After a while, Tang Yu came out of the room, obviously finished.

"Is it done so quickly. "

Amiya looked surprised, they hadn't spoken yet, how could it be over so quickly.

Tang Yu nodded, indicating that it was done, and then said to Ian and Michael.

"I'm going to trouble you two again. "

Then Ian and Michael nodded hurriedly and said quickly.

"It's okay, we can do something, we're happy, don't worry about bothering us. "

Tang Yu smiled and nodded, the child can be taught, and then said to Ian and Michael.

"You then use the same method as before, and send the 'corpses' of Catherine and Jared back to the rooms of the Dawn Empire, and it will be done. "

Now the two of them understood, and then hid their whereabouts and sent the 'corpses' of Jared and Catherine back to their rooms in the Dawn Empire, so that it would be best for the people of the Dawn Empire to find out, and this matter had nothing to do with anyone.

The two of them quickly agreed, and then entered the room, looking exactly the same as the two of them, they couldn't tell the real from the fake at all, Catherine and Jia Lide's corpses were surprised, they were really exactly the same, no matter who could tell whether it was true or fake, it was amazing, Tang Yu was really omnipotent.

Amiya watched the two of them open their mouths wide, stunned, and hurriedly said to them.

"Okay, don't be surprised, don't be ashamed, don't you see any strange things, hurry up and act, it's not okay when it's night. "

Ian and Michael glanced at Amiya resentfully, they were surprised, Tang Yu gave them too many surprises, Tang Yu is a treasure boy, too amazing, can do anything, in fact, Amiya is also quite surprised, but he didn't show it, Tang Yu's image in his heart is a little taller, it's really amazing, and he is still a little excited in his heart.

Then Ian and Michael hurriedly hid their whereabouts, and took Catherine and Jared's 'corpses' to the direction of the Dawn Empire's room, they cautiously came to the room, and then put down Catherine and Jared's 'corpses', and quickly left there, completing the task perfectly, without anyone discovering their actions, this feeling is so cool, I really want to come a few more times, it's too exciting. didn't stay long, the two of them hurriedly went back to report to Tang Yu, so as not to worry him too much. Seeing that the two of them came back quickly, Ian and Michael hurriedly stepped forward and said to Tang Yu.

'Everything went well, no one noticed us, we left, and now we're waiting for them to find out, and now it's not long before the game starts, so we're waiting for them to find out. "

Tang Yu nodded with satisfaction, this matter is also half completed, and he can rest assured, I don't know what the old man Horace thinks, what he is doing now.

In fact, Horace is really annoying, how to deal with this matter, he doesn't dare to speak, he doesn't know how to speak, Stacy has lived so tired for half of his life, it's all because of himself, whether he wants to apologize with death, or Stacy and end himself personally, so that he can reduce his guilt and atone for Stacy.

Let Staka speak first, I want to know what Stassy's attitude towards herself is like at her current age, how she thinks about this matter, and she will feel that the biggest fault in this matter is him Horace, who will he believe, his brain is very messy, because of love, he has also paid a lot, and recently found an apprentice of his own who can inherit the mantle, otherwise this life will be in vain in this world.

At the same time, it was very close to the opening time, so the people of the Dawn Empire, seeing that Catherine and Jared had not been there, were very worried, the entire Dawn Empire depended on them, how could they be gone, so everyone began to look for them everywhere, at this moment, someone screamed, and everyone ran towards the place where the scream came from, and sure enough, they saw something that could make them scream, Catherine and Jared's ' Corpses', they panicked, the two leaders died, what's the point of them still here, the Dawn Empire is over, but it still has to be reported to the people above, at this time, Stasi and a few of them were also informed of the news, and then the whole arena knew the news, so Avid could only temporarily announce that the game was postponed and all projects were suspended. Then several people panicked and went to the room of the Dawn Empire, when Stacy heard the news, he couldn't believe it, it was impossible, how could they die, when he rushed to the room of the two of them, he saw Catherine and Jared lying down. corpse', Stacy cried bitterly, this time Horace did not come forward to comfort, I don't know in what capacity he stepped forward to comfort, Arvid motioned to Horace, stepped forward to comfort, Horace is not too active, she can't come forward, maybe Stacy will be more sad, she should be honest, this is the most correct, this matter should be over, it doesn't mean that I live, these two people are dead or not, Horace is still very clear, his Tang Yu apprentice, what is the ability, he also knows, this matter, for Tang Yu, is still a piece of cake, there is no problem。

Stacy is in pain, this is his hope, how can he let his hope be dashed, this must be a conspiracy, it must be Tang Yu, yes, it must be Tang Yu, she asked Catherine and Jared to deal with Tang Yu, but they died, it was definitely Tang Yu, who made them Holy Imperial Academy do it, she must not let them succeed, suddenly, Stacy had no sound, her eyes were red, her face was serious, and she said to Avid.

"This matter must be thoroughly investigated, and I must be given justice to the Dawn Empire, and my two beloved apprentices must not die in vain here. "

Arvid and Horace were also the first time to see such a Stasi, so angry, not as empathetic as before, not as gentle as before, Arvid paused for a moment, and then quickly nodded and said quickly.

"I will, this matter will definitely be thoroughly investigated, you can rest assured, I will definitely give you a perfect answer." "

Then Stacy went away angrily, looking at Stacy's back, Arvid touched the serious Horace and said.

"You say, this Stasi, it turns out that there is such a side, don't say it, Stacy started the fire, it is also very beautiful, and it has a different flavor. "

Horace glanced at Avid and said.

"Shut your mouth. "

Also gone, Arvid looked at her back and thought to himself, they must have something to worry about. _

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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