“F City, the person in charge is A’s snake bite fist – Snake Neck. Seeing the former leader of the terrorist organization, Hammerhead wandering around in interview formal clothes, pending further investigation, above! “The projection stopped and the staff finished reporting.

“How is City Z? There are rumors that the source of disaster may be lurking in the no-man’s land on the outskirts of City Z? A balding old man asked.

“No report yet! However, we have already commissioned two powerful A heroes to investigate! A bespectacled hero guild clerk said.

City Z!

“This is City Z! Hurry up and investigate! At this time, the two A-class heroes who were entrusted to investigate Z City had already arrived in Z City. Came to Z City, the 33rd hero of A, Spring Beard, reached out and touched his figure eight beard, and said to another A hero on the side, the hero of Hero ranked 29th in A – Golden Ball.

“Hmm! Settle things early! The golden ball on the side chewed a lollipop in his mouth and said to the spring beard.

After the two finished speaking, they walked forward.

“City Z is very 743 big, and it is that no-man’s land going forward? Compared with other areas, the number of weirdos in City Z is far ahead, and since more than ten years ago, the frequency of their appearance has increased year by year, and due to the frequent haunting of high eccentrics a few years ago, residents have moved to the city center. The springbeard said to the golden ball as he walked.

“I know! As a result, infrastructure such as running water and electricity did not have time to shut down, and it became a ghost town. Golden Ball replied.

“It’s cheaper now!” Springbeard said jokingly.

“You’re kidding! It is said that there are terrible monsters living here, haven’t you heard of it? Golden Ball said.

“Of course I heard of it, that’s why we were sent to investigate!” Speaking of this, the springbeard and the golden ball arrived at the iron gate of the no-man’s land, and looking at the no-man’s land in front of them, both of them stopped.

“When you step on the front foot into no man’s land, you have to be ready for battle with your back foot!” Golden Ball looked at the iron gate and said seriously.

“Hmm! Nothing should be taken lightly! Springbeard agreed.

After that, the two jumped through the iron gate and walked into no man’s land.

“In other words, why are there so many weirdos here?” In the no-man’s land, two A heroes strolling through the dilapidated streets of the no-man’s land, the golden ball asks the spring beard.

“It’s also a mystery! There are many theories about the reasons for their appearance, it seems to me that either there are colonies that naturally produce weirdos, or eccentric queens that breed various weirdos. Springbeard replied.

Saying this, a big pit appeared in the street in front of the two, the two stopped the edge of the big pit, looked at the big pit, and the spring beard continued: “Although there is no clear proof. There must be something in this ghost town… No, there are some creatures that exist! ”

“Catch this mysterious creature and we can become a top hero! Ball crouched down in front of the big pit and said while looking down at the big pit.

“yes! Can’t always let the masked sweetheart take the lead…”


“Something!?” “Something!?”

As the two spoke, a mysterious creature slowly walked through the street behind the two. At this moment, the two who were heroes A keenly felt that something was passing by, and the two instantly turned around, collapsed their whole bodies, and looked ahead with a nervous face.

“Was that a weirdo just now?” Golden Ball asked.

“No, I didn’t see it clearly, but it’s hard to imagine humans staying in such a dangerous area, let’s chase!” After springbeard finished speaking, he chased after him with the golden ball.

“A(acaj) sneeze!” In an apartment in no man’s land, Lindbergh, who was playing a game with Saitama, sneezed.

“Who is thinking about me?” Lin Bai thought strangely in his heart.


“I lean, Saitama, you are so mean! He sneaked up on me while I was sneezing and distracted! Lindbergh came to his senses and found that his game character had been killed by Saitama.

“Willing to gamble and lose, you treat at noon!” Saitama did not hear the slightest of Lindbergh’s complaints, only remembering the matter of the bet.

“Alright! Treat you to lovers, let’s go! Lindbergh said boredly.

So, the two went downstairs and prepared to go to the restaurant for lunch.

“Saitama-sensei, Mr. Lindbergh, where are you going?” At this time, Genos, who lived next door to Saitama, heard the movement of the two, walked out the door and asked Lindbergh and the two.

Genos paid homage to Saitama as a teacher, and in order to get the secret of Lindbergh and Saitama’s power, he also lived in this apartment. At first, Saitama does not agree to the annoying Genos living in the apartment, but after Genos throws out a stack of thousand-dollar bills, Saitama warmly welcomes Genos with both hands.

By the way, Genos also went to participate in the hero quiz of the Hero Society after knowing that such a powerful two were heroes of the Guild. Genos, who has a large number of “records” in the Hero Association, was promoted to an S-class hero as soon as he completed the assessment. After Saitama knew this, that envy and jealousy ah!

“Oh! It’s Genos! We’re going to lunch, do we want to come together? Lindbergh listened to Genos’ question and replied.

“Lunch?” Genos listened to Lindbergh’s answer, his eyes flashed, and he thought in his heart: “The secret of the powerful, maybe just in lunch, remember it first!” Genos immediately took out a small book and memorized it in a hurry.

“Good! Let’s go together! Thank you Mr. Lindbergh for the invitation! Genos finished his notes in an instant and replied to Lindbergh.

So, the three of them walked together to the outside of the no-man’s land.

“Genos, are you a remodeler and need to eat?” As he walked, Lindbergh asked Genos.

“Yes! Mr. Lindbergh, it doesn’t matter if I don’t eat as a modified person, but I still maintain the habit of being a human before being a modified person, and I can’t eat less three meals a day! Genos replied seriously.

“Genos, you don’t seem to have a stomach, how do you deal with the food you eat?” The last time Lindbergh saw Genos almost broken into two by the mosquito woman, and the body part was mechanical, Lindbergh was curious about how Genos handled the food he ate.

“That’s right, Mr. Lindbergh! I have food storage devices in my body, and everything I eat goes into it. If you want to handle food, you can only take out this device and throw it away! Genos replied. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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