Start with Island Lord

Chapter 90: After more than ten years of nightmares, I finally know who I am (13)

Study room.

Facing Rosen's questioning, Maxim's handsome face showed a strong struggle.

Rosen knew that this matter was difficult to tell, so he did not urge him and waited patiently.

After waiting for ten minutes, Maxim took a few deep breaths, and the embarrassment on his face subsided slightly.

"Baron, I don't know how to describe my problem, so you can see for yourself."

As he spoke, he stood up, took off his gray leather windbreaker to keep warm, and showed a Levender-style oblique black and white checkered vest and breeches.

He took another deep breath, took a big step to the opposite side of the desk, and began to untie his belt in front of Rosen.

When he did this, a tragic feeling of almost crying appeared on his face, which reminded Rosen of the scene where the young man's browser history was accidentally made public.

Rosen looked at it and moved in his heart: 'It seems that this should be a very embarrassing secret. ’

The other person looked very young, probably about the same age as himself, and must have lived in a pampered and flattering environment.

Now it takes a lot of courage to expose your most private secrets to a stranger you meet for the first time.

With some trembling movements, the belt was finally untied, but the pants were not taken off for a long time.

At the last moment, the jazz hesitated, and his hands froze on the belt.

Rosen waited for a while, and seeing that the other person seemed to be inclined to give up, he gently encouraged him.

"Jazz, everyone has this or that physical deficiency, it's not a big deal."

"I also fully understand your concerns, but I am a person of the highest credibility. If you need me to keep it a secret, then no third person will know about it."

Seeing that the other party still had concerns, he gave evidence again.

"When I was in Shire County, I performed transformation services for many distinguished ladies. I believe you have heard about it, and it is probably this that prompted you to make the final decision."

"But I also want to say that in fact, I have done similar things in the morning light, but the secrets of these ladies have never been leaked because of me."

These words had a good soothing effect, and Maxim's face was much calmer.

"I am hypocritical, Baron."

He gritted his teeth and pulled all his pants down to his knees in one breath.

Then he closed his eyes tightly, with a desperate expression on his face: "Baron, you can laugh at me now."

Rosen took a look and was shocked.

Subconsciously leaned forward, stared at it again, and then sighed with sympathy.

"Sir, this must have caused great damage to your self-esteem."

Who would have thought that an adult man with a relatively tall figure, a very handsome face, and a very prominent family would have toys that are smaller than those of a six or seven-year-old child?

If Rosen hadn't had good eyesight, he wouldn't have even seen the chick hidden in the nest.

Any normal man would have felt greatly embarrassed, not to mention the son of the marquis who was high up and flattered by countless people.

It's easy to imagine how much trouble this incident caused him. It's already precious that he didn't become a twisted pervert.

The biggest secret had been exposed, and there was no ruthless ridicule in Rosen's eyes, which made Maxim's tense mind relax a lot.

He sighed deeply: "The Baron is right. Although it didn't hurt me directly, it deeply hurt me through the eyes of others, especially women."

After saying this, it was as if the gate of the reservoir was opened, and the chatterbox was opened at once.

"It hasn't grown since I was seven years old."

"It's okay in winter, but it's hot in Levender in summer. Others dare to swim in the sea and play in the bathing pool, but I can only stand by and watch with sweat all over my body."

"These are okay, and it will pass if you endure it, but I am also a normal man!"

The knight shouted in a venting manner.

"When I see those young and beautiful women, I also dream of having sex with them. When I see my beloved girl, I also hope to make her happy."

"My good friends are also children of great nobles. They change their female companions one after another, while I can only live a miserable life like an ascetic monk."

The young knight had tears in his eyes.

"You know, I once had a beloved girl, and we once entered the marriage hall. But once when we wanted to taste the forbidden fruit, she cried as soon as I took off my pants, and she never paid attention to me again."

"At that moment, my heart was broken."

Maxim talked about his past and vented his depression.

Rosen did not stop him, just a quiet listener.

After a while, Maxim gradually calmed down and returned to the topic: "Baron, can you help me?"

