Start with Island Lord

Chapter 73 Island Flat A Artifact (33)

Three days later, in the Lord's government study.

'Rosen' listened carefully to the report of the General Manager of Government, Kruber.

"Lord, since yesterday, people have been coming here one after another."

"Only more than 10 people came yesterday, but early this morning, more than 30 people gathered outside the city gate."

The four betraying knights have a total of more than 10,000 people. If so many people come out in one day, New Moon City will not have to do anything and they will soon be left alone.

But Kruber was still a little worried: "Lord, although we still have a lot of food, I'm afraid it won't be enough to consume if we continue like this."

Rosen smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter, I'm prepared."

Because he had received a letter from Muradi, at most ten days, he would transport a large number of supplies from the new route, including a large amount of food.

So, even if more than 10,000 people from the four towns all came, he could afford it!

Seeing that Lord Rosen looked calm, Kruber was relieved.

He began to report other government affairs, and Rosen listened carefully.

It can be seen that Kruber is a very capable and down-to-earth political talent.

Therefore, most of the time, Rosen was silent, and only a few times would he express his opinions and make some key instructions at key points.

This also made Kruber feel that the young mage lord in front of him was not the kind of noble lord who did not step on the ground.

He had a very deep understanding of all walks of life, even the poor beggars on the street, and he was extremely knowledgeable and well-informed.

The little tricks he occasionally used to fool the Fiery Mercenary Group in the past did not work in front of him.

So, Kruber also put away all the extra thoughts, was careful and worked down to earth.

He had just finished reporting here, and another young khao mage came over.

"Lord, Master Luwakado invites you."

Rosen's heart moved, and he quickly checked the content of "Detection Guard" and laughed in his heart.

'My flat attack artifact is here~'

Five minutes later, he came to the weapon research department of the island magic center.

On the table, he saw three samples of lightning torrent crossbows laid out in a row, as well as ten disc-shaped lightning lattice arrays that matched them, and he was filled with relief.

Rosen took the refining book, read it while comparing it with the real thing, and became happier and happier.

"Not bad~~ Very good~~~ This is a wonderful result."

"Everyone's work efficiency is much higher than I expected, and the finished product is much better than I thought!"

It took a total of 14 days, three mature lightning torrent crossbow samples, ten "lightning crossbow trays", each crossbow tray contains 300 lightning crossbows, and can fire an average of ten rounds per second.

In other words, it can fire three hundred times in half a minute without taking a breath.

Look at the appearance of the torrent crossbow again.

Although it is called a "crossbow", it actually does not look like a crossbow at all, but rather looks a bit like a shotgun in an alien style.

The gun body is about one meter long and weighs 10 kilograms. When using it, just aim the muzzle at the target and release the lightning ball in the crossbow tray.

The use restriction is that a low-level wizard who has mastered the art of lightning missiles.

This threshold is very low, and any wizard can do it. Even the white sturgeon island in the magic desert can find fifty-six.

As one of the three main forces in building the torrent crossbow, Gatlan Wizard also looked relieved, but he looked embarrassed the most.

"Lord, this thing is good, but charging is a big problem."

A 300-round lightning crossbow disc contains the lightning power of 300 low-level lightning missiles.

This power is so huge that even Master Luwakado can only charge half of it in one breath.

To fill the 10 lightning crossbow discs on the scene, 15 khao wizards have to spend more than half a month.

So, it seems very powerful, but there is a huge shortcoming that it is difficult to charge.

It is precisely because of this shortcoming that when they took the arcane torrent crossbow to Shire County to attract investment, they were ridiculed as "taking off pants and farting-style fantasy".

Rosen smiled faintly: "It is indeed a difficult problem, but I will find a way to recruit enough charging mages."

After hearing this, Mage Gatland felt more and more embarrassed, even ashamed.

He felt that the work they did was not authentic, just like cheating money.

If Rosen was a hypocritical and greedy lord, he would have cheated, but the other party was honest and generous, and very reasonable.

In the past half month, he also treated them well and invested a huge amount of money to build such a good refining room for them.

So I feel very sorry for the baron.

Turning to look at the other Kao mages, everyone also had a guilty expression on their faces.

Rosen seemed not to see it. He turned to look at Master Luwakado: "Master, I have read the refining book of the Torrent Crossbow. It is very well written and I am very satisfied."

"These finished products are also very good. I am also very satisfied."

"You have fully fulfilled the contract, so I will also fulfill the contract."

"According to the contract, the reward of 10,000 Oggs, plus 5,000 Oggs of compensation, a total of 15,000 Oggs, right?"

This is a lot of money, but it is not for the Torrent Crossbow, but for buying bones.

The Kao mages all nodded.

Although the three main senior mages, Gatland, Markley and Grank, also nodded, they all nodded with shame.

Rosen waved to Alia who was following him: "Alia, give me the money."

Alia had already brought the cash box and immediately took out 140 Austrian gold coins, plus 1,000 Austrian gold coins: "Exactly 15,000 Austrian gold coins, please click on them."

The dazzling light of the gold coins made all the Kaa mages narrow their eyes. Coming from commoners and poor little nobles, they had never seen so much money in their lives.

When Master Rubacado took the money box, even with the tough mind of the magic master, it was difficult to suppress the trembling of his hands.

A group of people counted them over and over again. After counting them ten times, Ruvacado said in a trembling voice: "Lord, that's right, every penny is a lot."

