Start with Island Lord

Chapter 45 Unexpected New Weapons

There is a saying among the people in Shire County that the money bag of the wizard's guild is the dragon's lair.

Therefore, it is not difficult to get the mage guild to bow its head and pay money, and you have to provide ironclad evidence.

The key to this evidence is Master Kaa.

Therefore, after discussing the plan with the Earl, Rosen took Asang with him and rushed to the dungeon of Maple Leaf Castle without stopping.

This dungeon is exclusively for the castle and is dedicated to the count's important prisoners. From the warden to the jailer, they are all the count's confidants, so there is no need to worry about being infiltrated.

It is built more than 20 meters underground, with only a narrow and low passage connected to the ground. After entering it, it is depressing, dark, and damp, just like entering an underground tomb.

Under the leadership of the warden, Rosen and Asan followed a maze-like passage and found the cell where Master Kaa was held.

The cell was quite spacious, more than enough to accommodate 15 people, but it was very dirty. There were some half-rotted hay in one corner as a floor, and a wooden barrel in the other corner to collect feces and urine.

Because people were coming, the warden specially lit an oil lamp on the wall. The flickering dim yellow light reflected the expressions of Master Kaa on and off everyone, like a group of evil ghosts living in hell.

Rosen moved toward the wall and released a bright light spell, making the cell much brighter.

When the Kaa mages saw the movement, they all turned their heads and looked at Rosen, their eyes were very complicated, showing both fear and hatred.

Rosen took out a handkerchief sprinkled with perfume, covered his mouth and nose to resist the stench of the dungeon, and spoke only with the voice of the group mind.

"Warden, take all your people away and leave us alone with this group of prisoners for a while."

The warden knew that Rosen was now the popular man in front of the count, and he had the most loyal Master Assan by his side, so he immediately complied.

After the others walked away, Rosen looked at Asang: "Mr. Asang, are you coming or am I coming?"

Asan is a taciturn fighting master, but has a pair of very sharp eyes.

He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall: "You judge, I'll watch."

In this case, Rosen's trial began.

He turned his eyes around Master Kaa and said with a faint smile: "Gentlemen, do you know who the person who most wants you to shut up forever is right now?"

After all, Ruvacado is the master of magic and has the toughest soul, so he is in the best mental state.

He rolled his eyes and looked at Rosen: "Young man, don't bother, we won't say anything."

Rosen seemed not to have heard, and said to himself: "Obviously, you all know in your hearts that in this confrontation, you are just a sword in the hands of the big shot."

"And the current situation is that if you remain silent, the count will kill you without hesitation."

"But if you are willing to tell the truth, recruit the messenger behind the scenes, and are willing to testify face to face, then you still have a chance of survival."

Ruvacado sneered: "Do you think we are fools?"

"If we tell the truth, the count may not kill us, but the anger on the other side will tear us into pieces!"

"I'm going to die anyway, so why not die in the hands of the earl? At least I can die more happily."

Rosen grinned: "Everyone, do you really think it will be pleasant to die in the hands of the earl?"

"Or have you forgotten that I am also a mage?"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the Kaa mages suddenly showed fear.

Only mages know how terrifying mages are.

Once a mage uses his imagination to torture people, he can definitely create a living hell in the world.

But in the end, Ruvacado still shook his head: "You are just a low-level mage, what powerful methods can you use?"

Hearing this, before Rosen could speak, Asang smiled coldly.

"Liars, mages are not the only ones who master torture. When a barbed iron pestle dipped in salt water is inserted into the butthole, the taste is not pleasant."

Ruvacado smiled disdainfully: "Your pain is just physical pain, which can be overcome with a simple mental barrier."

"Maybe the barrier can't stop all the pain, but compared to the agony of the soul, it's just a scratch."

Asang opened his mouth but was speechless.

Ruvacado sighed again, helplessness written on his face.

"It's not that we don't want to cooperate, it's because we signed a very strong loyalty contract."

"Once betrayed, the powerful contract power will destroy our souls, and will also bring bad luck to all our relatives through the path of blood resonance."

"So, we have no choice."

Asang frowned upon hearing this.

He is a master of combat, and killing enemies on the battlefield is his forte. It is not difficult to kill a master of spells at close range.

But he was at a loss to deal with the mage's mysterious methods.

Finally, he showed his hands to Rosen: "It's up to you, Baron."

Although he didn't think Rosen could succeed, he was definitely more hopeful than him.

Rosen nodded: "I have done in-depth research on the loyalty contract. It may be possible to unlock it, but it will take some time."

In response to this, Asang shrugged and was very dissatisfied. He did not think that a low-level mage could unlock the loyalty contract that trapped the magic master.

Master Ruvacado did not show contempt, he directly pointed out the difficulty.

"The power of this loyalty contract itself is not very strong, but it uses the Lafite-type spiritual key, which is the famous unsolvable key."

Rosen said nothing.

He scratched a piece of clean ground on the ground with his feet, took out a handful of silver coins from his pocket, used the transformation technique to turn them into special operators for legal deeds, and then squatted on the ground and started playing with them.

After playing with it for a while, he would raise his head and ask Ruwaka more questions about the legal deed, or directly cast a test spell on it.

As he fiddled with it, there were more and more magical instruments and operators on the ground, and their arrangement became more and more complex.

Time passed by minute by minute, and an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

At this time, there were more than a thousand silver amulets on the ground, and the silver was so dazzling that it made people dizzy.

Assan was already very impatient: "Baron, how long will it take?"

