Start with Island Lord

Chapter 4 The Princess Left Home with Nothing

The Duke's study.

A quarter of an hour later, Rosen was summoned again.

He entered the study, his expression calm and humble, just like an ordinary heir of a small noble family.

In the study, Princess Selena's face was still radiant, but there was a hint of apology hidden in her flawless emerald eyes.

The Duke's face showed a hint of expectation, as if he was waiting to see a good show.

Rosen saluted respectfully and called him "Lord Duke".

The moment he bowed his head, he laughed in his heart: "Grand Duke, you gave me the princess yourself, so I will accept it without hesitation, hehe."

Through some secret methods, he had already known the Duke's prank in advance.

And he planned to make the best of a bad situation and marry the princess.

Accepting the princess would of course bring huge risks, and even his life would be in danger from the moment he nodded in agreement, but it also meant huge gains.

Because according to the Weilan tradition, if the princess gave him a big fat boy in the future, he would be qualified to compete for the throne of the Duke.

Of course, the ordinary little baron would not dare to nod, but he had traveled through time for ten years and stayed in Dawn City for ten years, so he was 99% sure that he could bring the princess back to the White Sturgeon Island safely.

At this time, the Duke spoke, his voice was very calm.

"Rosen Saxon, I will appoint you as the lord of the three islands of White Sturgeon Island, Hank Island, and Saint Ann Island, as well as the central sea area of ​​the three islands."

Rosen was stunned: "Duke, why so much."

"Don't interrupt me!"

The Duke slapped the table in anger, making a loud "bang" sound, which shook Rosen's next words back into his stomach.

Rosen secretly pouted: "For the sake of the princess, I will play with you. '

"You must protect the northeastern waters of Weilan, especially to curb the power of the sea fish people, prevent them from growing and becoming a security threat to Weilan's maritime trade."

"Do you understand?"

Rosen looked 'confused', but still nodded humbly: "Yes, Lord Duke."

The Duke's voice sounded again: "Don't be happy in a hurry, I have additional conditions."

He pointed to Princess Selena beside the desk.

"My sister, Lady Selena Eridian will become your wife, and the two uninhabited islands and the additional sea area are the dowry given to her by my brother."

Rosen was 'stunned', as if he had never expected such a change in things.

"Lord Duke, I don't understand. Why did Princess Selena become my wife?"

"Why, are you unhappy?"

The Duke narrowed his eyes and stared at Rosen, like a beast ready to pounce.

Rosen swallowed his saliva, looked 'nervous', and turned to look at Princess Selena.

Princess Selena was looking at him with a very strange look.

The sensitivity brought by the strong magic power and the experience in the previous life told Rosen that the princess must be in a very contradictory mood now.

She fell in love with him and wanted to go with him, but she didn't dare to go with him because of various worldly ties.

This is also very normal, because my body in this life is really good, sometimes I look in the mirror and feel quite satisfied.

The individual facial features may not be very outstanding, but they are very symmetrical when combined together. It is the kind of face that is not amazing at first glance, but the more you look at it, the more attractive it is.

The princess is young, so it is understandable that she fell in love with me, but this is a romantic trait that only young girls have.

When they are older and experienced, they will not have these unrealistic dreams.

Time passed by, and Rosen remained silent.

The Duke gradually showed a look of victory on his face, and the princess, while secretly relieved, also showed a trace of disappointment that she herself did not even notice.

The lover she secretly loved could not withstand the test of worldly power after all, and in similar disappointments again and again, the romantic girl gradually grew into a realistic woman.

At this moment, Rosen spoke, his voice clear and steady.

"I am honored to be favored by Princess Chenxi, and I am very willing to be Princess Chenxi's husband, and I feel very honored for this."

At this moment, the Duke's upturned mouth corners solidified into astonishment, and the princess showed surprise, but there was deep joy in the depths of her eyes.

Rosen watched the astonishment on the Duke's face gradually turn into anger, but he sneered in his heart.

In this world, individuals have no great power.

This is common sense.

The real great power only exists in large groups such as royal power and the country.

This is also common sense.

The world's most powerful six-ring strongman can't stop the siege of twenty well-equipped and well-trained high-level warriors.

And as far as he knows, there are at least 500 high-level warriors in Chenxi Castle, and there are even at least five four-ring battle masters.

