Start with Island Lord

Chapter 339 Going down the stairs (22)

Seeing what Rosen said, Bellandi only thought that his father's threat had worked.

She thought that she would soon be free again, and she was overjoyed.

"As you wish, Your Majesty Rosen."

Her saint Laderiya was still near the War Temple, so she asked her to meet her father again and inform Rosen of his intentions.

About ten minutes later, she said to Rosen: "My father agreed, but the meeting place is not at the War Temple, but on a desert island near the War Continent."

She then reported the specific phase shift coordinates.

Rosen couldn't help but joke after hearing this: "You don't dare to meet me at the temple, are you afraid that I will release the sun fire towards the temple?"

Beludandi's mood recovered a lot. Hearing this, he snorted coldly: "Don't be so talkative, Your Majesty Rosen."

She secretly decided in her heart that when she regained her freedom, she would immediately lead her army to the natural plane for revenge!

Rosen clearly saw Beludandi's thoughts through the soul mark, and secretly wanted to laugh in his heart.

"What a strong-willed female general. She recovered her strength so quickly."

Without further ado, with a thought, he controlled a puppet substitute, used phase transfer, and teleported to the coordinate island designated by Hergrit.

After arriving at the end of the land, I discovered that this was not a desert island at all. It was simply an island reef exposed on the sea.

It was only a hundred meters in radius, surrounded by the endless ocean. In front of him stood a mortal legendary strongman, none other than Angelou, the war saint he had just dealt with.

What was different from last time was that the eyes of this saint were blazing like boiling lava, indicating that this body was being controlled by the Lord of War.

After seeing Rosen, Hergrit looked him up and down and said with a smile: "You can actually teleport an elemental puppet here alone. The phase transfer technique is very good."

Rosen responded with a smile: "This method is just child's play. When needed, I can even teleport the battleship over."

In fact, with the current ability of elemental projection, it is very difficult to transmit 100 tons at one time.

But in the face of the enemy, of course you have to brag vigorously. If the enemy really believes it, then you will have earned it.

Of course, Hergrit was not that easy to deceive. He sneered: "If you had such good skills, you wouldn't stand here negotiating with me."

His body is in the Abyss of Pain among the three abyss, and the previous name of the Abyss of Pain was the God Realm of Endless Power.

According to what he knew, even when the power of the God Realm was at its most glorious, it was very difficult to transport a 10,000-ton warship across dimensions.

What's more, a mortal empire that has just touched the high-energy field and has not yet perfected the plane ring?

But having said that, since the other party can say this, it means that he has begun to master the cross-dimensional element transmission technology.

If it develops for more than a hundred years, I'm afraid it will really be promoted to the divine realm.

‘It seems that my daughter’s view is correct. I do despise this mortal empire too much. ’

He regrets it now. If he had known this was the case, he should have gone all out instead of sending his daughter alone.

Now that his daughter was captured, he suddenly became very passive.

In fact, if other people were captured, Hergrit would not be so upset, but not his daughter Beludandi.

This is the ultimate treasure gifted to him by the Creator, and it is the opportunity for him to completely escape from the control of the abyss.

He will never give up until he has to.

On the other side, because the opponent controls a Saint avatar, it is difficult for Rosen to use mind reading to observe his thoughts.

Since you can't read it, use normal means to negotiate.

After a haha, he smiled and said: "Hergrit, I heard what you asked Beludandi to pass on."

Hergrit stared at Rosen: "Since you heard it, let my daughter go. From now on, our two planes will not interfere with each other."

Upon hearing this, Rosen's heart moved slightly and he laughed secretly.

‘Well, this guy is still afraid of my nuclear bomb, and he really values ​​Beludandi very much. ’

According to the description in Navat's "Void Life Encyclopedia", the Lord of War Hergrit was a great man with an extremely explosive temper. As long as things could be solved by war, he would never bother to reason.

Now this guy actually takes the initiative to talk about "non-interference", which shows that he believes that there is a high probability that the natural empire cannot be defeated by war.

Now that the other party showed cowardice, Rosen knew how to negotiate.

He smiled: "Obviously this is impossible. Only by holding your daughter in my hands can I truly ensure my own safety."

"But I also know that you definitely want your daughter to be free."

"As a result, there is a conflict between us that is difficult to alleviate, and war is inevitable."

Hergrit took a deep breath: "Since you want to fight, then fight!"

The voice was deep and devoid of any unnecessary emotion.

But the content of the words became more timid, and Rosen wanted to laugh even more.

Because it was clearly the War Gods who first intervened in the natural plane. When Hegrit said this, it seemed as if he had become a victim, while Rosen was a war madman who refused to give up.

This is enough to show that his nuclear bomb has had an extremely strong deterrent effect on Hergrit.

Let this 'violent lion' become a 'bullied rabbit'.

The other party's continuous soft words showed that he never wanted to go to war, but he had to hold on for a long time because of his face.

‘It just so happens that I don’t want to fight for the time being, so I’ll give you a step up. ’

So, Rosen continued: "Don't worry, don't worry, I haven't finished speaking yet."

Hergrit narrowed his eyes and waited for Rosen to continue.

Rosen's face became solemn and he said seriously: "Obviously, the War of the Sun is a war of destruction. If we really let our hands and feet fight, it will be a disaster for both you and me."

Hergrit immediately corrected him: "Wrong! It's a disaster for you mortals, but not for me, the war gods."

"We are far away in the void, and your elemental sun cannot threaten us at all."

Rosen immediately said: "But I can torture your daughter."

Hergrit gritted his teeth: "Despicable mortal!"

