Start with Island Lord

Chapter 58 Judge you on behalf of justice

‘Hua La~Hua La~’

With the sound of uniform footsteps,

the four teams of forty shield guards formed a square formation, rushed across the drawbridge and entered the Crescent Castle.

Even though they were extremely fast, their movements were uniform, and the heavy rune anti-magic shields remained motionless in front of them, without revealing any defensive flaws.

At first glance, it looked like flowing steel!

When the island warriors in the castle saw such a battle, they were all shocked and retreated involuntarily.

They clearly felt the dangerous aura of these shield warriors.

But this is not over yet.

Battle Master Yop followed closely behind the shield guards, and he roared loudly.

“The princess’s guards are here to protect the emperor, and those who stand in the way will die!”

He roared with the four-ring battle spirit, and the sound was surprisingly loud, like rolling thunder into the castle.

The content of his words was also shocking.

Princess’s guards? Which princess?

Protecting the emperor? What emperor are they protecting?

While everyone was stunned, the iron-like shield guards had already rushed to Rosen's side.

Some of the shield guards surrounded him, and the fact showed that they were protecting the Lord of the White Sturgeon.

The other part of the shield guards continued to move forward ten meters, then stopped, and quickly built a solid temporary protective wall with the heavy shields in their hands.

At the same time, four teams of crossbow warriors followed closely behind the shield formation, aiming the cold-light shining crossbows at the mountain warriors on the opposite side.

If there were only a single shield formation and a crossbow formation, Sir Alais would still be a bit of a leader.

If nearly 300 warriors tried their best, they could also fight a bloody river.

The problem was that there was also a battle mage team.

A group of five battle mages stood at the back.

They formed four magic arrays, and each mage's staff shone with the cold light of magic, and was already in a state of preparing to cast spells.

Once the fight started, the mages would immediately throw powerful spells into the opponent's crowd, making them completely lose their combat effectiveness.

These changes happened so fast, like a flash of a flower.

It seemed that the situation changed completely in just a blink of an eye.

Rosen looked at Sir Alais, and saw that his face was blue and white, and he looked at the Flame Regiment with a shocked look.

Soldiers who have been on the battlefield for a long time have keen combat intuition. I believe this guy has clearly felt the strength of the Flame Regiment.

Looking at the soldiers around him, each of them was full of panic on their faces, and they were only a few straws away from morale collapse.

What Rosen wanted was the other party to surrender voluntarily, because he had seen that even the soldiers in Gaoshan Town, the forest spirits only corrupted the top and a few middle-level ones.

Most of the middle-level and lower-level Gaoshan warriors simply followed the lord to fight.

These middle-level and lower-level Gaoshan warriors are all allies that can be won over.

So, he continued to press the straw.

The mind whispered to Yop: "Start planning the second step."

This was all discussed in advance.

Yopp took a step forward and came to Rosen's body, then looked around and finally fell on Sir Ales opposite.

He said loudly: "The noble young man next to me is not only the lord of the White Sturgeon Island, but also the husband of Princess Weilan Chenxi!"

"You resist him, you are resisting the princess!"

"As the princess's personal guard regiment, we will defend the princess's dignity to the death!"

As soon as a few words came out, the island warriors were stunned.

Princess Weilan Chenxi, isn't this the goddess in the epic legend?

How could such a goddess marry a small lord of a small island like theirs?

Although the islanders didn't have much knowledge, they also felt that this matter was really far from the score.

They wanted to question it, but the equipment in front of them was so good, the breath was so strong that they didn't want to talk, and there was a terrible battle group led by a terrible battle master, but it was right in front of them.

People couldn't help but believe it.

For a moment, the Crescent Knights subconsciously raised their chests and their morale soared.

The high mountain warriors and the traitorous Crescent Knights were full of doubts about life, and each of them was like a dog that had lost its home.

Sir Alais was also in a bad situation. He was sweating coldly and swallowing saliva continuously.

Rosen knew that the situation was settled.

He spoke up and continued what Alais had said before.

"Uncle~ Are you thinking too simply?"

"Your previous behavior was betrayal!"

"As a traitor, you actually want to pretend that nothing happened and return to the high mountain town safely?"

"If I let you leave, how can I explain to those heroes who are loyal to the Crescent City until death?!"

Rosen's voice became louder and louder, and by the end, he was already roaring.

The Crescent Warriors immediately felt a common hatred for the enemy and roared in response.

"Kill the traitor! Kill the traitor! Kill the traitor!"

At first, they shouted in a scattered manner, and then in unison.

All the Crescent Warriors glared at the high mountain warriors opposite them, as well as about a dozen Crescent Warriors who had always followed Sir Alais.

Under the huge psychological pressure, the faces of these people were pale and lost.

Morale has dropped to the freezing point.

Sir Alais's face was pale and blue, he was trembling all over, and he gritted his teeth to hold on so that he didn't collapse.

"Rosen, I am your uncle, my father is your grandfather, my sister is your mother, we have the same blood in our bodies, you can't kill me."

He was begging for mercy.

Rosen was waiting for this sentence.

He could also feel that the angry Crescent Warriors were also waiting for his response.

His next response was very important and very crucial!

This response will be the starting point of everything, and will determine the path he will take on the road to becoming a lord in this other world, and will also determine the height he can eventually reach in this world.

He took a deep breath, and using his height advantage, he looked down slightly at Sir Alais who was standing 50 meters away.

"In terms of personal affection, you are indeed my uncle!"

"On a personal level, I am willing to forgive your mistakes. I will not vent my anger on you, nor will I vent my anger on your family."

"Yes, yes, yes, well said, you are really my good nephew, uncle is wrong, please forgive me?"

