Start with Island Lord

Chapter 323 Elves are also mortals (22)

Endless Forest.

Rosen was still rushing to Atlassen in a low profile, not slow, but not fast, just like a tourist.

But there was one thing that Rosen found a little strange.

"Dora and Sissi, the information they provided recently seems a little insignificant."

Although he was in the Holy Elf Empire, he had been in charge of the Natural Empire through ghost resonance.

He also kept an eye on the war situation on the Dragon Islands.

Before Druitan returned, the information provided by Dora and Sissi was timely and accurate, and it perfectly echoed the war reports from the front line of the Glorious Empire.

But after Druitan came back, the situation gradually began to change.

Although there was a lot of information, which roughly matched the front-line war reports, Rosen always felt that something was wrong.

It was difficult for him to use this information to obtain high-value results.

This feeling was very subtle.

It was like playing a victory chess game. In the first half, the opponent was a bad chess player and could easily control the opponent.

In the second half, he was replaced by a real victory chess king, and began to become slippery.

After careful analysis, Rosen concluded: "Since the Lord of War has intervened, the commander on the battlefield has most likely been changed."

But who is this commander?

Where is he now?

What is the next step?

Rosen had no idea. In the intelligence provided by Dora and Sissi, there was no valuable clue at all.

"This commander should have noticed the problem of the insider, but he certainly hasn't suspected Sissi and Dora. Otherwise, with the character of the Void God, these two girls would have died long ago."

"But this commander is much smarter than Druitan. It's only a matter of time before the two women reveal their identities."

"My previous plan to seduce Druitan with Dora will definitely not work. Not only will it not work, but it may also lead to a huge crisis."

Plans really can't keep up with changes.

What to do?

Of course, follow the situation and adjust the plan immediately.

While thinking, Rosen gradually slowed down his pace to the elf capital Atlasen.

When he was 200 kilometers away from Atlasen, he received information from Dora again.

It was a piece of information about the movement of the elves' frontline troops.

In the past, this was normal.

But this time, Rosen felt something was wrong as soon as he heard it.

"If the information is true, the value is very high, enough to cause huge losses to the elf army."

But this kind of high-value information has not appeared for a while.

After a little consideration, Rosen judged: 'It seems that Dora has been suspected, and this information is a test! '

Rosen thought for a few seconds and immediately sent a message to Dora through ghost resonance: "Leave Atlassen immediately and go to Swan Castle!"

The soul of the powerful god is already sensitive enough.

Of course, they cannot find out the specific content of the ghost resonance. In fact, no one can do this, not even Rosen.

However, they may discover the existence of the ghost resonance phenomenon.

If Dora is suspected, she will be closely monitored. At this time, if she uses ghost resonance to transmit information again, there will be a risk of exposure.

Therefore, Dora's current situation is already very dangerous.

If the other party confirms that the information is indeed leaked on the battlefield later, Dora will be eliminated as soon as possible.

Therefore, before the other party has fully confirmed it, let Dora run away as soon as possible to save her life.

Rosen still likes this moon goddess very much, but he can't bear to let her die.

After the news came out, Dora replied immediately: "Yes, master."

Five seconds later, Dora replied again: "Master, I am already in Swan Castle."

This reply made Rosen secretly relieved: 'Fortunately this woman ran fast. '

Dora is the inventor of the infinite phase transfer technique, and her phase transfer ability is extraordinary.

Rosen estimated that the elf commander must be stunned.

Feeling a trace of panic in Dora's tone, he comforted her gently.

"Very good, you go to the secret laboratory in the hills north of Swan Castle and stay there until I come back."

"Master, there is only your puppet substitute here, where are you now?"

"I'm on a business trip outside and will be back in a while."

After settling Dora, Rosen sped up and rushed towards Atlasen.

The sudden disappearance of Moon Goddess Dora naturally confirmed the identity of the human race's traitor.

With Dora as a precedent, the new commander of the elves will definitely conduct a comprehensive identity check on the elf high-level.

In this way, Sissi, who had visited Weilan several times and had a drastic change in temperament, will soon be exposed.

Sissi now has a basic soul of Legend 11, and Druitan has also spent time to make her a +5 scholarly hat, which is the strength of Legend 16. She is the first person in the elves, and a unique existence.

This talent is so outstanding that Druitan believes that it is a rare treasure given to him by the Creator. The favor that was once given to Dora has been transferred to Sissi.

And many important intelligences obtained by Rosen also come from Sissi.

Once Sissi is identified as an insider, it will definitely cause a huge shock within the Elf Empire.

At that time, not only will Druitan appear, but the new commander is also likely to appear beside Sissi and interrogate him personally.

