Ian listened to what Tang Yu said, Tang Yu actually guessed his mind correctly, and it was all something he was worried about.

The reason why Tang Yu was able to guess what Ian was thinking was because when Ian was in a panic, many things were written directly on his face, in fact, Ian was still very fragile in his heart, and many times, there was no way to disguise himself perfectly.

Ian also has a vulnerable side, and when he panics, Ian also needs someone to accompany and enlighten him.

When Ian does something and can't finish it, Ian will definitely panic, first of all, he doubts himself, is he too incompetent, feels sorry, and explains this matter to his own people, and he has failed him.

Ian has always been afraid of what others give him, he can't finish it, he does it, and he never feels how good he is.

Ian and Amiya are different, Amiya feels that if they make a little progress, they are very happy, and when they are complimented, they are very excited, and as long as they have accomplished something, they have to celebrate.

If Ian accomplishes something, he won't be proud, he won't be proud, he won't feel anything, he just lives in silence like that,

Tang Yu also felt that Ian was living too gloomy, and his whole life lacked some fun, he was so silent every day, and he wouldn't be happy because of anything, and recently, Ian and Michael have been together for a long time, and they will be happy occasionally, but only occasionally.

"I see. "

Ian felt that he couldn't live up to Senior Tang Yu's intentions, and hoped that he could do better.

Tang Yu smiled happily when he heard Ian answer himself, knowing that his teaching had worked.

"Okay, come on. "

Tang Yu cheered for Ian, hoping to understand himself, he is usually so unconfident, even if he has done something, he will not be happy and excited, and it is best to make changes.

"Good. "

Today's Ian is very satisfied with Tang Yu, although Ian has not done anything, a breakthrough and progress in magic, but in terms of his own personality, he has made great progress, and this is enough, this is the most important step and laid a good foundation.

Ian is supposed to say everything, a little confident in himself, although he said, he can't show any expression casually on his face, but he can't, happy or unhappy are the same expression, that's not right, I hope Ian can really make a change.

I don't know how that guy is Michael, is he lazy, Michael has been used to eating and drinking since he was a child, and he doesn't know the hardships of the world, he plays every day, how happy he is, but in fact, Tang Yu also knows that Michael also likes to cultivate.

But Michael has a little bit, lazy, too lazy, afraid of tiredness, very refined, the most important thing is to be diligent, tiredness is certain, when others are cultivating and breaking through, rest, so it must be very easy to surpass you.

Michael hasn't tried some particularly fierce competitive competitions, so I don't know, even if it is the same level, going to the stage competition, it will be very fierce, and it will be very different, just like the results on the report card, there will be several nouns, so you can only work hard, and you will not cross.

Tang Yu tried his best to let Michael understand this truth, although he was very talented, he was also working hard and cultivating every day.

Tang Yu has awakened many, many kinds of magic, each of which is very proficient, just because Tang Yu will work hard to cultivate, and there is also the blessing of the system, which is even more powerful, and he is also an alchemist.

Tang Yu's identity as an alchemist has played a great role in Tang Yu's cultivation, many of the alchemists' pills are not available to ordinary people, not to mention, Tang Yu's alchemist level is the highest level, some pills, ordinary people can't get them, even if they are alchemists, they can't be refined, only an alchemist of Tang Yu's level can refine them.

"You can practice well, I'll go see Michael. "

Ian nodded, and went on to practice his earth-based magic.

Tang Yu walked to the courtyard and looked up, the big sun in the sky, unconsciously, time passed so fast, it was already noon, Ian and Amiya, this morning's task, it can be said that it is very good, now, just look at Michael.

Tang Yu walked to the steps of the courtyard, and saw Michael, who was sitting on the steps, resting, walking forward slowly, Tang Yu had already guessed that this Michael would definitely rest, if he didn't rest, he wouldn't be called Michael.

Tang Yu walked next to Michael and coughed, Michael heard the cough next to him, raised his head, and wanted to see who it was, if Ian came over and brought him food, after all, he didn't eat in the morning, he was too hungry, but he looked up and saw Tang Yu looking at him.

Michael hurriedly got up, patted the soil behind him, and then said to Tang Yu cautiously.

"Senior Tang Yu, I just took a break, rested, really. "

Looking at Michael's empty face, Tang Yu could certainly see that this Michael, how long he had rested, Tang Yu could see at a glance that Michael was lying.

"Do you think I don't know how long you've rested. "

Michael panicked, what should I do, I won't punish myself for not eating tomorrow, Michael's biggest worry is whether he can eat, and it will be too painful if he can't eat.

"Senior Tang Yu, I was wrong, but can you not punish me for not being able to eat, if I am not late, I have no physical strength at all, and I don't have the strength to work, and I always do this, and the magic energy is also consumed quickly. "

Tang Yu listened to Michael's words, okay, this Michael, who has learned a little smarter, will find some high-sounding excuses to prevaricate himself, and most importantly, there are some excuses, which are particularly reasonable, which makes Tang Yu not know how to reply, but Tang Yu is Tang Yu after all, how can he make Michael feel better.

"Yes, it's definitely going to be eaten. "

When Michael heard Tang Yu say this, he smiled secretly, looking at Tang Yu also looking like he was thinking seriously, Michael also felt that Senior Tang Yu was still reasonable, knowing that he was so tired and didn't eat, he would definitely feel sorry for himself.

Tang Yu saw that Michael was snickering, so the corners of his mouth hooked, looking like he had succeeded in the conspiracy, and then thought, Michael, laugh more, you won't be able to laugh for a while.

"Every day in the future, eat on time, so that you have physical strength, right? "

Michael nodded hurriedly, yes, Senior Tang Yu also knows that it is impossible to do without physical strength, it seems that he can eat, so happy, Michael is almost jumping around. _

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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