Start with Island Lord

Chapter 80 The Calm Before the Final Battle (14)

It was another sunny and warm afternoon.

Perhaps the Creator was favoring the new island lord, and the weather was good every day during this period.

In Crescent City, another shocking news leaked out from the Gentle Ewe Tavern.

"Have you heard? The lord is going to show off new weapons, which are powerful weapons brought by Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

Someone came up immediately.

"The weapons brought by Her Royal Highness the Princess must be very powerful, right?"

"Of course, I heard that it is a very terrible magic weapon, which can cut a large area with one sweep, faster than a sickle cutting wheat."

The warrior's tone was very exaggerated, and there was an unconcealable fear in his eyes.

Someone else asked: "Where does the lord plan to show it?"

"I heard that it will be next to the Hanshui River Bridge in three days."

"Can anyone see it?"

"Since it is a display, everyone can see it, otherwise I dare not say anything."

Beihong Island is a small place. Once you encounter something new, it will spread all over the city quickly.

Some time ago, the shock brought by the Black Iron Guards had not yet ended, and this new shock appeared again.

Just like a boulder thrown into a small pond, the waves quickly spread to every corner of the White Sturgeon Island.

In the Crescent Inn, 13 forest sons led by Igonini gathered in a room, each with a solemn expression.

Igonini whispered: "It seems that the lord has completely lost patience with the rebels."

Another person immediately asked: "Why do you say that?"

Igonini turned his head to look out the window, and through the crystal-clear glass, he could see that it was the direction of the Crescent Castle.

His amber-gold eyes revealed a sense of reverence that he himself did not even notice: "Showing powerful weapons is like a warrior showing a huge and strong fist."

"If you still don't surrender, the next step is that this iron fist will hit the other party's face."

"By then, I'm afraid it will be a terrible massacre."

The other forest sons looked at each other, with both fear and relief in their eyes.

Fortunately, they followed the powerful lord in time and did not have to worry about the subsequent genocide.

A young male forest spirit chuckled and said, "The lord is still kind. If I had such a terrible weapon in my hand, I would have rushed over to wipe out the rebels."

Another female forest spirit rolled her eyes at him and said contemptuously, "So you are just a warrior, not a lord."

Then she turned to look at Igonini: "Brother, can you lend me your flying bird amulet for a few days? It's pretty."

Igonini was reluctant to part with it: "No, this is specially given to me by the lord."

Compared with the ease of the Ego tribe, the rebels in the mountains and forests had a very hard time.

Phoenix of the Nalin tribe shrank in the cave all day long, ignoring anyone who came to find him, and only said that he was seriously injured and had not recovered.

The cave was almost sealed.

The towns of the four human knights were like having their femoral arteries cut, with people fleeing every moment, and even some low- and middle-level knights began to run away.

Only the knights and those senior knights who had no way to retreat were still barely holding on, but they were also in a state of panic and could not even sleep well.

They were afraid that when they were sleeping, the fleeing knights would cut off their heads and take them to Crescent City for rewards.

But there was a place in the mountains that was different from other places.

Other places were in panic, but here, there was a tragic and resolute atmosphere.

This was a spacious cave in the mountains, not far from the cave of the Heg tribe's territory.

In the cave, two people were talking.

One was a giant over two meters tall, and the other was wrapped in a thick animal skin cloak, very mysterious, and his specific appearance could not be seen clearly.

The giant said: "Prophet, the situation has reached a very critical point, and we must fight to the death."

"I know."

The cloaked man was called the prophet, and naturally it was Mbahat.

He nodded: "The location where the baron will display his weapons has been determined. I have seen it. It is not far from the mountains and forests, and it is a good place for an ambush."

After a pause, he said: "I have completely built the secret weapon and injected enough power into it."

"What you have to do is to gather all the warriors and fight against the baron's crescent warriors with the greatest courage at the right time."

"This will definitely result in the death of a large number of warriors. So, do you have the courage to do this?"

"Of course I do!"

