After the tense and exciting first half of the ring battle, everyone's nerves relaxed. Tang Yu also didn't want everyone to be in a tense competition environment all the time, and for them, grinding guns on the spot didn't work, and a long time of accumulation would lay a solid foundation, so he planned to let everyone relax and do something light-hearted.

Some people, such as Ian, Michael, and Amiya, stayed in the room with Tang Yu.

"Why don't you guys go out for a walk, two hours, it's a long time. "

Tang Yu saw that they had been staying here just like himself, he didn't want to go out for a walk, and they were there.

"We're with you, it's not interesting to go out for a walk, there's nothing to see. "

Michael wanted to accompany Tang Yu.

"You better go out and relax, don't be stressed all the time, nervous, it's not good for the next game. "

Tang Yu still wanted to persuade them to go out for a walk and take a walk.

"It's really fine, it's pretty relaxing here, really. "

Before Michael could finish speaking, Amiya said to Tang Yu.

"Or, Tang Yu, tell us the story of Chaos City, I heard that you were sent by your father to manage Chaos City, you manage it in an orderly manner, there must be a lot of interesting things. "

Tang Yu looked at Amiya, who was full of curiosity.

"Do you want to hear it? "

Tang Yu looked at Ian and Michael, and they both nodded heavily.

"I want to hear it, I want to hear it. "

"I remember when I first went to Chaos City, it was really chaotic, more chaotic than I imagined, the whole Chaos City was basically serfs, and only some free people still looked down on me, so I gave them gold coins, and they listened to me, I also wanted to manage them well, they listened to me, and I naturally treated them well. "

"Chaos City, don't they have that kind of person, very fierce, very fierce?"

The feeling of Chaos City in Amiya's mind is that the inhabitants are all barbarians, so it is called Chaos City.

When Tang Yu heard that word, he smiled helplessly, the name of this chaotic city may really give people a lot of misunderstanding.

"No, the name Chaos City may really give people a lot of misunderstandings, but the residents are very friendly, they all live on their own hands, not the barbarians in your head, maybe for you, Chaos City is very chaotic, when I first arrived there, I didn't feel how chaotic the city was, just because there is a chaos forest next to it, and it is on the border, so there will be this name, and because of the remote geographical location and long distance, few people will go there, so there has always been only a legend, the residents of Chaos City are very good, friendly, and live on their own, they will not kill and plunder, if you have the opportunity, you must go to Chaos City to have a fun。 "

Amiya listened to it and longed for it.

"Okay, okay, I have to go once. "

"Then I'm going too. "

Michael is also going.

"Of course, you can't leave me behind. "

Not to be outdone, Ian also wants to go to Chaos City, a Chaos City that is not the same as the rumors.

"Okay, you all go. "

Tang Yu looked at them, feeling that Chaos City was already a pride of his own, before his father sent him, he also thought that Chaos City was really chaotic, the residents were all barbarians, and it was not easy to manage, but the residents were all simple farmers, kind, labor-loving, caring, they all worked by themselves, made money by themselves, and lived by themselves, it seemed that it would take some time to break the rumors from the outside world.

"But, Senior Tang Yu, I heard that the Beamon Behemoth of the Chaos Forest are all following your orders, is this true? "

Michael just heard about it at the time, but he didn't expect it to be true, and he always felt that how could a person make the entire forest of Beamon Monsters listen to him, Beamon Monsters, that is the most powerful creature at the top of the food chain in addition to the dragon, one is very surprised, let alone a whole forest, although it is only a rumor, but still no one dares to believe it, because it is too incredible, it is impossible to distinguish between truth and falsehood, Beamon Monster, that kind of giant beast, a very large creature in the human race, just by looking at it will make people afraid.

Ian and Amiya also looked at Tang Yu, wondering if this was true or fake.

"It's true, the Chaos Forest is already my base camp, you can also go to the Chaos Forest as a guest, no one dares to hurt you. "

Tang Yu looked at them and said seriously, it's better to admit what you do, otherwise there will always be people who don't know that they did it themselves, alas, being too strong is also a kind of trouble, and it is not easy to be recognized.

"Wow, it's true, so why should they do your bidding. They are Beamon Behemoths, and not one, not two, but a whole forest, this is incredible, Senior Tang Yu, they will actually listen to your orders, and I heard that if Beamon Behemoths have their own long-term living place, if someone violates them, they will never allow it, the chaotic forest where they have lived for a long time has actually become your base camp, no matter how you say it, no one will believe it, it's amazing. "

Michael really couldn't believe it, did Tang Yu really have this ability, it was a miracle that the Beamon Behemoth of the entire Chaos Forest not only obeyed Tang Yu's orders, but also handed over the Chaos Forest where he had lived for a long time to Tang Yu.

Tang Yu looked at the three people who were very surprised, and smiled, the strength is too strong and distressed, some things can't be explained clearly.

"I'm the lord of Chaos City, and when I was patrolling the entire Chaos City, I was going to visit the Chaos Forest. "

Speaking of this, he was interrupted by Michael.

"Didn't anyone stop you, after all, it's all Beamon beasts. "

Tang Yu glanced at him and continued.

"It's nothing, I may have been fearless at the time, and I went straight in, and many people fled, and when the two giant beasts of Beamon with teeth and claws came towards me, I didn't move, and then they came directly to me, called me master, and said that from now on, the whole chaotic forest will be at my disposal, so it is what you say." "

It's hard to explain the lord system, but it doesn't seem to be a mistake to say so.

"Wow, that's cool, it must be that the Beamon beast sees that you are not afraid of them and intends to recognize you as its master. "

Michael thinks that Beamon must be a brave master.

"No, the Beamon Behemoth must have seen through Tang Yu and knew that he was very strong, and he would definitely be even more powerful in the future, so he would regard him as his master. "

Then Ian and Michael got into an argument. _

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