, breaking the law and armor, and it is numerous and accurate. The strength of a single attack is above Legend 5, and our defensive magic weapon can't stop it at all."

If he hadn't retreated quickly just now, he would have fallen to the ground and bleed.

As soon as the voice fell, there was a sharp whistle of "whoosh~~~", and a light and shadow flew towards Adali's hiding place at a high speed.

Adali had seen the great power of this thing, and immediately shouted: "Hide!"

He immediately used a displacement spell of flowing light and phantom, and his body turned into a white cold light, and quickly moved away from the hiding place.


There was a violent vibration behind him, and a wave of air mixed with soil and metal fragments hit Adali's back violently, knocking Adali directly out more than 20 meters, and "bang" hit a stone wall.

Adali felt a sharp pain in his back, and the whole person was almost falling apart, but he didn't dare to stay, and immediately turned over and hid in a remote alley.

After hiding, he immediately checked the damage and found that all his defensive magic tools were scrapped. The shining divine iron chain mail he was wearing was inlaid with many sharp metal fragments, some of which were deeply embedded in the gaps of the chain mail and pierced his skin.

Looking at his previous hiding place, two of the four saints of light died on the spot, and the other two were also seriously injured, spitting blood, and it seemed that they would not live long.

He felt chilled and could not help shouting: "Master, the defenders are too strong, there is no way to fight!"

Sha'er saw it of course, watching the saints she had carefully trained being killed by a group of soldiers.

Her heart was bleeding, and at the same time, a blazing anger emerged.

"We can fight! I will lead the way, and you will charge behind!"

At the same time, he contacted the Lord of Judgment Godfrey: "What are you hesitating about? Follow me to lead the way!"

"Yes, Sha'er!"

Gofrey immediately rushed out of his hiding place.

Two void gods, a powerful 12th-level god, and a 9th-level god, approached the tenth magic ring of the mortal world together.

With their own great power, the two forced the already fragile magic ring of the mortal world to be highly deformed.

The magic ring vibrated violently, greatly affecting the souls of mortals.

For a moment, the warriors of both sides who were fighting fiercely in the mortal world had to temporarily cease fire because of the violent shock of their souls.

"Take advantage of now!"

Shaer shouted.

The masters personally charged forward, and Adali naturally rushed forward with all his strength.

He took the remaining 28 saints of light, seized the opportunity to pass through the fortifications built by the Armonk warriors, and rushed to the Naya Manor a thousand meters away at the fastest speed.

At the same time, groups of hidden darkness also surged rapidly, hiding in the shadows reflected by the magic light inspired by the saints of light, silently and lightning-fast following the saints of light.

For the legendary strong, a distance of one thousand meters is almost the same as what is in front of them.

With a sprint, the saints of light rushed to the outside of the wall of Naya Manor.

Shar shouted: "Quick, hurry up and kill everyone in the manor!"

Killing all the most prestigious and toughest members of the Sky Republic will make the republic's staunch fighters lose their backbone, and they will be divided, disintegrated, and eliminated one by one.

But as soon as the voice fell, a huge light golden defense barrier suddenly appeared on the main building of the manor.

This barrier is extremely thick, more than one meter thick at a glance.

It is also extremely condensed, showing a crystal texture similar to that of a solid crystal.

At the same time, in the yard in front of the main building of the manor, a tall figure slowly emerged.

It was Rosen.

And he was alone.

He looked at the 29 saints of light who rushed into the manor and laughed.

"A group of hypocrites who claim to be bright finally revealed their demonic nature!"

When Shar saw Rosen, she immediately said: "It's him, the emperor of the Natural Empire!"

"Everyone, kill him at all costs!"

I thought the other party would hide carefully, so I only regarded him as the second target, but I didn't expect that the other party would actually charge forward, so of course I would treat him as the primary target to eliminate him.

Because as long as this man is killed, with the power of the Sky Republic, it is no match for the Light God Clan.