The giant man said in a low voice: "To die on the battlefield is the highest honor of the sons of the forest. I am not the coward that Phoenix is!"

"Very good."

Mbahat nodded slowly: "I will not let my warriors bleed in vain. I will let the traitorous knights of the human race rush out first to explore the way."

After that, he chuckled: "Let the civilians of the human race watch their lords slaughter the warriors of the human race."

Crescent Castle, Lord's Longhouse.

A small restaurant in the back.

Compared to the turbulent waves of the White Sturgeon Island, this place is very calm.

Rosen, Selena, Mrs. Saxon and Evelyn were enjoying dinner around a round table.

Under the warm candlelight, the family was enjoying the delicious food while chatting and laughing, and the atmosphere was very warm.

Selena was eating her favorite moonlight white sturgeon.

This was caught by fishermen who broke through the ice of the cold river. The taste was indeed as Rosen described, tender and fragrant, and had a very unique flavor.

After eating a few bites, she said with satisfaction.

"My dear, you seem to be very busy these days. Is there anything new?"

He was very busy before, but he was even busier these days. The generals of the Crescent Warriors and the commanders of the Flame Regiment frequently came in and out of his government study, which even affected the research in the magic laboratory.

I feel like there is a storm coming.

Rosen was cutting thin lamb rolls with a table knife, half for himself and half for his family.

"It's a bit of a new situation, but don't worry, I've completely taken care of it."

In this case, Selena was relieved.

She picked up the thin slices of mutton with a fork, dipped them in the hot soup, and then said: "I recently mastered a four-ring spell called "Evil Barrier", which should be helpful to you."

Rosen naturally knew this.

These fourth-level spells were all memorized by Selena from the family library and kept in her mind. She learned them when she was preparing to advance to the fourth-level spells, but she didn't expect that she had been stuck for many years and still hadn't broken through.

Now that she had a breakthrough, she found time to write it out silently and started learning naturally.

In fact, he also knew the contents of the spell, because Selena never avoided him when flipping through the spell book.

He knew that there were a total of four fourth-level spells in his wife's spell book, and the performance and power of the spells were much higher than those of the third-level spells.

What's more important is that these four-ring spells that can be included in the Duke's family library are all first-class spells that have been refined and tested over time.

The overall performance is better than the "Detect Soul" that Master Shahram secretly learned. It is estimated that better spells can only be found in the family libraries of the major royal families in the Wit Continent.

He learned it secretly and felt that he benefited a lot.

As for this "Evil Barrier" technique, it is a very powerful black magic defense technique. It has a very powerful defensive effect against almost all types of attack spells, especially curse spells.

After thinking about it for a moment, he nodded and said: "It does help. I will personally participate in the weapons display tomorrow. It may be a surprise attack by Mbachat, the master of witchcraft. Please give me a constant one."

Selena smiled slightly: "No problem."

After saying that, she saw Evelin listening seriously and said with a smile: "Evelin, do you also want to learn spells?"

Evelin didn't express her position, turning to look at her brother first.

Although her brother had only been back for a few days, she already knew that he was the one who had the most say in the family.

Rosen smiled and said: "Learn if you want, but make a promise first. Once you learn, you must study hard and don't give up halfway."

Mrs. Saxon interjected: "What kind of magic should a little girl learn? How expensive is it to learn magic? Just learn to read and arithmetic, and then learn some embroidery."

Evelin immediately said: "Mom, I don't want to learn embroidery, I also want to learn spells, and I will be as good as my sister-in-law in the future."

Rosen smiled and said, "Mom, since my sister wants to learn, let her learn."

In this case, Mrs. Saxon acquiesced. After all, the son is in charge of this family. He is willing to spend money to support his sister, and naturally she, the mother, has no objection.

Rosen put this matter on the agenda.

"Your sister-in-law is busy learning new spells recently, so it's up to me to learn the spells. Once you have the foundation, you can decide which path to take based on your talent, and then hire a special tutor."

Mrs. Saxon was startled: "It's so expensive to hire a tutor. It's better to send him to a famous mage in Shire County as an apprentice."

