Start with Island Lord

Chapter 88 I am the number one hero on the island? (23)

Chapter 88 I. Am I the first hero of the island? (23)

The appointment of the general manager has been discussed in advance and is now announced.

Alia will still make the announcement.

She said loudly: "The island citizen assembly is held every four years. Therefore, all the stewards are appointed every four years. The steward of the same position can serve for up to three consecutive terms."

"At the end of the term, if there is no mistake, you will at least be awarded the title of 'Island Junior Honorary Citizen' and enjoy the treatment of an honorary citizen for life."

"The following is the list of appointments."

"The steward of the Ministry of Political Affairs, Kruber."

"The steward of the Ministry of Army, Knight Kaudrin."

"The steward of the Ministry of Magic, Mage Wei Ge."

"The steward of the Ministry of Commerce is temporarily vacant and will be replaced by the lord."

"The steward of the Ministry of Education is temporarily vacant and will be replaced by the lord."

"The steward of the Ministry of Navy is temporarily vacant and will be replaced by the lord."

"The mayor of Gaoshan Town, Mr. Luo Kao."

The names were read one by one. There were a total of 18 stewards of various departments and mayors of various towns.

Among the 18 appointments, except for the three new departments of 'commerce, education, and navy', two-thirds of the stewards of the remaining departments were civilians who were not born as knights.

Even the knights were all newly promoted knights.

Not to mention the previous generation, I was a farmer when I was a child.

And the mayors of the 12 newly established towns were all local civilians on the island, fully fulfilling the promise of "island citizens' right to participate in politics".

Soon, the heads of departments and towns were appointed.

Next was the manager of the three warehouses.

"The three warehouses are the grain warehouse, the military supply warehouse, and the bank."

This was still announced by the female warrior Alia.

"The grain in the granary involves the dining table of every island citizen, which is the top priority."

"Establish three major granaries and appoint the managers of the three major granaries. Each manager is directly responsible to the lord."

"Manager of the first granary, Igonini!"

Igonini suddenly felt his blood boiling.

Islanders often go hungry, and everyone knows the importance of food.

Now the lord has handed over the management of the first granary to him, which is a great trust in him, a great trust in the Igo tribe, and even a trust in all the original tribal members.

As soon as the appointment was made, the faces of the former forest elves all lit up, and the vague vigilance and humble look that had been shrouding them all disappeared.

Alia then announced the appointment of the general managers of the second and third granaries, one of whom was a human, and the other was a rare hybrid of forest elves and humans.

"The military supply warehouse, which stores various military supplies, has two major military supply warehouses."

"One is the standing military supply warehouse, which will be headed by Knight Kosen."

Kosen was originally one of the three knights, but he was very meticulous and straightforward. When he encountered something he didn't like, he would jump out immediately no matter what the occasion, so he was not very popular.

The general manager of the military supply warehouse wanted this kind of iron-faced person who was fussy about everything.

"The second is the magic military supply warehouse, which will be headed by Mage Juan."

Juan was one of the original Kao mages, with intermediate mana, average magic engineering ability, and online magic level, so he was pushed out by Gatland and others.

Alia began to announce the third warehouse, which is the bank.

"A bank is a treasury, and its full name is "Island Citizen Bank""

"The "Island Citizen Bank" is used by all citizens, but because it is a new institution, no suitable talents have been found yet."

"The bank manager will be temporarily managed by the lord. When suitable talents appear in the future, they will be directly responsible to the lord."

At this point, Alia said loudly: "So far, the appointment of the manager has been initially completed, and it will be gradually improved in the future."

"I hope all island citizens will work harder, master relevant skills as soon as possible, and share the heavy government affairs for the lord."

After saying this, Alia stepped back, Rosen whispered a few words to Selena, and then stood up and announced.

"Now, please invite Princess Dawn to speak and hold the awarding ceremony for the first island citizen."

Princess Dawn is the glory in the hearts of the islanders. It is a glorious thing to speak and listen to the princess' words.

