Start with Island Lord

Chapter 75 A barbarian comes to surrender (23)

Early morning.

Crescent City.

There are still more than two months to go before the Winter Veil Festival, which ends winter. Now is almost the coldest season of the year.


Under the personal protection of Alia, Rosen stood on the castle wall that had been heightened and reinforced for a long time, looking at the Crescent City District of the Round Moon Hill.

Five days have passed since the Black Iron Guards entered the city, and the number of human beings who have come here every day has stabilized at about 200 a day.

After these people were settled, they all became the new force of the Crescent City Engineering Team.

What does the engineering team do?

Repair the city's outer walls, repair roads, clear the garbage accumulated in the corners, build temples, build new houses for people to live in, and so on.

As long as there is a need for improvement, there are engineering teams, almost turning the entire Crescent City into a large construction site.

Efforts are also very effective. Today's Crescent City has both stronger defenses and is cleaner and tidier.

It looks much better.

Taking a deep breath of the fresh morning air, Rosen turned his head and looked at the towering Longmian Snow Peak in the sky on the east side, but there was a hint of confusion in his heart.

"The one who spied on me in the early morning, was it you, the goddess Melqilina?"

His Levin puppet had been exploring the mountains and forests for many days, and had disguised himself as a forest elf, had dealt with the peripheral members of various tribes, and knew a lot of information about the forest elves.

Among them, the goddess Melqilina is a kind of pan-belief of the forest elf tribe.

I say belief because the goddess has a high reputation in the forest elf tribe, and add a "pan" because the goddess doesn't care much, even less than the mother of nature, Zigrellana.

The only thing she does is to respond to the requests of the leaders of each tribe every year and bless the outstanding young people in their tribe to make them grow taller and stronger.

This group of forest elves is called the "sons of the forest".

Originally, Rosen didn't take the goddess seriously.

Because he had just dealt with the sons of the forest.

Phoenix of the Nalin tribe is a child of the forest. He doesn't feel that he is anything special, just a little stronger.

He originally thought that the goddess was just a fictitious faith totem and had no real entity.

But the peeping from the direction of the snow peak in the early morning made him feel an unfamiliar six-ring power.

The peeping spell he used was very sophisticated. He couldn't locate its exact position with the anti-tracking spell, and could only use the pan-interference spell to fight back.

To a certain extent, he was actually at a disadvantage in this secret magic confrontation.

"Sure enough, there are countless secrets in the deep of the hidden world, and there are far more strong people than on the surface."

"Fortunately, I have always kept a low profile."

If you enter the scene in a high-profile manner, others will hide in the dark and peeping. By then, it may not be the peeping spell, but a fatal blow after someone catches the flaw.

"I am still too young, and I have too little time to explore high-ring magic. In terms of high-ring magic achievements, I am far inferior to those high-ring mages who have lived for a long time."

This is Rosen's biggest shortcoming.

The reason is that there is no place to learn high-level spells above the fifth ring, so you can only rely on yourself to explore little by little.

How to deal with it later?

What kind of response will the opponent make?

Rosen is not sure.

He is not particularly worried because he does not feel the opponent's malice.

In addition, he also got a few tricks when exploring the high-level magic field.

Among them, when exploring the tenth magic ring, he was lucky enough to get a very powerful defensive spell.

Rosen named it "Law Interference Holy Shield".

He is confident that even if he can't beat him in a single duel, he should be able to run away successfully.

While thinking, Alia's voice suddenly came to his ears: "Master, look, a group of shirtless people wearing shorts came outside the north city gate."

Rosen came back to his senses and turned his head to look over, and he really found a group of shirtless guys.

In this winter, the weather is minus seven or eight degrees. Aren't you afraid of freezing to death with so little clothing?

Immediately switch to the perspective of "Detection Guard" to view, and it will be clearer.

A total of 13 people, no, it should be said that they are forest spirits.

Considering that the appearance of forest elves is actually the same as that of humans, the slight difference in appearance is similar to that of the two races on Earth, so it is okay to call people.

