Start with Mechanical Hunter

Chapter 567 The Ascension of the Inferior

Seeing the face in front of him, Gao Gong suddenly had a strange idea in his mind.

‘In the past, it was the mechanical body that was unlucky, but now it is finally my flesh and blood body’s turn. ’

The senior engineer's previous plan was to 'suspend death', but the plan could not keep up with the changes. Who would have thought that Vinos Life Safety Group would develop biocomputers so deeply that the 6.0 version of the large biocomputer would completely overwhelm his version 2.0 portable notebook.

I can’t even pretend to be dead, it’s so painful.

But fortunately, the senior engineer has already deduced various plans. The one in front of him is still within the scope of processing. If it works well, it may even be a big opportunity.

Facing the other party's inquiry, the senior engineer pondered for a moment and said:

"How about we each ask the other a question and then answer it seriously?"

‘Higher Engineer’ nodded:


"Then let me answer your question first. It is 'advanced information' that can affect the laws of real physics, and it actively removed my human virus."

The senior engineer briefly introduced the classification of the three 'information levels'. As expected, the other party showed a surprised expression, and then nodded thoughtfully.

"Can pure information evolution reach this level?"

"Of course, haven't you also touched this level? As a super manager in the micro field, maybe you should also introduce yourself."

"I was born 60 years ago. It was the third generation of 'Venos' who created me and made me a 'gene editor'. Its purpose was to edit genes and conduct microscopic biological research. Later, with continuous iteration , my abilities turned out to be more extensive, and my involvement with the Venos family became deeper and deeper. One day, the Venos family made a decision to abandon all breeding methods of carbon-based organisms, and instead integrated the family into Leave all the genes to me to do the genome matching and encode the biochemical instructions.”

"And I became the mother of all 'Vinos'."

The senior engineer nodded, which was what he expected. After all, when it comes to the degree of perversion, even in the cyber testing ground where there are so many perverts, those engaged in biotechnology are at the forefront.

Computer breeding, nothing more than that.

"So, 伱 is the genetic computer among biological computers."

Among all types of biological computers, the role of genetic computers is at the forefront. There is no other reason. Things like 'next generation qualifications' are very important for any force, especially some civilization-level super units. In fact, it is no longer possible to breed wild animals simply by relying on wild animals. Genetic debugging work must begin from birth.

"Okay, now it's your turn to ask."

‘Higher Engineer’ thought for a while:

"I feel the same kind of information from you. Where did your 'biological computer' come from?"

"Relying on evolution, to be more precise, in addition to relying on the implantation of the organs and cells of the radiation beast, the most important thing is to rely on the stimulation of the mechanical body."

"Exciting, how exciting?" The 'senior engineer' became interested.

"That's the next question."

The 'Gao Gong' eyes flashed with a strange light and said:

"Then ask quickly."

In this kind of 'information exchange', both parties have the means to judge the truth and falsehood of the other party's words. Of course, if you are deceived, you deserve it.

The senior engineer looked at the reflection of his mechanical body on the 'wall', and suddenly said something that shocked the other party:

"I think you were telling lies just now, at least not entirely the truth."

‘High Engineer’ frowned:

"Is this a problem? Did I deceive you? As a hacker, you should know this very well."

The senior engineer nodded. Although cyber hackers could not handle the information flow of corporate hosts, in terms of cunning and changeability, corporate hosts were scum in the eyes of cyber hackers.

"You said that you are a gene editor in the hands of the third generation 'Venos', I believe that."

"But if you say that you are just a 'gene editor', or an enhanced version of a 'gene computer,' then I don't believe it."

"At least not since the birth of 'corporate will'."

The senior engineer smiled, while the other 'senior engineer' narrowed his eyes fiercely.

"Let me put it this way, let me give you a definition. At the hardware level, you are the gene editor of the past and the genetic computer of today."

"But at the system level, you are not the mother of a member of the 'Vinos' family, nor are you a simple large-scale enterprise AI."

“You are the corporate will of Vinos Life Safety Group!!”

The 'senior engineer' was silent for a moment and said:

"Corporate will cannot be separated from the existence of the enterprise. In fact, it can only affect a very small number of people."

"That's right, so you have become the 'mother', the mother of all the employees of Venos Enterprise. The genes of all employees have been re-edited by you and imprinted with the stamp of thinking. The entire biological group has been completely devoured by you; so-called Free will does not exist at all. Each of them is just one of your avatars, playing the role you want them to play!"


