Start with Island Lord

Chapter 325: First contact with the Crimson Lady (22)

Atlassen, under the great tree of life.

Laifu's void vision told Rosen that two people came to the tree house where Sissi lived.

He saw at a glance that these were two mortal bodies of the void gods.

From the breath of power, one was Druitan, and the other was a completely unfamiliar breath of power.

The power of the void gods all has a unique spectrum, and the macroscopic manifestation is the color of light.

Druitan is sky blue, while this unfamiliar breath of power is crimson, with a very high intensity of 14.9, just one step away from the great god.

'The subordinate god of the Lord of War Hegrit, crimson spectrum, 14.9 power intensity. I understand, it is the crimson lady Belldandy. '

According to the description of Nawat's "Encyclopedia of Void Life", this Belldandy is a very powerful god who has commanded many plane-level wars and achieved extremely brilliant results.

If Hegrit is the Lord of War, then the crimson lady is the indestructible war axe in the hands of the Lord of War.

At the same time, its own combat power is also very amazing. It is said that it was also given a divine weapon by the Lord of War. It is a very difficult character.

Rosen immediately checked the corresponding void again. As expected, there was no trace of any void god.

‘Oh~ These two guys are really vigilant. They actually hid, and they hid very well. ’

He could feel that the two void gods were hiding in an unknown corner, remotely controlling the mortal descended body through the power of faith.

But where exactly are they hiding?

What kind of defense measures have been set up?

Rosen didn’t know.

At this moment, he had two choices.

One is to attack suddenly, use the means of teleportation and pursuit, use the mortal descended body as a springboard, and directly attack its main body.

The second is to give up the assassination and continue to explore the hare club mentioned by the banshee Lisha.

After a little weighing, Rosen chose the second way.

Because the success rate of the assassination is too low, if it fails this time, it will alert the snake, and it will be difficult to find the other party’s hiding place in the future.

And once the assassination is carried out, he will definitely be exposed, and he will have to flee away from the Holy Elf Empire immediately, and it will be difficult to sneak in silently in the future.

The second way is much safer.

Go to meet the leader of the Hare Society and see who the other party is.

If the Hare Society is large enough and has enough energy, then there is a lot to be done.

So Rosen decisively gave up the assassination plan and changed to observation.

He saw that after the two mortal bodies entered Sissi's tree house, they began to interrogate Sissi.

It can be seen that Druitan still does not think that Sissi has any problems, and even hopes that Sissi is fine. The reason for this is probably because of the obsessive-compulsive disorder of perfection.

It is also because of this that even if the Crimson Lady thinks that Sissi is likely to have problems, Druitan did not destroy it directly.

Rosen had already set the resonance core hidden in Sissi to silent mode.

Because of the high quality of the branches of life, the resonance core he set was very secretive, which greatly exceeded Druitan's perception limit, and should also exceed the perception limit of the Crimson Lady.

Therefore, he was not worried at all that the other party would find anomalies in the elemental structure.

Next, it depends on whether Sissi can deal with the interrogation of the Crimson Lady.

Rosen had no confidence in this.

After all, Sissi was just a mortal, while the Crimson Lady was a powerful Void God who had experienced countless big scenes.

However, it was not completely impossible to win.

Because he had greatly optimized Sissi's brain, and with the blessing of the magic weapon, her current soul strength was as high as Legend 16, which was higher than the Crimson Lady.

It would be best if Sissi could pass the level smoothly, so that she could continue to be his "eyes".

If she couldn't pass the level, there was no way to force it, so he took this opportunity to observe the Crimson Lady carefully and analyze her personality traits.

While observing, the voice of the banshee Lisha came to his ears again: "Rod, have you figured it out?"

Rosen was doing two things at the same time, observing the interrogation in the tree canopy while responding.

"I'm very moved, but I can't let go of Lillian."

Lisha was stunned for a moment, and asked back: "So, what kind of woman is Lillian?"

Rosen had already made up a reason, and now he began to lie.

"My playmate who grew up with me, a little willful."

"Is she pretty?"

"Not pretty, far from her sister."


Lisha covered her mouth and chuckled, and asked again: "Is she outstanding?"

"Not outstanding either, her magic power is less than three rings, she is a very ordinary girl."

"Do you love her?"

"What is love?"

Rosen looked 'confused', and then shook his head as if he understood.

"If it's the kind of strong emotion in the ballad, then no. We just grew up together and got used to each other."

"But I doubt I can find her."

Speaking of this, Rosen showed a trace of 'frustration' on his face, and Lisha also asked with concern: "What happened?"

"Some time ago, she asked someone to write me a letter, saying that she fell in love with a male fairy, and said that she liked the feeling of him taking her to fly freely in the sky. Alas."

Lisha thought she understood, and looked sympathetic: "So, you didn't actually make an appointment to make a pilgrimage together, you just didn't want to fail, and you chased all the way here, wanting to win back Lillian's heart?"

"Although I don't want to say this, but sister, what you said is true."

During the conversation, Rosen found that the situation in the tree house above his head was actually very good.

Sissi's brain was unexpectedly good, and she had many clever quick wits. With Deretan's intentional or unintentional protection, she gradually dispelled the suspicion of the Crimson Lady.