These 13 forest elves, aged between 18 and 30, 9 men and 4 women, are naked from the upper body, wearing shorts on the lower body, and bare feet.

Looking at the shorts again, they are not real shorts, but are made of thin strips of thorns, with sharp short thorns growing on them.

Although it will not kill people or leave any disabilities, it is definitely a big sin to walk in this thing.

The unexpected appearance of this group of strange forest elves also immediately attracted the attention of the guards of Crescent City.

Rosen heard a guard on the city wall shouting: "Forest elves~ Stop!"

After the forest elves stopped, the guard shouted again: "I say, what are you doing? Aren't you afraid of freezing to death?"

Rosen saw the forest elf in front of him speak.

"We are the children of the forest of the Ego tribe."

"We have heard about Baron Rosen's deeds, recognize his status as the supreme lord of the White Sturgeon Island, and apologize to him for the past grudges. We beg him to forgive our crimes!"

After hearing these two sentences, Rosen quickly checked the fragmentary information collected by the "Detection Guard" seal, and he already understood what was going on.

This was someone who was fooled by him and took the initiative to come and surrender!

He immediately waved to Alia: "Go quickly, make sure the forest elves are safe on the way to Crescent Castle. I want to receive them properly."

"Yes, Lord."

Alia immediately burst into fighting spirit and jumped directly from the more than ten-meter-high wall. She raised her foot and kicked the wall halfway. After a little leverage, she landed safely.

Rosen said to the guards on the wall: "Put down the big drawbridge and wait for them to come."

"Yes, Lord."

The guards began to put down the big drawbridge.

Rosen quickly returned to the lord's longhouse and found his wife Selena. He briefly told her what he saw, and then smiled: "The deterrence of the Black Iron Guard has a great effect."

Selena was also very surprised: "Is there really someone who doesn't wear clothes in winter and wears thorn pants?"

How uncomfortable is this?

It's okay for men, but if women do this, how can they get married in the future?

Rosen smiled and explained, "As far as I know, men and women in the forest elves have their own division of labor, and neither is indispensable, so their status is almost equal. In fact, because women are better at witchcraft in caring for plants, their status is slightly higher."

The forest elves are equivalent to the primitive society on Earth in the stage of food gathering and hunting, with a tendency towards a matriarchal society.

Selena still felt very surprised.

The two sat in the lord's chair and waited patiently. To show their power, ten cold and powerful black iron guards were on each side.

To show formality, Rosen brought the commander of the Flame War Corps, the three knight commanders stationed in the castle and 14 senior knights, as well as Kruber, Alonso, Vigo and other leading figures to witness the forest elves' active surrender.

Speaking of which, this should be considered a milestone event in the history of the island.

On the White Sturgeon Island, the human race and the forest elves are enemies. Since the human race landed on the island in 200, the two sides have been in constant conflict and friction, fighting for a full two hundred years.

It has always been a state of no one submitting to the other. Now the forest elves actually came to the door in such a humble manner to express their submission. People outside the island may not feel much, but the local human race on the island all feel proud.

About half an hour later, 13 forest elves finally walked to the castle.

As the sons of the forest, and because they have been running around in the mountains and forests for a living all year round, their bodies are very well-proportioned and agile. The men are tall and the women are fit, and they look very healthy.

But because they are naked, their white skin is frozen blue and purple, and many blood stains can be seen on their thighs caused by thorn shorts.

Fortunately, the fire pit in the hall is lit 24 hours a day, so the hall is very warm, relieving the suffering of the forest elves from freezing.

When they got closer, under the gaze of Rosen and Selena, and all the human leaders, Igonini led the tribe to kneel on the ground.

"Lord, Lady Lord, we are the sons of the forest from the Ego tribe."

"I am Igonini, the eldest grandson of the tribal leader."

"Our Ego tribe lives on the east side of the Crescent Mountains. We have not had many conflicts with the human race, and have never participated in the assassination of Lord Ted."

"We admire the strength and civilization of Crescent City. We beg the Lord and Lady Lord to forgive the mistakes made by our Ego tribe in the past and accept the followers of our Ego tribe."

