After some celebration, Tang Yu and the others each returned to their rooms to take a bath and rest.

Then Alva, they prepared a wine banquet, and after Tang Yu and they bathed and rested, they came to the hall and prepared to start the wine banquet.

"Come, great man, you sit here. "

Alvar pulled Tang Yu and sat down beside him, Tang Yu smiled politely, and then sat down, and after a while, Michael, Amiya and Ian all came, and Michael hurriedly sat down next to his master Alva.

Amiya and Ian sat next to Tang Yu. At this banquet, there were still many people Tang Yu didn't know.

"Don't move. "

As soon as Michael wanted to move the chopsticks, he was seen by Alva, Alva hurriedly patted Michael's hand, how can he move the chopsticks first, where did the politeness that he usually taught Michael go, wait for the elders to move the chopsticks first, and then talk about it last.

Michael pouted aggrievedly and silently withdrew his little hand. Tang Yu saw Michael's grievances, so he secretly used the magic of mental power to move the nearest dish in front of Michael to Michael.

Michael looked at the dish in front of him, and suddenly began to move towards him, both happy and puzzled, how could he move, is there anyone here who can do spiritual magic, generally few people can awaken, most of them are the holy dragon family can awaken this kind of magic, here, how can anyone be.

Michael looked around and saw Tang Yu smiling at him, suddenly thought, and then his eyes widened, with a look of surprise, Tang Yu, is it you?

Looking at Michael's surprised appearance, Tang Yu wondered if he had shown it early, and after seeing so many magic skills that he knew, why was he still so surprised?

Alva looked at the movement of the dish in front of him, and was a little surprised at first, but then he thought that there was also the existence of Tang Yu, a genius, and it was not strange, sure enough, it was a person who had seen the world, Alva turned around and said to Tang Yu.

"Don't be so used to Michael. "

Alva knows Michael's temperament and child's character, but after all, age is no longer a child, and it can't be left to her temperament.

"Alright, let's get started. "

Tang Yu wittily changed the topic, Alva was not annoyed, smiled and began to taste the food.

Of course, Michael gobbled it up, and the most unimpressive one was Michael.

"Michael, can't you just pay attention to your image? "

Amiya really couldn't stand it, everyone was chatting happily, but the sound of Michael eating interrupted everyone, it was too rude, Michael ate it and ignored Amiya.

Tang Yu was also surrounded by people who came around, dealt with, toasted, and praised.

Ian sat silently alone, Tang Yu looked at Ian and sat next to Ian.

"Ian, have a drink. "

Ian looked up at Tang Yu, then shook his head, he didn't drink.

Tang Yu used his telekinesis to lift the wine glass, Ian looked at the suspended wine glass, and was taken aback, where did the person come from, he can hang the items with the telekinesis of spiritual magic, and look at Tang Yu, could it be Tang Yu, can he actually be spiritual magic.

Looking at Ian's series of actions, surprised, shocked, and suddenly discovered, Tang Yu felt a little funny, and then put the wine glass in Ian's hand with his telekinesis, and then said to Ian.

"If there is anything you want to ask, you can ask me directly, you don't have to think about it so much, and it's not so difficult to say a word. "

Ian listened to Tang Yu's words and lowered his head.

"Raise your head. "

Tang Yu doesn't like to look at it the most, Ian is like this, he can't bow his head at every turn and has no confidence, Ian is very good.

Ian slowly raised his head, his expression a little unnatural, his eyes wandering, not knowing where to look.

Then Tang Yu lowered his voice and said to Ian.

"I don't know why you're always so silent, so unconfident. "

At this time, Ian said slowly in a small voice.

"I'm just used to it. "

Tang Yu didn't know what to say for a while, looking at Ian who didn't dare to look at his eyes, he kept looking around, and he didn't talk much.

"I don't know what you've been through before, but I know that you are the most confident and charismatic in the playing field, using magic. "

Ian suddenly looked at Tang Yu, his eyes were full of surprise, he didn't know that he still had a confident side in Tang Yu's eyes, he just really liked to cultivate, and he liked to cultivate his fighting qi talent and magic talent.

Tang Yu also saw it for the first time, Ian's eyes flashed with light, it seemed that he had not guessed wrong, Ian liked to practice the talent of fighting spirit and magic, but he didn't know why he was so bad at communicating with people in normal times, he didn't like to show his thoughts, and he was so unconfident.

"Can you talk to me. "

Tang Yu took the initiative to speak, wanting to know why Ian was so unconfident, knowing the source, in order to solve this matter, Ian can break through himself, Ian is now a hurdle is that he has no self-confidence, he has not believed in himself, so he has not been able to make a big breakthrough, Ian is very talented, although the talent of fighting spirit and magic are not the Great Perfection, but now he is also a four-star great magician, as long as he overcomes his obstacles, he will definitely be able to make a greater breakthrough.

Tang Yu has always believed that Ian is the kind of person who has strength and no self-confidence, so he has always wanted to help Ian, and wants to try his best to enlighten Ian, hoping that Ian can understand himself.

Tang Yu looked at Ian, didn't speak, looked at Ian with a slight frown, and waited for Ian to speak, Ian took a deep breath, and then said.

"I'm just used to being in that kind of silence, and sometimes it's good to be immersed in my own environment. "

I really got used to it, and I am very grateful to Tang Yu for worrying about it, but there are some things that have been going on for so many years, and it is easy to change them.

Tang Yu saw that Ian really didn't want to change, so he said to Ian.

"I know that you can't change anything for a while, but I know that you like cultivation very much, and everyone who cultivates wants to break through themselves, level by level, and enjoy that kind of joy. "

Ian nodded, he liked it, so he came to the Imperial Academy of the Holy Priests Empire from far away to learn more.

Then Tang Yu went on to say to Ian.

"So, if you want to, I will definitely help you reach heights you can't imagine. "

Ian looked at Tang Yu, his eyes were full of surprise, Tang Yu gave himself hope, he never thought about what he was going to change, he wanted to break through, but he would always be unable to break through because of something blocking him, but Tang Yu gave himself hope. _

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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