Start with Island Lord

Chapter 317: Compass Shrouded in Endless Mist (22)

Natural empire, northern polar continent.


A fusion nuclear explosion occurred deep underground. The yield was about 500,000 tons of TNT, and the scale was a full 40 times larger than the previous one.

The reason why this thing is used is because there is a deuterium extraction factory in the empire and the deuterium production is large.

The second reason is that this thing is cleaner and more powerful than fission bombs.

After the explosion, Rosen waited for a while and then checked the artifact furnace.

Nothing came of it.

Bad luck, the first synthesis failed.

what to do?

Of course, continue to explode.



‘Buzz! ’


This time, the goddess of luck was not on Rosen's side. It was only when he exploded the fifth fusion nuclear bomb in a row that he started to get lucky.

After the sixth fusion nuclear bomb exploded, Rosen opened the artifact furnace and took a look. Oh my god, there was a three-meter-long and thigh-thick tree branch of life lying directly inside.

No, this should be called the tree trunk of life.

After testing the performance, I found that the quality of the tree trunks is also very good, obviously better than those made by fission nuclear bombs.

It’s just that it’s too big and inconvenient to use.

‘We need to change the structure of the artifact furnace and make the finished product smaller. ’

As for this tree trunk of life, it will be given to Cavendi Laboratory for use.

After the transformation was completed, Rosen continued to build the branches of life.

Five more fusion bombs were exploded, exploding all the fusion bombs brought this time.

Luck also began to explode, and 9 branches of life were directly created, all of which were of very good quality.

After doing the calculations, I found that the total cost was 6 million Oggs, which means that the average life branch costs 600,000 Oggs.

‘This method of creating artifacts is too inefficient, wastes energy, and has low controllability. ’

‘We have to develop a better artifact furnace. ’

This matter has been put on the agenda in the Natural Empire, but it is very difficult and I don’t know when it will actually be done.

Carrying a trunk of life and nine branches of life, Rosen returned to Swansea Castle.

The best quality one is of course for your own use.

The remaining 9 pieces were distributed by Rosen to the domestic cutting-edge magic laboratories.

One was given to Cavendi Laboratory, one was given to Bell Labs, one was given to High Energy Spells Laboratory, and one was given to Potions Laboratory. In short, they were distributed everywhere.

There is no fixed user of the artifact. For any experimental project that needs it, the project leader will write an application.

If you pass the evaluation, you will get the temporary right to use the artifact.

The first branch of life, also the one with the worst quality, was taken out and exchanged with Adela.

The last time Adela left, the two agreed on their contact information.

Therefore, after all preparations were completed, Rosen took the branch of life and directly performed a plane transfer according to the plane coordinates given by Adela.

After the transfer was completed, he came to Adela's life plane.

To be more precise, he came to an uninhabited island in the plane of life.

After waiting patiently for 3 hours, waiting for the vibration of his soul to return to calm, and to be able to phase shift again, he then arranged a contact magic weapon on the ground as agreed, and then activated it.

Less than half an hour later, he felt a slight vibration in the magic ring, and a strange group of light appeared out of thin air under the big tree not far ahead.

Rosen was fully prepared before walking into the light group.

After passing through the light group, the light and shadow mutate.

The deserted island turned into a gorgeous palace, and on the throne of the palace, sat a charming woman in a blue-white off-shoulder, low-cut dress, who was none other than Adela, the goddess of life.

She looked down at Rosen and said with a smile: "Compared to the last time we met, you have become stronger."

This is natural.

Because Rosen is constantly optimizing his body and improving the performance of the Supreme Crown.

Whenever the empire has any new research results, as long as they can be used, he can use them immediately.

As a result, his soul strength now reached 15.1, and the gap between his soul size and Adela's was much smaller.

He didn't bother to talk much, so he took out the branch of life and handed it over: "I brought the things, what about you?"

Adela raised her hand and took out the Endless Compass.

This thing looks like a circular plate with a diameter of 20 centimeters and a thickness of two centimeters. It is silvery white in color, with a faint platinum glow surging on the surface.

Rosen glanced at it intently, and suddenly felt a little disappointed: "It turns out to be a first-order artifact."

Adela raised her eyebrows: "Ha~~His Majesty the Emperor actually picked it up?"

Rosen didn't hide it either: "I got news that Atumen plans to use a second-level attack artifact against me."

Adela understood, but there was a hint of helplessness on her face: "I know about the Nirvana Sword. I also know that there are only three second-level artifacts outside the abyss."

"One is the Nirvana Sword, the other is called the Rainbow Battle Axe, and the last one is called the Divine Fall."

"Among them, God's Death is the most mysterious. No one knows what this thing is, but seven void gods have died on it, six powerful gods and one great god."

Rosen frowned: "Since you know about the Nirvana Magical Artifact and you came here to remind me earlier, why didn't you tell me?"