Rosen added: "In addition, you still underestimate my ability."

"We elemental beings can also enter the star realm. And we have mastered the method of entering the void of the star realm."

"So, no matter where you Sun God Clan hides, I have the ability to let you taste the fire of the sun."

This is half true and half false.

Really, for Rosen, who has a divine body and a heart of the sun, it is completely feasible to develop a personal astral aircraft and enter the astral void to hunt the void god.

It may be difficult for everyone to enter on a large scale, but for Rosen, it is very simple.

Just have a spacesuit that can ensure breathing and circulation.

There is no need to worry about danger. If something goes wrong, just phase shift and run away.

The lie is that a safe and reliable space suit has not yet been developed, and even if it is developed, it will be difficult for the heavy body of the elemental life to catch up with the void life that is determined to run away in the void.

Naturally, Hergrit didn't know. He snorted and sneered: "You are talking nonsense!"

Rosen chuckled: "Are you talking nonsense? You can give it a try."

Hergrit paused for a moment.

He really didn't dare to bet, just like Rosen didn't dare to bet that he didn't have a nuclear bomb in his hand.

Because it would be fine if it were false, but it would be fatal if it were true.

After a long silence, Hergrit spoke again: "What exactly do you want to say?"

Rosen then threw out the prepared steps.

"My idea is to have a limited war."

"Limited war? What kind of limited law?"

Rosen had already thought about it and immediately said:

"We will draw a battlefield in the mortal world and fight with conventional weapons other than the power of the sun."

"If you win, I'll let you go. If you lose, Berudandi will serve me."

After being silent for more than ten seconds, Hergrit nodded slowly: "Not a bad idea. So, where is the battlefield?"

Rosen continued:

“There are two habitable continents in our natural plane, one of which is called the Storm Continent.

"In the northwest corner of this continent, there is a land covering an area of ​​about 14 million square kilometers. It is occupied by the demon Buck, the servant of the great demon Norma, and named the Fusion Empire."

"If you agree, then all the land occupied by the Fusion Empire will be given to you."

"At the same time, I will give you ten years to prepare for development."

"In order to ensure that you can develop with peace of mind, I will also leave you a 1,000-kilometer strategic buffer zone."

"If you feel that time is not enough for development, 20 or 30 years will do."

"When you are ready, how about we fight a battle with conventional weapons in the Storm Continent and decide the fate of Beludandi based on victory or defeat?"

Hergrit was silent again.

This time, he was silent for a full minute.

Then, he nodded: "This is unfair to me. After all, that is your plane. Your war potential is far greater than mine."

Rosen smiled and said, "Then tell me your conditions."

Hergrit really thought about it carefully and immediately stated the specific terms.

"Not only must the fighting area be limited, but the number of people on both sides involved in the war must also be limited."

"Each of us has 3 million soldiers and 10 million reserve personnel. At the same time, all combat materials are prepared by these 13 million people themselves, and no external resources are allowed to be imported."

"In the end, I needed 20 years to prepare."

"After the war begins, the victory condition will be the complete destruction of one side's war headquarters."

Rosen thought for a while with a serious look on his face, and then said: "Is 20 years enough? How about giving you another 10 years?"

"As long as you are willing to give it, I don't care."

Rosen added: "Since it is a limited war, it is essentially a bet. It is too troublesome to use 13 million people. I think 3 million is enough."

Hergrit had no hope of using this bet to save his daughter.

This was just a show he put on for the outside world to avoid being said to be a coward in his war against the protoss. He didn't even know how to fight back when his daughter was kidnapped.

Since it's just a show, making too much noise is a pure waste of resources.

So, he immediately agreed.


Rosen asked tentatively: "Is that settled?"

Angelou, the saint controlled by Hergrit, answered with a serious face.

"That's it!"

Rosen immediately controlled his puppet substitute and left the God of War Realm.

As soon as the substitute returned, Rosen's body immediately phase-shifted and quietly went to the God of War Realm.

Of course, it is not to go to the previous uninhabited desert island, but to rely on the observations of the previous puppet substitute to calculate a series of new transfer coordinates.

What to do?

Of course, it is an on-site investigation to confirm the true level of magic development in the War God Realm.

It is better to conduct an on-the-spot investigation yourself than to hear others say it a thousand times.

Rosen continued to rapidly phase shift within the God of War Realm.

Every time he arrived at a location, he used Lai Fu's huge computing power to expand a void vision with a radius of 800 kilometers to carefully observe the development of the mortal world.

He stayed at each location for only ten minutes, and moved to a hundred locations in succession, with his footprints almost all over the war continent.

It took less than a day to have a very thorough understanding of the mortal world of the war god world.

"Beldandi is right. Overall, it is still in the stage of burning black stones, and no nuclear industrial facilities can be detected."

"But abnormal high-energy radiation was indeed detected in some mountains, but not much."

"So, Hegrid is likely to be able to make nuclear bombs, but they are extremely low-level fission dirty bombs, and the number is very limited."

In other words, Hegrid has no ability to fight a large-scale solar war with him, so it's no wonder that he is guilty and timid.

But then again, if the solar war really starts, all the mortals will die.

With Rosen's current ability, it is indeed difficult to hurt the war gods.

So, since he is willing to compromise in disguised form in the form of limited war, then he will cooperate.

"But after all, it was his own daughter who was captured. Although I gave him a way out and Hegrid got off the hook, he will definitely not give up easily."

"I just want his artifact too. What should I do?"

"Hey~ I just happened to be going to the Lost Plane. Why not go there in a high profile and lure him to take the initiative to attack me."

This way, there will be a chance to snatch the artifact.

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