In contrast, he himself was alone, and he could hardly take out a decent magic weapon from his body, and he didn't even have time to buy a magic staff.

According to common sense, he should have no room for resistance.

However, the lack of magic power does not mean that there is no enemy of a hundred people!

The lack of magic power does not mean that the strong will be humiliated by the weak.

Facing the weak jumping, he often does not care just because he is too lazy to care, and when it comes to core interests, he will never give in!

Marrying the princess back to the island, farming and robbing the duke are now his core interests.

The duke is just a three-ring high-level warrior, and he, after ten years of dedicated practice, has mastered the power that ten dukes can't reach.

Before the duke's anger appeared, Rosen bowed again.

"Your Majesty the Duke, thank you very much for the canonization. If nothing happens, please give me the canonization letter. I will take my wife back to the island."

In this world, when a king marries a princess, it is called a match made in heaven.

A baron marrying a princess is called a grass chicken marrying a golden phoenix.

Not only is it not a good thing, it can also lead to death.

Therefore, he had to take the princess away quickly and then make a plan to deal with it.

What happened was far beyond the Duke's expectation. He held the book of canonization in his hand but had not handed it over to Rosen for a long time.

He didn't want to hand it over because it wasn't in his plan at all.

So, he was thinking about how to change his words.

He really thought about it. He looked at his sister and saw a threat.

The meaning is obvious: 'If you don't refuse, the Baron will die. ’

Of course Selena could understand. Although she was extremely reluctant, she still said: "Baron, I."

Of course Rosen also knew this and immediately intercepted:

"Your Highness, I clearly know the consequences of doing this, but I have to say that even if I knew, I would still choose this way."

"And even if you die because of this, Your Highness doesn't need to feel any guilt at all, because this is the path I took the initiative to choose, and I have no regrets about it."

When the Duke heard this, he secretly screamed, because he knew his sister's character best.

And this baron was her sweetheart. Once these words came out, how could this innocent little girl bear it?

Sure enough, tears burst into Selena's eyes, and her radiant face looked extremely happy and moved.

"Oh, Baron, I am very grateful for your affection, but I cannot watch you die."

Rosen refused "righteously": "I ask you to grant it, Your Highness!"

Selena was completely defeated, and she burst into tears: "I will help you, Baron, I will help you."

"If you die, I will die with you."

The Duke was furious!

These two bastard men and women actually acted out a love drama in front of him. What did they think of him as a duke?

Be the officiating priest? !

He stared at Rosen: "Baron, you have thought about it!"

Rosen nodded solemnly and said in a strange tone: "Duke, I believe that with your kindness, you will let me take the princess away."

The Duke was startled and nodded subconsciously: "I will let you take the princess away, but I will not let you take her away easily."

He turned to look at his sister.

"Ms. Selena Adrian, from now on, I will deprive you of all the honor bestowed upon you by your family. Your magic items, clothes, carriages, and even all the property in your name will all remain in Dawn City."

"Except for a burlap skirt to cover your shame, you can't even bring a single copper to Bird Shit Island!"

"Remember, there is not even a copper!"

Selena's head was already dazed by her lover, and she pushed back without hesitation: "As you wish, Your Majesty the Duke!"

As she spoke, she slapped the gemstone staff in her hand on the Duke's desk and shouted, 'Bang! ’ With a loud noise, he pulled off the jewelry on his head and threw it on the ground, and then started to take off his clothes in the study again.

Rosen was also startled and had a thought in his mind: "Oh, love really makes people blind!"

It was clearly stated in the book of canonization that she was his wife, so he had to bear the basic responsibility of protecting his wife's face, both emotionally and rationally.

He immediately took off his spacious cloak and put it on Selena.

Soon, Selena took off the last piece of silk underwear, grabbed the canonization document in the Duke's hand, and said proudly: "Goodbye, Your Excellency!"

After saying that, she walked out of the study first, followed quickly by Rosen.

When he reached the door, the Duke's voice came from behind: "Young Baron, you will pay the price for this soon."

How could Rosen not know this?

A baron from a poor place marrying a princess is equivalent to the mayor of a northwest town marrying the daughter of a Middle Eastern king in his previous life.

This overwhelming wealth is life-threatening!

At this time, what is most important?

Of course, information is the most important.

