Everyone forgot that the person who was lying on the ground and fainted, and the people around him, all paid all their attention to Amiya in front of them and the boy opposite, the two people who were confronting each other, and they liked to watch the excitement.

Amiya looked at the boy opposite, looking confident, no one dared to do this to herself, from childhood to adulthood, she lost to herself, Amiya was in school since she was a child, many people were very respectful to themselves, no one talked back to themselves, they competed with them for strength, and they never lost.

Since she was a child, Amiya has never been so ashamed, for Amiya, she may have lived in that environment since she was a child, she has been used to it, no one has ever disobeyed herself, and no one has ever won the battle, she is all defeated by her own men.

The first time she met such a powerful person, Amiya didn't know why, why did she suddenly come here at the Imperial Academy of the Holy Empire, she would meet such a person, it seemed that she had to come to the Imperial Academy of the Holy Empire at that time.

At the beginning in his own school, no one could defeat him, and he was respectful to himself, Amiya felt that no one could be his opponent, so he wanted to come to the Imperial Academy of the Holy Priest Empire, which was rumored by everyone, although there was still a selection, but Amiya did not take the selection to heart, everything was not a problem.

Amiya felt that none of these people were her opponents, and those who were lower than her own strength should not be selected, and they should all be excellent talents like Amiya here.

Amiya came to the Imperial Academy of the Holy Priest Empire to meet a real opponent, in Amiya's world, in the previous world, she had never encountered anything, she was a person who was defeated by herself.

In fact, it was also in Amiya's family that was protected too well, and did not let Amiya suffer the slightest injury, nor did Amiya experience what it was like to fail or encounter difficulties.

After so many years, being protected so well, Amiya came to the Imperial Academy of the Holy Empire, the selection of the Imperial Academy of the Holy Empire, the reason why Amiya was able to pass was also because of Amiya's family background, she could pass, and she was afraid that Amiya would be bullied, so the family matched Amiya with two bodyguards.

Amiya set off on the day and was very opposed, Amiya felt that she could deal with them alone, and they were not her opponents, but later, her father said that if she didn't bring two bodyguards, she wouldn't let Amiya go to school at the Imperial Academy of the Holy Priest Empire.

Amiya had no choice but to agree, so she came with two bodyguards, but Amiya now seems that the two bodyguards are still quite useful.

Amiya looked at the boy opposite, this boy actually defeated himself, he was really a real opponent, but now he is also embarrassed, the eyes of the people around him are all looking down on him, it is too embarrassing, how can he save some face.

Amiya felt that her face was the most important thing, so she said loudly to the boy opposite.

"Since your strength is so strong, you can wave your hand and melt all my ice blades, I still know my ability very well, since you are so powerful, why do you have to retreat, let me think that your strength is not so strong, so I relaxed, didn't you mean it, let me relax, so you have to succeed, right, you show your strength, your strength, you are so scheming. "

Amiya didn't care about thirty-seven twenty-one, she just said to the boy opposite, anyway, everyone saw it, the boy on the other side was deliberate, deliberately retreating, his strength was so strong, why did he retreat, he took it easy and relaxed his vigilance, so this person, just to show that his strength is very strong, right?

Amiya suddenly looked down on this person a little, after all, you are very strong, but your character is not very good, you say, such a character, you will still be spurned by many people, many people don't like it, just the spitting stars of the crowd can drown a person, so the rumors are terrible, Amiya didn't think about it so much.

The boy opposite, when he heard Amiya's words, he was puzzled at all, he didn't know what was going on, he didn't have any hobbies, and he deliberately showed his flaws or something, his strength, everyone saw it, and he didn't want to show anything, there was no need, why show it.

The boy on the other side felt that he was at what level. It's what kind of level, how to do it, why do you want to deliberately do something out, and do this to a girl.

The people around were also surprised when they saw Amiya say this, looking at the boy opposite, it didn't look like anything, a person who could play tricks, how could he be said like that by Amiya, he said it so badly, and he had no dignity at all, but they could still tell the difference, and some people felt that it was Amiya who was the person, it was Amiya who framed the boy opposite, and the boy on the other side looked like a humble gentleman, not at all like he would do something tricky, or something like that.

The boy on the other side said indifferently to Amiya on the other side.

"I didn't play any petty tricks, nor did I deliberately show flaws or make you relax or anything like that. "

The boy on the other side replied to Amiya, he didn't think that he had any need to do such a thing, Amiya really thought too much, so he wouldn't.

Amiya heard the boy opposite reply to herself, and suddenly became very angry, and then said to the boy opposite.

"I don't believe it, you lied to people, you did it on purpose, you deliberately made me embarrassed, is it interesting for you to treat a weak woman like this? A big man, such a weak woman, can you say it, don't you feel ashamed. "

Amiya won't leave a little leeway for the boy opposite, but she wants to force him, saying that she is wrong, saying that she is not doing right, anyway, Amiya doesn't want to admit that it is her own fault, when she has made a mistake, it is not her own fault. Growing up, Amiya never admitted her mistakes to anyone.

The boy opposite, with a helpless face, listened to Amiya's words opposite, heh, this girl, when she speaks, is really aggressive, she doesn't leave room for others at all, she says it so high-soundingly, in fact, she still doesn't want to admit her mistakes, she wants to push all the problems on others, it's really a strange girl, and this kind of character, it's really strange.

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