Adali led the charge without hesitation.

He is a warrior, and his weapons are two scimitars. At this time, the scimitars are flowing at high speed with him, turning into a moonlight.

This moonlight followed Adali's charge and rushed towards Rosen at a high speed.

This attack has a name, called "Moon God's Gaze", the intensity is focused to Legend 15, and the scale is even more astonishingly huge.

Not to mention mortals, even ordinary void demons will die on the spot after being hit by this attack.

At the same time, the other saints of light also took action.

There are 10 Moon Saints, half of whom are Full Moon Warriors, charging with Adali.

The other half are Moon Mages, who summon the Moon Fire.

There are 15 Flame Saints, most of whom are Mages, and they used the single Flame Curse on Rosen at this time.

Finally, there are 4 Sun Saints.

Together, they used the spell "Wrath of the Sun" on Rosen.

At this moment, every Saint used all his strength.

In the void, Shar was not idle either, and saw Rosen's soul connection point at the eleventh ring.

Condensing a long-handled soul moon blade, she stabbed it with all her strength.

Facing this famous and powerful mortal emperor, she did not dare to hold back any strength.

She also believed that with the joint attack of everyone, not to mention a mortal, even Atumen of Legend 14 would have to retreat.

But the next moment, Rosen actually broke the ring connection and avoided Shar's attack.

At the same time, he gently waved the staff in his hand, and actually summoned a magnificent force.

From Shar's perspective, the power of the Saints of Light crashed into Rosen like a raging tide.

But after Rosen waved his hand, this 'raging tide' was like crashing into a reef on the seashore, and rolled back directly.

Among them, Adali rushed the hardest, so he crashed harder.

He flew back along the original path, hit the ground hard, and smashed the floor tiles with a 'crash' sound. He continued to retreat in the mud.

So, his body was like an iron plow, pulling a five or six meter long gully in the mud.

Then, he lay in the mud without moving, and no one knew whether he was dead or alive.

Looking at the other 28 Saints of Light, some flew backwards, some fainted, and no one stood up.

Shar's eyes suddenly widened: 'How is it possible! '

A total of 29 Saints of Light attacked together, and the attack that broke out in an instant was so fierce that even she didn't dare to face it head-on.

Now, it was repelled by this mortal emperor with a casual wave of his hand!

How did he do this?

Is he still a mortal? !

But Shar was not disappointed yet, because she still had a special force hidden in the darkness.

But after waiting for a second, her hope was shattered.

Because she saw those traitorous saints of Godfrey.

19 saints of judgment, all present.

They surrounded the body of the Natural Emperor and constructed a spell barrier of extremely amazing strength.

At a glance, Shar knew that even she would have to spend some effort to break it, which must be enough to resist the attack of the Night Knight.

Maybe it won't be able to stop for long, but judging from the terrible means that the Natural Emperor had shown before, as long as it was delayed for a moment, the Night Knight would immediately repeat the fate of the Saint of Light.

So, the raid plan has failed!

For a moment, Shar was a little lost.

But she was a huge god after all, and she came back to her senses after a moment.

'The opponent's strength is far beyond imagination, and the void is not safe either. I have to leave quickly! ’

She felt a strong sense of crisis in her heart, and had a premonition that if she didn't escape immediately, she would be killed by the opponent.

Although she was very sad about the loss of the Saint of Light, she couldn't save herself and didn't care about saving the saint.

She turned away from the eleven magic rings.

But as soon as she moved, she found something wrong.

There was a strange force dragging her body.

It felt like diving into a dense ball of chaotic power.

The resistance to moving forward was very large, and the faster the speed, the greater the resistance felt.

"What's going on?"

Sha'er was confused for a moment, and then she understood: 'No, the eleven magic rings are going to converge! '

The eleven magic rings in the mortal world are scattered and incomplete, so the void gods and demons can enter and exit freely.