Rosen said: "Then as promised, you are free and can go wherever you want."

The Khal mages did not expect Rosen to be so straightforward.

One by one, you looked at me and I looked at you. You wanted to leave immediately, but you were a little confused and didn't know where to go next.

After all, they had been very comfortable on the island during this period, and their days had been fulfilling. Now that they suddenly regained their freedom, they felt like they had nowhere to go.

Rosen ignored them and ordered Stonard to start receiving the finished Lightning Torrent Crossbow.

When the Torrent Crossbow and Lightning Crossbow plates were all taken away, they saw that the Kaa mages had not left yet and were still standing in the corner of the weapon refining room dividing money.

They seemed to have some differences and quarreled from time to time.

Rosen knew it, but he pretended not to see it.

About half an hour later, the money was finally divided. Master Luvacado left with a group of young mages, but three senior mages and several intermediate mages were still standing there.

Rosen smiled and greeted Master Ruvacado: "Master, are you ready to return to Kaa?"

Ruvacado nodded: "I owe a debt of more than 800 Oggs in my hometown. My family has been humiliated all year round because of this. I have to go back to pay off the debt."

Rosen nodded: "Then you have to go back quickly. I wish you a safe journey, Master."

Ruvacado nodded and said: "Baron, you are a truly noble lord. I know you need talents. In fact, I kind of want to stay here and continue to serve you, but I am too old."

Sighing, he continued: "When I return to my hometown, I will definitely publicize your deeds widely. I believe there will be many young and outstanding Kaa Masters who will follow you."

Rosen nodded happily: "Thank you very much, Master."

It's worth seven or eight thousand Oggs to get a magic master to advertise for him!

Ruvacado left with emotion on his face.

After he left, three senior mages came over, followed by five young intermediate Kaa mages.

There are eight people in total, accounting for half of the 15 Kaa mages. They are elite members of the team. Their abilities are much stronger than the other seven people. They are also the absolute main force in building the Torrent Crossbow.

Among the three, Gatland is the most capable, and he will speak out now.

His face was full of shame: "Lord, in fact, the Lightning Torrent Crossbow has many fatal flaws. The three of us unanimously believe that if we do not completely solve these problems, we really disrespect the Lord's trust."

Rosen was not surprised by this at all, because he could tell from daily interactions that these three senior mages were engineers from another world.

They all have the obsessive-compulsive nature of a first-class engineer.

He smiled and asked, "What are your plans?"

Gatland said: "We plan to continue to improve the Lightning Torrent Crossbow. We don't need additional compensation, as long as the lord can control our daily life and research consumption."

After saying that, he smiled awkwardly: "I know that even so, the consumption is actually not small, hehe~~"

The more he talked, the more guilty he became.

Rosen simply snapped his fingers and agreed very simply.

"No problem, it's not just the Lightning Torrent Crossbow. If you have any new ideas in the future, you can communicate with me."

"As long as you can convince me and make me think it is useful, I will invest money to support it."

The eyes of the Kaa mages were all bright.

Master Markley laughed: "I knew this would be possible, but you still don't believe it."

The other mages were all filled with joy, because Rosen's promise meant that they would have a decent income throughout their lives, and they could still do the work they were best at and interested in.

Not many people in this world have such good luck.

Seeing this, Rosen joked: "I said, don't you plan to continue taking risks?"

Master Gronk smiled and said: "Lord, there are many ways to take risks. Some people like to wander around and take risks, but we like to find the treasures hidden by the Creator in the world of magic."

Rosen nodded in agreement: "The moment you find the treasure, you will have a great sense of accomplishment that resonates with the Creator. That feeling is more charming than the richest wine."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of all the Kaa mages suddenly lit up, and they all looked at Rosen as if they were looking at a close friend.

Rosen continued: "Then I wish you all good luck in your adventure. By the way, I will also show you a good thing."

After all the Kaa mages who took the initiative to stay looked at him, he smiled and said: "Do you know why I want to create a lightning torrent instead of an arcane torrent?"

Gatland immediately asked: "We are all confused about this question, why?"

Rosen set up a silence barrier and then said: "First of all, I want to explain that since you plan to officially serve me, we must sign a confidentiality agreement."

This is natural, after all, every lord has his own secret.

The Kaa mages also nodded in agreement.

Without any delay, Rosen immediately took out the confidentiality agreement and began to discuss and sign it one by one with the Kaa mages.

The signing process was very troublesome, and the rights and obligations of both parties were discussed in detail.

It took about two hours in total. When they signed the contract, the seven Kao mages headed by Master Luwakado had already left the island by boat.

The remaining Kao mages have completely tied their lives to the White Sturgeon Island.

Now, they are no longer called Kao mages, but Crescent Mages of the Island.

Then, Rosen told the secret word by word.

"Because, I found a lightning house in the Creator's treasure house that can automatically draw and store lightning power from nature."

As soon as these words came out, the mages were stunned and looked extremely shocked.

"I don't believe it! This is impossible!"

Gatland shouted in surprise.

Rosen smiled slightly: "I will show you this. You can open your eyes, but be careful that your eyes fall out of your eye sockets."

Of course, it is not to show the highest achievement of the underground magic laboratory, but a part of the simplified samples.

He also believed that this group of highly qualified engineering masters would become the most important maintainers and improvers of various automatic production lines on the island in the future.

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