Start with Island Lord

Chapter 47 A foreign soulmate whom I have never met

Early morning three days later.

Rosen and Selena left Maple Leaf Castle in a traveling carriage.

According to the plan, they will go to the Broken Gold Pier to make final preparations before departure.

In the carriage, Selena asked: "How much money do we have now?"

Rosen was looking at the report sent by Kluber. After hearing this, he replied: "I urgently purchased an additional 10,000 Oggs of supplies, so I still have about 40,000 Oggs in cash."

Selena was startled: "Since I bought it, why not buy more?"

"Because you really can't buy anything good in Shire County, and in terms of basic supplies, we have already bought enough."

“Besides, keeping money on hand can also be used to deal with unexpected situations.”

"Uhmm~~~~Okay, honey, you convinced me."

Selena counted on her fingers: "So, our cargo ship now has various materials worth about 30,000 Oggs."

"Yes, there are 15 more Kaa mages."

Selena was startled: "Didn't those 15 liars be expelled from Shire County by the earl?"

Rosen smiled: "The ones who were expelled were a group of magical illusions, and the real Master Kaa was hiding on our ship."

"Because I quietly told them that Master Nord hates them to the core and will definitely silence them. And they agreed with my statement, so they boarded our ship."

"They plan to avoid the limelight on our island for a while and serve us for a while."


Selena looked worried: "Are these liars trustworthy?"

"Not credible for the time being."

Rosen shook his head: "They are even very dissatisfied with us and very wary. Because they feel that all the lords in the world are not good people."

"They also feel that we disrupted their situation and quietly helped them in private. Maybe we are playing against their plans."

When he saw Selena becoming more and more worried, to the point where her brows were about to frown, he smiled to reassure her.

"Dear madam, don't worry too much about them. Kaa is very strict about combat spells. Except for nobles and military battle mages, civilians are strictly prohibited from learning them."

"So, they are not battle mages, they are research mages."

"All they want is a decent and stable life. Unless they are driven to a dead end, they will only protest with their mouths instead of using magic to resist."

"Hmm~ If that's the case, that's fine."

Selena felt relieved, but soon a new sadness arose.

"My dear, we can offend the wizards' guild in Shire County severely this time. Will there be any trouble?"

Rosen grinned: "Of course there will be some trouble, but can it be more difficult than Aaron Night Guard?"

"Furthermore, Shire County belongs to the earl, not the mages' guild. And the guild has just been suppressed by the earl. Even if it wants to retaliate against us, it doesn't have the strength."

"And when they recover, we will also take control of Paddlefish Island and become the lord of the island, right?"

After saying a few words, Selena put aside her worries: "That's right."

The carriage drove along and soon arrived at the Golden Sturgeon Inn at Broken Gold Wharf.

Kluber was already at the door to greet him.

After Rosen got off the bus with Selena, they returned all the way to the guest room on the third floor.

When he arrived in the living room, he immediately asked: "What's the current situation?"

Kluber reported respectfully: "There are three things."

"First, Master Stonard has gone to Paddlefish Island in advance to investigate the situation. When we return to the island tomorrow, we should be able to meet him."

"The second thing is that there is indeed a lot of black market at Broken Gold Pier, but because the count severely cracks down on smuggling, the scale is generally small."

"Even according to the most conservative estimate, the total turnover of the entire dock black market in a year will probably not exceed 30,000 Oggs."

Rosen expected this, because Earl Robert still has some management skills.

But when he actually learned about it, he was still a little disappointed. After all, such a small trade volume couldn't support his development plan.

Although he could go to the count and beg him to let go, the government affairs department in Xialin City was the Duke's lackey, and they were not blind.

It's okay to use military supplies to take advantage of loopholes this time. If you keep taking advantage of loopholes, it will be a challenge to the Duke's majesty.

By then, the count will also be in trouble.

Therefore, we can’t have high hopes for black market smuggling in Xialin City for the time being.

He continued to ask: "What about the third one?"

"A businessman from Levend came to you specifically, saying that he is an acquaintance of yours and hopes to reach some business cooperation with you?"

"An acquaintance. What's your name?"

"He didn't say his name, but he said you must know him, and he is currently staying on the second floor of the hotel. If you are willing to see him, I will call him up right now."

"Then let's meet."

After a while, Krupp brought in a middle-aged man with a shrewd look. Rosen recognized the man's identity with just one glance.

He laughed and said: "Muradi of Levend, I didn't expect that we would meet here again."

Back at the Blue Whale Mansion, he had played a game of victory chess with the businessman, and the businessman recognized him as the fake Sir Helic, but he wisely didn't mind his own business.

Mulady also smiled. He took off his hat and saluted Rosen and Selena respectively: "Baron, you will definitely not guess the purpose of my coming here."

Rosen thought for a moment and had a guess in his mind.

"My Paddlefish Island has nothing to worry about for you, so the thing that attracts you should be me. And when we met at that time, the only thing you saw was my transformation technique."

"So I guess you came for my Transfiguration."

Muradi was amazed: "No wonder the Baron can fool Aaron Night Guard, he really has an extraordinary mind."

Rosen knew that this was a businessman's flattery, but who doesn't like to be flattered, so he was in a good mood.

"I guess, you want to cooperate with me to open a brothel?"