Alais felt that this was a bit wrong, but he had no time to think about it, and subconsciously used this as a life-saving straw.

Rosen was still very calm, his expression and eyes were always calm, and his voice was as clear as ever, striving to make every soldier present hear clearly.

He continued.

"But the Lord of the White Sturgeon Island is not an ordinary person, and cannot only talk about the private affairs of ordinary people!"

This was very heavy, as deafening as thunder.

All the soldiers present also listened attentively.

Rosen stared at Sir Alais with a face full of ‘sad’ determination.

“The lord of the White Sturgeon Island is the guardian of all human beings on the island! The defender of justice! The executor of justice in the mortal world!”

“Uncle, you colluded with the mortal enemy of the human race and usurped the position of lord. You betrayed the lord and all human beings!”

“You ignored the wishes of most Crescent Warriors, or killed or ravaged those heroes and righteous men who were loyal to Crescent City, which was a trampling of justice!”

“You have committed a great sin in terms of duty and justice.”

“Anyone, whether he is a noble or a commoner, even if it is me in the future, once he commits such a terrible crime, he must be punished by justice!”

After saying this, the entire Crescent Castle fell into silence, like the tranquility after thunder.

But the shock caused by this thunder was not fear, but a sense of identity from the deepest part of the heart.

Life on the island is hard, and everyone must be self-reliant to survive, so everyone has a strong character and only obeys the stronger.

But it does not mean that they do not have a simple sense of right and wrong in their hearts.

Now, the new lord Rosen expressed this simple concept in clear and understandable words, which was so moving that it immediately aroused strong emotional resonance among everyone.

The morale of the soldiers in Gaoshan Town had already dropped to zero, and now it has dropped directly below the freezing point.

They almost turned against each other!

The newly appointed lord of the white sturgeon island is so great and noble that he makes the knight they follow look as ugly as a clown.

No one with a normal mind would follow a clown to fight against a hero.

Even the members of the Flame Corps were greatly shocked.

Most of them came from good civilian families. They obviously had strong personal abilities, but they did not get the respect and treatment corresponding to their abilities.

They clearly saw the incompetence of many nobles, but they had to bow to these people.

And now, Rosen, the lord of the white sturgeon island who was originally looked down upon, is so brave, so capable, so fair and just, which really makes people have to be impressed.

Rosen felt that the time was almost right, and turned to look at the soldiers of Gaoshan Town.

"Faced with the strong, the weak will inevitably be deceived and coerced by them, and even forced to commit many crimes."

"So, I will only execute the twenty most evil sinners, and I will pardon the death penalty for the rest of the soldiers."

He stole a total of 20 bottles of Dragon's Blessing Potion, so these 20 people are the diehards carefully selected by the forest spirits and must be eradicated.

"Now, I need to know, in addition to my uncle Alais, who are the other 19 most evil people?"

As soon as these words came out, Alais was immediately flustered. He looked around at his men and roared angrily.

"Who dares to judge me?!"

Then he threatened again.

"Your family and children are all in Gaoshan Town. Once I die, the forest spirits will immediately destroy Gaoshan Town!"

He said as he retreated, his eyes looking around, and he began to doubt everyone around him.

This action confirmed the name of a traitor.

Rosen immediately shouted: "It is the duty of the Crescent Lord to fight against the forest spirits and protect the people. After the main culprit is tried, I will immediately send troops to support Gaoshan Town!"

As soon as these words came out, the middle and lower-level Gaoshan Town warriors who were not corrupted suddenly had no worries.

Suddenly, a knight next to Goodman shouted: "I expose Goodman's crimes, I expose his collusion with the forest spirits!"

His shout immediately started a new beginning.

The two corrupted Crescent Knights and some high-level knights in Gaoshan Town were all isolated. Including Ales, there were exactly 20 people.

It was also exactly 20 people with potions.

These people were pale and wanted to escape, but they were surrounded by the warriors and had nowhere to escape.

So, they could only stand back to back, holding their weapons tightly in their hands, fighting like trapped beasts.

But the current situation is 800 to 20.

An absolute crushing advantage.

All Rosen needs to do is give an order, and these 20 people will be crushed to death in an instant.

Ales didn't expect things to turn out like this, nor did he expect that he would be defeated so miserably.

Just now, the opponent had only 60 people, and there were more than 700 people standing next to him. How come in a blink of an eye, there were enemies all around?

He looked at Rosen who was surrounded by the shield array in despair, and all the courage in his heart was drained away.

He heard him pleading: "Lord, I was wrong~ I plead guilty, please spare my life for the sake of blood relationship?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the sound of 'plop plop~ ding-dong~ ding-dong~'.

He turned around and saw that the 19 people around him had also thrown their weapons to the ground, kneeling on the ground, begging for mercy from the lord.

"Merciful lord~ I beg for your forgiveness~"

"Great Lord of the White Sturgeon, as long as you forgive me, you can let me do anything~"

These guys are obviously more open than Ales.

Unfortunately, all this is in vain.

Ales heard his nephew speak in his calm, clear, and even somewhat pleasant aristocratic tone.

"Now, in front of all the warriors, with the sacred power given to me by Mother Nature, I declare that these sinners will be deprived of their lives."

"Knight Kaudrin, I order you to take a group of Crescent Knights and take them to the market of Crescent City. In front of everyone, read out their crimes of betrayal and chop off their heads!"

Public crimes should be punished by public execution.

There are almost no disadvantages to doing this, but there are countless advantages.

"Yes, Lord!"

Knight Kaudrin shouted with all his strength, feeling an extremely high passion in his chest.

A gratifying thought turned in his mind.

"Lord Ted, look, this is the eldest son you have cultivated with all your strength, and he did not disappoint you."

"He is back and has brought true justice to our barbaric and backward place!"

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