Start with Island Lord

Chapter 86: So many goods, have they all been used up? (33)

Sturgeon Wharf.

No, now it should be called Sturgeon Harbor.

Because the scale has expanded many times, almost all deep water areas have been covered.

The port has not been idle.

From the third day after the Battle of Hanshui River, unidentified cargo ships began to come.

Most of them are some smart small cargo ships, and they don’t carry much supplies. After transporting a batch, they don’t stop and turn around and leave.

Sometimes they even come in the middle of the night, sneaking like thieves.

The transport team of Xinyue City is also very diligent and ready at all times. Once the things arrive, they are immediately transported to Xinyue City, and never piled up at the dock.

Anyway, everyone who works in the port knows that a lot of supplies have been transported, but no one has an accurate number of the specific amount.

This strange state lasted for several days before it ended.

It was noon on the seventh day after the Battle of Hanshui River.

The weather was fine, and there were only a few white clouds floating in the sky.

Sturgeon Harbor was still as bustling as before.

Led by a group of dock construction craftsmen specially invited by the Shire County, the laborers of the Sinners' Camp worked clumsily but very hard.

They had to work hard. Although the lord forbade whipping, they would be hungry.

It was really uncomfortable to work while hungry.

The men were responsible for doing some hard work, while the women did various auxiliary work beside them, such as boiling water, cooking, or doing some small but trivial work that did not take much effort.

Suddenly, someone pointed to the sea in the distance and shouted: "Look, there is a ship, a big ship!"

Everyone looked up and saw the slowly approaching sea ship on the endless, blue sea.

There were many ships.

They were all very large cargo ships.

The white sails on the masts were as high as the clouds in the sky. Because of the perspective, they looked like they were connected head to tail. From a distance, they looked like a moving island.

Everyone at the dock looked sideways and forgot about the work at hand.

After a while, someone ran to report to the knight Tato.

After a while, the knight Tato hurried over with his adjutant.

Tato was mentally prepared, because the chief administrative officer told him a few days ago that there would be a large cargo ship coming soon.

He thought it was similar to the cargo ship brought by the lord last time he landed, but he didn't expect it to be so big.

There were actually 1, 2, 3, 5. A total of 6 ships, all of which were over 50 meters long!

This was the first time in his life that he had seen so many large ships.

From the draft depth, it can be seen that each cargo ship was fully loaded with cargo.

When Tato thought that these goods would eventually stay on the island, his heart was pounding.

'So many small boats came a few days ago, and now so many large ships are coming. There are so many things, and there are only so few people on the island. Will they all be used? '

Although these things belong to the lord, the lord and his family only have four people, and most of the things must be used as rewards.

How good the future will be, Tato can't even imagine it!

He couldn't help thinking again: 'The lord is really a capable person, and you will have a good life with him.'

The lord will issue a new policy in a few days, and he heard that some people think the new policy is unreliable.

So he couldn't help but think angrily: 'What a bunch of idiots, they don't have much real ability, but they are good at talking. If I meet them, I will definitely smash their mouths! '

While thinking, he hurriedly said to his assistant beside him: "Quick~ Go and call Mr. Swen over."

Swen is a dock management officer hired from Shire County, a low-level wizard, and also the assistant of General Kruber.

Originally, Tato had some complaints about the lord's hiring of outsiders.

But now he has nothing to say.

Because of such a large volume of trade, the locals on the island can't handle it at all.

Soon, the extraordinary and shrewd wizard Swen arrived with several clerks.

Tato also handed over the reception task to this well-dressed and elegant middle-aged man with a heavy burden.

Mage Sven picked up the glass telescope and carefully observed the approaching ship.

"The main flag is a double-headed eagle flag, and the secondary flag is a silver Pegasus flag. It should be the ship of the Levender Silver Pegasus Ocean Trading Company."

"Oh~ There is also a small flag, a blue-bottomed silver thorn flower flag, tut tut~~ This is a big shot of the Nobundo family!"

Just as Mage Sven was observing the origin of the cargo ship, a person flew up from the deck of the flagship in front of him.

The person quickly approached the dock.

When he was a hundred meters away, Sven heard a voice in his mind.

"I am the consultant mage Oradin of the Silver Pegasus Trading Company in Levender Ariel City."

