Justin hurriedly lowered his head, although he and Isaac were both dukedoms, they were not a status at all.

Although the duke of the kingdom is also recognized in the empire, even a marquis in the empire looks down on him.

The titles of the Divine Cry Continent are not divided by strength, there is a person with the strength of a magician in history who was named a duke, and he is also a duke recognized by the three major empires.

But this is also unique in history, after all, if you want to get meritorious service, you have to rely on strength, that person is a complete exception, and he was made a duke after his death.

"Okay, catch Tang Yu first, Justin, you come with me."

"Yes!" Justin nodded, even if he didn't kill Tang Yu, he didn't have any opinion, anyway, no matter what merit he made, it was impossible to be crowned a prince or a prince.

What he wants is to fight for more benefits for the Kingdom of Lal, and then add some chips to the future struggle for the throne.

"Female cousin!"

Watching the Grand Magister and Justin leave, Isaac's face was a little gloomy, although he didn't know magic, but at least he was a sword master, and this old witch didn't save a little face for herself.

"Tang Yu, don't let me down!" Isaac looked at the doorway, and couldn't help but think.

It's not bad to let Jessica take the lead, Tang Yu has seen it, talent and combat power are all one and the same, Jessica's arrogance will suffer sooner or later.

He can compete with each other for profit, and when both sides lose, he will appear again, and he will be able to claim the king of the empire with this great achievement.

Jessica and Justin led 20,000 cavalry to rush towards Lanke City, in their opinion, under the attack of Lanke City and them, it is not a matter of picking up a Tang Yu?

Not long after, the army appeared at the place where Tang Yu was ambushed, Jessica was not a formation mage, so she didn't notice the magic array in front of her at all, and directly rode a magical beast and rushed over, and an adult metal dragon roared in the sky.


Tang Yu in the jungle stepped on the ground with both hands, and then a big pit suddenly appeared on the originally flat ground, and the originally galloping 20,000 cavalry instantly sank.

Jessica and Justin jumped off the beast's back and leaped towards the ground next to them.

The knights who fell into the pit were also ready to climb out.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yu sneered, and with both hands, the big pit instantly turned into a swamp, burying those knights directly in it.

"Who is it?"

Justin stood outside the formation, looking around angrily, just now he had lost a third of his troops.

"The titans ride with me, and Elton stays here to ambush."

Taking advantage of the panic of the 20,000 cavalry, Jade rode on Daila's back and rushed out first, followed by five hundred iron-armored horned elephants.

Silver Beamon stood up and led eight Beamons to greet him.

Four adult magic dragons appeared in the sky, and one after another magic rushed towards the army.

"There is an ambush, retreat!" Frightened and panicked, Silver Beamon, the magic dragon, her mind was blank now.

"Don't retreat, charge me!"

Justin was in a hurry, and couldn't help but curse in his heart, Jill who will not lead troops to command your sister blindly.

Now that the morale is sluggish, if you retreat, you will definitely usher in a one-sided slaughter, and if you face it head-on, Tang Yu is just that person, maybe there is still a chance of victory.

"Try your best to kill the enemy, don't leave your hands behind."

Tang Yu let out a loud shout, a knight's spear in his hand danced, and rushed directly into the opposite camp, and Della spewed out dragon breath, thunder pillars, and flames from time to time.

The five hundred ironclad horned elephants behind him were like five hundred tanks, rampage.

For a moment, the people turned on their backs, and the bull-headed knights wore heavy armor, and the enemy could not even break through their defenses.

"Spread out, don't resist."

Justin was taken aback, five hundred iron-armored horned elephants are really a big deal, under the flat charge, there are almost no demonic beasts that are the opponents of the iron-armored horned elephant herd.

Seeing the soldiers under his command fall like wheat, he was anxious, but his mount was destroyed, and he didn't dare to stop Tang Yu single-handedly.

"Jessica, attack Tang Yu."

Seeing Jessica stunned and not moving, Justin scolded angrily, he knew that he would come out with Isaac, with such an idiot, it was simply the biggest mistake.

"I don't need you to command."

Jessica came to her senses and yelled at Justin before she began to chant the incantation.

"Female cousin! Lao Tzu's 20,000 army will be destroyed in your hands. Justin scolded angrily in his heart, if he couldn't beat her, he would have to cut her with a sword.


At this moment, a huge figure appeared in front of Jessica, and punched towards Jessica.

"Justin, why are you dead? Protect me. Jessica was so shocked that her half-time spell was interrupted, and she ducked away in panic.

"Fuck your mother's pool."

Justin scolded angrily, snatched a demonic beast, and quickly assembled his army to meet Tang Yu's next charge.

"Justin, I'm going to have to report to the Dean that I killed you." Jessica was chased by Silver Beamon and fled, and some high- and mid-level magic was released by her, but for Silver Beamon, it was simply a breeze.

Hearing this, Justin's face turned gloomy, but he didn't pay attention to her, just kidding, you are a big magister who has been beaten so embarrassed by Silver Beamon, am I a little magister going up to send her to death?


Tang Yu let out a loud shout and continued to rush up with the heavy cavalry, and the entire ground began to tremble. Shake.

"Dismount and take cover." Justin shouted, Tang Yu's iron-armored horn elephant was too violent, and the cooperation was very tacit, just like a whole.

And his 20,000 cavalry, most of which are ordinary iron-scaled horses, it would be good to be able to stand firm under the majesty of the Beamons and the giant dragons, and they can be counted on any combat effectiveness.

Hearing this, the soldiers hurriedly dismounted and rushed towards the mountains and forests with their shields.

Seeing that the soldiers dismounted and left, Tang Yu didn't care about them, but continued to rush towards the soldiers who had not yet dismounted.

Just as the soldiers were about to rush into the jungle, a loud shout rang out, and Elton rushed out with nine hundred light cavalry.

Seeing this scene, Justin was stunned, you him. Mom, the giant dragon has made a move, and there are so many cavalry in ambush?

And what makes Justin puzzled is where did Tang Yu get so many high-level demonic beasts? _

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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