In Tang Yu's opinion, Amiya and Michael, these two people, must have some hatred in their previous lives, they will quarrel as soon as they meet in this life, they will never truce, they always look at each other unpleasantly, Tang Yu sighed, and then looked at Ian.

Tang Yu found that Ian put down the chopsticks and made them straight, and then looked at Amiya and Michael, feeling that Ian was watching the excitement, so he knocked Ian's head, and then said to Ian.

"Okay, you eat your meal, don't look at the excitement, after eating, go to the place where you train to practice well, and I will check on you in the afternoon." "

Ian was suddenly knocked on the head, and then when he heard Tang Yu's words, he hurriedly picked up his chopsticks and ate his meal.

Seeing Ian start eating, Tang Yu thought to himself, Ian doesn't care, the rest are Michael and Amiya, these two people.

Thinking about Michael's character, he won't take the initiative to apologize, although usually Michael's personality is quite arrogant, but when it comes to some things, Michael can't say anything to anyone, no matter what you say, Michael won't bow his head and admit his mistakes.

Michael is not the kind of person who will pity the jade, whether it is a girl or a boy, Michael treats it the same, saying what is equality between men and women, it is an excuse. This Michael, who usually looks good at his personality, is optimistic and cheerful, but when it comes to some things, he is particularly stubborn, the kind that ten cows can't pull back.

Amiya, usually quite arrogant, because she has been spoiled since she was a child, her temper is inevitably a little arrogant, but Amiya, there is still a good place, she can listen to other people's opinions, know that she is wrong, she will correct it, and she will not make mistakes again and again.

You can start with Amiya, fortunately, Amiya can listen to other people's opinions, otherwise the personalities of the two people are the kind of stubborn ones who can't pull back ten cows, then these two people may die of old age for the rest of their lives.

"Alright, Amiya, stop crying. "

Tang Yu handed the paper to Amiya, Amiya took the paper handed by Tang Yu, then wiped her tears and snot, and temporarily held back her sobs, Tang Yu looked at Amiya's emotions, and slowly stabilized, so she planned to tell Amiya.

"Amiya, you see, it's not good to cry, don't cry in the future, didn't you say, aren't you an ordinary girl, you won't be the kind of girl who loves to cry, right? "

It was the first time for Tang Yu to talk to a girl like this, and she couldn't help but get goosebumps, but Amiya listened to Tang Yu's words and nodded, she did say things like that, but this time, she couldn't help it, who asked Michael to talk about himself like that, and also said that his family, it was too hateful, Amiya felt that she couldn't reply to Michael fiercely, so she cried.

Tang Yu saw Amiya nodded, knowing that Amiya listened, this is easy to say, it's okay, so he continued to say to Amiya.

"Then you don't think you're doing anything wrong. "

Amiya heard Tang Yu say this, then raised her head, looked at Tang Yu, and shook her head, where did she do wrong, she didn't, didn't she just remind Michael, do you want to eat quietly, what did you do wrong.

Seeing Amiya's puzzled face, this is different from what Tang Yu expected, okay, then let's go on, and tell Amiya step by step, Amiya, I don't know what I did wrong, so I have to tell Amiya little by little.

"What did you just tell Michael? "

Michael squinted at them at this time, and then was watched, Tang Yu said to Michael.

"Eat your meal, and I'll follow you later. "

Michael obediently ate his own food, and felt that Michael was a little afraid of the soft and the hard, or rather, he was just a little afraid of Tang Yu.

Then Amiya was ready to answer Tang Yu's question just now, what did she tell Michael.

"I told him, you eat quietly, you disturb others, and you have no appetite. "

Tang Yu shook his head, and then said to Amiya, I want him to know what he is wrong, sometimes, if you think about some things, you will know that what you did just now is not correct, and you should not do that.

"No, is that the tone of your voice, is that the way you use your words. "

Amiya thought about it, lowered her head weakly, Michael wanted to raise her head and say something, Tang Yu knew what Michael wanted to say at this time, and stopped Michael with her eyes, and Michael obediently lowered her head to eat.

Amiya shook her head, and then Tang Yu said to Amiya, I want Amiya to think about how she said those words, and now think about it, when she said those words, did she consider the feelings of others, and whether she would do things and speak so thoughtlessly in the future.

"So what do you say. "

Amiya raised her head and looked at Tang Yu, do you want to say it again.

"I'm going to say it again?"

Tang Yu looked at Amiya seriously, and then nodded, of course you have to say, say it again, and see if what you said is right.

Then Amiya swallowed her saliva and said to Tang Yu.

"I said Michael, can you stop eating like that, and..."

Tang Yu stared at Amiya and said to Amiya.

"Also, it doesn't seem to be like that. "

Then Amiya listened for a moment, and then said to Tang Yu.

"It's vulgar to eat like this. "

Hearing this, Tang Yu nodded, and then said to Amiya.

"Go on. "

Amiya was a little nervous and blushing, probably already knowing that something was not quite right.

"I said this is too vulgar, haven't you eaten? "

Amiya's voice became smaller and smaller, and she became more and more unconfident, seeing that Amiya finished speaking, her voice became smaller and smaller, so Tang Yu nodded with satisfaction, and then said to Amiya.

"Now I don't know where I did wrong. "

Tang Yu asked Amiya again, Amiya nodded this time, and then Tang Yu continued.

"Then tell me what's wrong, tell me, and make it clear. "

Amiya took a deep breath and then said to Tang Yu.

"I shouldn't, speak in that tone, I can't mock people, I can't use words like that, it's disrespectful to others. "

Hearing that Amiya had a deep understanding of her mistakes, Tang Yu nodded with satisfaction, Michael was also stunned, he didn't expect Amiya to admit his mistakes, it was so strange, Amiya in his impression, but the most arrogant, when, he would admit his mistakes.

Michael felt that it must be because it was Senior Tang Yu who taught Amiya that Amiya admitted her mistake, otherwise how could Amiya, who has always been so arrogant, do such a thing. _

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