Then Tang Yu paused, Tang Yu looked, Amiya was slowly confused and didn't know what she was talking about, and then looked at Amiya like this, and then said to Amiya, in fact, it is also an exhortation, I don't know if Amiya can listen to it, after all, Amiya has lived like this for so many years, and I don't know, for a while, can I listen to what others say.

For Amiya, it should be okay, because Tang Yu feels that although Amiya is arrogant and domineering, no one in her eyes, but she is a very kind-hearted person, Tang Yu didn't look at the wrong person's words, Amiya, you must be able to, you can listen to it, others are very serious advice, Amiya is not too bad by her family, she also has advantages, a little is also very good, as long as she can listen to the advice of others, then it's okay, at least you can correct a lot of things.

So Tang Yu then said to Amiya.

"So, what do you think is the use, you still have to understand yourself, you don't keep talking about others, whether others understand the question of politeness, and other things, when you are managing others, you also have to look at yourself, whether you have done it or not, so that you have the capital to persuade others, you say that you are not polite, and force others to be polite to yourself. "

Amiya heard Tang Yu's words, and Tang Yu was very serious, Amiya didn't know what to do, if others were very serious, admonishing themselves, when doing something, Amiya would think about it very seriously, whether Amiya herself really didn't do it, whether she really did something wrong, and what needs to be corrected.

In fact, Amiya will listen carefully to what others say, but sometimes many people won't tell him, so Amiya has a lot of habits, and she has never changed it, so she has been like this.

So Amiya listened to Tang Yu's words, of course, she thought about it very seriously, for so many years, or whether she had done anything impolite recently, and even said that under the premise that she was not polite, she asked others that he must be polite to herself, and then he Amiya thought about it carefully.

Then Amiya suddenly found that she seemed to have done something wrong and done a lot wrong when she first entered the Imperial Academy of the Holy Priest Empire, so Amiya was thinking, if she changes it now, how to change it, is it too late? Amiya doesn't know how to correct all the things she has done wrong recently, but she just knows that she is doing something wrong, and she should correct it, and it is right to correct it, and she can't keep being wrong like this, it's not right, but fortunately, the boy on the other side reminded herself that many people would not give him any opinions.

Suddenly, Amiya had some good feelings about the boy opposite, and felt that the boy opposite was not so bad, but still very good, so Amiya whispered to the boy opposite.

"Oh, I know, I thought about it, I've done a lot of things that I've done wrong lately, and then I also thought about it, and indeed I should change it, it's been a long time since no one, no one has told me, what I've done wrong, what needs to be corrected, thank you, I'm a person who is especially not distinct, and I won't be right and wrong. "

Amiya said to Tang Yu that she would correct it, for Amiya, there may be many things that she has done wrong, but it has always become a habit, and she doesn't know that she has done it wrong, it has become a habit, so she is very used to doing this, I hope that in the future, there can be many people who can give themselves some opinions.

Amiya doesn't know why the boy opposite has always been so good to herself, it's not right, it's not good, anyway, she will let herself correct some things, Amiya is very grateful, she sometimes, she doesn't know what she did wrong, and no one will remind herself, so a lot of things, if you do it wrong, you do it wrong.

Amiya doesn't like the feeling that if she does something wrong, she will do it wrong, and Amiya also likes to do the right thing, but she has been pampered since she was a child, and she doesn't know what she does, what is right, and what is wrong, so it is difficult for Amiya to control some things.

When Tang Yu heard Amiya say this, he knew that he guessed correctly, Amiya belongs to that kind of person, although her personality is particularly high-flying, or it can be said that there is no one in her eyes, but she is kind-hearted, she will still listen to the opinions of others and be good at correcting her own mistakes, which is still very good.

Tang Yu thought to himself, if he has the opportunity to teach Amiya in the future, he will definitely be able to use it, Amiya is good at listening to other people's opinions, this point, teach Amiya well, help Amiya, and reach a better and higher magic realm, Amiya's ability is very high, her strength is very strong, and she is also a person who is very worthy of the respect of others.

If Amiya is looked down upon and even besieged by many people because of personality problems, then Amiya's future life is likely to change a lot, and it may not be as smooth sailing as it is now, and she will encounter all kinds of difficulties.

Tang Yu felt that Amiya might not be able to accept a lot of difficulties for a while, and she would not be able to bear it for a while.

There may be many situations, and if you can't accept it, it must be a very big blow to Amiya, so Tang Yu feels that he can teach the following Amiya well, and Amiya is the jade that can be carved.

So Tang Yu looked at Amiya opposite and said to Amiya.

"It's good if you know, I won't say anything else, just correct it, then I'll go first, there's nothing to do now, I can go." "

Tang Yu didn't know if Amiya would keep herself and let herself stay a little longer, and I didn't know what kind of words Amiya would say, anyway, Amiya was really weird, arrogant for a while, no one in her eyes, and no politeness, but she was loving, kind-hearted, and quite good at listening to other people's opinions, which was really rare.

Tang Yu has never seen such a polarized girl with such a personality, this Amiya is the first time Tang Yu has seen such an Amiya.

Amiya heard that Tang Yu was leaving, so she said to Tang Yu.

"There's nothing more, thank you, thanks to you. "

Then Amiya thanked Tang Yu, but as if she suddenly remembered something, and then suddenly said to the boy opposite.

"No, wait a minute, do you know who Tang Yu is. "

Tang Yu was stunned and asked himself, who is Tang Yu, he is Tang Yu, he doesn't know how to say such things.

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