And this is Rosen's opportunity.

If the time is right, he will kill the new commander.

If the time is not right, then at least he needs to find out the specific identity of the opponent.

Therefore, he had to sneak to Sissi as soon as possible.

At this time, Rosen was still 200 kilometers away from Atlason.

If you rely on your own strength to travel, you may be exposed if you go too fast, but if you go slowly, you may not be able to make enough time.

While he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard the sound of horse hooves coming from his side. He turned around and saw that it was a tall forest succubus.

His eyes suddenly lit up, he took out ten sun nuts from his pocket and handed them over: "Sister, can you do me a favor?"

Thanks to Todd Ruitan's perfect obsessive-compulsive disorder, this forest succubus is extremely beautiful.

She has long dark blond hair, blue eyes, gorgeous facial features, a tall, plump body, and a strong and strong body.

She looked down at the sun nuts in Rosen's hand, then looked up at Rosen, her eyes turned around his tall and strong body, and she chuckled.

"Little guy, you admit it wrong, I am not the Laughter Sister."

"But I don't mind playing with you."

Rosen was not in the mood to play. When he saw that the other party had misunderstood, he immediately said: "No, sister, I have something urgent and I have to rush to Atlascen."

"If the money is not enough, I can add more."

There was a trace of dissatisfaction on the face of the banshee: "Another bastard who treats us like horses, but for the sake of money, come on."

Rosen immediately turned over and climbed onto the Banshee's back.

The banshee kicked the horse's hoof and said, "10 pieces are not enough, I want 20 pieces."

"Okay, just 20."

Rosen took out enough sun nuts, stuffed them into the pocket of the Banshee's upper body, and asked, "Where should I grab them?"

"Have you never ridden a banshee, young man?"


Although his lower elf clone sneaked into the Everfree Forest very early, he behaved very low-key and rarely had close contact with strangers, so he only knew that he could ride it, but he had never ridden it.

"Ha~~ What a chick, grab my hand or hug my waist."

Rosen observed it and chose to grab the banshee's hand.

"Hold on tight!"

The banshee shouted, spread her hooves, and ran along the pilgrimage road in the direction of Atlascen.

The forest banshee was very physically strong. While running, she still had time to talk to Rosen: "Young man, what's your name?"

"Lord, a villager from Colorful Valley, makes a pilgrimage to Atlascen."

"How old are you?"


Rosen described himself as older, and for elves at this lower level, he was almost 18 years old.

The banshee glanced sideways at Rosen and said with a smile, "What a young and handsome little guy."

She introduced herself again: "My name is Lisha Belaining."

Rosen was startled: "Are you an upper elf?"

Surnames are the exclusive property of high-level elves, and generally high-level elves are very arrogant and will never let low-level elves ride on them.

Banshee Lisha shrugged, with a hint of cynicism on her face.

"The difference between high-level elves and low-level elves is nothing more than God's pets and God's sheep. In essence, they are both God's playthings."

As she spoke, the banshee moved her wrist: "Don't pinch my wrist. It's uncomfortable. Just pinch my hand. Yes, tighten your fingers. Your hands are quite big and they feel very powerful. After all, it's Chaoyang." Ordinary young people.”

After sighing with emotion, Lisha asked again: "Why are you in such a hurry to go to Atlascen?"



Lisha snorted softly: "There are no elves who are in a hurry to make a pilgrimage, there are only elves who are in a hurry to answer the call of the wild."

"Tell me honestly, is there a girl you love in Atlason?"

Since she wanted to make such a guess, of course Rosen would not refute it.

Although he felt that the banshee was a bit talkative, he was on a hurry at this time, so he responded in a coping manner: "You guessed it right, Ms. Lisha."

Lisha whistled: "Oh~~ Then this girl is really lucky."

Rosen was startled: "How do you say this?"

"My back is very sensitive and I can feel a lot of things."

As she spoke, Lisha wrinkled the skin on her back, with a look of teasing and curiosity on her face: "What's that girl's name?"

"Lillian, she went on a pilgrimage before me. I was delayed due to something, but we made an appointment to worship the Big Tree of Life together."

"Oh~ I understand, he is such an innocent young man."

Lisha finally stopped talking and began to focus on running forward with Rosen.

She possesses sixth-level magic power, and most of this magic power is used to strengthen her body, so she is extremely energetic and very fast.

After running for more than two hours, we had covered more than 160 kilometers, and we were only less than 30 kilometers away from the border of Atlasson.

At this time, the outline of the Big Tree of Life could be clearly seen through the gaps in the branches and leaves of the tree crown.

This tree is very tall, with a trunk diameter of more than 200 meters and a height of more than 1,500 meters.