But now, I don't know what method Rosen used to fill the eleven magic rings!

Once the magic rings converge, she will be completely trapped, and with the opponent's means, she will definitely die!

Sha'er sprinted towards the sky void with all her strength.

The resistance was getting bigger and bigger, and her speed was getting slower and slower.

She could also feel that the void above her head was getting more and more blurred, as if a cloud of fog was gathering.


Sha'er screamed with all her strength, using all her strength, and her speed increased.

If she continued to struggle so fiercely, she might really be rushed out.

Rosen's mind moved: 'Gofrey! '

At some point, Godfrey, the Lord of Judgment, had escaped from the eleven rings, and this time he was watching Sha'er struggling to escape in the void outside the ring.

He looked at Sha'er and shouted: "Don't panic, I'll help you!"

Sha'er also saw him, and her mind relaxed. The desperate lone wolf-like fierceness suddenly faded a lot, and her explosive power also weakened a lot.

She shouted: "Help me!"

Gofrey stretched out his hand to her.

Sha'er was delighted and reached out to grab Godfrey's hand.

Just as he was about to catch her, Godfrey suddenly swung his arm, dodged Shar's hand, and slapped Shar's face hard, and pushed her down with all his strength!

Godfrey's soul size was less than one-fifteenth of Shar's. Under normal circumstances, this blow would be no more than a tickle.

But at this moment, most of Shar's strength was used to fight against the restraint of the eleventh ring, and she was already at the end of her strength.

She thought she had the help of her allies, and her desperate spirit was suddenly dissipated, but what she got was betrayal!

This made her fall into the abyss.

'Crack, crack, crack~'

The eleventh ring was completely restrained.


Shar hit the eleventh ring wall, causing bursts of light to emit from the ring wall, but she was also knocked back by the huge force, falling from the sky like an angel with broken wings.

"Godfrey, you traitor!"

Shar screamed hysterically, wishing she could eat this bastard alive!

Outside the eleventh ring wall, Godfrey looked at the trapped Shar, with a very complicated expression on his face.

"Shar, I'm sorry, but I have to do this."

"Hahaha~ I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, but when I think of you having this day, I really want to laugh."

"Hahahaha, just wait to be tortured by the master, hahahaha~"

Godfrey laughed more and more crazily.

mortal world.

After successfully catching the Moon Lord Shar, Rosen turned his head and looked into the darkness ahead, and said loudly:

"Dark Knights of Alamanni, I have discovered you."

"I do not want to enmity with the great Lord of the Night, but I am not afraid to do so."

"So, if you want to fight, then fight!"

"If you want to retreat, I will let you leave!"

In the dark night, the gathering black shadows stagnated for a while, and then an old female voice came out.

"Since your Excellency has mastered the power of freezing the ring, and is willing to let go of my saints, then our past feud will be completely ended."

Following these words, the black shadow quickly retreated.

After a while, phase shift fluctuations came from the outskirts of the city.

No more, no less, exactly 10.

The Night Knight team left very simply.

Rosen breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at the Saint of Light in the manor garden.

"Eruditions, disarm them and arrest them all!"

The golden scholars all looked at Rosen with great reverence and carried out Rosen's orders meticulously.

Soon, Rosen had 29 more legendary prisoners.

He finally looked at Sha'er, who was trapped in the eleven magic rings.

I was half happy and half worried: ‘I caught it, but the fish is a bit big. ’

The precise soul strength of Shar is 12.2, and the soul size is 15.8 times that of Godfrey.

Rosen was relatively calm in restraining Godfrey.

It was a bit laborious to restrain Shar. Without the assistance of the Eternal Heart, he couldn't do it at all.

For him now, this fish in the net is too big and very powerful.

It's not difficult to kill, but it takes a lot of effort to catch it alive. If you don't do it well, you'll have to be slapped in the face by the fish's tail.

It's not fun to get slapped on such a big fish.

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