"I want to ask, can this dock accommodate large ships?"

Although it seems that the dock is being expanded, it looks messy.

Although Mage Sven's magic level is average, he still knows several commonly used spells.

While he took the red and white signal flag handed over by his assistant and waved the universal flag language of sea transportation, he whispered in his mind to answer.

"It will be a little crowded, but it is completely possible to dock. The water is deep enough, the berths are wide enough, the mooring stakes are deep enough, and the anti-collision cork is thick enough."

"Look, this is the berth, this is the number one position, just go left from here."

After seeing the professional flag signal, the wizard was relieved and turned back to the deck of the big ship.

After a while, one by one, the large sea ships began to lower the main sails, relying only on the power of the small sails to slowly approach the berths.

Master Sven immediately said to the somewhat confused Tato beside him: "Knight, there will be a huge amount of supplies to be unloaded later. The warehouse at the dock alone is not enough. We must quickly notify the transport team to transport the goods."

"Oh~~Yes, yes, yes~ I will notify them right away!"

"The soldiers must maintain order. These are all the lord's goods. Don't let thieves steal them."

"I know~I know~"

Tato pressed his helmet with one hand and ran towards the barracks. He whistled while running and shouted loudly: "Assemble~~Assemble~~~Work~"

He immediately ran to the Harbor Communications Department on the top floor of the wooden building in the harbor.

This department was just established and recruited a group of young civilian mages.

Although it is a brand new department, it has quickly become one of the most important departments in the harbor with its powerful capabilities.

As soon as he rushed over, he shouted: "Young men, quickly send a message to Xinyue City, saying that the sea ships have arrived, a full six!"

There were five young men in their twenties sitting in the communication department, all of whom were folk magicians on the island, and now renamed as communication magicians.

They immediately picked up a booklet and fiddled with the black square box beside them in a clumsy manner.

Tato couldn't understand it either, and looked at the black square box in awe, then hurried back to the dock to help maintain order.

Just as the people at the dock were preparing to receive the ship and unload the cargo in a hurry, in the cabin of the fleet's flagship.

A young blond man with extremely handsome features but a slightly gloomy brow was standing at the window, looking at the port dock that was getting closer and closer.

He frowned slightly: "Muradi, this place is worse than I thought."

Muradi stood beside the young man, and he bowed slightly to the man with a respectful look on his face.

"Sir Maxim, believe me, although it looks unsightly, there is absolutely no safety problem."

"As long as you think about it, the noble Princess Chenxi is on the White Sturgeon Island, you should understand that the White Sturgeon Island is absolutely safe at this moment, isn't it?"

He and the Baron communicated through letters and knew that the Baron had completely pacified the island, so he was very confident.

The blond young man shrugged, still not confident.

He turned his head to look at the man in black standing in the corner of the cabin: "Ade, be more alert later."

The man in black stood against the wall with his arms around his chest, and smiled slightly when he heard it: "Master, don't worry, I won't let anyone get within 2 meters of your body."

"That's good."

The blond young knight asked again: "Muradi, I saw a lot of green-haired people at the dock. Are these the captured forest elves?"

Muradi nodded: "It should be, but the so-called forest elves are just barbarians in the mountains, and now they have been completely defeated by the baron."

Maxim looked at the forest elves carefully and nodded in approval.

"Heh~ Calculating the time, it has only been more than a month since the Baron married Princess Chenxi. He is quite quick and is a capable guy."

Muradi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, his tense mind relaxed a lot, and he laughed: "If he didn't have the ability, how dare he snatch Danger's woman?"


The handsome blond knight laughed heartily, and the gloom between his eyebrows dispersed a lot: "Danger really lost face once. It is said that his angry roar can be heard ten miles away."

As the laughter ended, the gloomy feeling gathered again: "Are you sure the Baron can really help me?"

Muradi didn't dare to guarantee it, because after he hinted to the Baron in the letter, the Baron didn't guarantee it either, so he could only say this.

"If there is someone in this world who can help the knight, then this person is most likely the Baron."

"Hey~~~ I hope the Baron won't let me down."

The gloom between the blond knight's eyebrows became much thicker.

After a moment of silence, he suddenly added, "I'm still a little nervous. Let me observe for a few days to see what's happening on the island, and then decide whether to meet the Baron."

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