Therefore, at the beginning, Ian didn't dare to let anyone find out, including his own family, Ian didn't dare, because the children here have been educated since they were young and can't cultivate, and it has become a deep-rooted thought, so Ian felt that although Ian was still relatively young at the time, he had already thought about it.

Ian had already thought that his family members were also that kind of thinking and could not be cultivated, so Ian felt that if he told his family about this matter, they would definitely not support him, but would stop himself very fiercely and would not let himself do it.

Ian didn't dare to tell his family, so he could only hide and hide by himself every day, and he didn't know much about these cultivation things, so he could only look at these things every day, turning them over and over again, and he had seen them many times.

"Every day, I memorized my book, which cultivated things, turned it over and over, read it many times, many times, and it didn't take long for me to turn over a book, and when this book was about to be turned over, I quickly replaced it with another one, just like that, I flipped through it every day, and it didn't take long for it to be rotten."

I think of my own book before.,It's really like that.,That book.,It's been turned over by yourself.,It's rotten several copies.,A lot of times.,A lot of things.,It's been memorized.,So Ian is still very impressed with that book.。

Tang Yu also understands very well, for Ian, Ian at that time was still so young, no one supported him, and no one knew what he was doing, everything he was doing was done secretly, and, no matter what it was, Ian didn't know how to do these cultivations, after all, there was no one who could teach Ian, for Ian, it was not easy before.

Ian was so young before, and I don't know how he experienced that time, but now Tang Yu thinks that Ian later became what he is now, which is also normal, after all, back then, Ian was still so young, and it was exactly the same as some of Tang Yu's conjectures, Ian experienced these things when he was very young, and it hit Ian when he was a child.

Ian is still so young, and he has endured so many things, and Ian's personality later became that kind of withdrawn character, which seems to be inevitable.

At this time, Ian took a deep breath, then smiled, and continued to Senior Tang Yu opposite.

"I just sneak around every day, hide from everyone, hide from everyone, and study by myself, those things about cultivation, although I was at that time, there were people around me who could help me, and no one told me what I was going to do, but I never gave up."

Ian thinks about it now, his character when he was a child was that he didn't admit defeat, endured hardships, and could persevere in doing what he liked and was curious about, so Ian could work hard and come to the Imperial Academy of the Holy Empire until now.

When Tang Yu heard Ian's words, he also knew that Ian's character when he was a child was also very strong, and he always refused to admit defeat when he was curious and liked things.

At this time, Ian looked at Senior Tang Yu in front of him, and then planned to continue, he had already said this, many things, in his mind, had been shaken many times, so Ian said to Senior Tang Yu opposite.

"I'm not that kind of person, when I was a child, I'm not the kind of person who will give up easily, what I like, what I'm curious about, I might just explore to the end, and at that time, the cultivation was something I had done, and the most important thing I had ever explored, after all, no one could know about me, it was all me, and in our village, there was no one who could have some experience to share with me, I could only be alone."

Ian also thought about it, if he was alone, he went through so much like this, the most important thing is, what if Ian didn't have that kind of curiosity, that is, he didn't have a lot of curiosity, it was this thing, Ian gave up, so where will Ian be now, where will he be, what kind of person will he be, but there are regret pills in the world, and what he has done must be responsible and faced.

Ian knows that there are some things, one wrong step will be wrong, but there are also some things, if you go, you will not regret it, and if you don't go, you will regret it, so Ian doesn't know whether he is taking the wrong step or going the right way.

Tang Yu felt that Ian was very unfortunate, living in that kind of environment, it was that kind of environment, he couldn't give Ian a lot of good teachings, and a good psychological environment, if Ian had lived in this environment since he was a child, he would definitely have great achievements, and it would definitely not be like this.

Tang Yu felt that many times, when he was a child, the environment in which he grew up could decide a lot, and many times, it really had a big impact, and even sometimes, it would affect the child's life, if, like Ian, could change his mind and know that he was wrong before, then it was still okay, it was still good, but if it was not changed many times.

Tang Yu felt that if that child didn't change anything, then in this case, the child's whole life would be ruined like this, but Ian was very lucky to meet Tang Yu, Tang Yu could help Ian, changed a lot, and Ian also knew that his life couldn't always be like this, and it was not right to live like this all the time.

"Later, I was not satisfied, and occasionally secretly went to study the things related to cultivation in my books, and I would go often, and then I went more and more often, and I went more and more often, and I never helped my family, doing some farm work and the like, I thought that I would be discovered, but during that period of time, I was too immersed in cultivation, and I left all these consequences and things behind."

Ian still has a lot of thoughts, Ian has thought about a lot of things, thinking about what he should do, and he should think about the consequences, but later, for various reasons, because many times, Ian is too immersed in his own cultivation things, and many things are left behind, and he doesn't think about it, and when he encounters something like that, what should he do. _

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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