Start with Island Lord

Chapter 95 A King Bomb! (33)

Royal secrets?

This is worth hearing.

Because the royal family is almost the top secular power in the Wit Continent.

Each royal family is guarded by at least two five-ring sages, and there may even be a terrifying wizard with a higher ring and unique skills.

Although Rosen has ten-ring magic power, his mature spell achievement is only four rings, so his understanding of the royal secrets is not much different from that of ordinary magic masters.

I thought that Wei Ge would tell him directly after returning to the government study in the Crescent Castle.

Unexpectedly, she whispered: "Lord, this secret is very important. I can't say it directly, and I can't even think deeply."

"Because the sage supported by the royal family has locked the relevant secrets with a powerful and mysterious destiny spell."

"Once you think deeply, the relevant thought fluctuations may trigger the destiny spell, thereby attracting the sage's prying, so you must be cautious and cautious."

This sentence surprised Rosen a little, but he didn't doubt it, because he knew that there were indeed high-ring spells with similar functions.

He even tried a few tricks himself, of course, there were many loopholes.

He asked softly, "How many sages are there in the royal family?"

He knew there were two, namely, Frost Messenger Lafengge and Arcane Soul Fujilola, both of whom were powerful people with amazing achievements in magic.

"I don't know much, but there should be three. One is said to be very old, and in order to ensure that he continues to live, he sleeps every day."

After a pause, she whispered, "Lord, we must meet in a dream to safely tell the relevant secrets."

The question is, how to meet in a dream?

"Meeting in a Dream" is a three-ring mind spell, which is very unstable and requires both parties to have some very in-depth cooperation to ensure a stable meeting.

That's fine, the key is that in a dream, the soul's true body will definitely appear.

Rosen's soul's true body will scare people.

But the secret of the royal family really makes Rosen excited.

Because looking at Wei Ge's posture, this secret is likely to cause a huge shock to the royal family of Levender.

If a secret of this level falls into the hands of someone with ulterior motives, the effect it produces can simply subvert a kingdom.

So, the question now is to exchange your secret for the other party's secret.


While thinking, Wei Ge saw that Rosen was silent for a long time, thinking that he didn't dare to listen, so she sighed softly: "Lord, I made things difficult for you."

As she said that, she was about to turn around and leave.

"Wait." Rosen called her.

"Why do you take such a huge risk and tell me the secret?"

Wei Ge said seriously: "Because I want to save my mentor. He is not only my mentor, but also the adoptive father who raised me."

"All my knowledge, even my life, is given to me by him. Even I can successfully escape from the court and escape the assassin's pursuit because of his protection."

"I must save him, this is the meaning of my life."

Strangely, when Wei Ge said these words, her face was cold and indifferent, and no emotional fluctuations could be seen, as if she was simply stating a fact.

But Rosen vaguely felt the fluctuations in her soul, and immediately understood the reason.

The other party deliberately suppressed emotional fluctuations to avoid being detected by the sage's destiny spell.

No wonder she always looks cold.

"Lord, I was actually greedy, because I originally thought that I had no chance to save him, and being able to survive was the limit of my ability."

"But now, I think you are capable of helping me."

Rosen's eyes flashed: "I am just an intermediate wizard, Miss Wei Ge."

Wei Ge pursed her lips and said something surprising.

"Based on my past experience, I have dealt with many real sages, and I know some secret manifestations of powerful souls."

"Lord, your disguise is indeed almost perfect, but it is impossible for one thing in this world to be perfectly disguised as another thing."

"If we just met for the first time, I certainly couldn't see anything, but we have met almost every day for more than two months."

At this point, it is very clear.

Wei Ge, a genius potion master with extraordinary knowledge, saw through some of Rosen's disguises from some clues.

As for the extent of the discovery, it is definitely not much, but as time goes by, she will definitely know more and more.

This is something that can never be completely avoided.

If you want to borrow the power of the wise, you will definitely be spied on by the wise, and the reason why the wise is the wise is because they have a pair of wise eyes that can see through the true face of the world.

In this case, Rosen also showed some cards: "Okay, I do have good magic power, but I don't have too high magic achievements."

Wei Ge nodded gently, not surprised at all: "I understand, after all, the lord is still young."

"Oh~ What if my youth is a disguise?"

"The soul breath cannot be disguised, lord, maybe I am not as sharp as you, but you are in front of me every day, and you often show magic. I am not blind."

Rosen shrugged: "Then how old do you think I am?"

"It should be 20 years old."

"Then how strong do you think my magic power is?"

"It should be five rings, probably the peak of the five rings, or even six rings."

"What's the basis?"

"Sage Levin, he should be the magic puppet you created."

"Miss Akali and other black iron guards should be the same, even the one standing in front of me now."

"Sometimes, I even suspected that Princess Selena was the same, but later I found out that it was not the case. She was simply captured by you."

Rosen grinned, feeling that this potion master was really sharp.

"Manager Wei Ge, sometimes people are too smart and can get into big trouble."

"Yeah, so I got into big trouble, but since I've already done this, I don't mind getting into one more."

"So, does the lord still want to know the secret?"

Rosen pondered for a moment and said, "To be honest, I have sixth-ring magic power."

The absolute difference in mana strength between the sixth and tenth rings is actually not that big. The latter is probably less than 60% higher than the former.

But the so-called strong man is a little taller, and he is infinitely taller. In the eyes of Wei Ge, who has achieved three rings, it is natural that he cannot tell the difference between the two.

It's useless no matter how smart she is, because she has no reference to compare with.

But the six rings were enough to amaze Wei Ge. Her eyes suddenly lit up: "Oh, what an amazing magical achievement."

