Tang Yu saw the white-bearded old man, leaned over to Amiya, observed for a while, and then Tang Yu asked the white-bearded old man.

The white-bearded old man stroked his beard, then looked back at Tang Yu, and then unconsciously quickly took it off his beard, turned it behind him, and then coughed twice and said to Tang Yu.

"No problem. "

Tang Yu had a gloomy face, this old man has always been playing music, delaying time, and he has to force himself to say cruel things.

"Speak human words. "

The white-bearded old man looked at Tang Yu's gloomy face, his serious tone, and hurriedly put down the shelf and said to Tang Yu.

"It means that there is no problem with this girl, but she fainted after being stimulated, rested for a while, and woke up after a while. "

Tang Yu listened to the white-bearded old man's words, his face gradually improved, and then said to the white-bearded old man.

"It's okay, I'll go first. "

The white-bearded old man saw that Tang Yu was about to leave after speaking, and hurriedly said to Tang Yu.

"Eh, Tang Yu, what should I do with this girl. "

Tang Yu glanced back, then turned around and rushed forward, saying as he walked.

"I don't know him, he's a new student. "

The white-bearded old man looked at Tang Yu's back and muttered.

"You don't know me, and I don't know either. "

So the old man with the white beard sat down on the seat next to the bed where Amiya was lying, and not long after she sat down, Amiya woke up.

Amiya opened her eyes, blinked twice, an unfamiliar place, must be dreaming, closed her eyes and fell asleep, and then it didn't feel right, a little real, so she opened her eyes, and then found that an old man was staring at her in front of her, and hurriedly did it.

Amiya's head hit the eyes of the old man with the white beard, and the old man cried out and covered his eyes.

"You girl, why are you so impatient, eh, my eyes are going blind old man. "

The white-bearded old man, seeing that Amiya was about to wake up, hurriedly stepped forward, and saw Amiya's eyes blink twice and closed again, so he hurriedly leaned over to take a look, but he didn't expect this girl to widen her eyes when she opened her eyes, and sat up directly.

Amiya saw the white-bearded old man beside her, covering her eyes and screaming, so she twisted herself, hiss~, it hurts, it's not a dream, and then she put her mind at ease, suddenly raised her head, slowly turned to the direction of the white-bearded old man, and then saw the white-bearded old man's swollen eyes, and hurriedly said to the white-bearded old man with a smile.

"Old man, Miss Ben didn't mean it, where is this. "

The white-bearded old man didn't get angry, he saved people, but now he is going to be bullied, this is now the children of the Imperial Academy of the Holy Priest Empire can't afford to mess with it, how can he live his old age, it's really not good, he quit and traveled all over the world.

"You girl, I saved you, why are you so polite. "

Hearing the white-bearded old man say to himself that he was the one who saved him, he suddenly remembered that he seemed to be unable to stand the ridicule of the people around him, and finally lost consciousness, and he didn't know anything about what happened behind him.

Suddenly, Mrs. Amiya asked the white-bearded old man.

"Who sent me. "

It must not have been this white-bearded old man who got it himself, could it be the boy who confronted him and embarrassed himself, no way, he would be so generous to send himself here, he obviously offended her, how could he be so kind to send himself here, who is that.

Who will send herself here, Amiya wants to meet now, I don't know who it is.

The white-bearded old man heard that Amiya didn't ask about his situation, and hurriedly asked who sent him, and who else could it be, it was Tang Yu's bastard boy, and he didn't get any benefits from doing good deeds, so he said to Amiya.

"Tang Yu, it was Tang Yu's bastard boy who sent you here. "

Amiya is very unfamiliar with this name, who is Tang Yu, who sent herself, is it a person passing by, how could she send herself.

So Amiya said to the old man with the white beard.

"Who is Tang Yu. "

The white-bearded old man glanced at Amiya, and then said angrily to Amiya.

"Didn't you hear, it's a bastard, what else do you ask, wake up and leave quickly, didn't you just come, don't you hurry up to report for duty, make room for my old man, my heart is uncomfortable." "

Amiya heard the white-bearded old man say this, she Amiya will not be a person who does not leave, of course she will not rely on not leaving, she will leave, why is her temper so big.

"Let's go, old man, you're still angry at me. "

The white-bearded old man's childish face turned red, the last one was Tang Yu, a person who always bullied himself and shouted every day to burn his beard, and now there is another female doll, right, the current Imperial Academy of the Holy Priest Empire, he can't stay anymore, so he took the broom at the door and started at Amiya.

"If you can't go, hurry up. "

Amiya saw the broom swinging towards her, and quickly dodged, still speaking.

"Let's go, you old man, why are you so fierce, what a bad tempered old man. "

Amiya hurriedly ran out of the room, ran out of the room and didn't know where her two bodyguards went, just wanted to go back to the room and ask, has the white-bearded old man seen his two bodyguards, but when she thought of the white-bearded old man's behavior just now, Amiya didn't want to go back, forget it, go by yourself, it's not that you can't go, with her Amiya's ability, how can she not be.

Thinking like this, Amiya strode forward, but as she walked, Amiya got lost, the Imperial Academy of the Holy Priest Empire was really too big, and she couldn't find it at all, so it was really difficult to report to the school.

Amiya grabbed someone from the crowd and asked him.

"You know, where to report. "

The man looked at Amiya and said to Amiya.

"Go straight, turn right, and you'll see the report office near a kiosk there. "

Amiya then said 'thank you' to the man and left to find the reporting office.

I followed the route the man said to find the check-in office, and after a while, I saw the check-in office.

Amiya hurried to report, and then planned to go to her dorm room to pack her things.

But he saw that someone in front of him had fallen, so he hurriedly stepped forward to help him up.

Tang Yu, who was passing by behind him, saw Amiya helping up the person who fell, and thought to herself, this girl, Ye is very kind, but why is she usually so arrogant, I don't know how to respect others well, at first glance, she is a little princess who is spoiled by her family.

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