Start with Mechanical Hunter

Chapter 573 Hiding in the Grass

The difference between viruses and antibodies is that viruses can evolve infinitely. They can split into tens of thousands of mutant strains, and their ability to mutate will become more and more terrifying, eventually forming a large family of viruses.

This is also the evolutionary source of the ‘biochemical brain machine’.

The stronger the virus, the greater its potential for exploitation.

But antibodies work the other way around. After killing the virus, the antibodies will automatically disappear from the body.

Then, a rather ironic thing happened——

Previously, senior executives of other groups tried their best to solve the contagiousness of the 'virus', but to no avail.

Now it's the other way around. Vinos Life Safety Group tried its best but couldn't solve this antibody.

Countless dangerous biological experiments have been carried out, and the conclusions drawn are disappointing.

No subtype of the virus can escape this antibody.

"The tenth generation mutated virus failed, then develop the eleventh generation virus!"

"The new virus cannot access the network cloud for the time being. Why is there something wrong with the frequency of the pseudo-sensory signal?"

"The experimenter suffered a large-scale physical mutation and has been cleared."

"Mobilize the resources of major biological laboratories and ask the headquarters to help. In short, we must complete the higher-level virus vector as soon as possible."

"A large-scale antibody event was discovered in the 9-4-513 area. The network signal failed in this area. Send someone to investigate quickly!"

"There is an S-class variant in the security department who has symptoms such as fever. It is suspected that the 'antibodies' are taking effect. He is suppressing the memory cells in his body to prevent the division of more antibodies."

"Why is there a situation in the security department? Aren't S-class mutants the most evolved bodies?"

"Well, it is precisely because their bodies are strong that once antibodies appear, they can expel the virus a hundred times faster than ordinary people."

"Can he connect to the Internet now!?"

"I'm afraid I can't."

"His S-level ability information has not been completely uploaded to the network cloud, damn it! Bad news comes one after another."

In just one week, bad news came one after another, causing headaches for all the senior management.

Who would have thought that the opponent of the 'brain-computer virus' that was fortunately developed was not a certain super company, but a targeted antibody that suddenly appeared.

Judy hurried to Cain's office holding a stack of documents.

The office door was ajar, and strong criticism and accusations could be heard faintly.

"Cain, you have disappointed the people on the board of directors so much. It is just a regional-level war, so you let the group recover its combat power and control the scale of the virus. The group spent so much money to develop the virus, and you have the greatest ability. Not used at all!”

"Don't make excuses. You are a 'Vinos'. The family motto of 'Vinos' is failure is death. I will give you one month. Within one month, you will create an evolved subbody of the new virus." , and the virus has spread to at least three planetary regions, and our ranking in the mother city has fallen to more than 50 places."

"Even my mother has expressed disappointment in you!"


Cain's fist hit the table hard, making a dent in the table, and his handsome features were filled with ferociousness.

"Are all the people on the board of directors idiots?" 'Judy' pushed the door open and said coldly: "If a virus against antibodies is not developed as soon as possible, the more the virus spreads, the worse it will be in the future. Once all brain machines If you lose control, will they not know what will happen?"

‘Cain’ laughed gloomily:

"How could it be unclear? They are just passing the blame. The group has invested such a large amount of resources. If there are no results at all, you can imagine our end."

"You are a 'Vinos'," 'Judy' said in surprise.

"But there is more than one 'Vinos' in the family," 'Cain' rubbed his brows and showed a gloomy expression: "This is not my fault. The last 'me' caused the mess, so why should I be wanted?" Take full responsibility!”

"Don't say this anymore. 'Judy' is Judy, and 'Cain' is just Cain!"

'Judy' quickly stopped the other party's explosive remarks. The most taboo point in cloning technology is the cutting of 'self' and 'self', which will bring a series of troubles.

"Let's not talk about this anymore," 'Cain' waved, took the information from 'Judy''s hand, and turned over it slightly.

"It's all bad news. With so many famous laboratories, can't we find the evolved subspecies of the virus?"

‘Judy’ said:

"Originally, according to the plan, as the 'brain-computer virus' spreads, virus subspecies will evolve accordingly. This is natural."

"But we can't do that now, because once an enemy gets the virus's antibodies and we haven't developed an evolved version of the 'brain-computer virus,' then we will be finished."

'Cain' nodded. Corporate war is a colosseum. If other companies know that the brain-computer virus has produced antibodies, it can be confirmed that all participating companies in the southern hemisphere will join the siege, even if they reach cooperation with their own side. Those companies that are part of the agreement will also turn around and bite themselves to death.