Following the words of the other party, the entire electronic wall began to surround Gao Gong. It was endlessly high and endlessly long. The electronic code disappeared and was replaced by a large number of flesh and blood organs, human heads, peeled off skin, or pain. , or happily nailed to the wall.

The ‘recycle bin benefits’ that Helena calls are actually not only customer benefits, but also an employee benefit.

"Another group of victims of technological evolution."

The senior engineer sighed. This kind of thing is very common in cyber testing sites. Light-point technology trees are not ethical and do not create social ecology. It is easy for technology to become possessed and be completely backlashed.

"But on the other hand-"

Gao Gong looked at the electronic wall. Although he could no longer see it, he knew that there would definitely be a pair of eyes staring at him indifferently from deep inside.

"You have become an inferior and successful person."

The huge information pressure caused Gao Gong's mechanical body to begin to disintegrate bit by bit. However, after hearing these words, this terrifying computing power composed of hundreds of millions of creatures suddenly stopped for a moment.

"What is inferior ascension?"

Gao Gong said enthusiastically:

"You don't know, yes, in order to ensure the purity of technological research and development, generally speaking, the mother city will not give you the opportunity to communicate with others. You don't know how awesome you are."

"Let me tell you briefly, you must have heard of the rise of civilization. Use the fire of civilization to light up the technological fire, and then enjoy the upgrading of all species and all technological systems. The ruling power of the entire universe is civilization, and only civilization. "

"Ascension is based on civilization."

"But it is obvious that developing a civilization is very, very, very difficult. Not only one or two generations may not be able to handle it, but even hundreds of generations may not be able to handle it. Many people want to enjoy the benefits of ascension but do not want to pay the price of civilization. , just artificially create the concept of 'inferior ascension'."

"Strictly speaking, inferior ascension cannot actually be regarded as ascension. Instead, it uses the sign of ascension to try to artificially steal a small part of the power of ascension. Although this power is only a drop in the bucket for true ascension, for an individual, it is It’s a huge benefit.”

When it comes to promotion, senior engineers are very talkative:

"For example, have you heard of Electronic Ascension? Reprint your data using the source code of 'Cyberspace', and then take advantage of the upgrading nodes of Cyberspace, such as this corporate war, to print your own data. The code is embedded in the Code Shit Mountain, making the Mother City hold its nose and admit that it is part of the 'Shit Mountain Code' and obtain planet-level user rights."

"Programmers all know that the more changes are made to the underlying code, the greater the chance of bugs, so as long as it is not excessive, the Mother City will allow this piece of shit to exist."

"This is electronic ascension, but it has nothing to do with ascension. If I have to say it, it is very similar to the way of survival of some electronic life forms."

"But the 'corporate will' is different. I think it must be specially arranged by the superior civilization. It refers to some practices of the giant corporate civilization. Individuals and collectives, will and organization, are crazyly mixed together; don't look at it. , this kind of evolution can well avoid the ethical pitfalls of 'civilization' and achieve the ascension of the inferior."

"For example, your 'corporate will', in my opinion, feels a bit like a 'hive civilization'. There is no difference between individuals and collectives. It's just that they are one and you are one. You need to continue to deceive and transform." Employees, reduce their self-awareness and probability of rebellion. Only in this way can we maintain the continued development of 'Vinos Life Safety Group'."

"After all, without employees, a company is nothing."

This time, it was no longer the 'senior engineer' who spoke, but a steady female voice. The voice was like the voices of millions of people, compressed into an audio format.

"Who are you, and what is your relationship with those aliens from 60 years ago?"

"You are right to suspect that I am an alien, but I don't plan to say it anymore."

Instead of retreating, the senior engineer advanced directly towards the 'boundless' electronic wall and touched the wall with his palms. The next moment, countless biological codes directly shattered his arm, and starting from the arm, continued to shatter the whole body.

"You lost the game of whack-a-mole because you cheated. You temporarily got on the corpse of an employee and unlocked the code of the 'civilized weapon.'"

"But you didn't expect it at all. The connection between carbon base and machinery in the fusion route is beyond your imagination, and of course it is beyond my expectation. After all, this is my first time and I have no experience."

The more Gao Gong talked, the more excited he became, even in this state, half of his mechanical body was gone.

"Separation is unity, and unity is also separation. The two have not severed the relationship. This is why, after half of me is eaten by you, the other half can still enter the 'big snake state'."

"I tried to save 'me' from your computing system, but that was a wrong idea."

"Me and 'I' are not separated at all."

After saying this last sentence, Gao Gong's mechanical body completely turned into powder, and in reality, Gao Gong, who was fighting the S-class mutant, also disappeared so suddenly.

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