Whether it is the Nether Pirates led by Jiang Liu or the Whitebeard Pirates led by Edward Newgate, in the eyes of the Navy, they are all great enemies.

Compared to Whitebeard, the threat led by the river, although equally great, was still moved backwards.

Whitebeard is old and has many hidden dangers on his body, which can be said to be the only one among the four sea emperors who have a chance to solve it.

If Whitebeard can be defeated in the next war, the impact on the world will be huge.

On the Chambordi Islands, the sound of explosions is deafening.

The arrival of the yellow ape has reduced this place to a battlefield, and the eleven supernova pirate groups, facing this general, have almost no resistance.

Especially for the Straw Hat Boys, after experiencing the crushing education of the yellow ape, they were rescued by Rayleigh, but they encountered Bassolomi Bear.

The whole ship was completely dispersed, and Luffy also fell into his daughter’s country.

The plot is advancing rapidly, and at the same time, on the empty island, Jiang Liu and others are also looking for the traces of Aini Road.

They have been on the empty island for half a month, but there is still no clue of Anilu.

“According to the original book, this guy may go to the infinite earth!”

“But how can I possibly believe such an outrageous statement?”

Jiang Liu scoffed at this.

There is another theory that Anilu went to Qinghai. However, based on the time period, it is also impossible.

“He is definitely still on the empty island, and at this time, he is hiding in a corner.”

Jiang Liu is sure.

Roaman surveyed the sky, and it had begun to expand its search to not just the empty island in front of it, but also the islands elsewhere.

In addition, Shengang Cole’s vigilance in recent days, he has already discovered it. It’s just that the other party only sent the divine guard to observe from a distance, and did not come closer, so the river did not care.

“When I find this kid Anilu, it seems that there will be a good show in the naval headquarters!”

Jiang Liu’s eyes flickered, and a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“How can you not return such a great favor to you if you have done this to me and damaged my three-masted ship?”

“I won’t be involved in the Whitebeard matter, but, I heard, there are some Draco in the Chambordi Islands!”

There was a hint of killing intent in his eyes, and thoughts quickly crossed Jiang Liu’s heart.

If something goes wrong with the Draco and the world government is angry, then the most unlucky person is probably the Navy!

“What a fun thing! Sengoku, can you take this blow I give you? ”

“Also, I really want you to fight more intensely!”

“The more people who die, the stronger the people who die, and the stronger I will be!”

Jiang Liu grinned.

“What a hope, a powerful legion composed of people who have returned from the underworld!”

“It’s going to be a great time!”

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, another half a month passed, but Anilu seemed to have disappeared, and still did not find it.

This made Jiang Liu frown: “Could it be that he really left the empty island?” ”

But how is this possible?

“We are here today to be executed, the sinful bloodline of the world, Gole D. Rogerna, the demonic bloodline, his son, Portcas D. Ace!”

Sengoku stood on the execution table, looked down, looked at the navies that had already been in place everywhere, and announced loudly to the world in front of the camera.

“Everyone in the outside world knows that you are the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, Fire Fist Ace!”

“But they don’t know that your true identity is the only bloodline of One Piece Roger!”

“It is unimaginable that this evil bloodline has actually been passed down and has grown to this point!”

Sengoku’s voice was heavy and his expression solemn.

The whole world was shocked, and countless noises came out. In the headquarters of the navy, Marin Fandor, it was calm, full of solemnity and tension.

They were all waiting, waiting for the man’s arrival.

Fire Fist Ace is just an introduction, the purpose is to lure out the terrifying and terrifying man who scares the world, Whitebeard Edward Newgate!

Suddenly, outside the gate of justice, the figures of pirate ships suddenly appeared.

“Here it comes!! They’re coming!! ”

“The Whitebeard Pirates, that Pirate Banner, is undoubtedly Whitebeard!”

“Prepare for war! Prepare for battle!! ”

The roar came out one after another, and the atmosphere in the entire Marin Fando suddenly became more tense.

The pressure before the war invades everyone’s heart.


Suddenly, the sea surface of the inner bay suddenly rolled up into the sky, and the huge pirate ship stirred up ripples, reflecting a dazzling brilliance in the sun.

“It’s the Moby Dick! They coated the ship and sailed under the sea! ”

Sengoku roared loudly.

In an instant, the entire Marin Fando suddenly boiled for it.

At the same time, the river located on the empty island also suddenly squinted.

“You said you found a golden spaceship in the sky and was heading here?”

Jiang Liu raised his head, looked at Luo Aoman, and asked in a deep voice.

“Yes, it’s a spaceship made of pure gold, and on top of the ship, there is a person, similar to what you asked me to look for!”

Rooman said.

Jiang Liu smiled: “I didn’t expect him to bump into it himself!” ”

Suddenly, his eyes sharpened.

“Let’s be looking for a full month! I’m so hot! ”

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