Tang Yu was still very hesitant when he saw Ian, but Tang Yu didn't intend to say something, nor did he plan to force Ian to do something, just looked at Ian quietly, of course, this kind of time for Ian may be the most nervous time for himself.

Ian couldn't guess what Tang Yu was thinking, Ian was very nervous, his hands didn't know what to do, his eyes didn't know, where to look, and he didn't know what to say.

Tang Yu thought, I really want to know, when will Ian want to open, maybe for Ian, it is more difficult to do some simple actions and say some simple words, Tang Yu thought, or enlighten Ian.

The current atmosphere is also quite embarrassing, I don't know who spoke first, so Tang Yu spoke first.

"You can do it now, just show me, don't be nervous. "

Although Tang Yu said anything else, he didn't either. But Tang Yu could feel that Ian was even more nervous, his hands were trembling, and he couldn't use the earth magic, and the whole person seemed to be tense, not moving, and Tang Yu suddenly wanted to laugh when he saw it.

After all, Tang Yu felt that he didn't say anything, so he asked him not to be nervous, Ian was already like this, look at the big sun in the sky, the hour is not early, it's time for lunch, that 'always working' Michael, may have already started nagging, it's time for lunch.

Tang Yu patted Ian's shoulder, looking very close, and said to Ian.

"Ian, it's okay, we'll come back in the afternoon, let's go have lunch now. "

Ian lowered his head, withdrew his hand, and nodded.

Tang Yu is glad that Ian is not the kind of rebellious person, he will not skip meals because he can't do anything, he will practice all the time, Ian listens to himself very much, he will not go to eat or something like this because of these things, and do extreme things, this thing is also very good.

So Tang Yu took Ian to find Amiya and Michael, and after a while, when he arrived at Amiya's practice place, he saw Tang Yu coming over with Ian, Amiya quickly stopped training, and then said with a smile at Tang Yu and Ian.

"What's the matter, our morning training, is it coming to an end? "

Amiya guessed that if Tang Yu came by himself, he would be here to check himself and how his training was, but since he came with Ian, it was impossible to take Ian to learn from him anyway, two people from different magic departments couldn't learn from each other, that is, they had to eat.

But I don't know, that poor Michael, can you eat, Amiya thought, it must not be, Tang Yu was very clear at the time, said to Michael, you can't eat if you can't clean up the fallen leaves, poor Michael, I didn't eat breakfast, and I can't eat lunch.

What level is Michael, Amiya said, with Michael's wind magic, his level, there is no way to clean up the fallen leaves of the entire courtyard at once, the most important thing is that it is also stipulated that you can only use wind magic to sweep the fallen leaves, and you can't use other things, which is not good, you have to rely on yourself.

Tang Yu saw Ami with an excited face, and said to Amiya.

"Yes, we're going to dinner, let's go, go find Michael. "

Hearing Tang Yu say that he was going to eat, when he left, Amiya was happy and was about to leave with Tang Yu, but when she heard Tang Yu say, they were going to look for Michael now, and they were stunned, what, what's going on, why are you looking for Michael.

Isn't Michael being punished, isn't it Tang Yu himself who said that he can't eat if he doesn't finish cleaning the fallen leaves, Amiya is full of doubts, and she chased Tang Yu all the way and asked, isn't it punishing Michael, can't you eat lunch if you don't finish dealing with the fallen leaves with wind magic, and keep asking all the way.

But Tang Yu didn't answer Amiya along the way, Amiya has been very sad about treating Michael recently, and it's not a good aspect, it's a bad aspect, Tang Yu feels that it's not worth it for Michael, a sunny and handsome young man, just because he is a little stupid, he is always bullied by Amiya.

Amiya asked Tang Yu several times in a row, but Tang Yu didn't pay attention to Amiya, so Amiya was also interested, so she didn't ask, and followed behind Tang Yu with a wist.

After walking for a while, he arrived at the courtyard, where Michael swept the fallen leaves, Tang Yu was very surprised, actually when he came this time, Michael was not lazy, but was seriously sweeping the fallen leaves.

Tang Yu watched quietly from the side, and Michael didn't know that behind him, there were several of them, and they were still immersed in their efforts to clean up the fallen leaves.

Tang Yu looked at the number of fallen leaves that Michael could gather after launching the wind magic, which was much more than in the morning, it seemed that Michael was practicing well, not bad, Tang Yu was very satisfied, so he patted Michael on the shoulder, and Michael was taken aback.

Michael was concentrating on his next attempt to gather more fallen leaves using wind magic, when someone suddenly slapped him behind him.

Michael turned around and found that it was Tang Yu, and then saw Amiya and Ian again, so he said to Tang Yu with a smile.

"Senior Tang Yu, are you here to pick me up for dinner? "

Amiya snorted coldly next to her, and Michael grimaced at Amiya, who was angry that Amiya couldn't do it, and stamped her feet there.

"Well, it's time for lunch, but, Michael, you've made progress, and it seems that you're practicing well. "

Michael scratched his head a little embarrassedly when he heard Tang Yu's praise, and then his face turned red and said to Tang Yu.

"Ah, yes, I've been practicing for a long, long time. "

Then Tang Yu turned to the courtyard, in the direction of a pair of fallen leaves, and then, using wind magic, gathered the fallen leaves of the entire courtyard together.

Michael saw that Tang Yu used wind magic to gather the fallen leaves of the entire courtyard together, his eyes immediately widened, and he looked at the pile of fallen leaves in the courtyard in surprise, and then looked at Tang Yu, who did this, was really stunned.

Michael has the most and the most, and gathered one-sixth of the fallen leaves in the courtyard together, and now he can add a little more, but he didn't expect that Tang Yu could actually gather the fallen leaves of the entire courtyard at once, which really scared Michael.

Amiya and Ian next to them were also stunned, Tang Yu really not only awakened many kinds of magic talents, but at the same time, each magic talent was very proficient, unlike them, who only awakened one magic talent, and they were so unskilled, and sometimes they felt that they had done well enough.

Now that I see Tang Yu, I really feel ashamed. _

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