Start with Island Lord

Chapter 337 The upcoming plane war (22)

War messenger Angelu got the reply and turned around and left.

Rosen sighed: "Don't talk too much nonsense, solve problems with war. You are worthy of being a war god."

With such a tough temper, he is either a brainless fool or a real strong man.

The war gods are obviously not stupid, they must think they are very powerful and confident.

Summoning the two void slaves to his side again, Rosen informed Belldandi of the news.

"Although you are my slave, I still give you some freedom to choose."

"You have two choices now."

"First, tell me all the information related to the war gods, and send an apostle to the war god realm, using all your means to persuade your father to stop."

"Second, keep silent. And I will go to the war god realm to plant the sun soon."

Belldandi said without hesitation: "I choose the first one."

"Very good."

He just replied to Angelu with a tough tone, in order not to show his cowardice, so as not to be considered weak by the war gods.

But the real idea is that he doesn't want to fight, or in other words, he doesn't want to fight now.

Therefore, he planned to use Belldandy to seek temporary peace.

But he had to be prepared for everything.

If the War God Clan wanted to fight, he had to be able to take it.

In war, intelligence comes first.

Belldandy was frightened by Rosen's artificial sun, and now he was very cooperative and began to introduce the situation of the War God Clan in detail.

"Including me, there are six members in the God Clan."

"My father, the 18th level Lord of War; me; Arnold, the 14th level Wilderness Hunter; Siren, the 14th level Eternal Defender; Margaret, the 13th level Goddess of Love; Beyonce, the 12th level Field Doctor."

This is very strong, much stronger than the Life God Clan, probably used to being tyrannical in the plane.

"The Protoss has two artifacts."

"One is in the hands of the Eternal Defender Siren, called the Sunset Round Shield."

"There is nothing much to say about the Sunset Round Shield. It just creates a 12-ring defensive barrier. It has a good defensive effect on almost all known attack spells. Especially for elemental attacks, the defense is almost perfect."

Rosen understood that this is a 12-ring magic weapon.

"The other artifact is in my father's hands, which is the War Chessboard."

"The War Chessboard is the strongest artifact of the Protoss, and it is also very famous among the planes."

"Although it has no direct attack power, it has two very powerful effects."

"First, it can open an extremely wide and clear void vision that ignores most shielding spells. The range is at least 3,000 kilometers. If the power supply is sufficient, it can even expand to the entire plane."

Hearing this, Rosen couldn't help but sigh: "This is amazing."

This is equivalent to opening the entire map. Everyone knows the huge benefits of this skill in war.

He immediately asked: "Can it penetrate the soul fog below the canopy of the Holy Elf Empire, or even the shield of the earth?"

Beldandi thought for a moment and said: "It will be greatly disturbed, but as long as it is provided with enough power, it can still see far away, even deep into the ground three thousand meters."

After a pause, he added: "Of course, the power consumption will be very, very huge, even my father can't bear it, the entire Protoss must jointly supply power, so you can't see too much."

Hearing this, Rosen said: "It's a pity to put this artifact in your hands."

What he lacks the least now is power.

If it is in his hands, he will use a solar core to power it, which can definitely guarantee 360-degree monitoring of the entire plane without blind spots.

Beldandi also thought of this, and a trace of deep shock appeared on her face. She tried to hold it back, but still couldn't hold it back.

"Your Majesty, you promised me that you would spare my parents' lives."

Rosen nodded: "Yes, I promised, so unless your parents take the initiative to seek death, I will definitely spare their lives."

"Now, continue to introduce the artifact."

Beldandi's expression eased a little: "Another effect is empowerment."

"My father uses the war chessboard to monitor the battlefield at all times. Once he finds a key opportunity to win, he can directly give power to the warriors related to the opportunity to win, greatly increasing their power in a short period of time, allowing them to break the balance of the local war zone and thus lock in the victory."

Rosen's eyes lit up and asked immediately: "How much power can be increased?"

"It depends."

"First, how much power my father has available. Second, it depends on the foundation of these soldiers themselves."

"But in any case, it can at least triple the power of 10,000 mortal soldiers. If you use all your strength, you can even increase the number to 100,000."

Hearing this, Deruitan on the side couldn't help it: "Oh~ This is simply a perfect war artifact."

With the full map view turned on, you can naturally make the best battlefield layout according to the view.

After finding an opportunity, it can temporarily increase the strength of combat units and break the balance of the battlefield.

This thing can turn any qualified battlefield commander into an invincible god of war.

With such a powerful artifact in hand, it is no wonder that the Lord of War Hegrit has such a tough attitude.

Whoever gets such a good thing will be confused.

Rosen is also very envious of this good thing, and feels that this thing is simply tailor-made for the Natural Empire.

A guess suddenly popped up in his mind, and he immediately asked: "So, these two artifacts were picked up from the Lost Plane?"

"Yes." Belldandy nodded.

Rosen immediately understood: ‘It turned out to be a creation of the Dawn Empire. ’

The Dawn Empire is a complete high-energy magic civilization, and its high-energy creations must involve all aspects of a society.

For microscopic observation and interference, there are branches of life, for transformation of elements, there are endless compasses, for defense, there are sunset round shields, and naturally there are war chessboards specifically used for fighting.

And these artifacts must also be combined with high-powered forces to achieve the greatest effect.

Of course, they are most suitable for the national conditions of the Natural Empire. Now that they have fallen into the hands of the Void God, it is simply a monkey holding a rifle - a waste of natural resources.

Originally, Rosen didn't want to fight this war, but now he wants to fight a little.

Not for anything else, but for the artifacts in the hands of the War God Clan.

Of course, the most important thing now is intelligence.

