Start with Island Lord

Chapter 82 This is not a fight, this is a massacre! (34)


The sound of horse hooves was as loud as thunder, and 30 cavalrymen rushed out of the forest.

This movement was naturally discovered by the Crescent Warriors immediately.

The Crescent Knights seemed to be surprised and shouted loudly: "Protect the lord~~~Retreat~~~Retreat quickly~~~"

So, a group of knights guarded the Crescent Baron and quickly retreated towards the Crescent City.

Maybe the situation was critical, and the team seemed messy.

The ordinary people who were watching were shocked when they saw the lord turned around and ran away. They also ran towards the Crescent City desperately.

For a while, the situation on the other side of the Hanshui River became extremely chaotic, with a chaotic appearance of the army collapsing.

In the forest, Mbahat's blood vessels were dilated, and he felt his heart beating and the blood vessels on his forehead twitched.

He was very excited.

"Haha~ Ted's son, I let you look down on me, I let you show off in front of me, today I must kill you, hahaha~~"

He turned around and told Andosha beside him what he saw.

Andosha also vaguely saw the chaos one kilometer away. His cheeks flushed with excitement, and he felt his whole body was hot, and the hot blood in his chest was surging like lava.

He shouted loudly: "Warriors, charge~~ Charge out~~~ Don't let the human knights look down on you~"

He was worried that if he rushed too slowly, the baron's head would be chopped off by those human knights~

With his roar, about 200 forest elf warriors, including Andosha, drank the dragon's blessing in hand.

They roared and rushed out of the mountains and forests like angry lions, rushed onto the plains, and chased the crescent baron who was fleeing in a panic on the other side of the river.

As these more than 200 forest elf warriors rushed out of the mountains and forests, the other side of the Hanshui River became even more chaotic.

Ordinary civilians ran away crying for their parents, and the Crescent Knights who were protecting the lords were completely in disarray. They even abandoned the four ox carts loaded with weapons and threw them on the roadside.

Anyone who saw this scene knew that the Crescent Warriors were doomed. They would definitely not escape the pursuit of the forest elves.

Mbahat tightly held the voodoo doll he had just made in his hand, and his blood was boiling.

"Haha, we won!"

This was a perfect ambush, a rout with almost no casualties!

"I wanted to curse you to death, but you are so useless."

"Then let the warriors kill you, poke your body through with a wooden stick, and take it back to the mountains as a trophy."

Behind the more than 200 forest elf warriors, there were about 2,000 ordinary forest elf warriors.

This group of warriors included men and women, 70% of them belonged to the Heg tribe, and 30% belonged to the Nalin tribe. Among the more than 10,000 people from the two tribes, the most capable and strongest part were all here.

This time, it was a desperate counterattack by the two forest elves after being forced into a desperate situation by the New Moon Baron.

If they failed, it would mean the extinction of the tribe.

Under the pressure of survival, the forest elves rushed forward.

Among them, the forest elves of the Hege tribe rushed the most fiercely, shouted the loudest, and soon rushed to the front of the team.

The forest elves only regretted that they did not rush fast enough and were escaped by the human baron.

When the first batch of human barons rushed to the ice surface of the Hanshui River, all the forest elves who participated in the battle rushed out of the mountains and forests.

There were nearly 2,300 warriors in total, 230 of whom were terrible dragon warriors, which was already an extremely powerful force on the White Sturgeon Island.

In the past, this force was even enough to capture the New Moon City head-on.

"Kill~~~~ Charge~~~~~"

The rebel warriors roared like crazy, as if they wanted to vent all the depression and fear they had suffered for more than half a month.

Mbahat looked at the Crescent Knight who was fleeing frantically again, and also saw the Baron of Crescent City who was riding a warhorse and guarded by a group of elite knights.

"He runs fast, but unfortunately he is far inferior to the Dragon Knight."

According to the speed difference between the two sides, the Dragon Knight will soon catch up with the Crescent Baron and kill him.

But at this moment, an accident occurred!

The situation suddenly changed dramatically.

I don't know where a hundred-man team came out, and it was inserted into the back of the forest elf warrior from the back at a very fast speed, like a sharp knife.

At the same time, the sound of "rumbling" horseshoes came from the side in front.

Mbahat was startled and immediately turned his head to look, and saw a cavalry team of 200 people rushing over from the side. The leading knight was the old rival of the forest elves, Knight Commander Kaudlin.

Unlike before, this group of cavalry was extremely fast, even faster than the Dragon Knight. Like a guillotine, they quickly inserted in front of the Dragon Knight and blocked the Dragon Knight's way.

That's fine, after all, there were only 300 people in total, and they had more than 2,000 warriors.

But at this moment, lightning began to appear in the four temporary wooden houses by the river!

It was the same lightning as shown just now.

No, not only the oxcart canopy was shining with lightning, but also the hundred-man battle group behind the forest spirit warriors began to shine with lightning.