After saying that, the Thirteen Forest Spirits supported themselves with their hands, knelt on the floor with their heads slammed, and performed a great ceremony of prostrating themselves.

This posture was really low to the dust.

The human race masters present had nothing to say, because Igonini was right.

The Ego tribe and the human race did not have much hatred. Since the other party was willing to submit to the lord, there seemed to be no reason to refuse.

Rosen certainly agreed in his heart.

First, he had to set an example and show his broad mind.

Secondly, the Yigo tribe has more than 5,000 people, and they are not much different from humans. If they intermarry and mix blood for a few generations, they will be indistinguishable.

But they must surrender sincerely. If they come here to make a claim, but in fact they are still you and I am me, it is meaningless.

So he asked: "Igo Nini, your attitude is very sincere, but I not only want to see attitude, but also actions."

"I ask you three questions."

"Lord, please."

"Do you accept the freedom to settle and relocate in your respective territories and live together?"


"Do you accept free intermarriage between the two tribes?"


"Do you accept a unified management system and set up a mixed army of warriors from the two tribes as a guard garrison?"


There were 13 forest spirits present, and nearly half of them actually wanted to object, but in the end Igo Nini withstood the pressure and agreed to all of them.

Rosen had been observing carefully and knew that Igo Nini was a radical among the forest elves and was more yearning for the human race. He was a key figure in promoting the integration of the two races.

If this Igo Nini could stay in office, there would be no problem with the integration.

Originally, Rosen could make the decision directly, but he could achieve his current achievements so quickly and well, which was inseparable from the support of Princess Selena's identity.

So Rosen turned his head and whispered to his wife: "Madam, what do you say?"

Selena was not very interested in government affairs.

Since she was promoted to a master of magic, she was a little bit overwhelmed, with magic in her mind, thinking about going further and becoming a sage.

At this time, she thought that the group of forest elves in front of her were pretty good, good-looking, and had a good attitude, so she nodded: "I agree."

In this case, Rosen said loudly: "My wife, Princess Dawn, and I, the Lord of Sturgeon Island, unanimously agree to accept the followers of the Ego tribe."

"From now on, the Ego tribe is my people. As long as they obey the laws of Crescent City, they will be protected by the Crescent Warriors."

After making the announcement, he waved his hand and said to the servants beside him: "Bring up the warm new winter clothes for my new people to change into."

With these words, the servants came forward one after another and brought human-style clothes and pants according to the figures of the forest elves.

The forest elves were not shy either. They took off their thorn underwear in public and put on the new clothes directly.

After putting them on, because of their well-proportioned figures, they actually looked pretty good, much better than most of the bloated human race.

But it can also be seen that probably because the speed of change was too fast, these forest elves still had a lot of resistance.

So, Rosen clapped his hands and said, "Igonini, and all the sons of the forest present, you will live in Crescent City for the next few days, get familiar with the life in the city, and tell me the stories in the mountains and forests."

"In three days, I will show you a very powerful attack weapon, and you can have a good look at it."

Igonini's heart jumped when he heard it, and he couldn't help asking: "Attack weapon? Did the Black Guard bring it?"

"Yes, they brought it. It is so powerful that it can be called a destructive artifact!"

Rosen said meaningfully.

After he finished speaking, he saw that the sons of the forest behind Igonini, who had some resistance on their faces, became quiet one by one.

Obviously, they were frightened by Rosen's words.

And this is exactly the effect Rosen wanted.

In addition to super weapons, he planned to use as many methods as possible to scare them.

The more frightening it is now, the better it is to form an irresistible mental imprint in the other party's mind, and the less resistance to fusion in the future.

While thinking of a solution, he suddenly had an idea. It was the "Detection Guard" seal set up at the dock that sent an unexpected message.

A sharp-nosed speedboat, which was obviously used for river navigation, entered the dock.

There was no flag on the boat to indicate its identity, but after the boat stopped, a gentleman in a black tuxedo came out.

Rosen took a look and was moved: "Huh~~ It's an old acquaintance."

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