Michael used the elixir given by Tang Yu, and felt that the magic energy was slowly recovering, but it would take a little time.

Tang Yu watched Michael take the pill, and then asked Michael.

"How does it feel. "

Michael smiled and said to Tang Yu happily.

"It's very useful, now I feel that there is a heat flow in my chest, my whole body is very powerful, and the magic energy is slowly recovering, it's great, Senior Tang Yu, thank you." "

Tang Yu heard Michael's words, and knew that Michael had recovered, and the elixir he had refined by himself, of course he was confident, and he would definitely be able to exert the medicinal effect, so there was no need to worry about anything, and then Tang Yu said to Michael.

"Your current strength is not very good, you look at it, I'll show you it. "

Then Michael listened to Tang Yu's words and watched Tang Yu make a demonstration intently.

Tang Yu showed Michael how to slowly, step by step, use wind magic to gather most of the fallen leaves together, starting from both sides, first use the fallen leaves on both sides to rotate and blow them up, and then put them in the middle of the fallen leaves, blowing them from both sides to the middle in turn, and then finally finished.

Tang Yu can actually use wind magic directly to gather all the fallen leaves together, but in order to take care of Michael's own strength, he can only use this method, hoping that Michael can comprehend it and finally complete it.

After Tang Yu finished showing, he looked at Michael, who was stunned, and then said to Michael.

"See? "

Michael heard Tang Yu's words, then was stunned for a moment, came back to his senses, looked at Tang Yu, and nodded.

Tang Yu looked at Michael and nodded, and then continued to say to Michael.

"Then you come on. "

Then Michael stepped forward and looked back at Tang Yu, Tang Yu had already left, and only saw Tang Yu's back.

Tang Yu actually didn't want to stare at them for cultivation, cultivation was his own business, Tang Yu felt that if he stared at them for a long time, maybe they would be irritable, stressed, and their brains would be blank, and they wouldn't be able to think of anything at that time.

Michael walked to the vicinity of Amiya's cultivation place, and then watched Amiya cultivate.

Amiya's level, high and low, every time she uses ice magic, the ice wall that is conjured up, the thickness, and height are different, and she is also very distressed to look at Amiya, but Amiya has not given up and has been working hard.

Tang Yu admires Amiya's perseverance, although Amiya has been pampered and spoiled since she was a child, but he is only a little stubborn in some personalities, or it can be said that he is too sensitive to a certain type of thing, and then the temper of the eldest lady.

When Amiya first came to the Imperial Academy of the Holy Priest Empire, Tang Yu still remembered.

"Hey, you ran into me. "

Amiya just came to the Holy Warrior Country Academy, of course, although Amiya has a bad temper, but the strength is still there, the magic talent, the fighting talent are very high, although it is complete, Amiya walked forward with no one in her eyes, and then bumped into an ordinary student of the Imperial Academy of the Holy Priest Empire, who should have been Amiya's senior.

Amiya bumped into someone herself, but asked the senior of the Holy Imperial Academy who was bumped into by herself to apologize, and the senior of the Holy Imperial Academy was also very tough, it was not his own fault, and he would never admit it.

"It was you who bumped into me, why should I apologize, if you want to apologize, it should be you who apologize to me. "

Hearing this, Amiya was annoyed, why did she apologize to Amiya, since she was a child, Amiya has never apologized to anyone, even if she touches it, the other party will take the initiative to apologize to herself, when she comes to him, why do you have to make Amiya apologize.

The bodyguard behind Amiya saw the other party, so hard, and hurriedly wanted to step forward to deal with this guy, the senior of the Imperial Academy of the Holy Priest Empire, seeing the two strong men behind Amiya, he was also frightened and took a few steps back.

Amiya raised her hand and stopped the two big men from stepping forward, seeing Amiya's gesture, the two big men also stepped back, and the senior of the Imperial Academy of the Holy Priest Empire saw that the two big men retreated, and he also had momentum.

"You apologize first. "

Listening to the senior of the Holy Imperial Imperial Academy, in a very arrogant tone, but in Amiya's opinion, if the voice is louder, it is very arrogant, so Amiya was very angry, looked at the senior of the Holy Imperial Imperial Academy, and said to him.

"I'll give you one last chance to apologize. "

The senior of the Holy Imperial Academy slowly lost his momentum, but the people who came around looked at Amiya and the senior of the Holy Imperial Academy, looking at the matter of the two of them, the senior of the Holy Imperial Imperial Academy, although he was a little timid, he still did not apologize, and said in a very fierce tone to Amiya.

"I don't apologize, it's not my fault, why should I apologize, I've already said it, if you have to apologize, it's your apology. "

Amiya saw the senior of the Imperial Academy of the Holy Priest Empire opposite, so hard, she immediately became angry, Amiya felt

I have already given this senior of the Holy Imperial Imperial Academy a chance, because I just entered the Holy Imperial Academy today, so I gave the senior of the Holy Imperial Imperial Academy opposite a face, but I didn't expect him to want to.

Amiya felt that she was not to blame, she had tried her best to restrain her behavior, as well as her emotions, so she glanced back at the strong man behind her and motioned for them to move forward.

The senior of the Imperial Academy of the Holy Priest Empire, when he saw the two strong men moving forward, he didn't know what to do, anyway, the momentum was violent, and the senior kept retreating, and he was afraid of what these two strong men would do to him.

The two strong men hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed the senior, the senior's limbs were grabbed, and then he couldn't move, the senior struggled hard, and then Amiya smiled wickedly, looking at the senior of the Imperial Academy of the Holy Priest Empire, the senior really looked at Amiya's expression, and he already had goosebumps.

Then he said to Amiya.

"You.... Do you want to..... Do. "

There are a lot of people watching around, but no one stepped forward, because everyone has just entered the Imperial Academy of the Holy Priest Empire, and they all want to have more than less, no one wants to have an incident, and they don't dare to step forward, to put it bluntly, they are also the kind of people who bully the soft and are afraid of the hard, just looking at the senior, controlled by two big men, motionless, and there was the smiling Amiya standing opposite the senior,

At this time, Amiya said to the senior.

"I don't want to do anything, don't worry, I won't do anything to you, weren't you still very tough just now, what's wrong with it now, did you coax you, hahahahaha. "_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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