'Hey~~ Interesting~~ Really interesting~~'

Rosen was in a good mood, so he began to act seriously, letting his face show a trace of sadness of being abandoned.

The witch Lisha originally intended to pull Rosen into the Hare Club. Seeing that he was frustrated in love, she immediately seized the opportunity, exerted force with her hands, and pulled Rosen into her plump arms.

"Little guy, everyone has their own life. Since Lillian has chosen another man, there is no need for you to force her to win her back."

"Sister, what you said makes sense."

Rosen nodded in agreement, looking a little relieved: "I was too demanding. Maybe I should return to my hometown and find another girl to spend the rest of my life with."

Lixia immediately said: "Why go back to my hometown to find one?"

After saying this, she naturally unbuttoned the buttons on her lapel, showing her upright thunder: "Talents like you should not be unknown."

Rosen's thoughts moved slightly, urging blood to make his face red: "Sister Lixia, this... is not good?"

"Hahaha~~~ I actually saw an elf who can blush, it's really rare."

"There's nothing wrong, just enjoy it, I don't mind at all."

Rosen wanted to refuse, but he suddenly found that the crimson girl in Sissi's tree house was very sensitive.

She seemed to be vaguely aware that someone was spying, so she subconsciously looked around.

After only three seconds, she began to issue orders and sent many tree sentinels to check the situation around the big tree of life.

This surprised Rosen slightly: 'She is extremely cautious, decisive and quick, and has no fluke mentality. This crimson girl is really difficult to deal with. '

To deal with such a person, conspiracy is difficult to take effect, and the best way is to crush her with an open conspiracy.

Rosen immediately gave up spying on Sissi's tree house, and at the same time, he began to enjoy the comfort of the banshee Lisha.

But soon, he encountered a problem.

From the front, the banshee is no different from a normal woman, but the back is really a bit weird.

Although Druitan's design allows the two sides to match perfectly, it is really... too plump.

It feels a bit unbearable.

The banshee smiled and said, "Little guy, what are you worried about? Are you afraid that I will kick you with my hoof?"

Rosen scratched his head: "Sister Lisha, I have only responded to the wild call of humanoid elves."

This made the banshee giggle.

"Elves have a long life span, so they should try new things more often, otherwise life will become very boring."

"I don't deny that sometimes you will have bad experiences, but sometimes you will be rewarded by the goddess of fate."

Since this is the case, Rosen had nothing to say, so he took out his magic gun and began to challenge new things.

Ten seconds later, he understood why the lower elf Fok was defeated after five minutes.

Because the forest banshee's martial arts are very strong, much stronger than the human race, and even stronger than the succubus.

This is indeed not something that ordinary people can deal with.

'Laifu, reduce 50% of the body feedback. '

After doubling the combat power, Rosen felt that he had equal strength.

After a few minutes, it was felt that the big tree sentinels flew over the tree shed one after another, and some sentinels even went outside the tree shed to check the situation.

The banshee Lisha also saw it and shouted: "Warrior, I am Lisha, a reserve member of the Holy Banshee Guard."

"I am responding to the sacred wild call now, don't disturb me!"

The sentry peeked through the gap in the vines at the door and whistled: "Tsk~~ Another warrior on horseback."

The tree shed was not big, and the situation inside was visible at a glance.

The big tree sentry did not enter the shed as expected. After a few interesting glances, he turned around and left.

In order to avoid any more variables, Rosen also withdrew his observation of Sissi and began to focus on responding to the wild call.

About half an hour later, this sacred summoning ceremony ended with Lisha's defeat.

At the same time, Rosen also vaguely felt that Sissi was not destroyed by Dritan.

This shows that Sissi is 50% likely to have passed the identity review of the Crimson Lady, and 50% likely that the Crimson Lady deliberately spared her life so that she could set a trap for herself in the future.

But no matter which one it is, Sissi's performance has already impressed Rosen.

‘Hey~~ This little girl has really grown up. Interesting~~ Really interesting. ’

He could feel that Sissi could perform like this because of her quick wit and because she had been prepared for today’s situation.

Why did she prepare like this?

Rosen wanted to take a good look through the soul imprint, but considering the other party’s legendary 16 soul and the extremely dangerous situation, doing so would either alarm Sissi or the Crimson Lady, which would lead to many unpredictable consequences.

So, he suppressed his curiosity: ‘I’ll just hide in the dark and watch the situation evolve quietly. ’

After thinking about it, he had another idea: “The Dragon Islands must also make some moves to increase the strength of the Holy Elf Empire.”

When the strength is increased and the external pressure increases, it can catalyze the evolution of its internal situation.

At this time, the banshee Lisha finally came to her senses.

She turned her head and looked at Rosen with fiery eyes, and said eagerly in the secret language of the mind: “Rod, Lillian is not worth your concern. Join the Hare Club and overthrow the tyranny of the incompetent master with me!”

Rosen immediately asked: "Then can I always be with my sister?"

Lisha smiled softly: "Of course, as long as you want."

She stood up and used the magician's hand to tidy up the slightly messy exquisite tapestry on her back.

"Come up, I will take you to the nearby base to participate in the formal initiation ceremony."

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