No, it was much more fierce and dense than before!


I saw countless lightning balls began to wreak havoc on the plain, with a range of nearly 300 meters.

For a while, there was lightning raging in front of the forest spirit warriors, not only blocking the way forward, but also blocking a range of 300 meters.

There was also lightning raging in the back, blocking the retreat and blocking a range of 300 meters.

The lightning on both sides almost merged together.

In front of such a dense light net, all evasion and defense are in vain, and all operations have become meaningless.

Mbahat saw that those vigorous forest elf warriors fell down like cut wheat straw.

Looking at the hundred-man battle group, their formation is clear, with shield guards in front and crossbowmen in the back.

While shooting, they marched in formation, just like the god of death harvesting lives!

So, there was a powerful knight team in the front with stronger power, better weapons, and better defensive equipment to block the peak of the dragon warrior.

There was a death light net in the back and the middle road that harvested lives crazily, making it impossible to fight and escape!

Only one minute!

Half of the more than 2,300 rebel warriors fell down, and the remaining warriors also fell rapidly.

Whether it was the human knight who was cannon fodder, the heroic Heg tribe, or the Nalin tribe who reluctantly went to the battlefield, they were all killed equally.

Too fast!

The change was really too fast!

It was so fast that Mbahat didn't even have time to take out the secret weapon he had been building, and he didn't even have time to cast the voodoo spell. The ordinary forest elves, those good young men, all died and turned into charcoal.

This was not a battle at all, it was a massacre!

Mbahat's mood fell from the peak to the abyss.

He heard Phoenix's roar: "Retreat~ Retreat~ Retreat to the forest!"

He also heard Andosha's tragic roar: "Kill~ Kill~"

Mbahat took a deep breath: "Since it has come to this point, no matter who wins or loses, we can only fight to the end!"

As soon as he thought about it, the secret weapon he had prepared for half a month finally appeared.


A giant creature similar to a giant lizard, shining with metallic luster, emerged from the bushes.

Its shoulder height was more than 6 meters and its body length was more than 10 meters. It took heavy steps and rushed out of the woods at a speed that seemed slow, but was actually faster than a galloping horse.

The first goal was to violently crash into the hundred-man battle group that slaughtered the forest elves.


Under the heavy sound, this big guy was like a tank from another world, moving forward with the momentum of destroying everything.

Yopp took a look and his heart jumped: “What is this?”

Just look at this fierce momentum and huge body. If it rushes into the battle group, it will definitely wade out a bloody path!

Deputy Captain Harry immediately shouted: “It’s a battle puppet~Disperse~Disperse immediately~”


One by one, the dispersal spells were thrown at the giant beast, but it had no effect.

Harry’s face turned pale: “Spell resistance is so high! Can’t disperse!”

Yop immediately yelled: “Disperse~Disperse~~~”

Before he finished speaking, a cold and pleasant voice suddenly came from the side: “Leave him to me, Captain Yopp.”

With these words, a team of black-clad warriors appeared from the invisible curtain.

The leading warrior was the extremely impressive black-clad battle mage, Miss Akali.

At this moment, she was wrapped in a layer of faint light, and she led a team of ten black-clad mages, sliding across the grass at a very fast speed.

Then she rushed to the side of the giant beast in a crescent arc with an extremely agile posture.

Then she pointed her staff and said, "Shatter it."

The voice was as cold as ice.

The black-clad battle mages behind her cast spells almost at the same time.

The ten staffs were in unison, and ten metallic black lights were like neatly pierced spell spears.

It was obviously a battle, but it showed a breathtaking beauty.

When the black lights fell on the giant beast, the giant beast suddenly began to tremble and shiver, and the surface of its body quickly lost its metallic luster, and then it disintegrated into a pile of lifeless clay.

After the giant beast collapsed, Akali did not stop for a moment, just glanced at the deputy leader Harry, and turned and drifted away.

Harry felt a shudder when he was looked at like that, and a complex feeling of frustration and surprise rose in his heart.

He couldn't understand how there could be such a cold and powerful female wizard in the world!


He was patted on the shoulder by Captain Yop: "Come back to your senses, Harry, that's a woman you will never get."

Harry turned his head and smiled bitterly: "Captain, don't talk nonsense, I don't want to be hit by a club when I sleep."

As far as he knew, Captain Akali had an absurdly high status in the minds of the Crescent Warriors, and those barbaric soldiers would not tolerate anyone saying a single word of blasphemy.

He shook his head, adjusted his mentality, and continued to fight, oh no, slaughter.

In the forest, Mbahat stared blankly at the clay on the ground, and then stared blankly at the fewer and fewer forest elf warriors, and then his eyes gradually gathered.

"What a cruel and ruthless trap."

"But Baron, have you ever thought about how to deal with the desperate attack of the sorcery master?!"

While whispering, he picked up the straw doll he had just woven in his hand.

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