Rosen was not sure either.

After thinking for a while, he raised his hand and gestured, and asked carefully: "Besides peeing, does it have other uses? I mean, does it have ambition?"

If it doesn't have ambition, then the problem is a bit big, and he may be helpless.

"Not only does it have it, but it has a lot, and this is the most painful point for me."

Maxim smiled bitterly and nodded.

Although he is young, he is also a mage. He probably puts all his energy into practice, so he is still a high-level mage.

At this moment, he used a mage's hand in front of Rosen, fiddled with it for a while, and then the little thing stood up.

Like a little bean sprout with teeth and claws.

Rosen wanted to laugh.

But he knew that if he laughed at this time, it would definitely anger Maxim's sensitive heart.

Even if I help him solve the problem later, he still won't be grateful.

Therefore, he suppressed this smile with his supreme tenacity, so that there was no inappropriate expression on his face from the beginning to the end, and even his eyes did not change at all.

His face only showed the professional exploration spirit of a scholar when encountering unknown problems.

He commented: "From this point of view, at least there is no problem with its capabilities, and it can even be praised as 'ambitious'."

Maxim had been paying attention to Rosen's expression. Seeing his calm appearance, his sensitive mind immediately relaxed a lot, and he was vaguely grateful.

Because in the past, even a loving father would not be able to control the look of disgust in his eyes when he saw this look.

He sighed dejectedly: "Yes, but ambitious ants will only make people laugh, and the tragedy is that the people who laugh at me are often the people I love."

"So, is there a way for the Baron to turn an ant into an elephant without compromising its ambition?"

Rosen asked seriously: "Has Jazz found other shapeshifters?"

"I am also a senior mage myself. In order to solve this problem, I even studied transformation in depth, but in the end I gave up. Because I have neither the talent for transformation nor the cruelty to transform myself."

"So, I went to other shapeshifters for help."

"I searched for at least a hundred people, and even took risks and tried several times, but no one could really help me. At most, they gave me some false self-esteem."

After saying this, Maxim was afraid that Rosen would not give his best, so he began to promise: "Baron, I know your ambition, and I also believe that you have the ability to realize your ambition. As long as you"

Before he could finish his words, Rosen raised his hand and interrupted him. He said seriously: "Sir, we won't talk about these mundane things now."

"Now it's just a conversation between a pure shapeshifter and a troubled customer."

"I would also like to say that I was once ridiculed in Dawn City because of my identity, so I deeply understand what Jazz is going through."

"So, no matter the reward, as long as I am sure that I have the ability to help Jazz, I will do my best to help you solve the problem."

Maxim was greatly moved by these words, and he felt very fond of Rosen. He felt that this baron was really a rare and good man.

Thinking back to what he had seen and heard in the territory in the past two days, he felt that this was a lord who was kind-hearted but also extremely capable.

With the former alone, it is easy to feel weak, but if the latter is added, the future prospects will definitely not be low, and it may even grow into a towering tree in Weilan.

For a moment, he thought highly of this little baron.

He asked anxiously: "Baron, can you help me?"

He was so concerned about the results that he forgot to pull up his pants. Fortunately, it was warm in the study, so he didn't have to worry about freezing.

Facing the young jazz's concerned eyes, Rosen nodded simply: "I can!"

The answer was decisive.


Maxim let out a long breath, feeling as if hell had risen to heaven.

Rosen added: "Sir, you can be as big as you want. It can even make you bigger than a donkey without losing function and without damaging your health at all."

Over the years, he has specialized in the study of human body structure, and Laifu has the ability to finely control things far beyond the limits of ordinary people, so he has brought the transformation technique to its peak.

And when he reaches this stage, it is not just as simple as transformation, he will also use various healing techniques to assist, eliminating the side effects of transformation to the point where they can be ignored.

In the end, the other party's request is not actually the most difficult, because his function is intact, so it is essentially just a matter of deformation.

Maxim's eyebrows relaxed after hearing this, and the gloomy look on his eyebrows disappeared by 90%: "Baron, you didn't lie to me?"