Rosen smiled: "There aren't many famous mentors in Shire County. My sister is just a little girl. It's not good for her to go out alone."

"What do you think, Your Highness?"

Mrs. Saxon looked at Selena, she was worried that the noble princess would be unhappy because she spent too much money.

Selena has no idea about money, because she has never been short of money since she was a child. After marrying Rosen, she was only short of money for half a day.

She noticed Mrs. Saxon's caution and smiled: "Mom, don't worry about money. Rosen has plenty of ways to make money."

Then he looked at Evelin: "Leave the matter of my sister's enlightenment to me. You are so busy every day that the soles of your shoes are smoking. Don't delay the little girl's best learning time."

Rosen agreed with this statement and said, "Then let's go together."

This matter was agreed upon.

Then they started chatting about some short things in life, and the small restaurant was suddenly filled with a warm atmosphere.

After a short break after the meal, Mrs. Saxon began to embroider as usual, while Selena petted the cat leisurely in the corner.

Rosen acted resolutely and brought a stack of magic books called "Twelve Volumes of Island Magic Enlightenment".

The "Peng" was placed on the small table in front of my sister, and the little girl looked at it in a daze.

"Well, starting from today, in the next three months, I will memorize the contents of this stack of books. I am not allowed to memorize a word wrong."

Selena on the side was surprised. She took a volume and quickly flipped through it: "Dear, did you write this yourself?"

"That's right."

"When did you write it?"

"I wrote it recently while sitting around in the government study, but the content in the book is a summary of the past ten years."

Selena originally read it casually, but after flipping through it, she started to read it seriously. As she looked at it, she couldn't help but said: "My dear, your writing is very good."

It was obviously just an introductory book, but she felt like it was the work of a master.

There are even some places that make her look suddenly enlightened and transparent. Details that she couldn't figure out before can be understood immediately.

It feels like her family's magic enlightenment books are not of this level.

Rosen smiled and said: "Who asked me to be an apprentice for ten years? I focus entirely on enlightenment."

This thing is the summary of his many years of practice. This set is a detailed version, used to teach his sister.

There is also a simplified version, but it is a teaching material prepared to train civilian mages, which can enlighten the young people of Paddlefish Island with magic power as quickly as possible.

Turning to look at Evelin again, the mentor's sternness appeared on her face.

"Sister, from now on, I am your magic tutor, not your brother. So, you have to change your name to your tutor, remember?"

"Remember, mentor brother." Evelin responded timidly, as well-behaved as a quail in a thunderstorm.

Rosen was very satisfied and handed over the first volume: "Here, you read it again and I listen carefully."

Evelin immediately followed the instructions. Although she had learned to read, she was not very good at it, so she was stumbling in reading.

Rosen listened carefully. If the other party mispronounced something, he immediately corrected it.

This is a patient job for most people, but it is an easy job for Rosen.

Because he quickly left the work of correcting mistakes to 'Laifu', while he whispered in his heart to talk about love as a couple with Selena, making the noble princess's cheeks blush and she was in high spirits.

Another warm and beautiful night.

Early next morning.

'Puppet No. 2', who was upgraded to an intermediate level of magic power, gathered the three major military leaders of Crescent City.

They are the Crescent Knight Commander Kaodlin, the leader of the Flame Legion Joop, and the tall but taciturn mysterious black-clad Iron Guard leader Miss Akali.

Rosen said solemnly: "This is the last battle!"

Baim Bahat worked tirelessly, and he gathered together all the stubborn old forces on the island.

Naturally, Rosen would not miss this rare opportunity.

"Don't have any worries in this battle. Do your best to kill all the rebels who dare to resist. No one will be spared!"

"Yes, Lord!"

The three of them answered in unison.

Cowderin's morale is high, Akali is as calm as ever, but the battle master Joop is a little confused.

For a moment, he couldn't tell who he was fighting for.

Four chapters updated today.

The protagonist will completely unify Paddlefish Island and lay a solid foundation for all future development in one fell swoop.

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