"I don't know, maybe another hour, maybe ten minutes, I'm not sure."

Asang endured and waited for another half an hour, and finally lost all patience.

"I'm going to the ground to get some fresh air. It's really suffocating here."

"Okay, I'll call you when I get it out."

Asang didn't stay for a moment, turned around and left.

This is the territory of the earl, and the baron wants the earl. He believes that with the baron's wisdom, he will not do anything that harms the earl's interests.

Not long after Asang left, a smile suddenly appeared on Rosen's face, and he immediately used a mage's hand to collect all the silver coin counters on the ground.

He said: "It's solved."

Lafite's secret key to the soul is essentially a math problem. It's not difficult, but it requires constant calculation.

With the calculation power of ordinary people, it would take 100 years.

Therefore, Rosen did not rely on operators to solve the problem, it was just a trick.

He was solved by Lai Fu using his calculation power.

Ruvacado was completely confused: "Did you really figure it out? I don't believe it."

Rosen smiled: "The world is developing, Master. Just because there was no solution before, doesn't mean there is no solution now."

After saying that, he raised his hand and pointed it at the other person's forehead, only to hear a "click" sound, which was similar to the sound of glass cracking in his heart.

Ruvacado's eyes were confused for a moment, and then he regained his clarity, which was full of disbelief.

"Oh~ I was really untied by a little mage like you!"

Rosen cast spells on other mages one after another, and unlocked the contracts one by one.

The Kaa mages were all shocked by Rosen's hand, and all of them were speechless.

Rosen smiled and said: "I will summon Ah Sang again in ten minutes, because I want to hear your story first, the complete story."

When things got to this point, the Kaa mages looked at me and I looked at you, and finally they all focused their attention on Ruvacado.

Master Ruvacado sighed softly: "If you can undo the deed, you can definitely perform torture that we can't imagine."

"So, we don't want to taste the magic torture, so we have no choice."

After a pause, he said: "It started two months ago."

"At that time, the count had a huge investment in an ocean-going trading company called Vale in Kao, and we locals all know that this trading company is actually a trap specifically targeting foreign investors."

Rosen raised his brows and understood: "After Vale Trading Company attracted a large amount of real money investment, it found an excuse for a shipwreck to go bankrupt?"

"That's right."

Master Ruvacado nodded: "We heard that the count lost all his money, and we couldn't help but think that this count must have a bad mind, but he is not a fool after all. After this incident, he will definitely be very cautious about foreign investments. "

"So, you are planning to come to your door to cheat?"

Ruvacado shook his head repeatedly: "No, it's not a lie, at least not at first."

"We really want to get some investment from the earl and start some business."

"We are all short of money, and we are all crazy about poverty, so we scraped together the last bit of travel expenses and wanted to try our luck in the Shire County."

"But it's not that simple. We've been going around for half a month, and we haven't even seen the earl's face."

"The count is high and high, but we are as humble as dust. We are still foreigners. No one has recommended us. We have been wandering around Xialin for half a month and we don't even have a chance to talk to him."

Rosen believes this, and he himself has a deep understanding of it.

"Just when we were feeling frustrated, a local mage came to our door."

"Then the scam begins. You've probably guessed quite a bit about the specific situation."

Rosen nodded to express his understanding, and then asked: "Master just said that he really planned to do something at the beginning, but what was he planning to do?"

"To develop a new weapon, we call it "Arcane Torrent Crossbow"."

The person who answered was a senior mage next to Ruvacado, who was probably in his early thirties and had a pair of bright brown-red eyes.

Rosen immediately became interested: "New weapon? What's your name?"

"Gatlan, a senior mid-term mage, a civilian, proficient in arcane missiles."

Rosen became more and more interested: "Arcane Missile. Mastery?"

Gatland smiled confidently.

"Ordinary arcane missiles can only fly 150 meters and lock on 80 meters. My improved arcane missiles, while maintaining the same power, can fly 300 meters and lock on 200 meters, and the flying speed is tripled!"

Rosen repeatedly praised: "What a great spell!"

"But what does this have to do with arcane torrent and crossbow?"

"Because the missile is only one part of it, plus the arcane lattice array I researched!"

Rosen was answered by another senior mage.

Rosen introduced himself without asking, "My name is Markley, and I am proficient in the research of low-level arcane crystal lattices."

"I can reduce the manufacturing cost of low-level arcane lattices to one-tenth of the current cost, while doubling the performance. At the same time, the stability of these arcane lattices is greatly increased, and they can be controlled to explode at a very close distance without affecting each other."

"Thus forming a safe lattice array."

As soon as he finished speaking, the voice of the last senior mage sounded.

"And I, the inscriptionist Grank, am proficient in 18 ways of engraving arcane missile inscriptions, 5 of which are my original creations."

Hearing this, Rosen had roughly understood the combat method of this arcane torrent crossbow, and felt like he had picked up a treasure.

But he remained calm on the surface: "It sounds good, but only Mother Nature knows whether you are lying."

"Now, write down the crimes of the Mage Guild."

Luwakado shook his head: "We won't do it unless we are guaranteed to stay alive."

At this time, Rosen had summoned Asan.

Asan came over and said: "I promise that you will not die, but will be expelled from the Shire by the Earl."

"I will ask the Earl to send you safely to the border of the Shire and give each of you a basic staff. Whether you can escape the revenge of the Mage Guild depends on your own ability."

At this point, Luwakado had nothing to say.

He sighed: "Okay, let's do it."

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