The lush canopy is inserted directly above the clouds and spreads out in all directions, which is extremely spectacular and majestic.

Although Rosen looked down on Dritan, he had to admit that this big tree of life was really big and could definitely be called the first man-made wonder in this plane.

Here, the intensity of the soul mist is also unusually high.

Rosen's void vision was reduced from 2 kilometers to 1.4 kilometers.

In a human city, this distance would be almost the same as that of a blind man, but in a leafy forest, there is almost no possibility of long-range sniping.

Others' void vision is definitely much smaller than Rosen's.

Even if the great god came, it was estimated that it would only be more than 200 meters.

Therefore, Rosen still had a huge vision advantage.

Lixia was a little tired from running, and her breathing became much heavier: "Young man, I need to rest for a while, is that okay?"

"Of course, Ms. Lixia, you can rest."

Lixia slowed down and changed to a small jog, but the speed was still very fast, about 40 kilometers per hour.

"I'm thirsty, do you have water?"

"Of course."

Rosen used magic to condense a ball of clear water and handed it over.

Lixia 'gulped' and drank a big mouthful, exhaled a long breath, and then asked: "After the pilgrimage, what do you plan to do with your Lillian?"

"I don't know yet."

Rosen controlled his face to show the confused look of a young man.

Lixia suddenly switched to the 6th ring's mental whisper: "I'll give you a suggestion, do you want to hear it?"

"Of course."

"After the pilgrimage, take your Lillian back to the Colorful Valley immediately."

"If possible, it's best to leave the Endless Forest immediately and find a secluded place in the Tianzhu Snow Mountain to hide and live out the rest of your life in seclusion."

Rosen's heart moved slightly, blinked, and his face showed 'young people's ignorance of the world': "Ms. Lixia, why do you say that?"

"Don't call me madam, I'm over 90 years old, just call me auntie."

Whether it's an upper elf or a 6th ring power, over 90 years old is still very young. If nothing unexpected happens, this banshee can live for at least 3,000 years, and her power can at least reach the 9th ring.

Calling her auntie makes her look old.

Rosen certainly knows how to please people, so he said: "I'll call you Sister Lixia."

Lixia smiled: "Okay."

But the smile only lasted for a while and then disappeared.

"My sister is a holy banshee warrior. She said that a new commander has come from above. He is very strict and ruthless."

"As soon as he arrived, he started to reorganize the army and began to prepare for large-scale recruitment of soldiers."

"In the near future, I am afraid that countless soldiers will be sent to the battlefield. I will definitely not be free for long."

"Today's battlefield is very cruel, and the death rate is ridiculously high. It is lucky to be able to return one out of a hundred people."

Speaking of this, the forest banshee showed deep sadness on her face: "With the return of God, the good days are completely over!"

Looking at Rosen again: "Little guy, you are still young, there is no need to waste your life for those ruthless gods."

This made Rosen's heart move slightly: "Sister Lixia, doesn't God protect us?"


Lixia snorted coldly, revealing a trace of unconcealed anger in her sadness: "God never protects us mortals."

She turned her head and glanced at Rosen: "Want to hear my family story, little brother?"

They have entered the core area of ​​Atlasen and arrived under the crown of the great tree of life.

There is still some distance from the trunk of the big tree of life, but it is very close to Sissi's position, less than 1 kilometer in a straight line.

The reason is that Sissi lives in the huge tree canopy above Rosen's head.

And the performance of the banshee Lisha also made Rosen clearly feel that the elves obeyed the Void God out of helplessness.

There is great dissatisfaction and even resentment in their hearts.

'Elves are also mortals, but they are a group of mortals who have been transformed to be stronger and live longer. '

'I was not strong enough before, and the Natural Empire was not strong enough to take on the responsibility, but now it can. '

The new commander of the elves is indeed very powerful, but she is still a person no matter how powerful she is.

Without the cooperation of the Elf Empire, a good cook can't cook without rice.

Originally, Rosen was still thinking about how to deal with this difficult opponent.

But now he has an idea.

'If the assassination fails, I will come to the Spring of the Elves to destroy your foundation, hehe. '

This method is very feasible and much safer than assassination.

If it succeeds, not only can the Void God be defeated, but the Elf Empire will also be completely disintegrated. It is even possible to merge the elves into the Natural Empire, solving the elf problem once and for all.

Other races are really hard to integrate, but elves can.

Because elves are used to being dogs, they have huge psychological inertia.

As long as the new owner is strong enough and treats them well, they can quickly change roles.

Moon Goddess Dora is a clear example.

So, while Rosen was monitoring Sissi in the tree canopy above his head, he said: "Let's find a quiet place to talk, Sister Lisha."

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