Seeing Ian shaking his head, Tang Yu naturally took over as if he had guessed such an answer.

"Generally, thunder dragons rarely appear in the public eye, and it's normal that you don't know about it. "

Ian suddenly felt puzzled, now that he had found himself, he asked himself if he knew anything about the Thunder Dragon, and what was going on now.

Seeing Ian's perennial face, there were suddenly more doubts, and Tang Yu began to laugh.

Michael and Amiya both stopped and looked at Tang Yu, who suddenly laughed, with puzzled expressions on their faces.

"Senior Tang Yu, what's wrong with you. "

Ian didn't know what was wrong with him, so Tang Yu stopped laughing, then restrained a little, coughed, tidied up his clothes, and then said to Ian.

"Ian, remember your expression now, this is doubtful, in the future, if you don't understand, if you're unhappy, if you're happy, you can show it, we're all people you can talk to. "

Seeing Ian's expression gradually change and lowered his head, Tang Yu knew that some things were not achieved overnight, so it was better to give Ian some time to think about it and change it.

I don't know what Ian has been through, but the few of them who can be Ian's confide can be an outlet, no matter what it is, several of them are willing to listen to Ian's confide.

Michael saw that Tang Yu was for Ian, so he also stepped forward at this time, patted Ian on the shoulder, and then said to Ian.

"Ian, what's the matter, tell buddy. "

Although it is still not serious, but in fact, in Ian's heart, it is already the most sincere answer, Tang Yu looked at Michael like this, and was also very pleased, Michael also has other virtues, not bad.

Amiya's eyes were also moist, and the men around her were quite touching.

Ian nodded at this time, it was already the biggest change, although he didn't say anything, but he felt that Ian was going to start making changes,

Michael smiled happily, Tang Yu watched Michael smile so happily, and he was unconsciously infected.

Alice really doesn't understand, what's wrong with these people, the human world is so complicated, I can't understand it, it's low for a while, happy for a while, how can the world of their dragon be simple, complicated and dead.

"The hosts. "

Alice opened her mouth, signaling that she was still there, and that she should not leave herself alone.

Tang Yu heard Alice's words, turned his head slowly, and with an apologetic look, he accidentally forgot Alice.

Because Alice speaks the dragon language, Michael, Amiya, and Ian don't know what Alice is shouting, they just think Alice is screaming.

Of course, Tang Yu knows the dragon language, Tang who has ten dragons, the dragon language, that is a must, Tang Yu also learned the dragon language very easily.

After the completion of a task, the system gave it, the dragon language learning card, Tang Yu used it, in just three days, he learned some basic dragon languages, you can communicate with Alice and them simply, and later, it didn't take long for Tang Yu to completely master the dragon language, and he could be very proficient.

Alice is also very happy, he doesn't have to use human language with his master from time to time, after all, he is a dragon, and he is most comfortable using his own language, but occasionally when there are other people, he must also use human language appropriately, after all, not all people are as good as Tang Yu.

"Senior Tang Yu, is Alice hungry, she seems to have screamed. "

Michael heard Alice's cry, of course, Michael, who didn't understand the dragon language, and didn't know what Alice was doing, so Michael guessed if Alice was hungry.

Amiya was on the side, twisted Michael's arm, glared at him, Michael screamed in his mouth, it hurts, while shaking off Amiya's control, always glaring at himself, where did he say something wrong today.

Amiya approached Michael, lowered her head, and said fiercely.

"I think you're hungry, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. "

Amiya didn't know what was wrong with Alyse's thunder dragon, but she couldn't be hungry after all, this Michael, who talked nonsense all day long, had to be controlled all the time, maybe when he went out, he would get into trouble.

If it comes from the mouth, no matter what else, he is now a student of the Imperial Academy of the Holy Priests, and he can't ignore it, in case it endangers the honor of the Imperial Academy of the Holy Empire, or even more serious consequences, it will not be good,

I thought it was a good thing to help Tang Yu share something, looking at Tang Yu's appearance, I wanted to educate Ian well, so I would educate Michael.

Amiya still didn't think about it comprehensively enough, Tang Yu, I wanted to educate the three of them together, but Ian, who was the first to educate, was not very open-minded, so I needed to seize a certain opportunity to educate Ian and make him more cheerful.

In Tang Yu's heart, Michael and Amiya have both personalities, and these are all good to say, so Michael and Amiya have to wait.

"Alright, you two have been making small moves lately. "

As he spoke, he fired a ray of lightning in the direction of Michael and Amiya, just where the electricity was there, where Amiya twisted Michael's arm, the two randomly separated immediately, one shook his hand, the other touched his arm, and they all shouted in pain.

Especially Michael, whose expression is more hideous than Amiya, if it weren't for looking at Amiya for a while, she would be fine, and I thought it really hurt, but it is also possible that Amiya received an electric shock and screwed Michael hard, maybe it is not the pain of being shocked now, but the pain of being screwed.

Amiya patted Michael, who was still screaming in pain.

"Hey, hey, it doesn't hurt anymore, don't scream. "

Michael slowly stopped, and suddenly felt his arm, as if it really didn't hurt anymore. Then I suddenly started laughing, and it really didn't hurt.

Amiya is really helpless, why is she so heartless.

Tang Yu looked like he was watching a play, he started by himself, he controlled the strength, he just stood, watching Michael keep screaming, wanting to see how long Michael would 'hurt', Amiya had long since stopped hurting, only Michael, kept screaming.

Suddenly, Amiya began to speak.

"Tang Yu, you, you have also awakened the thunder magic. "

Tang Yu said to Amiya with an expression that you had just reacted to.

"Your reflex arc is much longer than the average person. "

However, seeing Michael with a shocked face, Tang Yu felt that there was a longer reflection arc here, which was really strange.

"Oh my God, Tang Yu, you really are, there are so many surprises, um... I don't know if it's a surprise or not. "

Slowly, everyone began to worship Tang Yu again, a man with strength and talent. _

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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