Muradi was startled, showing surprise: "The Baron is really insightful, no wonder he can see through the Blood Flame Saras."

Rosen was also startled, he just made a random guess, but he didn't expect to guess it right.

Muradi no longer concealed it: "Some time ago, I happened to hear someone say that a strange thing happened in Dawn Harbor, saying that a master of transformation opened a brothel with sheep."

"At that time, I thought this idea was surprisingly good, so I visited many transformation wizards, hoping to find a partner, but no one could do this."

"Until I met the Baron, witnessed the Baron's flawless transformation, and briefly learned about your past, I suddenly realized that this sheep brothel should be opened by you, the Baron, because you should be the most powerful master of transformation in Dawn City."

"I don't know if I guessed right?"

With Rosen's current identity, he is no longer worried about this little moral flaw, so he frankly admitted: "Yes, I opened it to raise money."

Muradi immediately showed joy: "Baron, I am actually the owner of a brothel. I have opened several brothels in my hometown of Levender."

"So, I admire the Baron's transformation skills very much. "

Rosen wanted to laugh when he heard it: "Admire me?"

"Yes, although I opened many brothels and the business was pretty good, I encountered a bottleneck in development. The main reason is that there are too few beautiful girls. "

"But you know, young girls are easy to find these days, but there are really not many young and beautiful girls, and there are even fewer circulating in the market. "

"After all, men are not blind. Whenever they meet a really beautiful girl, they can't wait to marry her home and guard her 24 hours a day. "

"So I thought, since there is really no such thing, it's better to use a fake one. Anyway, it's just a skin, as long as it looks good, the customers won't care about the authenticity. "

Kruber nodded in agreement with this view: "Not only do they not care about the authenticity. The really hungry customers can even choose to have fun with the swamp lizardmen. "

Selena couldn't listen any more, and felt that the topic of these men was too rough.

"You guys chat, I'm going to my room to rest first."

Muradi apologized hurriedly: "Excuse me, Your Highness."

After Selena left, he lowered his voice and said: "Baron, I know you will definitely not be trapped on a barren island, and you will definitely find a way to develop your island, and all this requires money and even more materials."

"But the Duke has issued such a ruthless ban, so I think we have a solid foundation for cooperation."

Rosen also thought so, he whispered: "Tell me your conditions?"

"I will hire a boat to send the 'girls' to be transformed to your island, you are responsible for the transformation according to my requirements, and don't worry about anything else."

Rosen blinked :"Are the girls human or sheep?"

Levender chuckled: "Both."

Rosen nodded to show that he understood: "Go on."

"Similarly, you provide a list of supplies, and I will help you purchase in Levender. Of course, you can send your confidants to supervise."

"We can build a secret trade route between Levender and Sturgeon Island."

Rosen laughed: "There is no secret route between Levender and Sturgeon Island. Any trade between us will be discovered by those who are interested."

Although the island and Levender are separated by only the ocean, ships these days dare not cross the ocean in a straight line. They will get lost, encounter deep-sea monsters, and encounter many mysterious deep-sea aliens.

For safety, cargo ships generally follow the coastline.

So, the real route is from Levender to the west to the Liuguang Strait in the north of Aaron, and then go north to Weilan Dawn City. At this time, they usually need to replenish supplies.

Then go north along the coastline to the Broken Gold Wharf, and finally cross the Fengxi Strait to Sturgeon Island.

It is equivalent to going around a huge circle, from a distance of about 1,500 kilometers to more than 6,000 kilometers.

Not only does it take a long time, but it may be intercepted at any time along the way.

Muradi smiled softly: "It didn't exist before, but now it exists, because an unlucky captain was blown all the way by the storm and accidentally found a safe channel in the ocean."

"This new channel runs along an underwater mountain range, with several supply islands on the way. Not only can it shorten the journey by half, but it can also bypass the Dawn City and trade directly with the north of Weilan."

Rosen was secretly surprised, because the emergence of this new route is very important.

It will not only change Weilan's business territory, but also change Weilan and even the political structure of the Natural Alliance.

But he didn't show it on the surface, and even looked happy: "It sounds good, then you can send the girl here."

"As for the price?"

Muradi said first: "400 Ogg each, I know you must be short of money, so I will pay a deposit of 20,000 Ogg in advance, on the condition that you only cooperate with me."

Rosen was amazed, good guy, this guy still wants to monopolize.

Anyway, this money is free, and the price given by the other party is not bad, so it can be done.

But the situation will change in the future, so it can't be said to be dead.

So, Rosen smiled and said: "Your price is good, but I can only guarantee that you will be the only partner in Levender in the next three years."

Muradi hesitated for a moment and nodded in agreement: "Okay, sign the contract."

Soon, the two signed the contract.

But the matter is not over yet, Rosen does not want to miss such a good trade opportunity.

"Mr. Muradi, I am planning to buy some supplies from Levender now."

Unexpectedly, Muradi smiled: "I know you are short of supplies, especially various magic tools that Weilan does not have. So, I transferred a shipload of goods from my friends for you, all of which are of good quality."

"The price will be more expensive than the normal way. If you buy a lot and don't have enough money, I will also accept credit, or exchange it with the license for opening a brothel on the White Sturgeon Island."

Rosen suddenly felt that this guy was really amazing, no wonder he could become the boss of a brothel.

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