When Lindbergh returned to the apartment, the thunderstorm had stopped. Lindbergh first took a shower and changed into clothes.

“Huh! How did my eyes turn red? After taking a bath, Lindbergh looked in the mirror and found that his eyes turned red.

“However, after turning red, I feel as if I have become handsome!” Looking at the attractive red pupils in the mirror, Lin Bai stinked beautifully.

For the fact that his eyes turned red, Lindbergh didn’t care much. Lindbergh came to the apartment building and began to condense “qi”.

As soon as Lin Bai concentrated according to the cultivation method of “Qi”, he felt a huge “Qi” condensing in his body, and Lin Bai tried to stimulate this “Qi”.

In an instant, a light blue “qi” penetrated out and surrounded Lin Bai’s whole body. This “qi” is also accompanied by a “crackling” electric sound from time to time.

“Huh! How can my qi have the nature of lightning, could it be caused by lightning just now? Lindbergh also discovered the abnormality of his “qi”.

“Qi is already strong enough, the next step is to cultivate the ‘Dancing Void Technique’.” After trying “Qi”, Lin Bai found that as long as he paid attention to it, his body could quickly condense a large amount of Qi.

“Dance Void Technique!” Lindbergh began to review the cultivation methods of the “Dancing Void Art” transmitted by the “Gate of Destiny”. In “Dragon Ball”, the art of dancing is a kung fu that can fly in the air of Tsurusenryu, and was later learned by Goku and others.

The practice method of Wukong Shu: Through concentration, the subconscious mind of the person is discovered. Spread the perceived “qi” in the body throughout the body, and constantly tell yourself in your heart that I want to fly, I have to fly, so that the center of gravity continues to rise, so that the body is suspended in the air.

The cultivation method of “Dancing Void Technique” transmitted by the “Gate of Destiny” is not only an ordinary cultivation method, but also a cultivation experience that enables people to master skills at once.

According to the method, Lindbergh concentrated his attention and spread “qi” throughout his body. Slowly, Lindbergh’s body began to rise. Lin Bai’s body slowly flew up, and finally Lin Bai stopped ten meters in the air.

“It’s amazing!” People in the air, Lindbergh was very excited.

Lin Bai looked into the distance, the sky was dark, the Z City in the distance was brightly lit, and the no-man’s land where Lin Bai was located was dark except for the apartment where Lin Bai was.

“Hey! Lindbergh, you flew like that? At this time, a surprised voice reached Lin Bai’s ears.

Lin Bai looked down and saw Saitama with a big bald head, and he didn’t know when he appeared in the apartment.

Lin Bai slowly flew down, landed beside Saitama, and lied to Saitama: “I don’t know what’s going on, I suddenly feel that I will fly, maybe I have awakened my superpower!”

“Lindbergh, you are too lucky!” For Lindbergh’s answer, Saitama didn’t think much about it. Not long after Saitama broke through the limiter, his feelings disappeared somewhat, and his curiosity about foreign objects was not as great as before.

“By the way, Saitama, how was today, did you catch any thieves and robbers?” Lindbergh asked Saitama.

“Don’t mention it, I don’t know what’s going on, Z City is very quiet today. I ran all over Z City and didn’t see anyone making trouble. Moreover, I am such a hero that I almost became a villain! Lindbergh, you say, am I like a villain? Saitama grumbled, and finally asked Lindbergh.

Lin Bai carefully took a large amount of Saitama for a while, and finally solemnly replied to Saitama: “Like!”

“Lindbergh, I want to break off friendship with you!” After listening to Lindbergh’s answer, Saitama was silent for a while, and suddenly called out to Lin Bai.

In the blink of an eye, another day passed. For a day, Lindbergh experimented with the use of “qi” in the deep mountains outside Z City. Now, Lindbergh is already proficient in the use of “Dancing Void Technique”, “Turtle School Qigong” and “Qi Yuan Chopping”.

On the morning of the third day, Lindbergh got up after eating and eating. Walking downstairs, I didn’t see Saitama’s figure.

“It is estimated that I will catch thieves and robbers again, and Saitama is really good enough to fight!” Going to find a hero job early in the morning, Lindbergh is glad that he is a B-class hero and does not have to complete a hero activity every week.

Saitama was really unlucky enough, and after another day, he still didn’t complete a heroic activity.

“If you think about it, it seems that after I registered as a hero, I didn’t do much. Saitama fought like this, and I should also show performance. Decided, today to do a “chengguan”! Lin Bai thought in his heart, it’s okay today anyway.

So, Lindbergh rode his “Little Dumbo Second Generation” towards the center of Z.

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