Rosen started directly talking about the detailed parameters.

"Considering the dissipation of spell energy and the maintenance of fine functions, Jazz must come to me for adjustment once a year, otherwise uncontrollable accidents may occur."

"A year is a bit frequent, but it's acceptable."

Levend is a bit far from the island, and it takes more than two months to go back and forth, but considering that he is not busy every day of the year, it is not difficult to spare more than two months.

Rosen continued to ask: "So, how big does Jazz need to be?"

"I want it to be this big!"

Maxim used transfiguration to change the wine glass to a specific size.

Rosen smiled: "Sir, don't you even dare to think about it?"

Maxim was startled: "What do you mean?"

“Be bold,” Rosen encouraged.

Maxim zoomed in slightly: "That's about it, right?"

Rosen raised his hand and made a continue gesture.

The latter cautiously increased the size, but soon stopped. He humbly asked for advice: "Baron, you are an expert, why don't you decide?"

Rosen was waiting for this.

He thought for a moment, first took out a stack of empty wine glasses, arranged them in a row, and then asked Laifu to design the shape and size. He designed a total of twenty samples.

He transformed the twenty samples one by one and placed them on the table for Jazz to choose from.

"Choose one, ser."

Maxim was dazzled by what he saw and said in surprise: "Baron, how come there are so many shapes? Is there any particularity in this?"

Rosen thought for a moment, took out a bottle of amber-gold maple wine, and then used transfiguration on the wine to simulate the shape of the container.

He simulated putting the toy into the container and began to explain.

"Sir, please see that different shapes will lead to different squeezing touches, thus producing different pleasures. If you want to listen, I can also explain to you the specific effects of different shapes on both parties."

Maxim was very curious and nodded repeatedly: "Baron, please help me solve my doubts."

He was so curious that he forgot to pull up his pants until now.

Rosen did not remind him and explained it to him in detail for a full half an hour.

Maxim finally understood: "So, there is no perfect form, only suitable form?"

Rosen nodded: "Yes, there is only suitable, not perfect. Because after all, this is not just your business, isn't it?"

Maxim agreed with it, with a look of admiration on his face: "Baron is indeed a rare master of transfiguration, and the mystery has been fully explained by you."

It can be seen that he was completely convinced and even used a respectful title for Rosen.

After thinking for a while, he pointed to one of them and said, "Then I'll start with this one."

Rosen nodded, motioned Maxim to lie flat on the sofa, and then began to help him release the Transfiguration.

Because it was a very delicate transformation, it took a full quarter of an hour.

If the current system for evaluating the difficulty of casting spells is used, it will definitely get an incredible result, far exceeding the limit of mortals.

If such a skill were placed in ancient times, it would definitely be a miracle, and Rosen would be revered as a god, but in modern times, people are open-minded and the principle of transformation is clear, so it can only be respected as a master's skill.

After the transformation was completed, Rosen motioned for the other party to try it.

Maxim tried it on the spot, and was stunned: "Hiss~ This is exactly the same as the real thing. No, this is the real thing!"

Although the general Transfiguration can change the external form, it will make his things as dull as wood. After the transformation disappears, it will even become red, swollen and painful.

But the Baron's Transfiguration is completely different. He can't feel the penetration of the transformation energy at all, and the surface of the skin is only slightly dull, and he can't feel any discomfort at all.

As if it was born that way.

This was really wonderful. Maxim felt that the past twenty years had been wasted. He couldn't help thinking: 'Now, I am a real man! '

But he soon became worried: "Is it too big?"

Rosen shrugged: "You don't have the final say on this matter. I don't have the final say either. The girls have the final say. Sir, why don't you go to Crescent City and ask a few enthusiastic girls?"

Maxim nodded seriously: "I have to ask them carefully. If it doesn't work, I have to ask the baron to adjust it."

"I am happy to serve you."

The knight quickly added: "When I come back from the test, let's talk about business issues."

He was obviously very frustrated. After he finished speaking, he turned around and left the study without stopping for a moment.

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