At this time, everyone applauded vigorously.

Selena has experienced many big scenes in Dawn City, so she will naturally not be stage fright at this time.

After everyone calmed down a little, she smiled and began to speak in a gentle tone and clear voice.

"I know that many people are curious about why I chose to marry the baron?"

"At the beginning, there must be many people who were suspicious and thought I was a fake Princess Dawn."

"I also know that some of you have already known about the past between me and the baron in Dawn City."

As the princess spoke, everyone's attention was deeply attracted.

Princess Weilan, a member of the noble Adrian family and a direct descendant of Saint Weilan, would actually marry a small baron with less than 100,000 people. It is indeed a very, very outrageous thing.

And a few people who know the inside story also have doubts in their hearts, and don't understand why Princess Dawn must choose the Baron of the White Sturgeon Island.

After all, even if she doesn't choose King Danger, she can choose other kings.

Even if the duke disagrees, the princess can go alone to seek marriage, and there will definitely be kings and dukes who come to ask for marriage.

After all, Danger is only the king of a member state of the Natural Alliance, not the emperor of the Natural Alliance.

The two kingdoms of Levender and Kao may not really be afraid of him.

Especially Levender.

It is not adjacent to Aaron, and its national power is also very strong. It is the small overlord of the golden cape in the east of the Witt Continent, and has no worries about King Dange.

Captain Yopp and several deputy captains had been wondering about this problem, and they all listened with their ears pricked up at this time.

Outside the hall.

Maxim whispered to Muladi: "If Princess Dawn contacts His Majesty Sheila in advance, with His Majesty's fun-loving character, there is a high probability that he will agree."

Muladi shrugged: "Your Majesty will definitely agree, but there are no ifs. Princess Dawn obviously disdains our king."

Maxim looked at Rosen sitting on the lord's bench: "She has reason to look down on him."

"In terms of pure masculine charm, His Majesty Sheela is far inferior to the Baron."

The attendant Ade nodded in agreement: "Indeed, the Baron looks very majestic and has a calm personality. Women love this kind of man the most, and our king is still a child who loves to play."

At this time, the princess's voice continued to be heard in the hall.

"Actually, the initial reason is very simple, because I have known the Baron for ten years. He is the man I am most familiar with besides my father, even more familiar than my brother."

"At first, I just thought he was an ordinary little boy, but as I grew older, I found that he was getting taller and more powerful, and I like tall and powerful men."

Speaking of this, Selena looked around at everyone with a smile: "So, don't you think your lord is very attractive as a man?"

This is true.

Anyone with eyes can see that the Baron's appearance is extraordinary, especially his temperament. He has the majesty and depth of a lord, the strength and bravery of a warrior, and the mysterious elegance of a mage.

Coupled with the amazing abilities he showed after landing on the island, many people believe that he is the biological son of Mother Nature.

Therefore, the princess's words immediately resonated with all the islanders.

Because of her words, the distance between her and the islanders was greatly shortened.

The people on the island felt that she was very kind, not floating in the sky, but a princess standing next to her.

Looking at the noisy crowd, the princess thought to herself: "Not only is she good-looking, she also has amazing talents, a reliable and gentle personality, and she is also extremely strong."

She naturally thought of the recent intimacy with her husband and the endless joy of wandering in heaven. Suddenly she felt her heartbeat speed up slightly and her legs became a little weak.

‘Anna said that my life would not be difficult, not only that it would not be difficult, but that I would be extremely happy~’

But naturally these mysteries cannot be explained to outsiders.

After regaining her composure, she continued: "Okay, the biggest doubt is gone."

"Now, it's time to award the Medal of Honor to the heroes who helped quell the rebellion."

Following these words, Aaliya held up a tray with exquisite medals in time.

A row of shiny metal medals was neatly arranged on the tray.

This medal is not simple. It is made of silver-white hardened mithril as the base, dark blue arcane gold depicts runes, and is inlaid with a flawless sapphire the size of a wheat grain, which shines brightly.