As the saying goes, a lion fights a rabbit with all its strength. In a matter of life and death such as war, it is not too cautious.

So he continued to ask: "In addition to artifacts, what other powerful spells does the Lord of War have?"

Beldandi really didn't want to say, but she had no choice.

"My father has a domain spell called Endless Glory."

"After the domain is opened, my father's soul strength will soar directly to the extreme level 19, and the soul scale will soar tenfold."

"The domain range can reach 5,000 meters. Within the domain, all allies marked by the spell will have their soul strength legendary +10 and their soul scale soar fivefold."

"Of course, the number of allies cannot exceed 100,"

"And no matter how much it increases, it cannot break through to level 20."

"In addition, opening the domain consumes a lot of energy, so it can only last for ten minutes at most. After opening it once, you must rest for a long time, but I don't know how long it will take."

Rosen understood that it was a ten-minute super explosion.

The explosion effect is really powerful.

The soul scale of the 18th-level great god is already huge, and now it has increased tenfold, which is almost the same as opening invincibility.

In the era without nuclear bombs, this is definitely an unbreakable killer move.

It is a great power that all other gods have to retreat once it is opened.

Even if there are nuclear bombs, Rosen must always be on guard against this move.

After all, a nuclear bomb is a mechanical creation, and it takes some time to start, and the opponent may seize this time to prevent him from using the nuclear bomb.

Therefore, if he really wants to fight to the death, the outcome is unpredictable.

The good news is that he now knows the trump card of the war gods, while the opponent knows almost nothing about his situation.

Rosen continued to ask: "Please introduce all the specialties of other gods to me."

Although the others are all powerful gods, they are not enough to threaten him under normal circumstances, but if they are strengthened by the war field, they cannot be underestimated.

Belldandy introduced them one by one, and Rosen listened carefully.

After listening, he asked again: "How many mortals are there in the War God Realm now?"

"My father knows that there is strength in numbers, so there are more than 6 billion mortals in the God Realm. When needed, everyone can become a warrior."

"How many saints are there?"

"There are 200,000."

Dretan shrank his head and muttered secretly: "This is really a lot."

Rosen also felt that it was a bit amazing, because after he unified this plane, there were less than 4 billion people, and at least 1 billion were still in the state of elf soul.

Besides, he has not unified the plane yet.

The good news is that this is a cross-plane war.

Rosen continued to ask: "What is the level of weapons in the War God Realm? Do you have black stone weapons?"

"Yes. We have black stone warships and many powerful explosive weapons, which are probably about the same as the Glorious Empire."

Rosen had an idea in his mind.

In this case, it would be a bit difficult to invade the War God Realm, but there is no need to worry about being invaded by the War God Realm.

Because the other party does not have large-scale plane delivery capabilities.

Even if the other party can transfer many warriors through phase shift, but cannot transfer heavy weapons, they can be easily crushed by the army of this plane.

Rosen carefully inquired about the various details of the War God Realm, and then said: "Now, you send an apostle to the War God Realm to persuade your father to stop."

"If necessary, I don't mind demonstrating the artificial sun to your father."

"Yes, master, I will do it immediately."

Berudandi nodded.

Rosen looked at Dritan again.

"You will come back to the Natural Empire with me and become a professor at the Weilan Higher Magic School, specializing in teaching knowledge about life transformation, especially the knowledge of lava warriors."

He is not interested in lava warriors themselves, and thinks that the combat efficiency of lava warriors is too low.

But he is very interested in the knowledge used to create lava warriors.

Acquiring this knowledge, and then carrying out a more thorough war transformation, to create a more stable, powerful and controllable war machine, is the right way.

"Become a magic professor?"

Dritan did not expect this arrangement, and was stunned for a while.

He never thought that he would become a mortal magic professor one day, not even in his dreams.

"Are there any problems?"

"No problem."

"Very good, then follow me."

"Beldandi, you also follow me back to the Natural Empire."

He wanted to study the body structure of Beldandi carefully.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Beldandi could only obey.

Finally, Rosen looked at the furnace basin, looking at the crimson vines and lava warriors that filled the basin.

After weighing it carefully, he said: "Destroy all the vines, and the lava warriors that have been born will be stationed in the lava basin."

Derritan felt it was a pity and said cautiously: "Your Majesty, they are very powerful warriors, and they may play a huge role in the subsequent war."

Rosen asked back: "How many such lava warriors can you make in a year?"

"At most 100,000. If there are more, the basin will be too small."

"The speed is quite fast. But after it is built, how long can it fight at full strength?"

"It is no problem to fight at full strength for an hour."

"What about after an hour?"

"The power is exhausted, the body and mind are exhausted, and it is necessary to rest and replenish the strength, but it will probably only take three days to repair."

"The combat readiness rate of less than one-seventieth is too low."

He built a war machine of similar level. If the machine is not broken, people will take turns to operate it. If the machine is broken, it will be replaced with a new one. The combat readiness rate is much higher than this kind of war creature.

There is no need to worry about the betrayal of the machine, let alone the emergence of various messy races in the country, leading to mutual estrangement.

Druitan argued unwillingly: "Then we can take turns to attack."

"Okay, what if this lava basin is destroyed by the opponent?"

"Destroy? Impossible?!"

"Everything is possible. Okay, do as I say!"

At this moment, the Holy Elf Empire has not been conquered, and the Glorious Empire is also merging. Only the Natural Empire is his base.

He has to return home immediately to prepare for the possible plane war.

'War chessboard. It's a good thing. Sunset round shield, it's also very good. '

With these two artifacts, plus the energy provided by the sun core, the absolute safety of the Natural Empire can be guaranteed.

So he was very tempted.

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