Rosen corrected him seriously: "It's not about magic achievement, it's about magic power cultivation."

"My achievements in magic are not high. For example, I'm not sure I can crack the Sage's Destiny Spell you just mentioned."

"Furthermore, I also want to question the safety of the "Meet in Dreams" spell, because I know that there are some fate spells that can penetrate the dream barrier."

This clearly exceeded the boundaries of Wei Ge's knowledge. She couldn't help but frown: "What should we do?"

"I have a completely safe way."

"What can I do? In order to save my mentor, I am willing to give anything, even my life!"

There was a hint of urgency in Wei Ge's tone, and she couldn't hold back her emotions.

Rosen quickly raised his hand and pressed down gently: "Quiet, patient, don't be impatient."

"You go to the residence and wait for me now."

Wei Ge complied without hesitation.

A few minutes later, Rosen's puppet was still in the government study, while his real body walked out of the magic laboratory and entered the wooden house where Wei Ge lived invisibly.

He saw Wei Ge sitting on the leather chair in the living room with a worried look on his face.

Rosen appeared next to her, startling her, but she immediately held it back.

After taking a closer look at Rosen, he said softly: "This is a real lord, not a puppet."

Rosen sat down next to her and put his hand on her shoulders to stop her from standing up.

"Meeting in a dream is a superficial contact of souls, and information may escape in the middle. But if I wrap your soul with my soul and have a deep intersection, absolute safety can be guaranteed."

A tenth-level soul can almost completely block the fluctuations of low-level souls.

Wei Ge asked in a low voice: "What should I do?"

"Close your eyes and listen to my instructions."

Wei Ge immediately complied.

Rosen lowered his head and pressed his forehead against the other person's fair and smooth forehead. At the same time, he shook his mana and spoke the true language of the soul: "Did you hear my voice, Miss Wei Ge?"

"No need to answer, just close your eyes, follow my guidance and move forward step by step."

Wei Ge took a deep breath and followed the instructions step by step.

She didn't know how long it took before she felt her eyes go dark and she entered an absolutely dark and absolutely quiet space.

Then, there was another light, and a person appeared in this space.

This man's body was wrapped in a dark purple mist of light, and sparse electric arcs exploded from time to time on the surface of the mist.

If you look carefully, you can see that it is Rosen. Except for the light mist, no clothes can be seen on his body.

She immediately looked down at herself and realized that the same was true for herself.

She also found that the light on her body was very faint, almost invisible.

Wei Ge stared at the other person's body, and a thought flashed through her mind: 'So this is the soul of the Sixth Ring Dharma Saint, it's really magnificent. ’

Immediately afterwards, I discovered some physical details. I subconsciously opened my eyes and took a look, and my heart suddenly became clear.

"It's so great, no wonder he captured the heart of the princess."

Strangely enough, it was just a thought in her mind, but she actually heard her own voice.

"You and I have soul-to-heart relationships. There are no secrets. Your voice is just the voice." Rosen said with a smile.

"It's also absolutely safe here. You can tell your secrets freely."

"All right."

Wei Ge smiled awkwardly, calmed down, and began to tell the secrets of the royal family.

"The Queen Mother is thirty-three years old this year. She is a greedy, romantic, and stupid woman. Many years ago, she had an affair with the Frostbringer La Fongle and gave birth to the current little king Sheila."

Rosen was shocked: "Isn't the little king the child of the old king?"

“Everyone thinks it is, but it’s not.”

"In order to hide this, the Queen Mother needed my mentor's original potion, but of course my mentor didn't agree, so she was controlled and forced to make the medicine for the Queen Mother."

"Tsk tsk~ Interesting, really interesting~"

Old King Levend was aggrieved. He was hated, and even his kingdom was usurped.

These secrets are indeed very astonishing. If used well, they can turn Levand into a puppet at worst, or make him fall apart!

In short, this is a king bomb!

Rosen immediately agreed.

"Wei Ge, if there is a chance, I will find a way to rescue your mentor, as long as he is still alive by then."

"He must be alive and they need his medicine."


Rosen immediately exited the deep soul space and sat patiently beside Wei Ge waiting.

About ten minutes later, Wei Ge woke up and stared at Rosen closely as soon as she opened her eyes.

"Lord, will you kill me to silence me?"

Rosen shook his head: "Of course not."

"But I peeked into your secret."

Rosen smiled: "This secret is used to deceive fools. I never wanted to deceive the trusted mage."

After saying that, he stood up to leave, but before he could get up, he was hugged by the latter.

A deep voice came from behind.

"Lord, a person is lonely. The clearer his mind is, the lonelier he becomes because he can't find any companions with whom he can truly communicate."

Rosen was startled, then looked back at Wei Ge and understood what she was thinking: "Are you going to use actions to prove your complete loyalty to me?"

"That's not necessary. You've proven it."

Wei Ge said: "I know, but I am also a woman."

"I am planning to devote my life to magic and am not planning to marry any man, but that doesn't mean I don't need a man's comfort."

Rosen's eyes circled around the other party's unusually mature body, and he nodded in agreement: "Okay, but when the new spell center is built, you will move out of Crescent Castle immediately."

He didn't want to have two women in one castle.

"I will."

No words for an hour.

Later, Rosen quietly returned to the lord's longhouse, thinking in his mind: "This secret is really exciting, but I can't use it now, and it's even difficult to plan it secretly."

Because Levend is too far away, his power cannot be projected.

‘We must immediately find a secret route that can quickly reach Levind and place the chess pieces in place. ’

Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared.

The main text will not write too much about the female supporting character, and there will be no unnecessary emotional interactions in the follow-up. The main reason for getting the details is to write a side story.

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