“S-class! Ahaha! Seeing the vest Venerable who appeared, the hungry wolf did not have a trace of fear, but laughed maniacally, “Caught a big fish!” What a joy! The blood is boiling! ”

Ignoring the madness of the hungry wolf, the vest Venerable continued to attack the hungry wolf.


The vest Venerable came to the hungry wolf and punched out.


The vest Venerable punched the street in front of the hungry wolf, and the entire street cracked densely, and then violently shook.

“Vest grappling!!”

The street was like an earthquake, and at the moment when the hungry wolf stood unsteadily, the vest Venerable crossed his hands and slammed into the hungry wolf like a fierce bull.


The vest Venerable slammed into the hungry wolf, and the hungry wolf was instantly knocked into the air and flew into the air.

“Appeared! His Holiness’s vest grappling!! ”

“Shake the earth, make the opponent stop attacking, and make full use of the vest to facilitate the movement of the grappling!”

“It’s really worthy of His Holiness!! Many weirdos have already been defeated with this trick!! ”

“So that guy can’t send a hand at our vest again…”

Seeing the vest Venerable make a trick, the younger brothers cheered on the side.


At this time, the hungry wolf that was knocked into the air by the vest Venerable, his body quickly rotated in the air.


Unloading the terrifying impact of the vest Venerable, the hungry wolf fell to the ground.

“What?” The vest Venerable looked in amazement at the hungry wolf who had not fallen down after receiving a blow from his own blow and began to stand up.

“Whew~” The hungry wolf turned his back to the vest Venerable and hunched over.

“Hey, hey, hey~~” The hungry wolf turned around and smiled at the vest Venerable.

“Is this guy human?” The vest Venerable looked at the hungry wolf laughing in front of him.

“Vest Venerable, this is your attack? Isn’t it good? Yes! Come again! The hungry wolf laughed at the vest Venerable.

“In short, knock him down first!” Thinking of this, the vested Venerable began to attack the hungry wolf again.

“Tank top boxing!!”

The vest Venerable punched straight and attacked the hungry wolf.


Although the Hungry Wolf Hungry Wolf had already resisted with his hands, the Vest Venerable was a power-type hero, and this terrifying punch directly broke through the Hungry Wolf’s defense, and hit the Hungry Wolf with another blow.

“Poof!!” Receiving this blow, the hungry wolf spewed out a large mouthful of blood.

Tick ~ tick …

Drops of blood flowed from the hungry wolf’s mouth and dripped to the ground, but the hungry wolf still stood with a strange smile on his mouth.

“There’s no doubt that this guy is human, but…” His Holiness the Vest Venerable looked at the hungry wolf still standing in front of him and thought to himself, “Why?” I have a feeling that I have to eliminate him here? ”

From the hungry wolf in front of him, the vest legion felt a powerful malice.

“I’m sorry, but let’s end here!”

The vest Venerable is ready to deliver a fatal blow to the hungry wolf and end the battle.


After that, the vest Venerable launched an attack on the hungry wolf.

“Keep someone under the fist!!”


A figure took a punch from the vest Venerable for the hungry wolf, and then the figure was punched to the ground.

“Undocumented knight!? What the hell are you doing? The Vest Venerable looked at the undocumented knight who had been punched by himself and asked him.

“Don’t you feel ashamed?” The undocumented knight lay on the ground and raised his head to question the vest legions, including the Vest Venerable.

“Obviously as an S-class hero! But he killed the opponent of the punks or something! ”

“The victory and defeat are already obvious! He was so injured that he couldn’t even stand firmly! ”

The undocumented knight said loudly.

“Ah! What are you talking about? ”

“Is it wrong that he made a move against Lord Hero?”

“You’re an idiot! Give up the first place in the C Grade! ”

“Don’t get in my way, or you’ll taste our power!”

Seeing that the undocumented knights actually taught them a lesson, everyone in the vest legion except for the vest Venerable scolded the undocumented knights.

“Don’t say it!” The vest Venerable turned to his little brothers and said.

“He’s right, I didn’t wear this vest to fight people!” The vest Venerable said.

“Hey! I said you…” The undocumented knight stood up and persuaded the hungry wolf: “This time is a lesson, don’t endanger others next time!”

“I know!” Listening to the words of the undocumented knight, the hungry wolf turned around as if ready to leave, “I’m going back!” I’m so sorry for messing around! ”

After speaking, the hungry wolf took a few steps forward.

Suddenly, the hungry wolf stopped, turned his head, and said with a fierce face: “Lie to you, Lao Tzu still wants to kill you all one by one!”

“That’s what I thought!!”

The cold voice of the vest Venerable came, and his fist had already come to the face of the hungry wolf, “I don’t feel anything from you but evil, just destroy you before you become a great hazard!” ”


With the speed of the hungry wolf, he could not dodge the attack of the vest Venerable, but at this moment, the speed of the hungry wolf suddenly increased, narrowly dodging the huge fist of the vest Venerable, and at the same time, his right hand attacked the vest Venerable in a special posture.


As a result, the hungry wolf was unscathed, but the vested Venerable who launched an attack on the hungry wolf was hit in the face by the hungry wolf, and the blood was drenched.

“Alas! Still used it! The hungry wolf thought to himself.

“Flowing Water Rock Crushing Fist!!”

After hitting the vest Venerable with one blow, the hungry wolf was unforgiving, and the hungry wolf in his hands was like flowing water, turning into a stream of shadows in the air and hitting the vest Venerable.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom…

For a while, the vest Venerable was beaten by the hungry wolf and was powerless to fight back.


The hungry wolf punched the vest Venerable with a straight punch, and the vest Venerable was instantly knocked away, hitting the wall on the side of the street, and knocking out a large pit in the wall.

“Hah! Because I think of the old man’s face, I have always avoided using the flowing water rock crushing fist, it doesn’t matter! Don’t stick to this kind of thing! Was it cool to be beaten by you before? Take it yourself! After the hungry wolf hit the vest Venerable, he stopped his attack, stood in front of the vest Venerable, and grinned at him.

“This guy, hiding his strength…!?” The vest Venerable climbed out of the wall with difficulty and looked at the hungry wolf and thought to himself.

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