Horace still can't believe it, is Stacy really such a vicious person, in Horace's eyes, in the past few decades, Stacy has been beautiful, kind, and generous, and there is no amount at all, if Stacy is hiding, then what has Stacy done for so many years, why did he do it.

Tang Yu thought to himself, this Staqian is also quite enduring, she has endured it for decades before she came to take revenge, I really don't know how Stacy is a person, if Staqian, if Staqian, put this endurance in other aspects, maybe there will be any great achievements, just like Mom and Dad will say to the children every time, if you put your mind and mind on studying, you would have taken the first place a long time ago.

"Your master, what is it for enduring for so long, for the honor of your Dawn Empire?"

Tang Yu felt from the beginning that it would be that for the honor of their Dawn Empire, Stacy has maintained a docile image of not fighting or grabbing for decades, so that other families can let down their guard against the Dawn Empire and will not take the Dawn Empire as an enemy, and then their Dawn Empire can improve their abilities well, this possibility is still there, however, seeing Catherine shook her head, this possibility was vetoed by Catherine, so Tang Yu said again.

"Could it be that it's just to deal with our Holy Empire Imperial Academy? But it's not clear, why do you want to deal with our Holy Priest Imperial Academy, it's obvious that there is no injustice or hatred, and the Dawn Empire has always been a friendly relationship, it doesn't make sense, you would do this to us." "

Tang Yu looked puzzled, their Holy Priest Imperial Academy has always advocated peaceful and friendly coexistence, and they will never do anything sneak attack. Tang Yu can still guarantee this, Amiya, Michael and Ian also nodded, yes, who doesn't know that their Holy Empire Imperial Academy is the most peaceful empire, how can they make enemies with the Dawn Empire, not to mention the Dawn Empire, let alone other empires, as long as other empires don't take the initiative to provoke them Saint Imperial Imperial Academy, they won't take the initiative to provoke them, of course, they can have a clear conscience, but there are some things, they still don't know, the older generation, what happened.

Catherine couldn't guess anything when she saw them for a long time, so she took the initiative to say.

"Specifically, I don't know, before, every time Master got angry with us, he would tell us a story, her expression was very sad, although he was telling someone else's story, at first, we thought it was someone else's story, but later, we knew that it was Master's own story, and then we began to cherish Master, and we started to train quickly, and Master slowly had a smile on his face. "

Hearing this, Tang Yu thought to himself, it turned out to be a story, then this story must be very interesting, it must be about the old man Horace, in the era when the story happened, only the head of Horace participated. So Tang Yu spoke to Horace in secret language.

"Old man Horace, the best part is coming, you have to listen carefully. "

Although Horace did not reply to Tang Yu, Tang Yu knew that Horace must be watching and listening, and Horace wanted to know the truth of the matter more than anyone else. Catherine continued.

"The master said that there is a girl who has been pampered since she was a child, living in a family with a rich family and a harmonious family, and every day her parents will accompany the girl to play, and when the little girl is a little older, they will accompany the girl to practice together, and live happily every day, until the year when the little girl came of age, when the little girl came home from playing outside, she found that there was a sea of blood at home, and her father and mother fell in a pool of blood, and the little girl took her father's and mother's hands, and cried and said to them, and then they got up to play with themselves and practice with themselves, but they could never wake up again, and never spoke to the little girl again, and the little girl didn't know what happened, but she also knewThe place could not be left any longer, so he planned to leave after burying his parents. "

Tang Yu thought, since this little girl is Stacy herself, it is really pitiful, usually when she encounters a major accident when she is a child, it is possible to cause psychological defects when she grows up, no wonder Stacy will become like this, but when she hears it now, she still doesn't know what Stacy has to do with their Imperial Academy of the Holy Priest Empire, so she continued to listen to Catherine.

"Suddenly, this little girl, remembered that when she went out to play today, the little boy she just met, maybe he could help herself, and seeing that little boy was dressed well, he must be from a big family, and he must be able to help himself, so the little girl went to look for the little boy, and finally, the little girl found the little boy standing by the river, but suddenly a man approached the little boy, so the little girl first hid behind the tree near them, because of her young age and small body, so she could not see her at all, but she suddenly heard her father's name, and he heard the man say to the little boy'Young boy, the Minglid family has been killed, and the mission is complete. The little boy hummed, and the man withdrew, and the little girl's face was full of shock, and she didn't realize that she was already full of tears, and the life of her own family was so easy to take in other people's mouths, the little girl clenched her fists, wiped away her tears, and walked towards the little boy. "

Horace was already trembling at this time, Ming Reid, Stacy is Ming Reid's daughter, but back then, when he received the killing task, Ming Ming Reed's daughter had been killed, what happened to Stacy Ming Reid's daughter, and he really didn't expect that the very simple little girl he met on his first mission, the current Stasi, was actually Ming Reid's daughter, he was shocked, and he couldn't complain that Stacy had to deal with the Imperial Academy of the Holy Empire, Horace clenched his fists, and then listened to Catherine.

Amiya is actually the only daughter in the family, and she can also understand Stassy's feelings, her parents gave all their love to their only daughter, a little girl, managing her father and mother, lying in a pool of blood, and she can live like this for so many years, it's really amazing, and it's very possible to do something extreme, but anyone hopes that some people can come out of hatred and live in hatred, it's too painful, Stacy has lived in hatred for decades, and has been friends with her enemy for decades, anyone will admire this Stasi。 _

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