"Oh? Are you sure?"

The highest rank among these people is the earl, and the highest cultivation is only the level of a magician, I really don't know where the courage came from, and I dare to provoke a beastmaster.

"You are the owner of this lion, give it to me, and I will give you a thousand gold coins." "

The earl looked at Tang Yu arrogantly, Tang Yu was not wearing a marquis's costume now, so they couldn't bear it at all.

Hearing this, Tang Yu suddenly felt ridiculous, this person is afraid that he is a fool.

"You don't need gold coins, if you accept it, I'll give it to you. "

Tang Yu looked at these young people in front of him for a long time, if it weren't for the fact that the two-headed golden lion didn't dare to attack without his own orders, these scum would have turned into a pile of poop long ago.

"Okay, that's what you said. "

The Count smirked, and then let the group get out of the way and walked towards the two-headed golden lion.

"Where do you get your confidence?"

Duke Ida and Isabel walked out, and when they saw this scene, they were speechless, how did such a person become an earl?

Just as the earl approached the two-headed golden lion, the two-headed golden lion instantly grew larger, like a small mountain, and let out a deafening roar at the earl.


The Count sat on the ground, pale with fright, and two streams of blood flowed out of his ears.

"Beast... Beastmaster?"

When the rest of the companions saw this scene, they were so frightened that their legs were weak, and those who could be as big as they wanted were at least the beast kings.


The two-headed golden lion stepped over and looked down at the earl condescendingly, his eyes were full of arrogance, and he wanted to subdue himself like this?

"Save... Help!" the Count came to his senses, let out a scream, and cried out as he crawled backwards.

"If you call me grandpa, she'll let you go. Tang Yu crossed his arms to his chest and looked at the earl lightly.

"Grandpa, ancestor, please save my life, I don't dare anymore. "

Tang Yu's voice was like a heavenly voice to the earl, and he looked at Tang Yu with a pleading face.

Seeing this person's unbearable performance, Tang Yu instantly lost interest, such a scum is not even worthy of being his grandson!

"Duke Ida, let's go. "

"Derek, remember what I said. "

"Don't worry, Lord Duke!" Derek nodded, his eyes full of surprise, he didn't expect that this young man was the boiling Tang Yu who had been rumored recently.

The two-headed golden lion became a normal size, and Tang Yu held Isabel and rode on her.

"Wait, what should I do?" Duke Ida looked at the two-headed golden lion, and then looked at Tang Yu with a resentful look.

"Don't you have Holly?"

Hearing this, Duke Ida glared, causing Holly to turn into a giant dragon and jump up.

Coming out of the sub-city, the three of them walked directly towards the main city, the two cities were not next to each other, and after walking about two distances, a magnificent city appeared in front of them.

"Such a high wall?"

Standing under the city wall, Tang Yu made a visual inspection, it was at least fifty meters high, and the city gate was also twenty meters, and a group of soldiers wearing golden armor were patrolling the city gate.

Paying the entrance fee for one person to enter the city, the three of them walked into the city.

There are all kinds of buildings on both sides, and there are all kinds of races.

"Let's go, let's go directly to the Imperial Academy to report, where the nobles will study and evaluate for three months. Isabel said slowly.

Tang Yu said: "Then what if I don't pass the assessment?"

"Lower your title or exploit your title, or take back your land, or strip your hereditary rights, in any case there will be a punishment. "

"Oh yes, the younger generation of nobles will participate in military service. "

"Are we going to participate too?"

"That's natural, every nobleman will, either go to the south to fight the barbarians, or go to the north to fight the undead, or go to the East China Sea to defend against the orc kingdom, which is also part of the nobles' assessment. "

Tang Yu nodded, this is normal, wars are generally the business of nobles, and few serfs and civilians participate in wars.

I have to say that the imperial capital covers a huge area, at least three times the size of the royal city, and it is full of living beings.

After walking for about three hours, a black low mountain appeared in front of me.

"What about Imperial Capital Academy?"

Tang Yu was stunned for a moment, this should be the suburbs, but there was an endless stream of pedestrians around, and some people set up tents, but except for a low mountain, there was no shadow of the Imperial Capital Academy.

"Just wait and see. "

Duke Ida smiled slightly, jumped off Holly, and found an open space to sit down.

"Is it a magic array?" Now that Tang Yu is also a high-level array mage, he naturally feels the fluctuations of the magic array on the low mountain.

"Yes, usually only the students of the Imperial Capital Academy can enter and exit at will, and the situation is special these days, so the door will only be opened once a day in the evening, and these people can only make up here for a night when they come to the evening. "

"Yo, isn't this Isabelle?

At this moment, a flirtatious voice sounded behind him, and Tang Yu turned his head to see that it was a sexually dressed woman, who looked about the same age as Isabel.

"Kelly, just mind yourself. Isabel looked at her expressionlessly and said lightly.

"Tsk, look, the academy Jinhua can't bear to be lonely and has found such a little white face, but can the thin and small appearance satisfy you?"

"Kelly, don't discriminate against hillbillies, maybe Isabel likes people like that. "

"Hehe, the two-headed golden lion, the Imperial Academy doesn't need these mongrel knights. "

"Neurotic!" Tang Yu and Isabel glanced at each other, then glanced at them lightly, and then ignored them.

In the evening, a magic fluctuation came, and then a large amount of spatial magic poured out of the void, and a metal portal twenty meters high appeared in front of everyone.

The gate is engraved with the emblem of the Saintly Empire and a giant dragon.

Then the door slowly opened, and a group of people walked out of it.

"Welcome to the Imperial Capital Academy, where you will be studying for three months, now please line up to enter, and then report to the newspaper office. "

Hearing this, everyone lined up in a long line, and then walked in one by one.

At this moment, a beast roar suddenly sounded from the portal, and a middle-aged man in a magician's robe shouted directly: "Orcs get out." "

Tang Yu looked up and saw a person who was exactly the same as a normal human standing there in a daze.

"Except for the mounts, the Imperial Capital Academy does not allow non-humans to enter, even the demons can't stop the detection of this portal. "

Tang Yu nodded, the empire deserves to be an empire.

Soon it was Tang Yu's turn to enter on a two-headed golden lion, and when Tang Yu rode in on a two-headed golden lion, the shadow of a two-headed golden lion appeared on the portal, and the word Beastmaster was suspended above the shadow. _

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