"Because the power you showed earlier is not worthy of Atumen using the Sword of Annihilation. In addition, Atumen is not in the Nahuatl plane, is it?"

This is also true.

Rosen handed over the Branch of Life and took back the Infinite Compass: "Can you tell me who owns these three second-order artifacts?"

"Of course, it's not a huge secret."

"The first two belong to Gaumiral. The last one belongs to the witch Palomenas. This is why Gaumiral is afraid of the witch."

"Do you understand the attack method of the Nirvana Sword?"

Adela spread her hands: "Sorry, I don't know this. I'm afraid no one knows, because everyone who knows is dead."

Rosen knew everything in his mind and asked all the questions he needed to ask, so he got back to the point.

"Then what does this endless compass do?"

Adela smiled and said: "Sorry, I still don't know."


This answer was far from satisfying Rosen, and it even made him feel that Adela was perfunctory with him.

"You are the holder of the artifact, how could you not know?"

Adela showed a hint of embarrassment: "Let me tell you the truth, I snatched this artifact from the Lost Plane. I have been studying it for 50 years and still haven't figured out its purpose."

"The reason why I call it the Endless Compass is that it is shrouded in endless fog and cannot see its true nature at all."

Rosen turned the Endless Compass over and over, and tried pouring mana into it. There was no abnormal reaction, just like an ordinary stone.

"It's such a random name. I thought this thing was really, really powerful."

He felt very cheated, but he respected the contract the most.

Since the other party strictly abides by the contract, he has nothing to say.

Put away the Endless Compass carefully: "Then I will take it back and study it carefully."

After that, Rosen was ready to leave.


Adela stopped him.

She stood up and walked towards Rosen: "I heard that you have mastered the ability to control the magic ring?"

Rosen responded vaguely: "There has been some exploration in this area, and indeed some insignificant results have been achieved."

Adela shook her head: "This is not an insignificant result. This is a great result and a necessary result."

"Because this is an ability that must be mastered to enter the star realm, or even enter the abyss."

"Currently, no one has this ability except what you think."

She walked up to Rosen, walked around him, and finally approached him from behind, reached into his ear, and whispered: "The abyss will not always be sealed, because the beings in the abyss always want to come out. , sooner or later they will find a way to open the abyss."

Rosen raised the level of vigilance in "Heart of the God of War" to the highest level: "I have expected this for a long time, and I am also doing my best to promote relevant research."

Adela sniffed behind Rosen's ear and chuckled: "I smelled Shar's breath. It seems that you have tasted her taste. Isn't it much better than a mortal woman?"

Rosen shrugged: "Each has its own beauty."

Ectoplasm is more lively than elements, so the stimulation intensity is higher after all. It is very exciting anyway.

"Haha~~What a romantic emperor."

Adela turned to the front of Rosen, with her back to him, and walked back to the palace throne with a slender waist: "Go back, but don't forget the trip to the Lost Plane three years later."

"Of course I won't forget it."

Rosen's eyes circled around Adela's back: "Then, I'll take my leave first."

He exited the magic circle, immediately activated the phase transfer, and headed straight to the high-energy magic laboratory with the endless compass.

On the other side, Adela watched Rosen leave, but did not leave immediately, but waited patiently.

Ten minutes later, a figure appeared in this empty and gorgeous palace.

At first, the figure was wrapped in a purple mist. When he took a few steps forward, the mist dissipated, revealing a woman with a strange shape.

The woman wore a pointed wide-brimmed hat, a ferocious fang mask on her face, a gray cotton open-breasted robe, tight-fitting shiny black leather armor, and a pair of high-heeled leather boots.

She walked in a graceful catwalk, and the soles of her high heels tapped lightly on the palace floor, making a crisp sound of 'click~click~click'.

"Is this the great mortal you are talking about?"

The voice is gentle and gentle, like a cat coquettishly.

Adela nodded: "From a mortal perspective, isn't he great enough?"

The strange woman shrugged slightly: "That's right. But you really like to meddle in other people's business. I was going to tease him, but you insisted on stopping me."

"He is very busy and has no time to play with you."

"Of course, I know this won't convince you. My real reason is that if you really want to kill Gaumiral, then he will be your biggest helper."

The woman spread her hands and said, "What a heart-warming reason. Well, I'll just leave him alone and do his business."

"But if I get caught with some free time, I'm going to have some fun."

Adela sighed: "The door of the abyss is about to open again, do you still have time to play around?"

But the woman had turned around and left, waving to Adela as she walked: "You and I are different."

"You like to plan everything, and you wish you could wait until a hundred years later."

"But how can I, a mere mortal, account for everything?"

"It's better to enjoy yourself now, lest you meet your destined death one day and never enjoy a single happy day."

Having said this, she waved goodbye to Adela, and a purple mist surged around her body and disappeared immediately.

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