So, after walking out of the Duke's study, Rosen's magic power shook. He flicked his left hand towards the corner outside the study, and then quickly followed the footsteps of the princess.

In this world, the more exciting the news, the faster it spreads.

The news that the princess refused to marry and ran away was as explosive as a nuclear bomb.

While following the princess, Rosen saw all kinds of strange looks, including confusion, surprise, gloating, and anger.

Especially the angry guy, who was a middle-aged man, wearing a dark red twill leather jacket and combing his hair in an Aaron-style slanted back.

Rosen looked at him, but the other person didn't dodge his eyes. Instead, he glared at him fiercely, as if to say: 'Boy, you are good-looking. ’

Rosen's heart moved: 'It seems that she is an envoy from the Kingdom of Aaron. She is probably asking for a marriage for King Dange, but now the princess has become my wife~~ I am a little bit impulsive. ’

Although it has not been heard that the Duke has accepted the marriage certificate, news of the marriage proposal has been vaguely spread.

So this is a slap in the face to King Tange.

If it was Levend or the Kaa Kingdom, the envoy would at most protest a few words, and the Duke would apologize, and the matter would be over, and there would be no terrible consequences.

But Aaron is different.

Aaron's national power is at its peak, and King Dange is very face-friendly, so his actions are naturally very domineering, while Weilan has always submitted to Aaron's authority and has almost become his subordinate.

Therefore, the Kingdom of Aaron will definitely wash away its shame with blood.

Whose blood?

It is impossible for the Duke, and it is impossible for the Princess, so it must be this little baron.

Obviously, both the Duke and the Princess knew this.

The Duke had gone too far, and he did not expect to meet such an anomaly.

The Princess was full of passion, but she would probably regret it after the passion subsided.

If it goes as expected, he will have to face the assassins of the Kingdom of Aaron soon after he takes Selena out of the Dawn Castle.

At the same time, the Princess will be afraid, will regret, and will surrender to the Duke in order to save the life of her lover.

Therefore, it is really difficult to take the Princess back to the island without leaving too much trouble.

Send the Princess back now?

That is even more impossible.

How can you pick up a nugget and then hand it over to the Public Security Bureau?

What should we do?

Of course, we should deal with it as it comes.

At present, there is too little information on hand, so we should take it one step at a time.

So, he secretly flicked his finger at the guy who was suspected to be the messenger of Aaron.

Afterwards, under the escort of various eyes, the two finally walked out of the Dawn Castle.

"Rosen, where is your carriage?"

"I don't have a carriage, I walked here."

Selena patted her forehead gently, looked down at her bare feet, and sighed.

"Oh~~ I was so angry just now that I forgot that you don't have a carriage. I should have kept at least a pair of boots."

Rosen immediately said: "Your Highness, how about I carry you on my back?"

"Carry me?"

Selena looked at Rosen shyly: "I only have a long cloak on my body."

As she spoke, light surged on her body, but she used illusion to disguise a layer of dress, but this did not change the real situation.

Rosen glanced at the princess, although her hair was disheveled, she was still dazzling, and thought to himself: "I really want to take advantage of her, but the time is not yet ripe."

A romantic girl is like a shy deer. If you use too much force, it will shatter her fantasy of love and then scare her away.

It has to be simmered slowly.

So he spread his hands: "Madam, this is just a temporary solution. Or, can you use the flying spell?"

"Flying spell? That's fine. After all, the distance is not far. Lend me your staff."

Flying spell consumes a lot of mana. With her high-level peak mana, she can only fly four or five kilometers at full power.

It is also difficult to control, so she needs the assistance of the staff.

After all, flying is not a joke. Either nothing goes wrong, or it's a fatal matter.

Rosen spread his hands: "I don't have a staff."

"There are still mages without a staff?"

Selena was a little unconvinced. She looked Rosen up and down, and sure enough, she didn't find any long magic weapon that could be called a staff.

Rosen spread his hands again: "Your Highness, you should know my financial situation very well."

Selena patted her forehead: "Yes, I do."

"Oh~ Forget it, carry me on your back. Fortunately, this cloak is wide and long enough."

In the end, the dazzling, noble and elegant Princess Weilan Chenxi climbed onto Rosen's back.

"Rosen, take me to see Anna first. I want to borrow some clothes from her."

Who is Anna?

Of course, it's Rosen's mentor, Mrs. Agnet.

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