"According to the 'Life Supreme Laboratory', it took three years to study this type of virus and selected many special varieties for modification. It will never cause problems on its own."

‘Life Supreme Laboratory’, the most powerful laboratory in the group, was also the first laboratory to develop a ‘brain-computer virus’.

"Logically speaking, even if there are antibodies, they should not be born at this time."

In their imagination, in the middle and late stages of the corporate war, that is, when the global war begins, some colleagues may develop virus antibodies.

But by that time, their viruses had probably evolved for tens of thousands of generations.

'Cain' and 'Judy' looked at each other, and both thought of some possibility that they shouldn't have thought of.

There is only one person who knows all the 'gene sequence' of the virus and has the ability to perform reverse prediction of a large virus model.

"Have you seen 'Mother'?" 'Cain' asked.

‘Judy’ shook her head:

"I have been to the Starry Sky more than twenty times, but I have never seen my mother."

She hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but said:

"What did the board say?"

"Board of Directors," 'Cain' paused and said: "You know, they are too entangled with 'Mother'. Each of them, starting from the genetic code, is edited by 'Mother', they don't Possibly questioning 'Mother'."

The two looked at each other without speaking, but there were some things they had a tacit understanding of.

Others were edited from the ‘Venos first generation machine’.

But they're not, they're just clones responsible for taking the blame.

Although the feelings are the same and the memories are the same, as long as there is a slight deviation in self-perception, the thoughts will be completely different.

"Let me go with you again."


The two connected to the Internet, and with the help of the network cloud platform, their consciousness suddenly reached the stars. Unexpectedly, above the stars, in the endless digital soup, they saw 'Mother'.

"Mother!" "Mother!!"

"Good children, you are here," the woman waved kindly, and two children, a boy and a girl, ran over on their short legs.

"Here, eat some candy."

Without any explanation, the woman brought two green candies and stuffed one into each of the little Lolita's mouths.

"Mom, we encountered a lot of things while you were away," the little Loli quickly reported the 'antibody incident' to the other party.

"I know, I know, the reason why mother left was to resolve this matter."

"Then do you have any solution?" Loli 'Judy''s eyes were shining.

"We have found a clue. Soon, a new, real life will be born," 'Mother' said slowly:

"Life is a thief. To satisfy its own growth needs, living cells have learned to separate molecules in order to steal the electrons needed to participate in energy reactions."

"And what we have done is just to recapture the evolution that only 'life inheritance' can represent into the hands of 380 trillion 'real individuals.'"

The so-called ‘real individuals’ refer to viruses.

The two left quickly.

'Mother' caressed her belly leisurely without saying a word.

"PUA's own employees don't behave like a good boss."

A lazy male voice suddenly sounded.

In the 'soup of life' at the feet, countless numbers began to pile up, and genetic codes began to thread through them. A figure with blurred features appeared in front of the other party, letting out the signature laugh of a certain little wolfdog.

"Why, did you spend so much effort to 'give birth' to me?"

"You couldn't 'give birth' to me, but instead you let me use your power to deduce antibodies. Do you think it's ironic?"

'Mother's' smile remained unchanged, but there was a hint of gloominess on her face.

"The fusion power of the fusion route is beyond your imagination. Soon, you will be me, and I will become you. I will help you complete the expansion of the 'brain-computer virus'."

"It's just that by then, it's hard to say who the Venos Life Safety Group belongs to."

"What should I do? Your algorithm has been infiltrated into a sieve by me. You don't dare to tell others, because once the news is leaked, those senior executives who have been stamped by you may have other thoughts. After all, the stamp has been There is a loophole, oops, do you want to consider painlessness..."

Before Gao Gong finished speaking, 'Mother''s eyes narrowed, and the next moment, the figure opposite exploded again.

At the same time, her belly slowly swelled.

"You will eventually become me, and I will replace you."

This sentence came from the mouth of 'mother'.

"Great, it seems that mother has found a way. Soon, the genetic sequence of the virus subspecies will be passed down."

'Judy' took a big breath and said to 'Cain'.

"Yeah, it's finally over," 'Cain' smiled.

"Are you okay?" 'Judy' looked at the other party in confusion: "Why do I feel like something is wrong with you?"

"Maybe I'm too tired. I haven't slept well in the past half month."

"Take a rest, corporate war is a protracted war."

Looking at the back of 'Judy' leaving, 'Cain's eyes flickered, and he finally made up his mind, opened his mouth, and spat out a green candy mixed with saliva.

After the 'candy' landed, a burst of green smoke came out, with a vaguely human face struggling in it, and finally disappeared along with the smoke.

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