Its exquisite craftsmanship and expensive materials attracted everyone's attention as soon as it appeared.

Even the commanders of the Flame Chapter were very jealous.

Harry licked his lips: "The cost of this medal alone is at least 500 Oggs. The lord is so generous!"

Yopp grinned: "This matter has nothing to do with us."

He also longed for it in his heart.

But reason told him that he was just a mercenary of the Baron. Since he had already taken the money, the honor naturally had nothing to do with him.

At this time, the princess loudly took a beautiful medal in her hand and said solemnly.

"The Island Hero Medal, jointly created by my husband and I, can induce the activation of the advanced thorn lightning shield. After it is activated once, it can be charged with the assistance of a mage, or it can be charged independently by placing it in the sun."

"Twelve in total, awarded to twelve island heroes who have made outstanding contributions in the island's unification battle!"


As soon as these words came out, the semi-savvy warriors' eyes shone with envy, while the fully knowledgeable mages almost drooled with yearning.

Even Wei Ge, the palace potion master who had seen many good things, couldn't control himself.

Advanced thorn lightning shield, very strong. Self-charging under the sun is a unique craft, and this is even the first time she has heard of it.

This was the first time she wanted a magic weapon so much.

Muladi and Maxim outside the door were also surprised.

Mulady whispered: "If this thing is real, it would be worth a lot of money."

Maxim said: "Indeed."

As a member of the great aristocracy, he has much more knowledge than Muladi.

He knew that Levind also had some latest achievements similar to autonomous charging, but they were not very mature yet.

Considering that the baron took this thing out as a medal instead of selling it, it is probably because of his immaturity.

But no matter what, this is enough to prove that the Baron and his wife have extremely high achievements in magic.

The princess's clear voice came from the hall again.

"The number one hero of the island, the leader of my bodyguards, Sir Yopp!"

As soon as the sound came out, Yopp's whole body was shaken violently, his heart was pounding, and his mind was filled with disbelief.

‘I’m just a mercenary, and the baron has paid me, but he’s also giving me a hero’s medal? ’

This medal is more than just a medal, it is also a supreme honor for a warrior!

Isn't it just a formality?

But you didn't notify him in advance?

In a daze, he walked up to the princess and stood upright.

The princess' voice came: "Sir Jop has led the Guards to participate in every battle and made great contributions in the battles. He is the first hero of the island and deserves the title."

After that, she personally hung the medal on Jop's chest and whispered in her heart: "Captain Jop, this is what you deserve, so it belongs to you."

'Hua La La~~'

Everyone on the island applauded.

Jop is a master of battle and an excellent combat commander. Everyone is convinced by this honor.

Jop felt his heart was hot, and his heart was filled with a strong sense of honor. He couldn't help but raise his chest high, and an idea came to his mind.

'The Baron and the Princess are so generous. It would be great if I was really the head of the Princess' Guards. '

After he retreated to the deputy heads, Harry immediately asked: "Captain, I will return it later."

"The second hero of the island, the deputy head of the Guards, Master Harry."

Harry was shocked and rushed to the princess in a few steps.

"The third hero of the island."

As a result, the leader of the Flame Corps and the three vice-leaders all received a hero medal.

The four looked at each other, and then looked down at the shining medal on their chests, and then they were all silent.

Baron, you are so generous!

Where in the world can you find such a good lord!

Afterwards, three senior mages, Alonso, Vigo, Gatland, and three knights, including Kaudrin, also received the island hero medal.

After the twelve hero medals were awarded, 50 warrior medals were issued, but they were worn by Miss Akali.

Finally, the medals were awarded.

Rosen announced loudly: "The first island citizen assembly is over!"

The general framework has been set up, and the next thing to do is to pile up the details into the framework bit by bit.

He glanced at the members of the Flame Corps again.

The iron mine agreement with the earl should also come to an end.

Is there an iron mine on the island?

I don't know, it's still under investigation.

But the island is already his, even if it exists.

As for the Flame Regiment, he has his own arrangements.

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